JakeXP 4 Posted July 19, 2012 Me and two friends had just finished checking on someone's tent that we keep a close eye on when we began passed by Pustoshka. One of our guys spotted some players and asked if it was us in the distance. When we informed him that we were right behind him we realised that it was another squad of three players. Myself having an M14, I began taking shots from the distance (about 300 or so metres away). They didn't really know where they were getting hit from, so we began pushing towards them from the hills. They hid for a while before I spotted one of them who had lagged behind his other two friends. I dropped him with the next M14 shot and he died straight away.We approached the town some more keeping an eye out for them when one of us spotted them inside of the supermarket. I approached near where I had dropped the first guy (in the parking area of the supermarket out front) and began taking fire from one of them who also had an M14. I managed to serpentine my way towards a wall to take cover behind without taking any hits. I leaned around the wall and began opening fire on the visible player inside of the supermarket whilst my two team mates provided covering fire. The guy we were shooting at took a hit, either from my gun or a stray bullet from one of our other two members and we approached the store from all angles before finally taking out the last guy.All in all we came out with another M14, a silenced M9, bags full of supplies and some tools we were missing. Not the best haul but a fun encounter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpo 38 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) I'm running like a madman in a black and moonless night. I think I am somewhere along the south coast but I could as well have re-spawned east of Elektro.In short, I have lost all my sense of direction.My vision is already monochromatic and a steady stream of blood is pouring out the back of my head into the horde of zombies breathing down my neck.Road-flare-in-hand I am running through what seems an open field when after an eternity of stumbling around in the darkness I finally find an empty barn.Immediately I head inside, go upstairs, and throw my road-flare down on the ground where the zombies are already grouping up.The game is kind to me and I luck-box into an Enfield so I start popping the zombies one by one as they walk up the stairs.I am still bleeding and everything is surrounded by this eerie red glow as I try to recuperate and catch my breath on the top floor of this barn.Suddenly my heart skips a beat and adrenaline starts pumping as I hear very subtle footsteps right outside the barn next to the wall where I am crouched.The footsteps are slow but not slow enough to be coming from a zed.I come to the realization that someone is out there and that he is trying to sneak into the barn. I am almost certain he is after me.My Lee Enfield and all the road-flares must have alerted him of my presence.(Friendlies do not sneak up into seemingly populated barns at night without first identifying themselves to the seemingly scared noob right?)I try not to move and give away my position. My sights are pointed at the entrance and then I wait.I think that he knows that I am hiding in here somewhere..His intentions are not completely obvious to me but trying to sneak into a barn that is lit up by flares and glowsticks might have been a mistake on his part.Then I see a head, and part of a gillie-suit leaning around the corner of the doorway. He is scanning the area with his rifle but has not discovered me yet sitting pretty upstairs.The moment he looks up to me I pull the trigger and put a bullet between his eyes.I hear the heavy thump of his lifeless corpse dropping to the ground.The road-flare extinguishes, and everything is dark and quiet again. I can only hear my own breath and my heartbeat racing against the crickets.A few minutes later I decide to head downstairs and examine his body. Villain is completely decked out. GPS, NVG, CZ50, Silenced pistol, Compass, Matches - everything I need to survive on my own in out in the wilderness.Thank you my villain friend for not instantly disconnecting and letting me have your gear. Gear which must have taken forever to acquire.I feel remorse for taking his life and strange guilt for stealing his gear, and I hope it will not take him too long to reassemble his equipment.His name does not appear in the player list anymore when I check. I feel a little bit bad for ruining his dayz and making him quit.But I am not afraid of the dark anymore. Edited July 19, 2012 by Alpo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccullxch 10 Posted July 19, 2012 Just got a kill a second ago whilst looting the store at electro, noticed there was a winchester behind the desk so I told him he can loot it once I leave, he ran straight for it and started firing it at me.I then ran outside the back doors and doubled back through the main entrance catching him by surprise with my AKM.First ever survivor that I have shot due to him firing first, I always take the friendly approach. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joemiken 16 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Few nights ago in the market on the west side of Cherno. I was trying to get out of town and stopped @ the market to grab a few cans of beans. As I check the spawn behind the far back shelves, I see a guy come out of the back store room. I notice he's carrying a long barrel (ended up being a Winchester) and had a pistol in hand. I always shoot anyone carrying a firearm, so I wait for him to check a loot pile. I start shooting w/ my M4 COO, but forgot it's still on semi-auto. After shooting him once and realizing my mistake, I start unloading on the poor bastard. He ended up hitting me once and breaking a leg, so after a shot of morphine, a quick bandage job and a quick check of his loot, I legged it out of Cherno, beans in hand.I felt like a real noob for making such a loud mess. :blush: Edited July 19, 2012 by joemiken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
