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Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.

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I remember seeing something about horses, and I also recall a fellow that wanted to create a farming village...

Anyway here it goes, forgive me if it's already been mentioned: Vegetation.

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Nuts
  • Tubors
  • Olives
  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • Berries
  • Poisonous berries
  • Poison Ivy for all the tree-huggers
  • Moss + mud = dirty/camo'd clothing
  • Change a ghillie suit to fit your surroundings
  • Feed your horse some hay

EDIT: I'm not privy to what grows in the NE Mediterranean/ Black Sea/ Caspian Sea (Lake) region, but I'm sure some of those bullet points are accurate.

Edited by Raytheon
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That's just ridiculous. The animals would always be dead in that case, making food incredibly scarce. They'd have to add more animal spawns and a lot of them for it to work.

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  On 11/24/2012 at 12:55 AM, chachi_wan said:

ya it must be awfully tiring being the imaginary boss mod of the forums. Btw this is a suggestion thread not a i hope my suggestion doesn't cause perplexing angst to Bakst the controller of imaginary forums mod. Go critique your moms movember mustache u arrogant cheese dick.

I just wish people would finally understand that there will be no skill system. Period. But it's clear you're a child so I guess I can't blame you.

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Well, there is one game out there that uses a 1/2 map scale of Western Europe(30.000 km2)

So it could be done, but i guess there would be a lot of work involved in it. Maybe, if all goes well, the designers will give this a thought as well, and try to work on a bigger 1 server map.

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The one server map would kind of suck because different time zones if there were several servers for different parts of the world that might work.

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Bandit head scarves are too synthetic. The game doesn't need to be hyper-realistic, but having a magical, non-removable headscarf which comes and goes based on your moral or immoral actions isn't true to the "authentic" nature of the game. This is the only by-design flaw which I dislike in DayZ. I don't even play as a bandit, I just don't like the feature.

Edited by brent2
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Remove all US/NATO weapons?

This game is based a post soviet nation, so russian & soviet weapons would be common place?

NATO weapons seem out of place. Especially finding them in barracks and camps around the countryside. A post soviet country wouldn't have those established weapon caches.

I don't know the back story for Arma 2 and OA. That may explain the NATO weapons. Maybe explainable by NATO forces coming into help clear up the infection, in the DayZ world.

I'd like to see more or most soviet and modern russian weapons in the stand alone game.

I've compiled a list, I know some are in the DayZ mod are in ArmA 2 and OA, some will need development.

Mos Nagant Model 1891/30

Rifle - WW2 (37 million produced, most prolific version)

7.62x54mmR - 5 round magazine - Bolt action


Rifle - WW2 (15 million produced)

7.62x39mm - 10 round - Semi auto


Military Assault Rifle

7.62x39mm - 30 round - Full / semi auto

Saiga semi-automatic rifle

Civilian Hunting & sports rifle

5.45x39mm - 10 round - Semi auto

Saiga-12K Shotgun

Military & Law Enforcement

12 Gauge - 8 round - Semi auto

IZH-27 Shotgun

Civilian Hunting & sports

12Gauge - 2 round - break action

MP-443 Grach Pistol

Military & Law Enforcement

9x19mm - 17 round - Semi auto

GSh-18 Pistol

Military & Law Enforcement

9x19mm - 18 round - Semi auto

Makarov PM pistol

Military & Law Enforcement

9x18mm - 8 round - Semi auto

Dragunov sniper rifle SVD

Military Sniper

7.62x54mmR - 10 round magazine - Semi auto

AS VAL rifle

Special forces rifle (extremely rare?)

9x39mm - 20 round magazine - Full / semi auto

VSS Sniper Rifle

Special forces rifle (extremely rare?)

9x39mm - 20 round magazine - Full / semi auto


Military Assault Rifle

5.45x39mm - 30 round - Full / semi auto


Military Light machine gun

5.45x39mm - 45 round - Full / semi auto

PKP "Pecheneg

Military Light machine gun

7.62x54mmR - 100 rounds - Full / semi auto


Submachine gun -WW2 (6 million produced)

7.62x25mm - 35 round - Full / semi auto

MP412 REX pistol

Military experiment, not in produce, extremely rare? Replacement of M1911 and revolver?

.357 magnum - 6 rounds - Revolver

Molot Bekas-M

Civilian Hunting & sports

12 Gauge - 6 round - pump action

SVL - Lobaev Sniper Rifle

Civilian Hunting & sports

.408 Chey Tac - 5 round - Bolt action


Military & Law Enforcement

7.62x54mmR - 5 round magazine - Bolt action

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Then i guess the "compromise" would be having 2 servers, one UTC and a second UTC-7 with the possibility of playing the same character on both of them.

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  On 11/25/2012 at 8:32 AM, GENDERS said:

Remove all US/NATO weapons?

This game is based a post soviet nation, so russian & soviet weapons would be common place?

NATO weapons seem out of place. Especially finding them in barracks and camps around the countryside. A post soviet country wouldn't have those established weapon caches.

