Noyes84 0 Posted June 13, 2012 After finding someone in the military base by the south airfield, i yelled friendly multiple times. He stopped running from me and we killed a few zombies. Then he looked away from me and i fucking domed him.Bitch shoulda seen it coming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrej33000 0 Posted June 13, 2012 My friend and I were looting the NW airfield round midnight. We approched from the North side of the runway and headed along the runway to the barracks. We noticed a red chemlight in the barracks but no one there. I turned off the light and regretted that becasue if the unknown was still there he would notice. So i took the M4a1CCo in there and 2 mags. We headed to the firestation roof to scout the airfield. As we were approching the ladder for the roof we heard around 2 shots from an m16 or m4 from the barracks. Was it his chemlight we did not know. We waited on the roof and watched an army of zeds rush him. When we spotted him he ran into the firestation. He was still fighting. I postioned myself along the tower windows on the roof because i knew he would check it because well theres usally loot there. We waited a good 5 minutes on the roof and heard the fight finnish with a grenade. As soon as i saw him run up i unloaded my m4 into him. I would of asked friendly but that dosent usually mean they wont shoot you in the head soon after. I looted his body and he had a coyote backpack, an M4a3CCo with 8 mags and medical supplies. I kinda felt bad but thats the world of DayZ. The only ppl i trust are the ones i meet outside of this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RustleBall 0 Posted June 13, 2012 After finding someone in the military base by the south airfield' date=' i yelled friendly multiple times. He stopped running from me and we killed a few zombies. Then he looked away from me and i fucking domed him.Bitch shoulda seen it coming.[/quote']Yea totally Bro!!111 You're so skilled!! :| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Julia_Shafer 18 Posted June 14, 2012 This is my first legit murderI am crawling through elektro when I hear buzzing of flies, and the kill seemed fresh. I cleared the building first, then looked at his loot. He had a few cans of food, but that was about it (like he had just spawned). Then I notice there is an abnormal lack of zeds in the area (keep in mind this is the building parallel to the balcony building in elektro.As im leaving to GTHO of there, I see someone about 30 yards away heading into the balcony building. I run back inside, and wait at a window. Turns out there is 2 people looting the building (working together). At this point my heart is pounding. I can't leave because they would end up seeing me, so I waited to take a shot.One of them walked onto the balcony looking for loot. I waited till he was taking the loot and fired on shot of my Winchester through the glass window into him. He promptly died in one hit. Now I'm scared.No zeds seemed to hear the shot, and I wait to see if I can kill his friend. After a bit I run into the building, heart still pounding to loot his body when I hear foot steps. I ran back to my building and I nearly messed up my pants. I sit at the stairs with shotgun readied for what seemed like forever. After about 10 minutes I go back into the building, and get to the balcony. Unfortunately his body was gone, but there was loot in the building.As I left I went into the connivance store thing, stole some stuff then got the hell out of elektro. As I was leaving though someone in chat asked who killed his friend on the balcony. I felt a bit bad, but I didn't care, I'm sure they woulda killed me in the same situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monkey (DayZ) 0 Posted June 14, 2012 There was a guy outside Novy Sober and he was just talking about how he was low on blood. My friend and I where heading north to Stary and decided we will meet him in between Stary and Novy.We knew he had an AK,alot of ammo, and a revolver from global chat earlier.We said we would give him a transfusion if he met us halfway across the field, after waiting for about 3 mins we heard him shooting some zeds and saw him running across the field. So we tell him to wait, and that we are coming over to meet him and not to shoot. As we approach him I tell my friend to start to go up to him to give him a "transfusion" as he looks at my friend and types "Wow the first friendly players on Dayz" Right as he presses enter I shoot him square in the head and double tap to be safe.We proceed to loot his body and got some nice gear. I kinda felt bad about it at first when he was pretty mad in Global but I think he got over it.We were later destroyed by a group of snipers at the airfield -.- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plaguetongue 47 Posted June 14, 2012 i shot the legs off an survivor who tried to run away from alot of zombies, it was actually a bad shot that was ment to kill him bit i didnt want to waste another bullet on a allready dead man 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
