Sinte 1 Posted July 20, 2012 We were counter-sniping snipers in elektro because we felt like it and this one guy saw my group sitting up on the hospital and stated "Sico members you have 30 seconds to get off that hospital" and started doing the count down. I was in an overwatch position. The guy keeps counting down, I finally find him in his wookie suit (ghillie), zero in, aim... Headshot him and see in chat "3...2...1 (don't want to post name) was killed". The whole server had some good laughs. Global chat is fun times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkRaven123 602 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) My friend stumbled upon two players camping the road near the Balota airfield.He dispatched them quickly.Me and the other 4 in our group run up to where the bodies are.I go across the road into a bush as I abhor standing in the open near any type of main road.A player who either had Alt-f4d or the people had been waiting for him to spawn in, appeared out of nowhere and instantly open fire, he killed one person, turned to keep shooting at my other friends, and I zoomed my CZ right into his nose and blew his fucking head off. He did get a bullet into another of our group, but that damage was mitigated quickly.Lucky our friend spawned just outside Cherno on the coast, right next to us :). Edited July 20, 2012 by DarkRaven123 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nomonater 2 Posted July 21, 2012 I was at the NWAF and saw a guy with an enfield running towards the firestation and i knew my map marker was on that building which is 500 meters away so i pop my AKM zeroing to 500 and shoot 2 clips in his direction and get the kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UkropyPrivyet 15 Posted July 21, 2012 I think it was yesterday? It was withing the last 3 days. Anyways, I was about to log on at my base. Now to understand this a bit easier, I always log off inside a tent, because no one ever checks inside them. My friend had the misfortune to load in before me and get killed by the player sitting in the treeline. I had a DMR on me at the time, so I crawled out of the tent and observed the treeline to see where he was, and he started spraying bullets with his M240. I eventually spotted him when he got up and thought that both of us were dead (he didn't hit me once) and I shot him twice. Mick (the pussy's name) immediately combat logged after being shot, but I know for a fact I hit him and that he passed out, so his bitch move didn't do him any good, unfortunately, his body went with him when he died, so I didn't get the M240 or anything else he had. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheTaltsi 45 Posted July 21, 2012 Was going from Cherno to Elektro, was at Gap Golovo, and noticed a ATV speeding down hill. I aimed my Lee Enfield at the ATV, hit, the tire bursted and the driver lost control and flipped. He got up unharmed and aimed his AK at me. I calmy aimed my Lee, headshot, he fell to the ground. The shot was like 300m away, so im pretty proud of it :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheProdigy (DayZ) 2 Posted July 21, 2012 That's a few days ago. nametag system ? lol you suck dude haha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanden1989 15 Posted July 21, 2012 (edited) It was actually two kills...Me and my IRL friend were looting Cherno's supermarket while hearing a lot of AK and Makarov shots. After looting the market,we headed to a house in the street next to the coast and near the market,and I saw a guy walking by the rooms. While he's looting,I wait at one of the rooms. I shot his leg and broke it,but the faggot disconnected before we could kill him. I told my friend we could wait a bit and see if he's dumb enough to log in the server we were on. And he was. I shot him and my friend kept shooting with his AK at him when he logged and we looted his M1014. After that,we went to the church where we saw zombies.I saw a woman running at a man at the docks (kinda),but I ignored them. When we entered,I saw a guy laying down at the middle of the church. We traded shots until I killed him,but I was bleeding too much and I died while my friend was killing all the zombies.I respawned at Balota and started making my way to the church,while my friend was with 1000 of blood and a broken leg. I told him to get my winchester and a morphine in my body,and told him to guard the church while I'm going there. He saw a guy running into the church and he killed the guy,which had only a winchester and noob stuff. I eventually got to the church and helped my friend and we both got out of Cherno,heading to Elektro to loot more and then start our way to the NW Airfield...Also,the guy I killed had a G17 with 4 mags and all the equipment I needed:Map,Compass,Toolbox,Matches,Hatchet,Hunting Knife,and more. When I killed him I saw his name was alex and he started to rage at direct comm. Suck it asshole! Edited July 21, 2012 by vanden1989 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Friendlyincherno 18 Posted July 21, 2012 I was on my way out of Elektro, looting the pub for supplies. I had an enfield and my attacker had an AKS-74 kobra. I ran into the side room next to the staircase. This clown had sandbagged the doors so he had no way of escaping. He shot at me a couple times with his AK, completely missing. I think he was scared. He's crouched on the stairs reloading, as I poke my head out and shoot him in the chest with the enfield. This was one of my last "self-defence" kills in a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dante Dread 0 Posted July 21, 2012 (edited) I was south of Stary Sober running along