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My honest opinion of Day Z (And message to the creator)

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The game itself is great, really, I'm a huge fan of zombies, games, movies.. You name it. Yeah, I managed to find so many worthwhile weapons then someone shoots me from out of nowhere and I have to respawn, it's ridic.

I was just in a server for at least 2 hours, sitting on top of a building watching players run up and kill each other. It was insane. Then one guy pretended he was gonna help me find the sniper shooting at me, but then he killed the sniper and shot me.

Hopefully I can learn to use the mouse a little better, get a sharper shot and so on. Player killers really need to gtf, you can pretty much tell that most of them are skinny-not-very-bright-virgins who more than likely still live with their parents.

Or they're just people who enjoy killing folks like you in order to then come on the forums and see threads like this.

You're just feeding them by posting stuff like this... They enjoy watching you all piss and moan about being killed in a video game.

The point of the game is to survive and adapt to what's going on, obviously none of you can handle that. <_<

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Its not hard to find a weapon... i always find one within the first 5-10 minutes of spawning... and I've only been killed by another player once and thats because he killed me while i as loading. Most the people i run into are friendlies. Maybe you are just being an idiot running around in the open. You have to sneak around, avoiding both players and zombies and only approaching other players if you need to or you have the upper hand. The game isn't too hard if you play smart.

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will solve 90% of your problems in this game. every spawn is marked so you can go to less populated areas and avoid players.

I think it's fine that people can KOS. today i killed a guy because he had a bigger backpack than me--inventory space is really important in this game. would i do that IRL? probably not, but isn't that the point of video games? to be able to do things you wouldn't normally do IRL?

Edited by LongShot25

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I managed to start on the extreme south-west of the coast (Kamenka).

I managed to find a makarov in the first building I entered.

I managed to find a lone survivor, who was unarmed and seemingly unskilled, who I offered food and water to.

I asked him his name, he told me.

I told him I was going to find my friends and that he was free to join me.

While waiting for a reply I was sniped.

He stood on my body and waved his head from side to side. I can only presume the sniper was his friend.

I later saw him and the sniper looking out over Balota, where I was going to meet my friends.

I had a hatchet.

After that I had a sniper an a makarov.

That is why I don't make friends on DayZ.

That is why I shoot on site.

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yeah i think you're just bad dude. i dont play FPS but i know that people try to play this game like a typical FPS game.. i dont think thats how it works.

i shoot on sight when im presented with a surprise.. usually ill say or type 'say something or ill shoot you' and if they dont say anything then ill shoot them... if they do then ill have a brief conversation and then go my own way, keeping a very close eye on them.

i started playing the game after they took out spawning with weapons and it does make sense.. it devalues players on spawn (most likely wont be killed for spawning as you will have no 'useful' loot for someone to take from you)... and as someone said, it greatly increases risk.

if you're getting sniped, it means you're exposing yourself to hillsides or rooftops too much.. i hope you're not stand-running, but instead crouch running. crouch running/prone is the only way to move in the game.

lastly... you will almost certainly be shot on sight if you're in the cities of Cherno or Elektro since its a good, close to spawn, area for pvp. Kind of sucky when people will snipers come, but its not too bad if you are more careful.

goodluck to you buddy.

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Oh man, please tell me this game is nothing like pvp in World of Warcraft where higher level players can kill lower level players, yes I am a noob when it comes to games :(. That's where my teen nephew comes in and helps me through the hard parts. Anyways, reading everything this guy posted about the game is giving me second thoughts of playing the game before even installing the game. I already have plenty of white hairs :(. There is no PVE servers?

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PvP is essential to the formula of DayZ. You have to gamble on whether you can trust someone or not. As much as I love the hell out of DayZ; if it became PvE only by means of disabled friendly fire- I would consider it broken, and would petter out.

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And stop trying to sound tough on the internet. The more you do it, the more I detect the whiff of stale cheetos and office chair induced bed sores about you.

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Yes indeed, they should ban PVP. And they should make zombies totally safe too. That way we can run 4 hrs across the map to find a high end suppressed gun with which to shoot goats and chickens. Fun.

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Truthfully speaking this is not your type of game. A lot of people love this survival-horror type of game. If you like first person shooters, then play that.

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Oh man, please tell me this game is nothing like pvp in World of Warcraft where higher level players can kill lower level players, yes I am a noob when it comes to games :(. That's where my teen nephew comes in and helps me through the hard parts. Anyways, reading everything this guy posted about the game is giving me second thoughts of playing the game before even installing the game. I already have plenty of white hairs :(. There is no PVE servers?

