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Dr Wasteland MD

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Hello everyone, I'm desperately in need of help. I need a bloog bag administered. I'm at 600 blood, I'm facing south from Vysota and can see the church from within the hills. I have extra supplies for your troubles :)


WalterWhite *the one with the quake logo*

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Good save! Thanks for the help, Joe!

My pleasure Harlan, good to meet you.


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Guys Stary sobar is a no go really, only me and a few others are stupid enough to risk it :/ and even at that you have to be on at a timing i say since i would know when its safe

I would crawl out into the woods but I keep passing out, I have smoke grenades i could throw whilst you pull me out of there. Think I have some frags for you if you'd like plus some other loot :)

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I would crawl out into the woods but I keep passing out, I have smoke grenades i could throw whilst you pull me out of there. Think I have some frags for you if you'd like plus some other loot :)

The slow crawl to safety is your best bet. Smoke grenades would likely shorten your life, since it will attract players...

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I would crawl out into the woods but I keep passing out, I have smoke grenades i could throw whilst you pull me out of there. Think I have some frags for you if you'd like plus some other loot :)

Ok today's your lucky Day! Add Soulshaper2 on steam ASAP

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Hello all,

I am just back from town and now I will try to survive a blood of 3000 in the barn some hundred meters in the south of Polana.

If someone is in the near: I have blood packs but I need a trasfusion, all is black and white faded so I cant see anything.

I now will try to escape to the border of the woods, afterwards I will keep back here. Perhaps someone can help ...



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Ok today's your lucky Day! Add Soulshaper2 on steam ASAP

Just so happens I'm close to Stary Soulshaper2, have added you on steam

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Hello everyone, I'm desperately in need of help. I need a bloog bag administered. I'm at 600 blood, I'm facing south from Vysota and can see the church from within the hills. I have extra supplies for your troubles :)


WalterWhite *the one with the quake logo*

I've PMed you Walter ...


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I've PMed you Walter ...


Okay thanks

Edited by WalterWhite

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I made it out of the door and away from the Zeds, hardly seeing anything ...

So, if someone is around Polona, please give me a shout, I need a transfusion and have blood pack.

Down on 3000 blood ...

Exact place: 103 79 in the northwest of the barn which is located some hundred meters in the south of Polona.

Thank you!

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I need some help near Grishino, I have a broken leg and i have 7.6k blood atm. I can give you some goods for yer help.

Steam: iBoaz

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I made it out of the door and away from the Zeds, hardly seeing anything ...

So, if someone is around Polona, please give me a shout, I need a transfusion and have blood pack.

Down on 3000 blood ...

Exact place: 103 79 in the northwest of the barn which is located some hundred meters in the south of Polona.

Thank you!

I've got you. PM sent.

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After Action Report (I'd Read this one, its good!)

So woke up around 12 and went to heal Hammerfist in balota, but to my surprise he had made his way with low blood all the way to the outskirts of cherno! it took us 20 mins to meet due to talking issues (he had to alt out) and the server being dark how ever we finally met and i patched up him and gave him 2 morphines for the road, he gave me a GPS (YE HA!!!) now normally i wouldnt accept since there so rare however i had no compass and had patients futher up north that needed help so i took it and set off

3 hours later....

Im approaching the dear stand near Khlem, im going through the woods when i see two HIGH end players (nice guns in Ghillie's etc) i decided to be a nice guy and just let them go since they hadnt saw me, i had in a tree proned however they saw me and decided to shoot me up a bit, i get up and run the Fuck outta there and patch up with only 3000 blood left, i tell the patient (Call him irish from now on) that im changing servers its to hot and that i'd need him to patch me up, he agrees and i make it with a shaky screen to the deerstand, i log off and pick a different server.

I log on and see in the darkness the shadow of Irish climbing down from the deerstand, i say over coms (Hey wasteland medical unit i got the bloodbags) only to see a steam overlay message popup saying hes just loading in...... The next thought that comes screaming through my head is *AH SHIIIIIIT* and the next thing the guy at the deerstand heres is "shit wrong server" and see's me DC,

We make it to a new server but i find out irish is at some rocks, he loads in and i search all over for him and eventually find him and bandage him (as he had none) we just 1000 to spare, i heal him up and he heals me up.

I show him where to set up base and teach him about zeds telling you if players are there while giving him chords of vehicle spawns near his base and then set off to beri to stock up and heal a patient.