the tree line when I saw two players. I believe I saw them first and dove into a bush. Apperantly they saw me, but didn't see where I went. I was about 30 meters from them, and I had my M4A1. Once I realized that they couldn't see me I rolled to the right of the bush and saw one of the players crouched looking for me(in the wrong direction) I could see his head from the prone position perfectly. I fired three shots perfectly then aimed prone at where I thought the other guy was and unloaded 27 rounds into that area to scare the shit out of him. After I reload I flanked around on that position proning from the northern side and the player was gone.... he logged off =(. But I got a compass and gps from the guy I wasted. =) Edited July 21, 2012 by Dante Dread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigieu 2 Posted July 21, 2012 (edited) Was in Cherno scavenging supplies since all I had was a crossbow. Found an AKM in a fire house and moved onto the market to see if I could find anything else. Went around the back and spotted a Czech back on a corpse so I went in to clear to make sure that I would be safe. What looked like a new player (turns out all her had was a hatch) came out right in front of me, didn't see me since he turned the other direction and exited out the back. Knowing he was going to see the pack I slipped out after him and dropped him as he tried to loot.Found him again later after heading back to the fire house for one more sweep, my over watch was already taking shots at him and had injured him, so I finished him off and did a loot sweep of the building before heading back to join my partner. Edited July 21, 2012 by Bigieu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josh225 129 Posted July 22, 2012 My last one was west of Zelenogorsk, saw two guys moving in to raid the market so i scoped the rear man and saw he had an m4a1 cco; I wanted it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheTigger 34 Posted July 22, 2012 It was today on 913.Victim- rec phantomWeapon LWSA2Distance-500mPlace-stary sobor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keylime314 19 Posted July 22, 2012 Walking my way from Solnichniy to elektro. Got to the top of the elektro look out point to make sure I had safe passage, good thing I did. Dude armed with a LMG sitting on top of the hill firing off at people. I took him out and 2 of his friends popped up, killed them but caught a bullet in the leg for my troubles. Crawled all the way to tol. dam lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SHinOCk 2 Posted July 22, 2012 I was surveying the Balota airfield and the 4 deer stands in the small patch of wood between both, it was raining hard so i couldn't hear well around me when i suddenly saw something move behind me. Did a 180 and shot a dude point blank with my m107... The asshole had taken my m4 SD from my bag with my 4 mags and was about to unload on me.1 more sec and i would be posting that story in the worst death ever thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oyci3c 2 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) 'Twas this. This is just some kind of lowest form of PVP ever - playing on 3d, ch and nametags spotting some1 behind the tree and making a movie out of it to show off.Rofl pls. Edited July 22, 2012 by AnusDriller Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 125 Posted July 22, 2012 About 15min's ago.Shot someone with my AS50 at about 500m. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Glowsticks 7 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Uk31 watching the NW airfield from the west.I see a wookie (his name was Reindeer) peeking out of one of the industrial compounds at about 800 meter distance. M107 to the face, but I was sure there were more people, as not all zombies dissapeared. Then the server crashed and I couldn't loot what was probably a as50 and the rangefinder I was looking for. Edited July 22, 2012 by Mr.Glowsticks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikewalker11 2 Posted July 22, 2012 i hate bandits, gonna be one. :bandit: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Grimmer 11 Posted July 22, 2012 Well, I had just finished murdering a guy with an ak-74u, and took his m4a1 (he shot at me first, but I got out of his los and then ambushed him), when I was going into the bush to try to find some an animal to kill. That iss when I noticed some guy proned, shooting down into the town. I checked around and couldn't see any of his backup. So I wasted him, and he wouldn't let go of his AS50, so I had to give him a couple of handgun bullets. Also got a GPS, and a toolbox from that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 46 Posted July 22, 2012 Hmm, last non SOS kill was after dying multiple times to Survivors and coming up on the back of a survivor who had just cleaned out Cherno Market so I needed his stuff, Turned out he had almost nothing on him which I felt bad about =pLast Kill was when someoe "logged in" right in front of me and I decided to wait a second and shout out Hi, Friendly.Supprise Supprise they opened fire with a Makarov, my AK74 won but I didn't notice he had winged me and I was bleeding until I went grey and passed out DOH.Bandaged up at 2K. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PvtZach 5 Posted July 22, 2012 Today, when I logged in in the Berezino apartments and caught a glimpse of a female character running around in the building across the street. I climbed the ladder and waiting until she was in full view and murdered her with my AKS Kobra :) Then I picked up here MK48 Mod 0 :):D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites