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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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When you message me, tell me where you are so I don't have to keep asking.

Also, new rule that applies solely to me: If you can't join my server then I can't help you. Server hopping has become too dangerous.

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Thanks again to pzrapnbeast for his quick intervention.

I hope I'll be able to repay you soon!

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Its ok after some searching i added you! :P im Soulshaper2 but found one friend willing to help and after 30 mins made it to me, i still need blood but wont disturb you guys unless there is no other option

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Does this medical assistance include anti-biotics? I keep coughing and it's starting to annoy my friends...Also, I'm able to compensate for it.

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Does this medical assistance include anti-biotics? I keep coughing and it's starting to annoy my friends...Also' date=' I'm able to compensate for it.


I have to second this, I have a friend who needs Antibiotics. It's not a highly urgent matter but if someone could supply them we can compensate the medic as we have blood bags and things that you might want.

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Need medical help, Goat tried to help but couldnt make it and i have been alive for 2 days crawling and avoiding zombies, i have a broken leg and 3000 blood and need urgent help please someone reply i dont want to lose my good gear, steamname: Soulshaper2

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I need a transfusion... the screen is completely grey and I keep passing out. Steam name: FranJS12

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I could use some food and water, along with a spare water skin, if anyone can help me. Game randomly glitched and when I spawned, I only spawned with my Makarov and a green chem light, with my medical supplies, food, and water all gone. My food and water indicators also glitched to blinking red. =/ Any help would be very appreciated.

Steam name is same as username.

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I would like to thank Dr Wasteland MD for his amazing assistance, he saved me from certain death and was able to locate me with my oddball instructions. Thanks again man!~

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Need blood transfusion.. Got blood bag myself..

Anyone near Stary Sobor? I'm a bit east of the city. Got flares.

1500 blood left.

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Requesting a medic broken bones and low on blood. Listed medic please PM for details

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pz is a bawse, not even exaggerating. Not only does he swap worlds and navigate with me to meet up in a dark server, but he also gives me NV goggles in exchange for some food. Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

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