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Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

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well its safe now we have 3 or 4 other ppl so if u would like to come back u can

I think i'll stop by, I'm up toward the middle of the map and would like to see what a non-hostile player looks like. Any procedures I should follow to avoid getting shot when I make my approach?

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Yes what is ur IGN and What gun do you carry because we dont want u sniping on the hills

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This was great fun, Next time i suggest garrisioning some of the buildings surrounding the area.

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Yes what is ur IGN and What gun do you carry because we dont want u sniping on the hills

Cheeseburger (Friendly)

I carry a Makarov and an Enfield. It would take at least 30 minuiets I think to get down there though.

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Is the fort still standing? I'd like shelter from bandits. I'd be more than happy to give my life for teh fort

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I will be making a fort near steins fort since i dont steal land this fort is military and we will show u war tactics

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Where are you? I just arived North of the city (had to kill a zombie that was following me) and holding postion. I found a scoped hunting rifle too!

What do I need tp patch you up? I only have bandages and pain killers on me.

Edited by Cheeseburger

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really love the idea of this, I'm playing in Newfoundland but surprisingly the server works super smooth. Gonna work my way down there momentarily.

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I'm stuck up north at the moment. I'm gonna try an d make my way down today, keep up the good work.

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Once again, if there are any American players would would like to achieve this sort of safezone, they can use US357. It's up to you and your buddies to build the fort though, my groups resources are caught up in other things right now, but eventually we will be in the area to provide overwatch and QRF. Medics are welcome btw. Our group is in dire need of one.

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Howarden i will be doin that first i need to establish y place the and ge t some arch. desighn before i do if u tell me ur IGN and if u have skype that also then u could help me

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Is there help on the way i managed to get to a safe haven of my own heard a DMR typed gun mabe a CZ 550 so i got cover and overwatching incase of ppl if u are in the fort plz IGN name and weapon u are holdin so i may identify

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