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Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

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So people are complaining that the removal of bandit skins are going to make you unsure of whether someone is an enemy or not? So' date=' what? If someone has a survivor skin you're not wary of him?


No its up to points of view, some people are just saying how the bandit skin used to work and how it stopped some insecure people with self-diagnosed social defects along the lines of autism, aspergers behave like massive assholes without thinking a bit.

Wich most of us really don't care after all as its just how it plays out most of the times being a game developed in a survival setting.

However people who kills players and starts playing this like a Fps/tps bloodbath arena should not be punished but marked in someway to tell "HEY IM A MASSIVE ANUS COMING" you need to think positive man alot of us might not be in the mood to ruin someone's 4 hours of gaming just for a giggle.


But if you are not unto reading all that wall of text ill just sum it up we are not against player killing however "I" think that people should be marked by their deeds and as someone said maybe the good ones as well meh might be that im just too used to how todays gaming portrait the evil/good on characters appearances.

Either way things are still in development lets test this and see how it works out.

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We came into this game because it was unfair' date=' unbalanced and most importantly different. This is a tornado of fresh air in gaming. For ages we had to deal with EXTREMELY EASY games and gameplay. Now we have DayZ. Let us play.


And now one of the things that made Day Z so different - uneasy alliances between players - is going away in favor of "yet another flavor of [team] deathmatch".

In a survival situation how would you have any idea what kind of person you are dealing with? Everyone's appearance would look like shit. You wouldn't know a damn thing. DayZ already portrays this lack of knowledge for the most part (once skins are not assigned). It's extremely dangerous coming into contact with a stranger simply because of the unknown. My god' date=' it's like people want to make everything black and white, so they can deal. Struggle with grey instead.


Oh FFS. Try reading at least some of the posts in this thread before replying. Like this one or this one or the post directly above yours.

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I for one am quite glad they're removing the bandit skins for several reasons.

First off, realism. For the most part, unless you're running in a gang or something, I really doubt people will tell right off the bat that you're a bandit or someone with slightly or drastically malicious intentions. This is also good because now if there are actions you take that aren't necessarily evil, i.e: mercy killing a teammate, you won't be screwed for it now.

Second, this stops prejudice to an extent. Yes, you should be worried about other players as it is and all, but if you really are that worried, sneak around, go solo, have a friend, etc. I'm glad that now players make an even bigger decision when bringing along a new friend that they don't really know with them. This new friend could be your best buddy, willing to sacrifice for you, or just a traitor or someone tagging along until the shit hits the fan, when he'll promptly scavenge your body or just run off.

Either way, I'm glad that they're doing this, and I'll be happy if Rey start adding some new skins as well, and a possible class system, maybe?

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Either way' date=' I'm glad that they're doing this, and I'll be happy if Rey start adding some new skins as well, and a possible class system, maybe?


we'll soon be asking for spawn loadouts huh mate

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I really like this idea, but if you're making it so you have to find the skin. Then there should be multiple skins that you can find.

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Bandit skin doesn't work only because .....

1. Bandit get an advantage because the skin is better camouflaged.

The starter skin should be camouflage and the bandit skin should be less, to detour being a bandit.

2. Killing a bandit makes u a bandit!

Maybe give a bandit killer a nice special Ops skin so u know he's a bandit killer.

Not having skins for roles is gonna be like a cod hardcore deathmatch on a bigger map so why bother having zombies! zombies become an insignificant threat!

Skins give the game a sense of community of taking sides but now it has to be everyman for himself which ruins the experience. It just isn't worth trusting word of mouth in a game like this, because its a game!! Games don't have consequences, like in real life, so players do what they want like shoot u for fun, not survival.

That's why skins give you the missing consequences that you otherwise can't get out of a game.

Removing them isnt going to create more tension, it's just going to create more frustration!!

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this means Greedo shot first.

Not really gonna bother with the tension of some moments i've had. Everytime I see a survivor close enough to be dangerous, i'll take him down.

I thought having bandit skin was a good thing to prevent some people from pulling the trigger prematurely. I mean, is it worth to kill this person and be blacklisted on the eyes of survivors? Right now it will be shoot first, ask later. At least that's how it will be for me.

