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I'm in three valleys in a barn with a broken leg at 6,7k blood...i don't have a lot of stuff but took me a long time too get them..help me please!

if you still need help contact me on skype or steam

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Me and my friend need Morphine and some painkillers, we're at the Airfield. Contact me on steam for more information if you wanna help us out.

My steam name is bluescattle

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I think the idea of this is awesome, I take it you guys are only equipped with med supplies right?

Is that a rule?

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I think the idea of this is awesome, I take it you guys are only equipped with med supplies right?

Is that a rule?

umadbro? I'm not meeting strangers unarmed :P

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cornholio, i sent you a friend request on steam.

Thx for help mate, really appreciated.

Healed me fully!

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lol No not mad, Was just curious.

If i had to be unarmed and just carrying med stuff, I wouldn't see if i could get in.

But if i can go as i am now equipped, I think I'll wonder over to the site linked at start of thread, And learn more.

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I have a team member in need of a transfusion, he is at 3900ish, near Zelono if anyone can help, ty.

PS my steam is SilenceSoLoud and we have a vent to co ordinate the assistance.

Edited by SilenceSoLoud

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lol No not mad, Was just curious.

If i had to be unarmed and just carrying med stuff, I wouldn't see if i could get in.

But if i can go as i am now equipped, I think I'll wonder over to the site linked at start of thread, And learn more.

It's pretty much up to the individual medic. I usually go with an axe and a handgun. First because I like the axe for silent work, chopping wood and so forth and second because I have more room for supplies. In addition it may prevent some snipers from shooting since I obviously don't have anything worth killing me for. Patients seem to find it less intimidating as well. It worked for me with the patients, I've never had a patient try anything. Random snipers, on the other hand ... some people just like to kill just to kill.


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Flam3, the SW barracks is extremely dangerous. if you can get out of the SW barracks and to the red barn just SW of the SW barracks, then i can help.

//edit: barn coordinates are 044 - 061

Edited by jackwhitter

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I am unable to get out of the barracks due to have broke my legs and I cannot vault over the bench =(

EDIT: Sorry Frank, I was ingame to see if I could get any morphine from the rooms in the barracks, turns out it's a no go.

Edited by Flam3

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Hey, I'm near the Market at Elektro if anyone needs some help.

I have some blood packs, morphine auto-injectors, and epi-pens. PM me or msg me on steam: reMarkab1e

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Me and my friend need Morphine and some painkillers, we're at the Airfield. Contact me on steam for more information if you wanna help us out.

My steam name is bluescattle

I might be able to help you out, depending out what airfield you are at!

It's pretty much up to the individual medic. I usually go with an axe and a handgun. First because I like the axe for silent work, chopping wood and so forth and second because I have more room for supplies. In addition it may prevent some snipers from shooting since I obviously don't have anything worth killing me for. Patients seem to find it less intimidating as well. It worked for me with the patients, I've never had a patient try anything. Random snipers, on the other hand ... some people just like to kill just to kill.


When we go up to save someone you can expect Snipers with 50cals and L85s making sure its clear to move forward and that its not an ambush and a front-line group with high grade military weapons to save ur ass :P

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Don't worry about it, I was very lucky to find a single morphine injector and have escaped!

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can someone please help me out, im in the old rusty warehouse just southwest of the stary sober military tents, i have blood bags, just need someone to give transfussion, and i need anti biotics if possible

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Status: Available

Location: NW

Hot Zones: Yes

Level of Experience: High

Medications On Hand: Anything you could possibly need.

Also, to other trusted medics, if you need any supplies please don't hesitate to ask.

Edited by Brian @ RMG
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Hello fellow survivors... Im located by the train station in Cherno. Im badly injured. I have a few medical supplies I can trade for a blood transfusion.

epi pens. morphine ... some extras.

in desperate need of a transfusion

alright guess im going to make a run for it...

seeing as how my distress signal didnt make it out.

Edited by Xaian

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I might be able to help you out, depending out what airfield you are at!

When we go up to save someone you can expect Snipers with 50cals and L85s making sure its clear to move forward and that its not an ambush and a front-line group with high grade military weapons to save ur ass :P

As I said ... it's up to the individual ... or group :D I'm sure your method is safer but I've been an indie Medic throughout. While I could certainly use a large thuggish, hulking henchman (not that I'm suggesting your group is either large or thug ... never mind, you know what I mean) I don't go into the NW Airfield and my methods seem to work most of the time.

The great thing about Day Z is that it affords the opportunity to do whatever you like, for good or ill, and your group performs a vital function. Of course considering the places you tend to go you really do NEED a group of large, thugg ... there I go again :D

Vive le difference...


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Hello fellow survivors... Im located by the train station in Cherno. Im badly injured. I have a few medical supplies I can trade for a blood transfusion.

epi pens. morphine ... some extras.

in desperate need of a transfusion

alright guess im going to make a run for it...

seeing as how my distress signal didnt make it out.

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