I don't know the back story for Arma 2 and OA. That may explain the NATO weapons. Maybe explainable by NATO forces coming into help clear up the infection, in the DayZ world.

I'd like to see more or most soviet and modern russian weapons in the stand alone game.

*all of this is based on ArmA*

as far as i know. the Green sea region (fictional copy of the black sea. Takistan and Chernarus is the largest countries there) is the only area that is hit by zombies. by the looks of the green sea. it is in the middle east and on the doorstep of Europe. and since chernarus is part of NATO. it makes sense that NATO soldiers would arrive

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  On 11/25/2012 at 9:08 AM, nmv06 said:

Then i guess the "compromise" would be having 2 servers, one UTC and a second UTC-7 with the possibility of playing the same character on both of them.

i would suggest better if you can't swap servers but have say 3 different servers at 8 hour differences (GMT -8, GMT & GMT+8) so that everyone can choose a server that suits their timezine (to a degree at least) but you cant just keep hopping around to stay in daytime... nighttime is an important part of the immersion of the game. (imho)

edit: possibly 4 servers... GMT, a central US timezone, an Eastern european timezone and something to catch Japan/Australia

Edited by Dalfryth

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Well ... the entire idea, is, have fewer and bigger servers :D Of course there should be some way to keep everyone happy, since there are people from all over the world playing, and they may want to enjoy the game in their own time zone, or as close as possible to it. But the main idea, is that there should be less official servers, and the ones that exist, should be made by Rocket. I wouldn't mind playing on a map with another 100 -200 players on it, especially since they said and stressed that they are focusing a lot of resources on removing hackers, that way, even if i get all the best gear and die by the hand of another player, i would still enjoy the game knowing that he beat me fair and square(going to stop here because i'm going off topic :D )

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I would like to see movement improved in the standalone. More control of your character. Maybe a cover system. If anyone hasn't seen arma 2 SMK check this video out. Some of these smk animations would do well in dayz. And they could be adjusted to suit a more survivor like style.


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some things i would like to see added in the SA.


Claw hammer> to nail doors shut with the possibility to be broken down if enough geeks make noise to bring in a bunch of geeks to push/break the door.Or open a door that has been nailed shut by other players.

Nails>to secure doors,placed in boards,fence boards,baseball bats.

Wire cutters/Sidedikes> to cut wire to build traps,cut mesh fences,to cut barbed wire.Or even cut wire you scavenged out of dead cars to use for make shift tent.

Flint Steel

General Items:

Car batteries

Car Head lamps

Wiring from car






para cord


dental floss. For use of all sorts of things,from fishing line,make shift tent line,(a weak trap,would be usable against players and zombies)

small knife sharpener/stone

small wire brush or tooth brush> for cleaning guns with or many other uses.

therm a stat or some kind of pocket sized temperature gage

poncho>keep dry in the rain or used for a makeshift shelter.

plastic ziplock bags>use for water storage,keeping items dry in your packs and pockets.

bandana>for several uses.filter water,cover face in smoky areas,or when near a zombie death site. also god use for camo of the face.

will edit more when i get home from work i like this thread the best keep up the ideals there awesome so far..

Edited by WnxSoulreaver

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  On 11/25/2012 at 10:38 PM, KetchupOnTheDog said:

I would like to see movement improved in the standalone. More control of your character. Maybe a cover system. If anyone hasn't seen arma 2 SMK check this video out. Some of these smk animations would do well in dayz. And they could be adjusted to suit a more survivor like style.


That's outstanding! The SMK mod looks truly awesome, I'd *love* to see some of these advanced stances built into the standalone.

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I like the idea that there could eventually be so many useful items in the game that it becomes less about looking them up on the wiki and more about just using common sense in-game with any item you find. There might be "red herrings," too: items that have no particular use in the game but are nonetheless lying around in loot piles and potentially cluttering up your limited carrying capacity. Think of Skyrim for example, where you can pick up all sorts of things, some of which are useful but others not so much. If a similarly wide range of loot could be found in the DayZ world then that would add some pretty serious immersion imo.

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how about a downgrade in overall graphics, or AI systems? then more people would play it. or even be able to play it.

do you know why runescape is so successful? its definatly not because it has good graphics, its because people CAN play it. if they CAN play it, they will.

Edited by cogwarrior666

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1)i like your idea with bases but it could be only in some places maby 200-300

some buildings too first kill all infected place somthing (campfire,flag,tent,...) only then you can make building your base

thigs you can use:

barbed wire, bag of cement, scarp metal, bricks, wood (planks,wooden beam)


shovel, pickaxe, hammer, axe, concrete mixer


excavator/digger, bulldozer

chance time to time large horde of zombies around base

if you log out in different server you cant log in middle of base only somewhere elsewhere

makeing buildings like sotorage, hospital, workshop, garage, kitchen, distillery (morale boost :D ), blacksmith, ....


dumb/stupid, blind, deaf, fat/very fat

new weapon against zombie steel bolt with piece of raw meat you will shoot it at zombie so other will atack him

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Use a less inefficient weighted selection algorithm. I've got one if you want it.

