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Max Planck

dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

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I was hoping for something a little smaller. Not worried about shinies, merely a few drinks, some food. medical supplies and ammo. Simple authentic caching rather than elaborate underground bunker systems etc.

Something as simple as the ability to bury a rucksack is what I'm asking about? Hope that helps to clarify my intenet?

Ok, I'll phrase the question as:

Q: Will you add the ability to bury a rucksack or similar smale scale caching?

My question is in my signature.

It's a stupid question. Do you think he might say "Yes whitemouse, I intend to turn DayZ into a sniper simulator clone"? Do you?

If you don't have anything to add, please stay away.

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Ok, I'll phrase the question as:

Q: Will you add the ability to bury a rucksack or similar smale scale caching?

It's a stupid question. Do you think he might say "Yes whitemouse, I intend to turn DayZ into a sniper simulator clone"? Do you?

If you don't have anything to add, please stay away.

Thanks Max.

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Q: Are you planning to fix the 'Disconnect/teleport/server hop' issues before DayZ is feature complete? Or after?

Q: How long before we have more large fortifications (log walls, etc)? We've got the code precedent and models for them... [Publik]

Q: You mentioned recently that a stand alone game will be very polished and cost around €15, but do you realize a stand alone game will take a couple of years to flesh out, what will the fans do in between? and aren't you afraid the hype will die down during that time leaving you with nothing to show for your effort...

Q: In relation to the previous question, even a stand alone game will have alpha/beta phazes, don't you think a stand alone game should just be developed as you develop the game now? aka. just set up an alpha and keep developing, having people 'pay' to pick up the beta and then release it once it's done. Aka. minecraft... [/L0GIN]

Rocket already answer this questions, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38656-fps-guru-interview/

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Q: Do you actually listen to the community?

Q: Have you played DayZ and been killed by a Bandit over and over again?

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Rocket said:

"I've loved the consolidated question system, used it many times in the past. Once you have one setup, send a ticket through the system to make sure that someone gets me to look at it - and I'll reply."

Will do.

Keep the questions coming folks. Remember, short and to the point. Silliness will be ignored or ridiculed.

Edited by Max Planck
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Max, please use some color for the answers. That would be sweet. And thank you for this nice thread.

Q: Are you friendly?

Edited by RastaKoueR
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Max, please use some color for the answers. That would be sweet.

I will, I'm trying to find colours that would work well with both the black and white forum skins.

I also realise I should have reserved the second post, you live and learn.

EDIT: Nvm.

EDIT2: Colours changed, looks best on the white forum skin, but then again, everything does.

Edited by Max Planck
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Just an opinion, but that blue color hurts to try and read. The red is perfectly fine. Why not go back to normal color text for questions and red for the answers?

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Just an opinion, but that blue color hurts to try and read. The red is perfectly fine. Why not go back to normal color text for questions and red for the answers?

Good solution, thanks.

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Q: Do you plan on hiring anyone soon? Community/Engineering/Otherwise

Q: The Ghillie Suit is now off the loot tables. Will they be coming back?

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Q: Rocket, do you ever have time to simply play the game outside of testing it? If so, what is your preferred playstyle? What is it that YOU find to be fun while playing just for the sake of enjoyment?

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I know this question is a bit long, but it has to be to distinguish it from 'will DayZ have a +1 skillsystem?' to which the answer is NO (as per a recent interview). But a +1 skillsystem as implemented in many RPG's can be quite different from a hidden +1 system that lets a player increase their skill in a certain area without having any influence on it besides 'doing' ... So if you could add the following questions that be much appreciated:

Q: Any chance a hidden skill point system, that is fueled by 'learning by doing' (+1 if you do something that can't be a transferred over IRL skill) so you can improve your character in a certain skillset? (aka. not like the traditional +1 player choice system found in most RPGs, but a true do something and get better at it system)

I would never want to give a player a +1 choice in DayZ myself, it just doesn't make sense that you would get XP by shooting Zed's f/e to then have the option to +1 your medical skill :/ ... But, if you were to be able to increase your medical skill by applying medical stuff, and you would just get better at these things because you do them (and you can only do them when there is a medical emergency), then such a system could fuel character progression in a way that i think would suit DayZ, and I feel this character progression is currently lacking in area's where YOU as a player CAN NOT increase your skill level due to personally getting better at the game. Aiming f/e is a player skill, it needs no +1 system, but fixing stuff like cars currently always succeeds, why not introduce a fail chance and have this chance reduced as you fix more stuff... there is no choice but the choice to do something or not, and when you do, you learn...