Sort of, but if you do kill a player with good gear, you can steal it and they start with nothing. There's no levels persay, just good gear and ok gear, you can get good gear by finding it or killing those that have it. It's also easier to avoid other players than OP makes it out to be. Just avoid the coast and don't walk in a straight line in open areas. You do also have to scout every major area you wish to enter, for both players and zombies, but this is realistic.

Just don't listen to OP, he's just complaining it wasn't a cake walk from the get go. Use online loot maps and stay off the coast if you don't want much PvP. Just don't go clear North (NW Airfield and Stary Sobor specifically) right away, that's where large squads and experienced players that don't take part in noob hunting in the coast hang out. And up North, everyone shoots on site, and with good reason.

Edited by HerrJon

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When the starter pistol was removed I was kinda pissed but now I dont care. Weapons are easy to find.

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It literally takes 5-30 minutes for me to get an Alice pack, main weapon, secondary, bandages, bloodbags, morphines, food,and drinks if I spawn at Elektro or Cherno. I understand a new player wouldn't be able to do this but it isn't hard with some experience.

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So what you wanna say to "the creator" is "hey im a xbox n00b please no pk servers plzxzx"

Edited by HalloweeNGT

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The only way this could ever work as a PvE is if they really ramped up the zeds, either in numbers or deadlieness, or both. You can already see in videos that groups as small as 3 can easily handle the infected at their current levels. The bandits in the game are the only thing right now that make the game a challenge once you've gotten even a little experiance and gear.

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Well, I'd been wanting to play this game for ages, and was an xbox 360 player, my computer was terrible (Thus never gaming on a pc). I recently fixed it up and was so hyped to play! Then I played.

First off, we start off with no gun, no melee weapon etcetc.. That is a really bad part of this game - Who really wants to try sneaking into a city to look for a gun, sometimes you'll spend hours looting to find one, then other players will kill you for literally no reason and you can't defend yourself.

Second, other players - frankly, every single person playing this game is a player killer, and to be honest, it's fucking retarded. It's not hard to say 'Hey! Wanna team up?" .. Instead you all just shoot on sight, even if the player you are trying to kill has literally NOTHING on them. In real life, would you really do that? Would you actually be brave enough? I know for a fact that if someone tried to kill me in real life, I'd set them on fire and stamp on their skull whilst they burned. - Unfortunately for me, I suck at pc gaming, so I can never shoot back quick enough and always die.

Basically, this game is fucking whack, just because of the players.

My message to the creator is this, if you are going to make Day Z a stand alone game, make sure there are servers without player killing, or even take it out completely. Make sure players can jump, make sure players can jump down from a 6ft wall without breaking a bone.. I mean really, what kind of soldier in any army has bones THAT weak that they break their leg after walking off a wall their own height? Fix that shit.

And to all the player killers who will probably come in here, diss me and say I suck at the game. Yes, I suck at Day Z, and yes, I am moaning about other players. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying fuck, as my life is far better than most who will attempt to insult me i.e trolls. It's called having a life, when you do so, you will no longer find the need to insult people you do not know on the internet.

Good day. ;)

First off, its meant to be a 'realistic survival game', so you think that a zombie Apocalypse occurred you would instantly get guns? You would do whatever it takes to get weapons and stay alive, people kill you for 2 reasons: to take your stuff or just for fun.

Second, not everyone kills, half of the people are very cautious of other players and will usually shoot on sight and again they really just want to kill you for fun or loot your stuff.

Don't discriminate this game, its a mod you can't expect anything perfect, and if it was a standalone game it, without player killing it would be stupid and not realistic.

You have a life, yet your telling people to get a life, makes sense.

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And to all the player killers who will probably come in here, diss me and say I suck at the game. Yes, I suck at Day Z, and yes, I am moaning about other players. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying fuck, as my life is far better than most who will attempt to insult me i.e trolls. It's called having a life, when you do so, you will no longer find the need to insult people you do not know on the internet.

Hopefully I can learn to use the mouse a little better, get a sharper shot and so on. Player killers really need to gtf, you can pretty much tell that most of them are skinny-not-very-bright-virgins who more than likely still live with their parents.

I love how you under 10 minutes revealed that you in fact have no life, live with your parents, are dumb and a virgin, without us doing any work what so ever :D

Good day sir!

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The OP is missing the point of this game. This game is not supposed to be fun. There is no fun content in it. The only fun you have in here is the fun you create yourself through your experiences. Even when you are having fun with friends that can end in 2 seconds if some guy who spawned 30 minutes ago got the drop on you with a lee enfield making you lose all your gear you spent 5 gaming days to collect.