step0229 8 Posted June 14, 2012 I shot a guy in the foot to get away from zombie horde. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 27 Posted June 14, 2012 I killed griff for his jeep then he got butt hurt and threatten to bann me for calling him a kid. Silly dev friend u can just spawn a new 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted June 14, 2012 Found a gu sniping people in a ghillly in the hills above Elektro. Apparently the dumb f*ck moved a little to close to the town and didn't notice the horde of zombies slowly making their way up to his position. Shot him in the leg with my CZ and as excpected, he didn't disco but started looking frantically for my position, ego hurt and all. I still can not figure out for the life of me how he could not have heard the army of Zeds inching closer. Laughed so hard when he finally noticed that they were taking bites of him. He tried to get away but was knocked down instantly again.Thanks for the bea... AS50. Trolololol :angel:I have to give him credit though for not disconnecting, something that players as loaded as this guy rarely seem to do nowadays. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Normals 0 Posted June 14, 2012 A friend and I were searching through the fire station in the northern outskirts of Elektro, but we didn't find anything good.But we decided to wait to see if anyone would show up (to take their stuff of course :P), with me climbing up the giant smoke stack to get a better view of the area.Then after a minute I notice a guy behind the north wall throwing flares, and smoke grenades all along the area near the main road. It looked like he was trying to signal someone, so I waited to see if something was going to happen.Sure enough I hear a car approaching from the north, with 3 heavily armed guys inside. With my heart pumping I lined up my CZ, and as the car came to a stop I opened fire on the front passenger seat. What happened next was pure mayhem.I took out front passenger, but the driver tried to bail. I lined up my shot again, and killed him before he was able to drive off. At the same time the two other guys (the one who got out of the backseat, and the one they were going to pick up) were panicking and firing at the zombies that they accidentally aggroed.The poor sap who got out of the backseat tried to get into the car to drive off, but accidentally got into the back again; I took another shot and 3rd one down. The last guy was bleeding bad and went to the small patch of woods to the west of the road to bandage himself. I lined up again ran out of ammo. Thankfully I still had some ammo left in my sidearm, so I switched to my g17 to finish him off. Unfortunately all that shooting also attracted a shit ton of zombies to my location, and they climbed up the smoke stack to give me a big hug. Next thing I know I am getting mauled, breaking my legs, and falling off the side of the smoke stack to my death...As I was running back after my respawn, my friend took their car, and a found some AKs, along with a AKS on the main guy in the back seat. However as I got there to loot their bodies the server just stopped responding :-/. Utter bullshit lol. It reset for some odd reason, and when we logged back in it was pitch black. Luckily the car was still there, and did have headlights, so we decided to go for a joyride. However along the way I just HAD to smack into a small barricade, while speeding through Elektro, and got both of us killed in the process.Oh well, it was fun while it lasted lol :D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrax 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Hahah, oh my god. You guys are MEAN! After reading this thread I am never trusting anyone besides my real life mates again. You guys are freakin' creative :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagoth Wit 21 Posted June 15, 2012 A friend and I were passing through Berezino. We needed med supplies and I was hoping to find a G17 since I had so many mags in my pack. After looting the southern grocery store, we hear shots to the south. It sounds like a winchester and it's making my friend really nervous. He only just started playing this week and our last encounter with another survivor didn't end so well. As we start moving along the outskirts, we hear more and more shotgun blasts. We're thinking this guy is a terrible shot or awful at stealth.Our goal was to finish up at the military sight, but we figure this guy is heading there too. I tell my friend to take up a position where we have the most visibility on the military camp and then wait for him. Sure enough, we see him running through an open field toward the camp with a trail of zombies nipping at his heels. He's wearing a ghillie suit and that makes my friend extra nervous because he figures he's been alive a while and is probably a good shot.We see him run into one of the tents and start opening up on the zeds. I decide to make my move and circle around so he doesn't see me coming. I make it around the back of the tent he's in and see him creep out to look for any stragglers. With his back to me, I let loose with my M1014 and bid him adieu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guerrilla (DayZ) 0 Posted June 15, 2012 My friend and I ran up to a random barn, I'd just spawned and had found the PDW and one clip. My friend was camping inside the barn and I peeked out the front door, there was a lone survivor crawling along, I guess he had broken bones or something so i thought I'd put the poor guy out of his misery and put one in his head. Getting more and more nervous I kept telling my friend we have to keep moving, about a minute later some other guy shuffled around the corner and totally surprised me, I absolutely unloaded about 15 bullets into his upper chest and face. I'm guessing he was the other guys friend, he didn't get a shot off at all and I managed to get a map, knife, matches, blood bag and some other things. Those were my first real deliberate murders. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizm0 96 Posted June 15, 2012 I killed a ....... cow. D: I needed the meat. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaylo 11 Posted June 15, 2012 I blasted two people inside a church with my sighted m14, one had a dmr+6 mags, silenced m9, full tools. The other guy had an aks74u, full tools. I killed the first one who entered the church as I was hiding behind a pillar. Fired three m14 rounds into his stomach. His friend tried to be tacticool by waiting for me to loot the body. He got impatient and crawled in the entrance, aiming the direction opposite of me. I shot another three rounds into the dhoulders and head. I felt bad because I only took an extra dmr mag, I left everything elsr to rot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zantiago 119 Posted June 15, 2012 We were 3 people paTROLLing Cherno last night.It wasn't that many on the server unfortunately..But there were a few new player's.We had gotten about what we could from the city in terms of gear, 3people with enfield's, guillie/camo, alice packs, compasses, maps and yeah the normal stuff you know.We headed over to the church towards the harbor in Cherno, when we heard some shooting towards the mall aross the street.So obviously we figured we could have some fun.We didn't wanna hurt anyone in the beginning.But i was like: Friendlies shooting at the mall in cherno?And we got a response pretty fast: yeah, but have alot of zombies with me, need help..Told him to run towards us with the zombies and we would help him take them out, we had supplies to spare, which was true.We were loaded on ammo, weps, spare compasses, maps and such, and tons of food and medical supplies..I told him we were in the church, and the door was closed so just run and open it..We heard him comming, and the second he was close enough i opened the door from inside, slamming it in his face, and he broke his legs..At this point we were rolling on the floor laughing as we saw im beeing eaten.He was shouting over direct comms using his mic, screaming for help..We couldn't move due to laughing so hard at the poor guy laying there beeing eaten slowly alive by 3zombies...Not to interresting compared to some stories here, but it was a good laugh atleast! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evil.piggeh 44 Posted June 15, 2012 This was last night.. and its not exactly the worst thing ive ever done, but the noobiest. Me and my friend logged off in a warehouse with hangar type doors, i smoked a joint and we logged back in. My friend was having a bit trouble logging on so i was keeping watch, then out of nowhere a guy appears infront of me, its so fast i only had one reaction, SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD AND STEAL HIS SHIT, so i did. Only to find my friend marshall in my headset saying "What.. WHAt the fuck!?" .... my response.. "Oh man im sorry i fked up", "I wasnt sure if it was you!"..So i protect his fallen corpse with my own life holding my hand to my head thinking to myself im a massive douchebag, about 2 minutes of waiting the door flys open and a guy stands there with his m16 proudly, I peak his ass and pop all my maka rounds into what i thought was his head. He takes them like a champ and proudly sneaks forward with his massive machine gun to my pitiful pistol, i quickly reload and strafe shooting his face again.. he manages to get a few hits off on me but eventually he falls to the floor and i put another clip in his head to make sure. I'm hit.. So i get onto comms with marshall again... "ehh well i know it may sound cheeky saying as ive just killed you and all, but do u think when u get here u could give me a blood transfusion?" rofl... is about the reply. Anyway he returns and we distribute the loot of this fallen champ who tanks maka bullets like a african elephant.The guy had 12 clips of m16 ammo, no scope unfortunately, he had a pdw with 2 clips which i was going to give to marshall. He gets here and we continue passing the loot and he says he wants the pdw and i accidentally delete it using the crazy inventory!Alot of noob slip ups last night but well ive only been playing like a week :), and marshall will forgive me... in time :P .. not sure about the guy with the m16 though.I wait for people to reveal their location and destination on night time servers' date=' and then drive around in my little car with no lights on, with my NVGs on, running them over in the field while playing yakety sax through direct chat.Everything in this game is better with music.[/quote']best story EVER. i'd be happy as hell being ran over with that tune going, I dont think i'd stop laughing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted June 15, 2012 A week ago I died whilst trying to storm a fire station in elektro and got too greedy ended up dead. I respawned on the east coast I proceed to town to die because my friend is on oppossite side of the map and I got the worst spawn. I get there and hear makarov fire coming from the street I'm thinking this is a perfect time to test something I aggro every zombie in town and proceed running until I see the guy. He books it seeing the horde of zombies behind me I continue following until he prones. I run around him smacking every zombie I have behind me straight into him he was dead in 2 seconds I ran out of their and lost the aggro. I didn't think it would work but I laughed like crazy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Torothin 2 Posted June 15, 2012 Last night I was being overrun by zombies must have been over 20 on me. A random comes and helps me kill them. After the zombies are dead I point my gun at him and shoot him. Looted him, he respawns and in local channel he responds with "really". Was a classic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