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According to this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38656-fps-guru-interview/ thread he said "no skill points, ever" in the fpsguru interview, but I haven't found the time to actually listen to it so I can't verify it. If you really want me to I'll add your question, but I'll hold my horses for now until you or someone else can expand on that quote.

Hope you are ok with this.

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Q: Characters having auto-logging diaries (to create a depth and history to a character's life) that can be looted/read post death?

Q: Stronger, unique character identity for each 'life'?

Q: Regarding structures built by players (underground facilities or camps), is the intention for these to be accessible/inheritable across respawns, or will they be tied to a character's life for the sake of having a 'life' be more valuable?

Q: A more intuitive system for holstering/lowering weapons (alternatively having it be the default mode as opposed to weapons-at-the-ready) and the ability to disarm other players?

Edited by Athrins

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Rocket, how goes the fight against the hackers? That's the one thing making me jaded to the point where it's just not fun having to deal with this almost once a night, with most cases resulting in losing all of your equipment and/or character.

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Q: Characters having auto-logging diaries (to create a depth and history to a character's life) that can be looted/read post death?

Q: Stronger, unique character identity for each 'life'?

Q: Regarding structures built by players (underground facilities or camps), is the intention for these to be accessible/inheritable across respawns, or will they be tied to a character's life for the sake of having a 'life' be more valuable?

Q: A more intuitive system for holstering/lowering weapons (alternatively having it be the default mode as opposed to weapons-at-the-ready) and the ability to disarm other players?

Added, except the third question, I believe he said those bases will be a communal effort, hence not tied to a single character.

Rocket, how goes the fight against the hackers? That's the one thing making me jaded to the point where it's just not fun having to deal with this almost once a night, with most cases resulting in losing all of your equipment and/or character.

Added, opinion cut out.

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Added, except the third question, I believe he said those bases will be a communal effort, hence not tied to a single character.

I haven't heard him specify about the requirements, could you provide a source/quote for that?

Otherwise, can you add these?:

Q: Will it be possible for a single person to build an underground base, or is a group required?

and if possibe;

Q: Will underground bases be tied to someone's character like tents, and if so, will they 'despawn' after death of said character?

Edit: Sorry, I edited this post a few times. Hopefully I won't be quoted before I'm done :P

Edited by Athrins

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According to this: http://dayzmod.com/f...guru-interview/ thread he said "no skill points, ever" in the fpsguru interview, but I haven't found the time to actually listen to it so I can't verify it. If you really want me to I'll add your question, but I'll hold my horses for now until you or someone else can expand on that quote.

Hope you are ok with this.

Hey, that interview is exactly why i pose that question, because 'skill points' and 'learning by doing' are two different things that both adress progression of a character in certain skillsets... the one is used in RPGs and generally involves 'skillpoints' that can be allocated in any skill the player wants. So you can max out your healing skill by killing things :P ... On the other hand there is learning by doing, which involves 'hidden +1' systems that increase one's skills in a certain skill catagories given you actually use the skillset (a chance of failure would be introduced, that reduces the more you do that certain thing, just like IRL learning).

I think the first RPG system is horrid for DayZ, this is not an 'RPG' kind of game. The learning by doing though, gives players a means to improve their character in places that can not transfer over from IRL skills. The player though has no controll over which skills he developes besides actually doing those things it concerns. There would be no stats to view, or no 'levels' to show for, but a player might notice subtly that his/her fixed cars last longer, that his bandages don't fail. That his butchered meat doesn't spoil that often. etc...

Now Rocket's statement about 'no +1 skillpoints' to me seems to point at the RPG system, but it could also point at no learning by doing, hence i want this question asked, to be sure ... if that too is a NO, then i will draw my own conclusions based upon that, but lets just say I would greatly miss an opportunity to have my character grow in capabilities, and that binairy 'always success' features get boring real fast...

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I haven't heard him specify about the requirements, could you provide a source/quote for that?

Otherwise, can you add these?:

Q: Will it be possible for a single person to build an underground base, or is a group required?

and if possibe;

Q: Will underground bases be tied to someone's character like tents, and if so, will they 'despawn' after death of said character?