Implement something like ACRE. Freeside tried it at the end of the summer and it was glorious. Foaming at the mouth, twitching on the floor, glorious. The piles of new weapons from ACE and new loot system/loot spreading was nice too. Basically we had American and gucci weapons only coming from helicopter crashes, mediocre eastern military weapons from most military installations, good eastern military weapons from airfields, and a pile of handguns, civilian rifles, and shotguns in homes. It needed fine tuning, but the immediate effect was that we were in Chernarus with local weapons, not generic eastern bloc country with gucci COD weaponry.

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Hello everyone !

A few days ago I've been thinking about how vehicles in DayZ SA could be more realistic to interact with. How can we implement in the game the feeling of not being safe in vehicles ? (and the opposite of the actual gameplay, 'cause for now the only fear when you enter a vehicle is to be attacked by another player... or to hit a pesky little rock)

These are the two ideas I came up with : 

1) Zombies attacking players even if they're in vehicles (probably already submitted but hell, i had to say it to introduce the second idea).

2) TakeOn Helicopters-Like visual buttons for actions on every motorized vehicle.

Let me explain this with the following situation :

You're chased by zombies, a lot of them, and are running through a city. You see a car in the middle of the road : it looks in perfect shape, so you run towards it to escape the zombies. Once you're in, the undeads are trying to flip the car/break the glass to grab you.

Your hands are shaking as you're trying to start the car by pressing the starter (like you would in TakeOn). After a few tries, the car roars and you leave the city.

This kind of situation have to be much more difficult to handle than the current one, and adds a lot more immersion and realism to the interactions with vehicles. And since it's already implemented into TakeOn's VR2.5, our beloved devs just have to adapt it to land vehicles and boats. Also, aircrafts would now require much more skills, and you'll think twice about it before trying to make one fly !

I hope I've been clear enough about this one... What do you think about it ?

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  On 11/27/2012 at 11:49 AM, TNTantoine said:

1) Zombies attacking players even if they're in vehicles (probably already submitted but hell, i had to say it to introduce the second idea).

2) TakeOn Helicopters-Like visual buttons for actions on every motorized vehicle.

+1 Sounds good.

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i was posting that there could be 200-300places to build base i writen it wrong

example how i was thinking about it

you will find barn that could be part of base aroud it will be 8 points which could be part of base (8-10 meters from barn) and another line of 16 points (16-20 meters from barn) so we have 25 poins in one place for one base with diameter 32-40 meters

how to make base:

1)find place and clear surronding area from zombies

2)make campfire, place flag (rod, cloth and paint bucket) and 3-5 tents (flag is somthing like control point for build base, tents are storage place)

3)build fortification these are preset where

4)build other stuctures (there will be preset positon where can you build)


low level is wooden wall, sandbag and barbed wire

high level reinforced concrete (ferroconcrete) wall, barbed wire, iron/steel spike, watch tower and heavy machinegun positon maybe mine

situation that can happen

zombies (50-100) surrounding base and attack break gate and get in


when warehouse is build you can remove tents


(minecraft table) there you can make weapons, armor, tools, ... (need skills)

repair broken


when you kill chicken/rabbit and bring them here you can make cooked chiken/rabbit (+950 blood)

pig/boar/sheep/goat you can cook them and get 5 pieces (+1100 blood each) you need car for transport

cow 8 pieces (+1100 blood) you need pickup/truck

raw meat cooked here (+900 blood)


build car (need skills)



blood bag givs +6000 blood and in hospital +12000 blood

hygienic surgery

study zombies

making and preparing medical supplys


fun part

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  On 11/27/2012 at 6:10 PM, Berhemoth said:

you will find barn that could be part of base aroud it will be 8 points which could be part of base (8-10 meters from barn) and another line of 16 points (16-20 meters from barn) so we have 25 poins in one place for one base with diameter 32-40 meters

how to make base:

1)find place and clear surronding area from zombies

2)make campfire, place flag (rod, cloth and paint bucket) and 3-5 tents (flag is somthing like control point for build base, tents are storage place)

3)build fortification these are preset where

4)build other stuctures (there will be preset positon where can you build)


low level is wooden wall, sandbag and barbed wire

high level reinforced concrete (ferroconcrete) wall, barbed wire, iron/steel spike, watch tower and heavy machinegun positon maybe mine

situation that can happen

zombies (50-100) surrounding base and attack break gate and get in

Nice ideas, but the part I quoted above will not work. Let me explain why.

When base building gets introduced, it's going to be underground, so there will be no fortifications at ground level. This is because you can "instance" it, which means that instead of having a gazillion little camps cluttering up the landscape above, Chernarus will be full of hidden entrances to underground bases that load in a separate instance, or world, so they don't load on the DayZ map. That seems to be the only way it will work from a technical point of view, from what I have read about it. (These are the facts according to Rocket & Co.)

Zombies may still be able to get in, and certainly other players can get in if they find your entrance, so you would still need to build traps, fortifications, and defenses, but it will have to be underground.

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