If the reason for removing them is that sometimes you may be wrongfully bandit... How about a system where you can redeem yourself happens? Such as giving aid to a survivor, or enough time without killing a survivor?

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The system is currently working the way u explain it in the last part of ur post.

Humanity regenerates over time and it rises with certain action like givin blood transfusions.

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I think the only true solution to banditry being way too preferable a playstyle is to increase danger. If you shoot one player, no matter where, you better damn well have enough ammo for the 20-30 zombies who heard that gunshot and are coming for you.

Increase zombie pathfinding, increase the danger in the environment so you need to work together in order to survive. You can still kill others and take their stuff if you want to, but it's not something you can just spontaneously decide to do with no repercussions.

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I agree with the people who liked this feature before. from now on I will just play with people I know and kill anybody else... It's a shame really. the skin changing enabled people to think about the consequences before shooting another player and made bandits a visible target for everyone. I think servers will become a lot less friendly and there will be no more random coop with strangers. :(

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requesting boone hat / bandana survivor starting skin then. tired of looking like im going to the ol' ball game.

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I'll just quote myself


Turning into a bandit was some sort of blacklisting for premature triggerhappy people. It gave you at least a reason not to freak out instantly.

"blablablah, immersion, in real life bandits would be people like us... Implying that real life doesn't have smooth comunication, that you can't see how a person is reacting (body language, expression), seeing if he's hungry and may kill you for food, and some sort of brain response delay known as lag in this virtual world"

The truth is that a survivor-esque player won't like to be a "bad guy" for a long time so he can be shot on sight by survivors. Yesterday i found a player. I did not stop moving, and neither did he (easy headshot if we do). We circled eachother continously aiming due to the lack of voice and we kept going our own way respectively. However I only gave him this benefit of the doubt because he was a survivor.

Knowing that from this point on everyone is equal, this benefit of the doubt turned from 50% to 10%, and since I'm not going to be blacklisted on the eyes of the other survivors modelwise, I can just finish off anyone that represents even the slightest risk.

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Right now everyone is killing anyone.. it's even worse than before. :(

The only plrs you see walking together are those ones belongs to the same clan.. or that are already friends outside of the game.

I feel like playing a single player game.. there's no way to approach another player, neither you can be on alert: if you engage a fire fight you risk to die because of poor netcode, lag, whatever.

Maybe they're right.. next time i'll die, i'll enjoy those ppl fighting with the marakovs in cherno, respawning every 10 minutes.. maybe that's the right way to play.

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I have no opinion on the bandit skin thing, but I do believe there needs to be some sort of incentive to work together.

Maybe a npc guarded town or outpost or military base that bandits would be shoot on sight. I think that would work best. It would allow the nice players to come together, meet up, trade, work on getting cars together, etc, and it would be a decent incentive not to be a dick.

And you could build on that as well... Use these zones as safe spawn areas. Spawn camping is just going to get worse and worse from here. I never understood why people feel the need to do stuff like that, but I guess some people just have a lot of repressed rage. You could let players 'bind' themselves these outposts and allow them to spawn and get back into the game quicker. Hell, you could even make bandit outposts that everyone could go into, but are completely lawless. Give the bandits the same 'bind' perks too.

A party system would go a long way towards getting players to group up and help each other as well. And it is something that people would use all the time. Currently, the only grouping up that people do is with people they are in direct contact with via skype/teamspeak/vent. If people had an in-game solution to come together with less risk, it would happen. It would also encourage group on group violence, and that would result in some sweet gun fights. The Arma engine is developed for just that type of teamwork. Lets put it to good use.

Maybe these are shit ideas, but my point is: There needs to be something that rewards cooperative players.

Like a lot of other people, I'm worried that the community will just devolve to the point where... I guess to where it is now... where there is no reason not to shoot someone in the back. Bang! Hey, free shit! Humans will always degrade to the lowest common denominator if they are not held accountable for their actions. This is something that would be a problem in a real-life armageddon scenario, and humans would have to find a way to cope with it if they wanted to survive.

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There Is nothing to stop players from making a guarded outpost/Trading post and guarding it themselves, making a profit charging an ammo clip or food item for entry into the safe zone and enforcing a shoot any trouble makers policy. just saying........

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I think this game needs a few havens for survivors like towns to trade and barter with a third party npc to keep the peace.A fighting chance for all.

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There is already a reason for people to work together. Survival.

There is already a reason for people to not work together. Survival.

That being said, I think that perfecting the items already in game would go a long way to giving those who want to group the ability to do so. Fix the communication systems so that people can have proper 1-on-1 comms, and be able to create makeshift groups. Get those speakers working, so that I can click one button and say, "Hey I'm friendly!" to the guy in front of me, and click another, and say, "You've got a bead on this guy, right?" on another.

I do not support outposts, trading facilities, or any other waypoint which would go against a lone-wolf play-style, as I feel it is yet another way to separate those you want to play with from those you do not want to play with.

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Since the removal of the bandit skins, every single time I come in sight of another player, they either run or start shooting. Before, they used to maybe stand around for a bit, perhaps say "hi" or simply walk past without any indication of violence.

It's been pretty messy since this was removed as it seems nobody trusts anyone to any degree whatsoever.

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Since the removal of the bandit skins' date=' every single time I come in sight of another player, they either run or start shooting. Before, they used to maybe stand around for a bit, perhaps say "hi" or simply walk past without any indication of violence.

It's been pretty messy since this was removed as it seems nobody trusts anyone to any degree whatsoever.[/quote']

I haven't noticed that much of a difference. I've stayed mostly to the outer rim (as I have normally spawned out there) and as long as there are no 'surprises' (i.e. people just appearing in front of me) I haven't seen the whole run and gun mentality. I've also seen a LOT of chatter - and I like that - on the system. People asking for help, and getting it. Or, when they have been screwed over, naming and shaming.

It's been very exciting, in my opinion.

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Don't get you problem. Today i was at NW airfield and apparently there were 3 or 4 other players around. I asked, they answered. One didn't and got shot by one of the other three guys. After that we scattered in peace just because we traded a few lines on chat.

--> Talk with people. If they answer: be careful but don't fucking shoot on sight, most are somehow friendly. If they don't answer: Their own fault.

It's the fun part of this game that you aren't safe ever! So i vote against noobie zone or something like that. But i agree with some others that the communictaion (especially voice communication) could be improved. Also salute doesn't work everywhere.

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Honestly, I also think this new change is not a good idea. It removes a main point of the game. There was a downside to killing people - aside from your own "pseudo-moral" (because it's only a game) thoughts. And you were marked for others...an outcast.

Now, what should stop players from just shoothing on sight every time?

A lot of people wrote: the bandit/survivor system would not work propperly and that you can also be killed by a survivor.

First: Yes, a survivor skin is not a guarantee, that someone will not shoot you, but it is less likely than an encounter with a bandit. Also the survivor with intentions to shoot you has to consider that after that he will be marked as bandit and his chance of surviving will decrease due to that.

Second: The humanity would not work propperly. Here would be a proposal.

- Allow Humanity to increase only if you help a Survivor!!

This would inhibit people from giving just a blood transfusion to a fellow bandit.

-For Bandits: The only way to increase Humanity again, besides helping survivors (also through e.g. giving them stuff from your inventory) should be TIME. If you do not kill a survivor for a long time, you could finally get back your survivor skin again.

What do you think to these ideas?

I think some way to divide players in two groups: those I "clearly don't trust" and those I "might trust", is essential for the game.

Oh and... to the whole: In the real world you wouldnt be able to distinguish peoples intentions by their clothes. No, you wouldn't. But a game is not the real world. In a real world, people would remember and warn others about a killer going around. This is not possible in this game with changing servers etc. So if it is not possible to implement something in a realistic way, you have to find a good "virtual solution" for it.

In a real world you would also not find the food just lying on the floor but you would have to search for it etc... but this doesn't mean, in a game you have to go through all the drawers.

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