azkareed 0 Posted July 19, 2012 After being out in the wilds for days of playtime with some mates coming across some great loot got myself a thermal L85A2 AWS,a glock 17 but no bag i was stick stuck with the standard 8 slot you receive at the start. I decided to head back towards civilisation in search of a better bag and some delicious beans. I was working my way through Electro having finished checking one of the fire stations alas no bag or beans :( When i saw a survivor walk into the general store slowly made my way towards him trying not to agro any z's on the way. He left before i could get inside but didn’t see me and made his way inside a little cafe opposite. I start to hear 2 people talking over general saying hello asking what he had found in the mall. I though at this point its now or never one of them must have a better bag i was getting edgy i had already spent far too long in the town and wanted to head back up north again. I learnt round the corner and proceeded to fire. The first survivor went down with the first burst but the 2nd had managed to hit me and i was bleeding and down to 7k health, to make matters worse he was still alive another burst and i put him out of his misery. After bandaging myself i went to survey my spoils. Survivor number 1 had nothing of worth on his body , survivor number two however was the jackpot i needed an Alice bag with all 20 slots filled with tasty beans and he was carrying morphine saving me from spending any longer in the city. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GenTroy (DayZ) 22 Posted July 19, 2012 West of Stary, I was on the edge of a small forest, I look out in a field, there he was, unarmed and just standing there. I raised up my rifle and put a round into his head, crept out to the body, gutted it and took the meat steaks, beef is delicious. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
perforin 11 Posted July 19, 2012 West of Stary, I was on the edge of a small forest, I look out in a field, there he was, unarmed and just standing there. I raised up my rifle and put a round into his head, crept out to the body, gutted it and took the meat steaks, beef is delicious.This. For sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m.w. vindicator 880 Posted July 19, 2012 Today I shot a guy with and enfield at 200m. yup. I got a murder though. It must have been a different person that shot at me earlier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smiling Bandit 5 Posted July 19, 2012 My last legit kill was a rabbit. I was in urgent need of food to counter some massive blood loss.Hint: If you ever planned to get hit by a fucking .50 and walk away to tell about it I suggest having steaks, morphine and bandages around. Same for falling off roofs.Btw, I haven't killed any carbon units yet, only zeds. 18 days... still smiling. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Saw some sniper was wrenching havoc on innocent old Elektro with his AS50, so tracked him down and came behind him. Made it quick and painless with a single round to the back of the head. Thanks for the ridiculous full set of loot pal! Edited July 19, 2012 by itputsthelotion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karbiner 29 Posted July 19, 2012 Killed a dude in the north yesterday :D He had ALL the gear I needed :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Epsilon 349 33 Posted July 20, 2012 some baddy bandit shot a wheel on my car, so i simply got out, put half an m4 mag into his face, took what little he had that was of any use to me, and went on my way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csharp 47 Posted July 20, 2012 957m running target with m107 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dawn (DayZ) 27 Posted July 20, 2012 I was going to meet up with my brother and his girlfriend, so i walked in their direction. I then saw the little military base with the 4 deer stands close to the beach near the road. As i approached the gates i could see some movement in the grass inside the base, i crouched down and sat still trying to see, She then started firing. I didnt know if it was towards me so i ran behind the car just outside the gates near the Helicoptre landing spot. There where more shots towards me ( she might have been shooting zombies xD) i sat there alittle while, then i spotted her Head sticking over the walls in the deer stand in the south eastern corner of the base, I aimed with my lee enfield which i just found but i couldn't get a clear shot. i then saw her head but i didnt shoot because i didnt want to take the risk, she then started climbing down the ladders, thats when i unloaded 2 shots into her neck and chest. She died immediately. She had AKM with 4 mags, Revolver with about 5 mags, A map, Matches, Hunting knife, compass, hatchet, Alice Backpack, 5 or 6 Morphine, 4 Blood Packs, 2 or 3 bandages, some food and some pepsi. Debug gave me a Murder.. She shouldnt be close to the bean coast.