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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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Some issues with the zeds in this patch. Zed spawning seems to be too fast, got into a firefight with 15 zeds and after taking them down with my Winchester I started looting the bodies, and more zombies spawned in the vicinity and sprinted at me as I was in the open. I like that we are forced to shoot zeds more often now, but that needs to come with reduced respawning: if you clear a town, it should stay cleared for some time (5 mins?).

Got one aggro from very far away (I think, not sure if he was somewhere I just didn't see). Would it be possible to introduce a maximum limit to how far the zeds can see? Most of the time was not a problem.

It's way too easy to lose zombies with the new LoS-system, you just run through some trees and that's that. I do like that you don't have to run so far with them chasing you. This would work if they could hit you on the run, you could either try and lose them and risk some hits or stay and fight.

Also had one case where I was running full on from a zombie and right past another one, didn't aggro until I had ran past him like 50 meters.

Hearing for zeds needs a small buff I think, right now it's completely vision based (which I still like better than the previous hearing based detection). At night it is almost impossible to pull an aggro unless you walk right into one.

Your regular bushes don't seem to provide you cover in terms of visibility unless you are behind them to break LoS. Would like to see a feature that would give you reduced visibility when next to a bush so that you can observe towns from them without aggroing every zed in the field.

Overall seems like a pretty stand-up patch.

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Great job guys, thanks for this update Rocket and devs.

Keep up the good work, there´s already lot of useful feedback on this thread..

Edited by Übermensch

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works great until now with the beta patch 94876

thank you. but i am still a little bit afraid of wearing my ghillie suit

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Everything works fine still. Though one problem arised while we were on the airfield.

*Zombie Spawn: Me and my mate were on the airfield and it looked empty. We were thinking to run over the airfield, but as soon as we set foot on the airstrip, about 8-10 zombies spawned randomly infront of us, and all of them aggrod. This was very weird.

*Implement A Running Attack For Zombies :).

Other than that, mod is working great, go Rocket and the Team :P!!!

Edited by MrM

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Got popped at NW airfield with a couple of clan mates. 1 started afresh but on respawn, myself and 1 other spawned back at the airfield. My friend dies again but took 2 with him. I spawned back in, looted their stuff and got out.

Animals cant be gutted...

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I wonder what happened to the 1.7.2 change in bold:

  • * [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

Currently the ammo isn't being tracked with and each time someone logs in the magazines are full again.


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If you're getting stuck at Waiting for Host, downgrade your beta version to the second most recent (whatever was before 94945).

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Riight, major desync issues I see with this patch, since it has never happened before...

Yesterday I disconnected near cherno´s supermarket, today I reconnect to respawn on beach, though with my items I had yesterday.

or is it just new thing? you go back to beach everytime you reconnect?

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Stuck at "Waiting for Host". Any fixes. I have the latest patchs.


EDIT: Trying 94876... WORKS

Edited by dayzrab

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Mommy, I wanna get back to!!! =(

Seriously, we're all people but...having unlimited time to develope 1.7.2 version, doing it almost three weeks, testing it in a close test and release THIS? Are you kidding?

I owe nothing to you, you owe nothing to me, ok, but since I'm pre-user of ArmA 3-DayZ and you gonna create it and get money from me - let's just take care of each other...

Installed all new from six launcher - and something's broken my game completely, reinstalling doesn't work. I can't even practice in Editor as I always did. ThankZ.

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Did you try to downgrade arma2 beta to 94876?

The newest beta 94945 seems to cause problems atm.

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. I can't even practice in Editor as I always did. ThankZ.

If you are having problems with editor or arma 2 MP, then just move @Dayz folder somewhere else (like to your desktop etc).

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Did you try to downgrade arma2 beta to 94876?

The newest beta 94945 seems to cause problems atm.

Many people getting this problem haven't even upgraded to 94945. All a bit odd.

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CZ01 and CZ02 servers are using 94945 beta patch. I cant connect to those servers, i just get battleye initilization failed message.

Edited by Kankkulankaivo

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Ran with beta patch 94876 and connects lost my character. ?

Sometimes I wonder if people even read through topics.

If you lose your character, simply press respawn. You should have your character back.

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Mommy, I wanna get back to!!! =(

Seriously, we're all people but...having unlimited time to develope 1.7.2 version, doing it almost three weeks, testing it in a close test and release THIS? Are you kidding?

I owe nothing to you, you owe nothing to me, ok, but since I'm pre-user of ArmA 3-DayZ and you gonna create it and get money from me - let's just take care of each other...

Installed all new from six launcher - and something's broken my game completely, reinstalling doesn't work. I can't even practice in Editor as I always did. ThankZ.

I don't think people like you understand something. The DayZ team do NOT get any money from Arma 2 sales. Not a dime. This is also an alpha game. Game-breaking bugs that frustrate the piss out of you ARE expected and WILL happen again. Until this game hits Beta, expect to lose all of your loot in a consistent manner. If you dont lose your loot upon each update, consider being lucky.

So many people expect this game to be perfect. It's ALPHA. It's technically not released. The mod by definition is NOT stable.

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i found out that the connection is faster, initially when i should have spawned with my char i had a message which said i was running 1.7.2. even if the multiplayer screen said i was on I updated also with sixlauncher and after that, i was able to connect smoothly. i have to say that it was a 3/3 succesfull connection. i didn't have the ''spot from too far'' problem with the infected even with but the game definitly goes really really better than good work devs! this was a great patch and a great hotfix..i finish saying that the dc and ghosting to me have to be fixed and i want to ask : local saving servers are supposed to do so, or they'll disappear? because right now they are the best solution to dc to avoid death. thanks for your work

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Some Z's Moving and others standing still with this update.

Same here. Try a different server.

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