Arriving there are no Zeds so we loot the mil base and go the flats however Zeds are up at the hospital (to far for us to spawn) so we hide in a flat for 45 mins watching as Zeds spawn closer and then eventually pass and spawn at the mil base again, we move on to the hospital but hear shots. After a while we put it down to the guy at the mil base and go to the hospital, the patient logs on and we patch him up however Irish has a slight accident even tho i warned him and takes one step to far off the roof, Poor dude died (however we should meet tomorrow) i told the patient its a hotspot and he should log off as shots had been fired futher down and he does so but not after giving me some much needed ammo. I log off

3 Hours Later

I log back in on beri hospital, i gotta run to bor, the opposite side of the map so i pick a low pop server for this. I make my way out of beri but aggro a Zed, i get up and sprint *CRACK* A DMR shot and a bullet lands infront of my feet, my mind freezes while my character sprints in a straight line *was he shooting the Zed? is he after me? what was his location?* i snap back and the only thing i can think of is to Zig Zag, i start doing violent turns in an open field praying it works, turns out it does. 6 mins he wasted DMR ammo on me (however i definatly heard those shots close to my head at one point) and i make it out and under cover, I DC realising i need a less violent server for my run and pick a night server.

I make it just below Stary before logging off and writing the AAR since im so tiered passing on both patients however im here for them tomorrow if need be, Good night all peace out, and dont SoS!

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Just so happens I'm close to Stary Soulshaper2, have added you on steam

Big thank you to Dr. Fox for saving my ass.

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I also have to thank my live saver Survivor-Kyle. Although we could not hear the other one (maybe my mic? In TS3 it works) we found each other and he gave me the "colour" back.

12.000 blood, hell yeah! Thank you for helping me!!!

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I also have to thank my live saver Survivor-Kyle. Although we could not hear the other one (maybe my mic? In TS3 it works) we found each other and he gave me the "colour" back.

12.000 blood, hell yeah! Thank you for helping me!!!

Live to fight another day my friend. And try not to need that extra morphine too quickly ;)

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any one available to help me with hydration im just above staroye 103 093 and losing blood from dehydration my backpack ate my pepsi

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I will spare it for a special day ... ;-)

When I lay down, broken leg, seeing 200 infected running to me ... THEN I will take a good Whiskey and the morphine ... And a last breathe ... before I wake up at this damned seashore ;-)

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If you PM me your server we can meet at 103 83 in the north of you.

I am in the near of Polona at the moment ...

I will spare it for a special day ... ;-)

When I lay down, broken leg, seeing 200 infected running to me ... THEN I will take a good Whiskey and the morphine ... And a last breathe ... before I wake up at this damned seashore ;-)

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Just gonna hope one of the Medics reads this, i seem to have a hard time just contacting one, always catches them offline;

Just curious if anyone from the whitelist can pm or message me through Steam ID : Denichuu or Skype: lawl-monster

I am currently stuck at a vurnable location in desperatly need for food and some blood since i can't use the blood packs on myself. And considering the math of 10 Blood/Seconds I'd say i have about 20-40 min to live before i die if i login. But i am ready to move out from it at any time if the help gets close to my location. I will give my location in private chat and what i have worth saving.

Also willing to give some of my bloodpacks just for the time and trouble you would go through to get me. ( Since i need some space in my bag and i really have no use of most of it since i am most of the time alone; )

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Huge shoutout for "Born to be Wild (PL)." He went out of his way to treat me with some antibiotics and even gave me his compass. He also gave me a blood transfusion to top me off. Amazing medic. :D

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Just gonna hope one of the Medics reads this, i seem to have a hard time just contacting one, always catches them offline;

Just curious if anyone from the whitelist can pm or message me through Steam ID : Denichuu or Skype: lawl-monster

I am currently stuck at a vurnable location in desperatly need for food and some blood since i can't use the blood packs on myself. And considering the math of 10 Blood/Seconds I'd say i have about 20-40 min to live before i die if i login. But i am ready to move out from it at any time if the help gets close to my location. I will give my location in private chat and what i have worth saving.

Also willing to give some of my bloodpacks just for the time and trouble you would go through to get me. ( Since i need some space in my bag and i really have no use of most of it since i am most of the time alone; )

If you don't post your location I don't think many medics will even bother.

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Need medical assistance.

Friend down with broken leg, and 4k blood. Can give exact grid.

Eighter Steam: marcus7575

Or TS3: ts3.instantvchat.com:10918

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