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Yogscast spawned weapons and Admin Help?

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I haven't read this whole thread because I'm sure it's full of:

1. Diehard Yogcast fans

2. Diehard DayZ fans

3. People who try to mediate between the two

I personally hated the yogscast vids of this game. I only watched the first 2, but since then have no inclination to watch anymore. I would probably fall somewhere between 2. and 3. of the above list, although I used to be in the 1. catagory.

I don't even own minecraft, yet I found their commentry on the game quite funny and amusing. But maybe they've kinda killed their reputation a little bit (how many of their vids have had a 30% negative rating other than the DayZ ones?) by being so patronising towards this mod that has, what I believe a rather large cult following.

They probably only did it because they were gonna reap in a load of viewers that aren't currently subbed ergo, make moar money. No problem, all businesses have to make money BUT what I don't agree with, is being an ass and actively putting people off joining this game and community. Trash talk is all I've heard in the 2 vids I watched. Correct me if it gets better, because I really don't care to watch anymore.

So I ask myself why they're being an ass like they've never been before? Is it because they're trying to release their own game, but other developers are stealing their limelight? Is it because someone else is being more creative than them? Even as a Yognaught I thought their Kickstarter game was a nothing but a better rendered version of Minecraft.

Is it because a mod which they don't understand has become so underground popular without their involvement ala Minecraft?

I'm really not sure why the Yogscast have becomes trolls, but trolls they seem to have become. They lost my sub, even though I know one tiny sub in the midst of over a million wont matter but I'm a little bit sad that a previously respectable couple of guys became trolls.

Tl'DR. I am disappointed with the Yogscast for spoiling their image with the vids they've released on this mod. Boo.

Edited by Addicted

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i love the fact i say the same thing as every one else but im the one who gets reported for it thats so derpy i bet the admin who did it is a yogsfag boy i said the same thing they suck and im sticking to that

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I generally like yogscast videos, but lately they have had a bit of an arrogant tone towards games not minecraft.

They complain about features in betatest and weekends for games they try, but I rarely, if ever, heard them critique minecraft similarily

The result is just me watching their videos alot less than I used to.

As for them getting special treatment, whom gives a shit (besides OP obviously). They arent going to continue playing the game, that much is obvious. I also didnt hear people complain when they were admitted to join beta testruns in guildwars without the rest of noname people being allowed to join. Why? Because they are doing it as a review... Which means free PR for the game.

Despite how they acted, bashed the game and got alot more help than any fresh player, it is still free advertisment for a mod/game than has absolutely no marketing besides forums and social media, as well as Rockets interviews on gaming channels.

There is no such thing as bad PR.

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Maybe they did, but the reason for it is they're helping promote the game and strengthen the community. Where as you're some random no-name loser who complains on the forums. Just saiyan.

Yet, for a ton of the time all they talked about was bugs and how close to "Real life" it was.. And SO REALISTIC was Lewis's favorite line apparently.

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Funny to hear someone make sarcastic remarks about "ultra realistic" when they play minecraft all day.

It humored me, but probably not the way Lewis intended.

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Are you attention Whore or something?

Yogcast dont play. They making money on making youtube content from games. Thats it. Its there job.

Stop whorring. If you want explanations ask them then.

Edited by evkol001

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Their videos were dishonest. Unless you're playing off peak with a friendly hacker giving you items and vehicles, the game isn't going to be anything like what you saw in the videos.

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