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redsoxandy7 3 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) 600m sniper shot at Zelengorsk with my M24. Another guy tried to creep up on us, didn't see us in our ghillies and my buddy took him down with his M249 Edited July 20, 2012 by redsoxandy7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarringtonMuldoon 2 Posted July 20, 2012 Guy had me and a friend pinned down for ages in Chernogorsk at the school building. We waited around for about ten minutes. He eventually sneaked around the back of the building and i just ran out and sprayed him with a full clip of an AK mag. As expected, he died. Don't mess around with me and my poor aiming skills buddy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted July 20, 2012 Last legit kill was a guy near a heli crash site i was about to raid, it here he was, crouching around it, I unloaded a bullet from my FAL into the back of his skull.Last fun kill was when my friend and I drove a pickup to stary and at the edge of a camp, we saw a player while his buddy was looting the tents. I just drove full speed at the the first guy who was sitting outside the first tent, and he slowly turned around as I got closer, right before I hit him. Honked and he saw me, but by then he flew to the last tent in the sky. My friend got out to take out the other guy, but he aborted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetzer_ing 22 Posted July 20, 2012 Crusing down the road to the polana factory in my UAZ singing happy songs when i spot a crashed chopper, and behind that chopper was a bus.. Insta bad sign as several dudes comes rushing towards me trying to jack my car. i hit the turbo button and drive off into orlovets where i park the car to start the hunt.I trace them into berezino, west of the hospital on the ridge. I heard DMR shots against my truck so i enter super sneaky lookin for the sniper, but i can't see him so i crawl closer to the parked bus and wait for them to come back.. 1 guy, 2 guys.. then 3 dudes comes running up and starts looking around and stuff while they wait for the others. I take my chances and pop of my FN fal, 1 guy dies insta, second guy goes down for count and the third guy hides behind the truck. I then shoot the back tire, then the front tire when the funniest thing happens.. The whole bus catches fire and seconds later goes boom. 3 dudes down.I then relocate about 50 meters northwest to get onto an higher altitude as i supsect the rest of the crew will come lookin for me. Sure enough a min later a fourth guy goes down. Time to relocate even furter north west. and about 5min later while crawling and scouting the area i see a fifth guy. Dropped him dead. At this moment i was realy unsure wheter or not the sniper with the DMR was one of the casualties, as i hadnt seen a DMR on one of the dead guys. Super paranoia is gripping me bigtime, and i take my time, as always, not getting greedy to check the corpses yet and go look for him, when all of a sudden the unmistakable sound of DMR spamming rushes through my ears. I take one shot to the chest and lay down, throw my frag grenade and shoot sporadically against the sound of the dmr as a disctraction as i hadnt seen him, but he had seen me i didnt dare to stand up and go for it, instead i barrel rolled back to the cover of a pine tree, bandaged and ran as fast as i could to reach higher altitude.Spent about 10minutes of carefully searching for him, but no luck.. went down to loot the corpses, but all but 2 had despawned and i never saw the sniper again.It was the funniest shit to ever happen to me in any video game, ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blubertater 0 Posted July 20, 2012 Heh, last last and only kill on me so far is that I was at the NW Airfield looting with my friend. I think my friend was at the Barracks at the edge of the Airfield at the time and I was going to the hangers to loot. THEN I see tags flash up for a moment. I hit the deck and see this guy running across the actual strip close to me. I fire a couple shots as he runs into the 1st hangar with a couple zombies in chase but SOMEHOW he doesn't notice me! So for the next 10 or so minutes the guy managed to shake the zombies off and was looting the hangers and I silently stalked him across until he hit the firehouse. I see him climb up the Firehouse tower and I take aim. BUT through a stroke of luck a FAL spawned near me in the last hanger! The guy walks near a window in the tower and a shoot him with the FAL. I think I hit him and he definitely heard it and started looking outside the window. I line up my sights and pop him with the FAL again. He finally keels over, I get 1 on my murder count and it says in chat: Mitch has died. My heart was beating like hell and I go up and get my loots :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtySurvivor 2 Posted July 20, 2012 myself... twice in a row...in Berezino there is a very very tall smokestack with multiple ladders and what seems to be prime sniping position... stay the hell away from it.I climbed up to the very top... noticed a survivor running around scavenging below... I went prone to get ready for the shot and popped out through the guard railing to a 100ft+ freefall.... death....Ran all the way back to berezino, to my surprise my fully loaded corpse was still there... noticed another person on my map and run up to the middle portion of the smoke stack (little more room to walk around.) This time I made sure never to go prone, and only crouch, after popping off a few shots and moving to get a better position I popped through the guard railing AGAIN!!!!.... 