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Yeah, I managed to find so many worthwhile weapons then someone shoots me from out of nowhere and I have to respawn, it's ridic.

So open your eyes and dont run around like a headless chicken searching for :beans:

Frankly, I couldn't give a flying fuck, as my life is far better than most who will attempt to insult me i.e trolls. It's called having a life, when you do so, you will no longer find the need to insult people you do not know on the internet.

Player killers really need to gtf, you can pretty much tell that most of them are skinny-not-very-bright-virgins who more than likely still live with their parents.


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Not offense to the OP but these topics are getting a bit stale, the game is supposed to be tough as nails and the player base with its on sight killing (if they desire) actually ramps up the difficulty level even more. This is not a cheery game, the sun shines but that all changes after you've been eaten and shot down to 3k health and your character starts screaming and hyperventilating.

Being able to player kill is part of the game, and despite what everyone says you can be as friendly as kramer but dont tell me you have never wanted to shoot someone in this game, its in the human nature to be aggressive. Controlling that is a whole different matter as the game itself shows in all its glory.

Pve servers are a bad idea. What are you going to do all day? Shoot zombs, get a vehicle and drive around, arms yourself to the teeth? Then what...

The whole idea about danger lurking behind every corner it being a zombie or a player is the whole drive behind this game? Don't you get that? We NEED the ability to kill otherwise

this game goes stale so fast it wouldnt even be funny.

Get used to starting over, get used to unfair situations, and its alpha so get used to all the annoying bugs that are still present.

Most players tend not to notice but this game requires a special sort of person, someone who wants to keep playing after getting set back numerous times.

Its not for everyone.

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srsly guys, this game is too hard!!!

I want my sniper, my alice pack and a rainbow pony at start, or else me and my mates from kindergarten are leaving to play hello kitty!

I dont want to crawl into a town and find my own weapon, thats for noobs!

I want to start with a gun!!!!

And I don't care if its an aplha or how the creators created this mod I WANT SHINIES FOR FREE!!!!!

fix it, as the game is unplayable at the moment and im gonna quit!


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Well, I'd been wanting to play this game for ages, and was an xbox 360 player, my computer was terrible (Thus never gaming on a pc). I recently fixed it up and was so hyped to play! Then I played.

First off, we start off with no gun, no melee weapon etcetc.. That is a really bad part of this game - Who really wants to try sneaking into a city to look for a gun, sometimes you'll spend hours looting to find one, then other players will kill you for literally no reason and you can't defend yourself.

Second, other players - frankly, every single person playing this game is a player killer, and to be honest, it's fucking retarded. It's not hard to say 'Hey! Wanna team up?" .. Instead you all just shoot on sight, even if the player you are trying to kill has literally NOTHING on them. In real life, would you really do that? Would you actually be brave enough? I know for a fact that if someone tried to kill me in real life, I'd set them on fire and stamp on their skull whilst they burned. - Unfortunately for me, I suck at pc gaming, so I can never shoot back quick enough and always die.

Basically, this game is fucking whack, just because of the players.

My message to the creator is this, if you are going to make Day Z a stand alone game, make sure there are servers without player killing, or even take it out completely. Make sure players can jump, make sure players can jump down from a 6ft wall without breaking a bone.. I mean really, what kind of soldier in any army has bones THAT weak that they break their leg after walking off a wall their own height? Fix that shit.

And to all the player killers who will probably come in here, diss me and say I suck at the game. Yes, I suck at Day Z, and yes, I am moaning about other players. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying fuck, as my life is far better than most who will attempt to insult me i.e trolls. It's called having a life, when you do so, you will no longer find the need to insult people you do not know on the internet.

Good day. ;)

Most people does not own a weapon irl so starting without one is rather realistic. The whole point of the game is to "survive" that means scavage for supplies. The problem is not that you suck the problem is that you dont seem to know what this game is about. Do all the misstakes and then learn from it, read the forum ask around some people are helpful instead of sitting in a corner crying. Think abit, there is a post apocalyptic event, there is no law inforcement, no help and people are hungry and thirsty and scared. Do you think trusting another human would be easy at such time? I suggest learn the game or try of BF3 which is a really good FPS.

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I love how you under 10 minutes revealed that you in fact have no life, live with your parents, are dumb and a virgin, without us doing any work what so ever :D

Good day sir!

Hahaha, alright then buddy! Perfect assumption over the internet, probably from a child. Did you use spellcheck to type virgin properly?

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