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Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

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I didn't shoot anyone yesterday, I wasn't even armed.

I got it on tape. I recorded it :D I'm still editing the video but you'll see it when it's finished.

Edited by Lycake

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I'm coming to the fort now, I have a ghillie suit and a sniper. Don't shoot me please.

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I got it on tape. I recorded it :D I'm still editing the video but you'll see it when it's finished.

When was yesterday for you? Because I definitely killed some people earlier today.

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How is the fort? I see 3 guys inside right now.

I'm in there with some other people. I know Badhaggis and TheRoyalViking are around.

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I'm in there with some other people. I know Badhaggis and TheRoyalViking are around.

I'm coming in then.

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When was yesterday for you? Because I definitely killed some people earlier today.

About 16-17 hours ago. But may be it was a misunderstanding^^

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i am at the medical tents, i am entering the fort now, got medical supplies with me

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im glad im not the only good guy around

beans for you!!!

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Guys, if one of us gets shot, do try to bandage them. I bled for around a minute before someone realised I was down, but it was too late.

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Least we know one of your group is a script hacking kiddie spawning loot in for himself.

Edited by Ejaculacid

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Least we know one of your group is a script hacking kiddie spawning loot in for himself.

"of our group" we are no group. everybody can get into the fort if he got friendly intentions. we can't (and don't want to) control what everybody in the fort is doing. there are always black sheep

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I finally made it back to cherno after a 30 min run just to be shot be some dick "guarding the fort". good good guards jackass

Edit; If this happens again without anywarning say goodbye to everyone in the fort

Edited by Kelfryn

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I finally made it back to cherno after a 30 min run just to be shot be some dick "guarding the fort". good good guards jackass

The fort is under attack. Most of the people that were there were killed by guys with M107s and DMRs.

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Least we know one of your group is a script hacking kiddie spawning loot in for himself.

Are you talking about me? I'm the only one wearing a ghillie suit so I guess you think a ghillie is not in DayZ? You can find them in Berezino and the many downed helis around that area. Also are you one of the guys who just happen to find about 3 or 4 DMRs for your group that is shooting us?

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How i wish i could see this all. :)

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Perhaps those currently running the fort should consider moving it into a building, such as the TEC building inside elektro. A good amount of space, limited entrances, plenty of cover unless someone comes at you with a rocket launcher.

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I wasn't able to bring my team down with supplies because we were having our own base problems. Maybe tonight. How's it going down there?

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Hey, my ign is Bear Grylls, I was on yesterday. From the forum post seems like fort friendly is going to shiz! Im spawning in again as I let my brother have a go on dayz, he died! oh well I will try and scavenge around elektro and then come in to help out. Although Is this still on because it seems like you got attacked pretty heavily at the fort.

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