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Yogscast spawned weapons and Admin Help?

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Did they get some kind of special treatment? If you watched their vids you would have noticed they started with numerous supplies including blood bags and M1911s with several magazines. Also the zombie count on the server they were playing on was pretty low. In the series they were also getting help from a "ridgedog", was he a server admin who constantly helped them?

I mean damn, how come I can't start with a pistol and all these supplies and have some guardian angel there to give me a blood transfusion whenever I needed it?

Even if they were actually doing it legit, did Ridgedog teleport them together? It's not that easy finding a friend unless you spawned close to each other, which is a very low chance.

I would also note that in a firehouse they found not 1, but 2 military weapons, the AKM and the M16.

And when they went to a gas station they found 3 cars that appeared to be fully repaired.

In Part 3 Ridgedog shows up in a truck, giving it to them (well they accidentally shot him, and took the truck, but I'm pretty sure he would have gave them the truck anyways.)

Edited by TiredEthan

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Are you retarded?

Children should be seen and not heard

Edited by Tarman

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I am curious. It's pretty clear that you aren't supposed to have private servers. But so much for that rule... : /

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Well it matters because if they actually were treated like any other player I think their would have been a WAY different attitude towards the game then the ones showed on their series.

Plus, the game is hard, at least for me, and I just don't think it's fair for them to get such things when I have to bust my ass to find a pistol.

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If you want to bitch about Yogscast's filming methods, go argue on their Youtube comments.

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If you want to bitch about Yogscast's filming methods, go argue on their Youtube comments.

That's not it. It's just unfair to the rest of the community that we all have to start out with a barely anything at all.

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That's not it. It's just unfair to the rest of the community that we all have to start out with a barely anything at all.

maybe try a non-hive server you self? also from what I'm understanding based on your comments all youtube videos depicting Dayz should be of bandit style play and not of friendly cooperation which can happen.

Edited by Orthus

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I think they gathered enough shit that they thought they could make a decent video without the hour-long buildup where they gather gear. And then edited it together to look otherwise. And then they had some guy who just followed them around with a pack full of bloodbags from said scavenging incase they got into serious trouble.

Cheesy and deceptive, but meh.

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Children should be seen and not heard

You sure did edit that anti american post fast, and you call him a child? If they cheat it is a big deal.

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Did they get some kind of special treatment? If you watched their vids you would have noticed they started with numerous supplies including blood bags and M1911s with several magazines. Also the zombie count on the server they were playing on was pretty low. In the series they were also getting help from a "ridgedog", was he a server admin who constantly helped them?

I mean damn, how come I can't start with a pistol and all these supplies and have some guardian angel there to give me a blood transfusion whenever I needed it?

Maybe they did, but the reason for it is they're helping promote the game and strengthen the community. Where as you're some random no-name loser who complains on the forums. Just saiyan.

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Maybe they did, but the reason for it is they're helping promote the game and strengthen the community. Where as you're some random no-name loser who complains on the forums. Just saiyan.

Is that so? What about SeaNanners, CaptainSparkles, PewDie, did they get free items?

There is also the chance of people joining DayZ expecting the same treatment and will be disappointed.

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Also, I'm pretty sure the Admin (RidgeDog) Teleported them to each other.

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Well then, as far as I know Rocket is usually against this kind of thing.

Usually very much so.

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Well then, as far as I know Rocket is usually against this kind of thing.

Usually very much so.


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i used to enjoy yogcast for their minecraft stuff cause i'm also a big minecraft fan, but as they got more and more popular they got worse and worse. and their representation of dayz was horrible and wasn't the game we all have come to love and play, and thats why everyones upset over it because their play video was nothing like the actual game at all. I enjoy king of sweden videos he's hardcore.


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I dont watch yogscast all mincraft rubbish but I did watch their DayZ videos. The server host was something like "Yogscast DayZ adventures" so pretty sure it was a private server. I think someone started their characters for them so they had weapons etc. It all did seem a little unfair however... they have over 2 million youtube subscribers so this will have given a lot of free press for DayZ which is good.

I still think spawning without away to defend yourself is bullshit though.

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i used to enjoy yogcast for their minecraft stuff cause i'm also a big minecraft fan, but as they got more and more popular they got worse and worse. and their representation of dayz was horrible and wasn't the game we all have come to love and play, and thats why everyones upset over it because their play video was nothing like the actual game at all. I enjoy king of sweden videos he's hardcore.


IKR, they were playing the game as if it was L4D

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Did you honestly expect the Yogscast to play fair? This game would kick their ass to the corner without spawning.

Now the issue is that everyone who watches that will think this mod is easy.

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Did you honestly expect the Yogscast to play fair? This game would kick their ass to the corner without spawning.

Now the issue is that everyone who watches that will think this mod is easy.

Exactly what I was thinking, I would say though I was expecting them to play on a public server like every one else that made a DayZ series did.

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Bump, would really like an explanation.

Your looking for an explanation in the wrong place. I doubt those guys frequent these forums. Try tracking them down instead.

Sure the video is misleading, but its also possible that their "helpful" admin friend gathered their gear himself and just gave it to them for filming purposes. There's no proof in the video that they 'hacked' it, or that the admin abused any privileges. Yes he guarded them so they could make a stab at producing a video to showcase the game.

Do I wish they had given a 'realistic' portrayal, yes, yes I do. But there are plenty of other articles, videos, and photos out there that take things out of context, or misrepresent the actual "DayZ experience". Thumbs-down their video, boycott their channel, flood their inbox with complaints, or do whatever else makes you feel better, but you will not find the answers to your questions for them here.

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Your looking for an explanation in the wrong place. I doubt those guys frequent these forums. Try tracking them down instead.

Sure the video is misleading, but its also possible that their "helpful" admin friend gathered their gear himself and just gave it to them for filming purposes. There's no proof in the video that they 'hacked' it, or that the admin abused any privileges. Yes he guarded them so they could make a stab at producing a video to showcase the game.

Do I wish they had given a 'realistic' portrayal, yes, yes I do. But there are plenty of other articles, videos, and photos out there that take things out of context, or misrepresent the actual "DayZ experience". Thumbs-down their video, boycott their channel, flood their inbox with complaints, or do whatever else makes you feel better, but you will not find the answers to your questions for them here.

I'd rather make a thread and attract someone's attention who might know then go about trying to contact the Yogscasy myself.

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You have to remember that successful channels like yogs make money based on how many people people watch their vids. It isn't in their interest to show running through the woods for 30 minutes, or spending hours camping to get a couple kills.

The videos were edited/hacked to make the game into something it isn't. Nothing on the internet is real. Or is it me that isn't real? I forgot.

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