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Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

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Hi there' date=' searched the thread but can't find any results of this.

Apart from the skins, are the (Bandit) and (Survivor) nametags going to be removed as well?


That depends on the server settings and perhaps your own.

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I actually play survivor and only kill when I need to and I'm all for the removal of bandit skins.

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Bandits should have blood on their clothes. From long distance you will not be able to see if he is a bandit or survivor but from closer look you can see spots of blood.

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With the skins gone I think there needs to be some consequences to at least deter player killing when it's unnecessary. Such as when your humanity reaches -10,000 you struggle to come to terms with your actions and break down periodically, get the shakes and make panicky noises. The only way to then regain your composure is to take painkillers or morphine, otherwise ride out these 'episodes' till they subside after 10 minutes or so... the lower your humanity gets the more often you're afflicted, to reflect the burning guilt I'm sure bandits all feel deep down /sarcasm. This would also be a subtle giveaway if you meet someone who appears trust worthy in their language and demeanor, but then starts to tweak and munch on painkillers all the time...

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On the contrary, like has been suggested before (by the Killing Joke IIRC), survivors with no negative humanity should get the shakes and make panicky noises when trying to aim, since they're not used to killing. Sometimes they'd randomly shout "I can't do it! I can't shoot another human being!" out loud and drop their weapon.

Bandits should get an aimboost, never having a shaky aim since their resistance to killing has been lowered so much.

In other words: Punishing bandits like that makes no sense and would be way, way worse than having a bandit skin.

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On the contrary' date=' like has been suggested before (by the Killing Joke IIRC), survivors with no negative humanity should get the shakes and make panicky noises when trying to aim, since they're not used to killing. Sometimes they'd randomly shout "I can't do it! I can't shoot another human being!" out loud and drop their weapon.

Bandits should get an aimboost, never having a shaky aim since their resistance to killing has been lowered so much.

In other words: Punishing bandits like that makes no sense and would be way, way worse than having a bandit skin.


I was just trying to make a constructive suggestion to boost player interaction and make this game something other than just another free-for-all deathmatch... which it is in it's current state. Why have a humanity system at all if it's not implemented in any way?.. do you have any original ideas of your own, or just prosaic, puerile quips?

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I've got this one pretty fantastic idea. Don't arbitrarily punish people playing bandits for no reason. Again, there's no right or wrong way to play the game. You're assuming that the game is broken and there needs to be some kind of a "fix" to the situation. I don't think so, so why would I come up with an original fix to something that isn't broken?

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I've got this one pretty fantastic idea. Don't arbitrarily punish people playing bandits for no reason. Again' date=' there's no right or wrong way to play the game. You're assuming that the game is broken and there needs to be some kind of a "fix" to the situation. I don't think so, so why would I come up with an original fix to something that isn't broken?


Killing other ppl may be immoral but a way to play, it also adds some realism to the whole lot.. *BUT* shoot at anything that moves only because you aren't going to risk anything, and just because if you die you can respawn seconds later on the beach, again with a pistol to do again the same thing over and over again, it's far to be realistic.. and it's the exact same thing that you can do in any FPS out there.

We're not trying to eliminate the bandits, we're trying to eliminate the kid-oriented playing style (trolling; exploiting; griefieng) that puts the atmosphere in the trash bin.

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There is no right or wrong way to play the game, but as it stands there is only one obviously advantageous way to play. I know it's probably your favoured 'play style' but if I had to kill or be killed by every player I encounter the novelty will quickly wear off for me... there is no incentive that I can see to do otherwise.

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^^^ yep totally agree Narc. At the same time I say we test it out and verify it - I actually I had a good team work session yesterday with a fellow from Russia. So it isn't completely borked yet - but I think as people become more jaded by the constant PKing that it will definetly become a shoot first type environment. And I think Rocket has more tricks up his sleeve and is just testing some things right now. Let's have faith - there is still a lot we can do to help test the mod and to have fun in the game I believe.

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As it is, zombies are not really a threat. That's why a) it's pointless to me to not kill other players, there is no challenge and b) you don't really need to team up and if you team up then what? Not like 2+ people are ever gonna die to zombies unless they're retarded.

So I guess harder zombies would be something. That would encourage people to try and team up instead of shooting on sight and it'd make non-PvP more interesting.

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How many other people are having the issue that since the change over they are permanently suck in bandit skin mode, even if they have died?

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no tears here, however it will change my play style. Previously with bandit morphing, I would strive to team up with other survivors and work to turn the tables and hunt bandits and help other survive. Now that the devs have decided to let bandits be anonymous, I will just shoot everyone on site with no questions asked. By removing bandit morphing you have changed how everyone will play. The survival element in the game will now be back to being on the same level as surviving in a common FPS deathmatch. Lets face it, yes we want it to be realistic, it's what sets the game apart, but WE have to be realistic, this is a game, and some realities such as not being able to identify bandits/murderers, don't work in a computer game because yes we may value our items but we don't treat it like dying in this game is dying in real life. If I die, I respawn 2 minutes later. I have no regard for computer game life so killing other people because it's too risky to meet anyone does not make me feel bad in a computer game. It is only in it's Alpha stage so lets hope the game and the concept isn't ruined by this silly mistake.

Love all the other changes though, temp gauge, sickness etc.

Just my thoughts.

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Just my thoughts.

Your thoughts are bad' date=' and you should feel bad. /Zoidberg

(p.s. That link. Yeah. That one, [i']down there that says "it's your fault". That was handmade for you... ...way back before you typed what you typed.)

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why don't we just make it possible to become a zombie with the infection. if you get hit and escape and don't use a "cure"

then you could have a pvpish thing going on' date=' the player zombies would be like "boss" zombies haha


Would certainly keep players on their toes more if they knew there were intelligent non-npc zombies out there as well

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I can't wait for the findable skins! The PMC skins are getting quite old. I hope there will be ChDKZ and Taki insurgent skins!!

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Just add another 1000 zombies. Make them slightly faster than the player and you'll see the side chat flooded with team bullshit.

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honestly i think this is a good idea. Since i've become a bandit the only way i lived long in dayz is by this motto "kill or be killed" some might think its corny but its what keeps me alive. i know if i see survivors and i let them live they could and would kill me on sight if i ever saw them again. survivors dont hesitate to shoot us but bitch when we shoot them, a lot of times its for the sake of survival believe it or not. if the bandit skin is removed i dont have to shoot every survivor i come across to survive.

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honestly i think this is a good idea. Since i've become a bandit the only way i lived long in dayz is by this motto "kill or be killed" some might think its corny but its what keeps me alive. i know if i see survivors and i let them live they could and would kill me on sight if i ever saw them again. survivors dont hesitate to shoot us but bitch when we shoot them' date=' a lot of times its for the sake of survival believe it or not. if the bandit skin is removed i dont have to shoot every survivor i come across to survive.


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honestly i think this is a good idea. Since i've become a bandit the only way i lived long in dayz is by this motto "kill or be killed" some might think its corny but its what keeps me alive. i know if i see survivors and i let them live they could and would kill me on sight if i ever saw them again. survivors dont hesitate to shoot us but bitch when we shoot them' date=' a lot of times its for the sake of survival believe it or not. if the bandit skin is removed i dont have to shoot every survivor i come across to survive.

yea nah...

all your saying is, now I can murder people when I want and when i feel like it pretend i'm not a murderer and actually a good person.

again.. people already had little faith in other players, now there will be zero trust going around.

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again.. people already had little faith in other players' date=' now there will be zero trust going around.[/quote']

It's easy to throw around numbers when you have no facts to back it up. This is called an opinion. I don't shoot everybody I see.

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again.. people already had little faith in other players' date=' now there will be zero trust going around.[/quote']

It's easy to throw around numbers when you have no facts to back it up. This is called an opinion. I don't shoot everybody I see.

Neither do I, but once the bandit skin is removed it'll give me even less incentive to try and interact with other players.

For realism points I'm glad there's going to be no more bandit skin, but in terms of gameplay I suspect there's going to be very little reason to trust anyone besides your IRL friends.

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"yea nah...

all your saying is, now I can murder people when I want and when i feel like it pretend i'm not a murderer and actually a good person."

yeeea-no you dont get it

being a bandit means ur KoS to everyone, even to bandits themselves. So if it means i have to kill you survivors just to survive and not be shot by you later(which always happend to me, lesson learned), i wont pass up on that.

Removing the bandit skin means i wont have to kill every survivor i pass by just for the sake of not being shot by them as soon as they spot me because neither of us will know if we're friendly or enemies until identified in chat. Some of us bandits have a good side but there is no space for it in this grim world of dayz because it would mean death for us bandits, unless of course you dont shoot us on sight because we no longer wear the bandit skin

Morphing to be removed also gives the option of playing many different ways of course.

It's easy to throw around numbers when you have no facts to back it up. This is called an opinion. I don't shoot everybody I see.

Neither do I, but once the bandit skin is removed it'll give me even less incentive to try and interact with other players.

For realism points I'm glad there's going to be no more bandit skin, but in terms of gameplay I suspect there's going to be very little reason to trust anyone besides your IRL friends.

Also a good point, impossible to interact with a bandit skin, give us a chance and we might surprise u. But not all of us of course because there are those who still choose to kill for gear and the sake of murdering others

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