60ft drop... death...ran all the way back AGAIN... got my bod... I guess I could be thankful no one saw me plumet either time, would have been free loots :3I think it's safe to say I'm never climbing that smokestack or any duplicate smokestack ever again... those railings don't work x( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alcatraz968 100 Posted July 20, 2012 Was in eletro sniping (was bored). Heard gun fire in the forest, and try to track it. Then hear it in the power plant. By then i heard atleast two guys, one with An 74 and one with handgun. Get to sniper nest, and out in the open field is the two morons. (Near power plant). Take aim with my M107 and shot. The guy moves at last second and lives. Take aim,and my second shot drops him. He's dead. Second guy weaving, i pop 2 shots and miss. Third shot is sent at him, but hits a smoke stack. D**. Friends coming in from the west scout the area and report he DC. Well atleast his friend died, and he wet himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matchew 9 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) It was a semi-uneventful day, but I had started in Prigorodky and all of my friends were in Zelenogorsk. So, I figured the best way to make it there was along the power lines. I didn't know if anybody else liked to take the power lines, and I didn't consider some of the high yield buildings I might come across, but I went on my way I had made it down the hill, out into the open just West past Vysota where the power lines split and noticed another player running from zombies along the the small path at the bottom.I decided to go prone, not knowing if he noticed me, but it soon became obvious he knew I was there. He got pretty close to me, which I now assume wasn't because he wanted to kill me right away, but wanted to pawn the zombie on me. Any way, it didn't work and he finally shot the zombie. Then, with his pistol drawn, he started approaching me. I had a Winchester, but I don't much care for confrontations. I shouted "Friendly" three times, but he was acting weird. He started approaching me, and before I knew it, he was practically on top of me. I don't know what he intended to do, as he could have easily shot me where he was before. But, I wouldn't take chances. I popped off two rounds on him and he died.Before I even shot him, he said something indistinguishable, but I clearly heard 'faggot' at the end. He deserved to die and I have no remorse. His name was Jeremy. He proceeded to die frequently through the rest of the evening. I don't know what you planned, Jeremy, but fuck you. That's the last time I shout "friendly" to anybody. I've died doing that every other time. Edited July 20, 2012 by Matchew 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skrubs 3 Posted July 20, 2012 I logged on this morning I wasn't even planning to play for that long. Well anyways I entered a house solo and noticed there was no loot! I got bad vibes and went outside and through the windows I saw 2 guys just waiting for me, AKMs aimed at the door (they probably heard me walking around). So I shot both of them in the face with a m1014 :P I know it doesn't sound like all that, but man my heart was racing... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spchancey2 0 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) kk so me and my friend were playing hide and go peek around the NWAF looking for nvg's and m16's well off in the distance i notice zombie spawns so we decide to take it slow and see who and what these zombie spawns are doing and who they belong too.... mind you its the middle of night and these guys are about as dense as can be...... my friend crawls through the middle of the airfield towards the NE barracks where these guys are cycling loot.... ive got a m1014 and my friend is using an AK ... i crawl up to the right windows and he crawls to the door.. .at this point these guys have closed all the doors and are tring to cycle loots... one guy is chilling in the back while the other (which i didnt even know was in there) was lying in the middle so i stand up and shoot the guy in the back 1 shot headshot..... BLAM next thing i know i hear an m14 going off and i think its my friends AK thinking he had zombie aggro but i see the barrel sticking out of the barracks... shooting in my direction....... bang bang bang.... my heart is racing.... bang bang bang whiz crack hes getting closer..... my friend opens the door and blasts him with the AK ......... we get some food m14 and a cyote backpack out of their cycled loots :) time to call it a day Edited July 20, 2012 by Spchancey2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galhast 6 Posted July 20, 2012 Started a week or so ago. First time in berezino, had a winchester and a couple of basic tools, nothing substantial. I was looting the bar in the southern part of berez very quietly, as it was a populated server during the day. I snuck up to the second floor, and suddenly I heard a very faint 'pop-fizz' sound, followed by the sound of eating. Then I heard them again. I followed the sound downstairs to the back door, and sure enough I could see a couple of feet sticking through the wall. I saw him get up, so I aimed my winchester at the curtained door leading into the main bar, and waited. 15 seconds later, I saw him crouchwalk past the counter, turn behind it... I saw his gun poke through the door, and as soon as I saw a glimpse of his head, I fired then ran around the corner, which was a good move because I immediately hear four shots from his silenced SMG, which hit nothing. Then the sound of flies.Most exciting experience in a video game so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites