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Yogscast spawned weapons and Admin Help?

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Omg cry some more why don't ya? As a server admin you can't spawn items or teleport people. So get over yourself.

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They tend to fabricate their episodes a little bit, playing for a couple of hours and then starting the recording. Most likely they had tried it out for themselves for a couple of days before deciding to do a series on it. These days they tend consider recording quite a bit because of how well known they are now.

Im sure that what they have was gathered fairly by them or or their team and planted if needed to make it hurry up a little, no help from admins. Its just not their way.

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The point of this is to express how we don't think that Youtuber's should misrepresent the game. People will be buying it for the wrong reason then, and we'd get a flood of "Those Kind" of player's, yeah you know those kind. The one's that post on the forums angry that they "Spent 20$ on DayZ and don't like it.". I mean come on, just because they're Youtube "Celebrities" doesn't mean they should get special treatment in game, or not be punished for doing stuff that's against the rules for normal players.

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Omg cry some more why don't ya? As a server admin you can't spawn items or teleport people. So get over yourself.

Oh? So how did they get those items?

In the very first episode they talk about how a hospital would be a great place to go to, obviously never going there yet. And when they do get to the hospital, they break the glass and talk about how it is so realistic, making it clear for anyone with common sense that it was their first time to a hospital. When they broke the glass they were surprised by the fact all the windows broke when one of them just hit one.

Even if the admin did gather the supplies himself to help them how did he fit all those items into his backpack to give to them both?

AND when one of them accidentally shot the other one, he was able to find his way back rather quickly suggesting they never even went too far away from the spawn itself to gather those supplies.

If they got those supplies themselves (most likely not), how did they manage to keep 12k blood? I mean, that would take quite some skill and it was their first time playing the game as they stated.

Did you even see how they played? They just ran and shot everything that walked

Edited by TiredEthan

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The point of this is to express how we don't think that Youtuber's should misrepresent the game. People will be buying it for the wrong reason then, and we'd get a flood of "Those Kind" of player's, yeah you know those kind. The one's that post on the forums angry that they "Spent 20$ on DayZ and don't like it.". I mean come on, just because they're Youtube "Celebrities" doesn't mean they should get special treatment in game, or not be punished for doing stuff that's against the rules for normal players.

So your sayng players who post bandit killstreaks and kill highlights are not misrepresent dayz as well? Both sides highlight what they enjoy about dayz

also you can act like a nooby very easily. Hell Every time I respawn I act like one (in a Role playing aspect that is.).

Edited by Orthus

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The point of this is to express how we don't think that Youtuber's should misrepresent the game.

You should probably move back to China then, where the government is allowed to decide what people on youtube can and cannot say. Here we can say whatever the fuck we want.

Just don't buy a game based on what those jackasses say about it.

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They tend to fabricate their episodes a little bit, playing for a couple of hours and then starting the recording. Most likely they had tried it out for themselves for a couple of days before deciding to do a series on it. These days they tend consider recording quite a bit because of how well known they are now.

Im sure that what they have was gathered fairly by them or or their team and planted if needed to make it hurry up a little, no help from admins. Its just not their way.

They state it's their first time playing in the first episode.

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You should probably move back to China then, where the government is allowed to decide what people on youtube can and cannot say. Here we can say whatever the fuck we want.

Just don't buy a game based on what those jackasses say about it.

He's not TELLING them what to say, it's what he THINKs what they should say in his own OPINION.

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i used to enjoy yogcast for their minecraft stuff cause i'm also a big minecraft fan, but as they got more and more popular they got worse and worse. and their representation of dayz was horrible and wasn't the game we all have come to love and play, and thats why everyones upset over it because their play video was nothing like the actual game at all. I enjoy king of sweden videos he's hardcore.


bahaha I love his videos. But why can't he punch the zombies like walrus's, noone wants to be a fucking walrus.

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Well then, as far as I know Rocket is usually against this kind of thing.

Usually very much so.

No fun allowed.

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So your sayng players who post bandit killstreaks and kill highlights are not misrepresent dayz as well? Both sides highlight what they enjoy about dayz

also you can act like a nooby very easily. Hell Every time I respawn I act like one (in a Role playing aspect that is.).

How do they "highlight" what they enjoy about DayZ? They had numerous supplies, max health, and just went around shooting things, and bandits are a big part of the game, which means they do represent the game in some way of their own.

Don't tell me they were "acting" like they didn't know how to play, there were several things that suggested they were new including themselves stating it was their first time playing. Unless they lied and made themselves look like noobs on purpose.

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No fun allowed.

I would think it would be more fun to actually get your own items.

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How do they "highlight" what they enjoy about DayZ? They had numerous supplies, max health, and just went around shooting things, and bandits are a big part of the game, which means they do represent the game in some way of their own.

Don't tell me they were "acting" like they didn't know how to play, there were several things that suggested they were new including themselves stating it was their first time playing. Unless they lied and made themselves look like noobs on purpose.

I haven't watched the yogscast videos but if they had a m1911 when they started than they knew how to play,

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I would think it would be more fun to actually get your own items.


Admins can't 'spawn' items or gear. He obviously gave them items taken from his, or his clans, personal stash. I'll assume this was done in an attempt to make the video more 'entertaining'. If you have problems with the methods Yogcast used, take it up with them. I doubt Rocket and the devs really care, and I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry with the growing pains that are being manifested in As for how someone decides to review, or showcase the game, it's called 'Artisic License'.

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Admins can't 'spawn' items or gear. He obviously gave them items taken from his, or his clans, personal stash. I'll assume this was done in an attempt to make the video more 'entertaining'. If you have problems with the methods Yogcast used, take it up with them. I doubt Rocket and the devs really care, and I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry with the growing pains that are being manifested in As for how someone decides to review, or showcase the game, it's called 'Artisic License'.

I agree with you but I would like to point out that how they did it is exactly how some players get geared after they die.

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Admins can't 'spawn' items or gear. He obviously gave them items taken from his, or his clans, personal stash. I'll assume this was done in an attempt to make the video more 'entertaining'. If you have problems with the methods Yogcast used, take it up with them. I doubt Rocket and the devs really care, and I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry with the growing pains that are being manifested in As for how someone decides to review, or showcase the game, it's called 'Artisic License'.


Admins can still dupe, and a personal stash and/or his clans, how did he find them then? If he had that kind of gear he must have played for a while, are you telling me he tracked all the way back to the shore, and took his time to find them, or took all that time to find them on the map? And if it was a clan stash/public server how come it appeared they were the only 3 playing? A low zombie count, running into no one or anybody else's bodies, and no chat whatsoever.

And once again, I AM NOT TELLING HIM HOW THEY SHOULD RECORD, I am giving my opinion on how they recorded.

I do not have a problem with how they film, I am just suggesting it would not be good for the game if we had plenty of people coming expecting the same things they had.

Are you telling me he was able to fit all that stuff in his backpack to give to them? - When they accidentally shot him and checked his items, it was filled with all kinds of things, perhaps in that little time pyramid he was able to give them items, go back to his stash, get all loot he had, and come back, with a truck? (They checked his backpack)

Edited by TiredEthan

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What about that truck he gave them, how did he manage to find one quickly and drive it back to them in such a low amount of time?

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If you would please explain all of that Agent Richter, I would appreciate it.

Also - All of this I am stating is shown in the video, at least I have proof to back up my theories.

Edited by TiredEthan

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What about that truck he gave them, how did he manage to find one quickly and drive it back to them in such a low amount of time?

Maybe Zombie Jesus decided to bless them for being such devoute believers...

Why don't you focus your vast mental capabilities and meditate on finding the answers to the questions that really matter....

Like, who would win in a fight to the death, Justin Bieber or PeeWee Herman?

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Maybe Zombie Jesus decided to bless them for being such devoute believers...

Why don't you focus your vast mental capabilities and meditate on finding the answers to the questions that really matter....

Like, who would win in a fight to the death, Justin Bieber or PeeWee Herman?

Zombie Jesus? You're saying you don't know?

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If you would please explain all of that Agent Richter, I would appreciate it.

Also - All of this I am stating is shown in the video, at least I have proof to back up my theories.

Dude take a pill. Why are you asking a bunch of Day Z players, (people who probably haven't even heard of the Yogscast) how filming for a youtube series works? Ridgedog is a very good friend of the Yogscast and everything done in their videos could be done without hacking in items or somehow using admin cheats.

When a professional youtuber makes a video, they typically spend hours and hours outside of what you see even leading up to this point and make several cuts.Ridgedog died repeatedly after he was accidentally shot by Xephos, so it's not like he just up and got items again. He probably has a large stash on his server that he took the items from and brought them to the Yogscast since he was helping them the entire time because they're (self admittedly) a bunch of bumbling idiots.

He didn't drive back to them in a 'low amount of time', the Yogscast drove around like dolts for a long time, and there is several cuts during the video where stuff happens and you don't see it. That is just simply how shit is done on youtube. Cut the boring parts and show the action to avoid turning away viewers.

The Yogscast got alot of guff for having Ridgedog even along for the ride, people were expecting to see the Yogscast die over and over and never get anywhere (because that is what would have happened until they got a hang of the initial spawn) but then we'd have just saw 30+ minutes of them dying over and over and getting frustrated every episode.

If you want to see people die over and over go watch some twitch livestreams or one of the hundreds of other youtubers who do Let's Plays of this game. Screw your automatic assumptions that they cheated to get their items or hacked in vehicles or whatever guff you think. The Yogscast has an entire CREW of people in that server, several of them are probably on voice comms or chatting with the Yogscast telling them what to do next.

Think of it has Hollywoodizing Day Z. You might not like it, but it's still funny to watch. If it isn't, then just ignore them and stop obsessing over this.

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Zombie Jesus? You're saying you don't know?

Google "Pre-production" & "Post-production" All your questions will should be answered then, if not, put your tin-foil hat back on, because I just saw a black helicopter hovering outside your window!

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Zombie Jesus? You're saying you don't know?

Okay, you're just trolling. How the fuck would anyone here know exactly how the Yogscast got their items? Sure, there is potential for hackage. Or, more realistically there is potential Ridge was just on a super stacked character and has a huge stash since it's his fucking server.

Troll harder.

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Doing this from my phone sucks but I assume their bodyguard/admin gave them the items.. With a Coyote pack it would not be hard to carry all of that with you. I watched some of episode 1 and saw where the one guy died but the video also cut there to when he made it back.

Obviously you have proof they hacked/cheated so where is it?

Without proof none of us can say for sure of they did or not.. So again I say you should go bitch at them instead of hoping someone here will do it for you.

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