Edit: Sorry, I edited this post a few times. Hopefully I won't be quoted before I'm done :P

"Is this your final statement Mr Athrins?"

It's ok, I think I got it right in the end.


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Hey, that interview is exactly why i pose that question, because 'skill points' and 'learning by doing' are two different things that both adress progression of a character in certain skillsets... the one is used in RPGs and generally involves 'skillpoints' that can be allocated in any skill the player wants. So you can max out your healing skill by killing things :P ... On the other hand there is learning by doing, which involves 'hidden +1' systems that increase one's skills in a certain skill catagories given you actually use the skillset (a chance of failure would be introduced, that reduces the more you do that certain thing, just like IRL learning).

I think the first RPG system is horrid for DayZ, this is not an 'RPG' kind of game. The learning by doing though, gives players a means to improve their character in places that can not transfer over from IRL skills. The player though has no controll over which skills he developes besides actually doing those things it concerns. There would be no stats to view, or no 'levels' to show for, but a player might notice subtly that his/her fixed cars last longer, that his bandages don't fail. That his butchered meat doesn't spoil that often. etc...

Now Rocket's statement about 'no +1 skillpoints' to me seems to point at the RPG system, but it could also point at no learning by doing, hence i want this question asked, to be sure ... if that too is a NO, then i will draw my own conclusions based upon that, but lets just say I would greatly miss an opportunity to have my character grow in capabilities, and that binairy 'always success' features get boring real fast...

Well, there is also actual 'learning by doing'.

Learn how to tell north with a watch and shadows, or find the north star.

Learn how close you can get to zeds.

Learn how to best use your weapons, how to bla-bla-bla.

This is how I have understood his intention. This is how I believe it is.

Ingame skills are just that, skills, not advantages on dice rolls.

Anyway, I'll add your question. Thusly:

Q: Any chance of a hidden skill point system?

Is that ok with you?

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Ohw i call those IRL skills that transfer over to the ingame world, but things like 'gutting' or 'bandaging' can't transfer over from IRL into the game, so for these a 'learning by doing-hidden+1' system would make sense :)

I'dd prefer you use the full question, since it somewhat explains, but let me try and rephraze it a bit...

Q: Any chance on a 'Learning by Doing' (hidden +1) system, that lets players improve on certain non-IRL-transferable skills?

(addition: certain IRL skills can be transferred over into the game like 'reading stars'; but there are also 'skills' that do not transfer over that easily, f/e bandaging, fixing cars, gutting; Introducing a chance on failure and having this chance reduced by giving players a +1 every X time they preform such a skill mimics the IRL learning process, aka 'learning by doing')

I think like this the question is short, and a simple yes/no will answer it. The 'italic' part is additional information that clearly explains how this question differs from RPG systems and from Transferrable skills. If 'additions' are not prohibited in this questionair, then the above is the shortest and clearest way I can formulate this question.

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Ohw i call those IRL skills that transfer over to the ingame world, but things like 'gutting' or 'bandaging' can't transfer over from IRL into the game, so for these a 'learning by doing-hidden+1' system would make sense :)

I'dd prefer you use the full question, since it somewhat explains, but let me try and rephraze it a bit...

Q: Any chance on a 'Learning by Doing' (hidden +1) system, that lets players improve on certain non-IRL-transferable skills?

(addition: certain IRL skills can be transferred over into the game like 'reading stars'; but there are also 'skills' that do not transfer over that easily, f/e bandaging, fixing cars, gutting; Introducing a chance on failure and having this chance reduced by giving players a +1 every X time they preform such a skill mimics the IRL learning process, aka 'learning by doing')

I think like this the question is short, and a simple yes/no will answer it. The 'italic' part is additional information that clearly explains how this question differs from RPG systems and from Transferrable skills. If 'additions' are not prohibited in this questionair, then the above is the shortest and clearest way I can formulate this question.

Ok, I'll add it.

But from now on questions are short, ok people?

I made an exception for L0GIN because I'm weak in the bones and he is bloody persistent.

I'm trying to keep this concise and easy to read.

Keep on trucking.

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Well the question is short, it just needs quite some information to prevent it from being misunderstood ;) ... tnx for your feedback & giving me the opportunity to make the question suit the questionair :)

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