10Lives (DayZ) 5 Posted June 15, 2012 I'm not normally a bandit, but near the NW airfields, if I go alone, or with a group, I make sure no randoms live. But yesterday, it was my first encounter near the NW airfields, the barn. I saw this guy shoot some zombies, then he started looting the inside of the barn. I came in quietly and then shot him in the head with my Lee Enfield. I got my first AK of that life, 3 clips, a bigger back pack and some water bottles (which I really needed at the time). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaidoon 19 Posted June 16, 2012 Spawned in the forest and shot everyone i saw in their knees then dragged their bodies in a pile and group executed them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austendude 3 Posted June 16, 2012 Last night I was being overrun by zombies must have been over 20 on me. A random comes and helps me kill them. After the zombies are dead I point my gun at him and shoot him. Looted him' date=' he respawns and in local channel he responds with "really". Was a classic![/quote']That is just terrible... Poor guy was just trying to help you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhygar666 26 Posted June 16, 2012 this char which is now 6 days old.i spawned outside of cherno, went into it and in the first building i found a winchester (i was like fuck yeah), then i went to a restaurant. I looted upstairs first, wasnt quiet, ran around etc, but i still saw this player lying around afk in the back. He had a ghilli suit, at that moment i thought he must be a bandit. What else would he be doing with this gear here in cherno? Otherwise he would be somewhere up north looting the airfield or something else.So i started to shoot him several times in the head, killed the 5 zombies that started to look what happened and continue to loot him, but there comes the suprise he had an allice pack, with like 5 bloodpacks, bit flesh and some other gear but well, but no weapons or stuff on his body. he must have been bugged from using his ghilli suit and then went into cherno with no weapon at all. well i feel bad about it, but he should have gone up north and not to cherno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nidza 0 Posted June 16, 2012 >Just spawned>"oh great elektro" time for some makaroni banditry>guy behind me with xbow he hails me says "friendly are u friendly?">I look at him and direct chat him "friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly" >he comes up to me>unload a mag in his face and take his beanz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted June 16, 2012 Was sneaking up the NW airfield last night, going all tacticool when the server crashed. When I logged back in with my 2nd attempt, the server had switched to night, quite an unpleasant experience when you have no NVGs in that area. Either way, I thought I'd proceed since nobody goes there without NVGs at night... right?I had just cleared the S barracks and was moving up on the northern one, when I saw a blue chemlight ignite in the entrance room of the barrack. Now I don't have my gamma up, but with the moon and all I still could see enough to know that there must have been someone who freshly spawned in - inside the barrack. Now I usually am not that much of an asshole to people (I said not that much, notice? ;) ), but I decided to teach the little serverhopper a lesson. Crawling up and around the barrack, I could make out his head in the last room against the background, so I quickly went into direct chat and started coughing. As soon as I did that, he clearly started to move, frantically looking around, to no avail though yet. Every minute or so I would make my presence known with the coughing, so he didn't disconnect, patiently waiting for the chemlight to go out. At this point I had a frag grenade ready, and as the minutes passed, I crawled closer to the entrance. There it is, chemlight gone out - I crouch, strafe and throw my frag in, then switch back to the G17. I am pretty sure the dumbfuck was scared shitless in his corner at this point but I took it a little further. As the nade was in the air I quickly played one of my custom sounds - the "Turn up the lights in here baby" hook from Kanye West's "All of the lights" and switched on the flashlight on the G17. Just in time to see the little bitch be blown to pieces while in the middle of the throwing motion on a flare. LOL'ed hard and took his beans. Credit goes to Kanye West for a great tune and the random chick singing the hook for being an awesome partner in crime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites