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About Gaidoon

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  1. Gaidoon

    Server Highjacking fix?

    I don't mean to bump but doe's anyone have a suggestion?
  2. Gaidoon

    Cannibalism, it's all the rage!

    Please use the search function next time and revive an old thread or a moderator will delete your thread.
  3. Hello My friend owns a server and it is being highjacked daily by script kiddies using an ingame script to steal his RCON password and we suspect he is using a new hack we heard of that lets him inject a file that makes him invisible to server logs if anyone has a fix to this it would be appreciated. I myself have tested the formentioned scripts to see if they work and i believe they will kill this game imagine a random kid coming onto your server executring their little script and getting control of your server and RCON and once they have done that they will implement their little undetectable hack and they can execute any script without getting banned From BE.
  4. Lol someone probably just spawned them there and left a couple lying around.
  5. Gaidoon

    Global banned

    Only server bans can be bypassed.
  6. Get off the forum socialist scum, admins can manage their server however they want it's their money i hope you get banned for supporting all this hacking.
  7. Gaidoon

    Hackers ruined 5h+ of gaming

    Sorry to say but this will never be fixed with BE in place you might as well quit.
  8. Gaidoon

    Defensive scripting

    So basically what your saying is you want to use scripts to stop the other people using scripts thus becoming one yourself? Lol This has been done before try a bypass and you won't get detected.
  9. Gaidoon


    Not to mention the glitch where you delete files and you can see through objects it's undetectable because BE doesn't look for missing files only edited ones that's BE for ya.
  10. There's a real easy solution to all this and i suggested this before why not make it so the admins and moderators can usespectate or rather have a player cam to monitor what the players are doing and literally see who is hacking when and where and 2nd you can use a tracking system ingame to see if anyone is covering unfathomable distances in a short time to look for teleport hacks i made a thread on this and recieved little to no support from the community.
  11. Gaidoon


    You might be surprised that a large amount of DayZ players got angry at the people using scripts then started using scripts themselves and got banned i wish we could have a 1 time warning temp ban for these people as i feel they deserve a second chance for their mistake as the way things are going people are turning to hacks to equal the playing field or quiting the game itself.
  12. Gaidoon


    Did you just now realize Battle Eye is shit or did you notice 3 months ago when the experts warned people and got ridiculed?
  13. Gaidoon

    Banned ?!

    Sounds like the guy you killed is using scripts i would just goto a different server then the one you usually play on for awhile.
  14. Gaidoon

    Is this a global ban or?

    Since when? Have you ever actually seen them there?
  15. Lol ive gotten global banned before and i just keep coming back with the free version that i can get unlimited amount of times. :D