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Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

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Old bandit system was much better.

There were at last some degree of trust between fellow survivors. Of course you can still be back stabbed by a bandit wannabe or some greedy bastard but when you see survivor at last you now that he isn't a serial player killer.

Bandits can kill everyone but they bear mark of their doing - which was good. There was a risk in banditry and risk in murders.

The only minus was a selfdefence banditry but still if you go to the woods for some time you will be back to fellow survivors fast.

It was really simple method - similar to other MMOs with open PvP - just flag player killer and make him free target for a other players.

It worked before in other games and it worked here.

In simple words it discourage banditry between fellow survivors.

It also let form a groups more easily also it make possible to establish a some sort of open camps or settlements.

It was also some sort of dynamic faction system. Pretty nice if I can tell.

Guys who kills for fun will still kill with no problem but at last other players will shoot less.

Bring it back Rocket. Pretty please.

Also this

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I can't help but think of the possibility of if/when the feature is re-implemented of people being upset at how bad they've gotten their humanity in the meantime...

Their humanity will be reset then... otherwise it wouldn't make sense: all the people now (except the new characters) have something like -99999999999999999999 humanity by now. lol

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I know, from previous interviews, that Rocket wanted to keep the HUD to a minimum but it would be good to see a scheme that permits players benefits/penalties for a particular path they take.

If someone wants to be a bandit and chooses that path then they gain rewards of their chosen profession, if others want to survive and help other players then a mirror system should be put in place.

Refinement of what constitutes a murder and a bandit kill should also be worked on.

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Rocket has said time and again, he's not going to punish certain playstyles.

YOU should be the change in the mod. It shouldn't be something Rocket implements.

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Rocket has said time and again, he's not going to punish certain playstyles.

YOU should be the change in the mod. It shouldn't be something Rocket implements.

If you were replying to me, I said rewards - not punish.

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So a penalty is not a form of punishment for playing a certain playstyle then?

I know, from previous interviews, that Rocket wanted to keep the HUD to a minimum but it would be good to see a scheme that permits players benefits/penalties for a particular path they take.

Edited by Zoop

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So a penalty is not a form of punishment for playing a certain playstyle then?

In that you cannot receive the benefit from the other path.

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Rocket has said time and again, he's not going to punish certain playstyles.

YOU should be the change in the mod. It shouldn't be something Rocket implements.

By removing bandit skins he is FORCING a single playstyle: kill on sight. The fact is that there is no way everyone will spontaneously decide to trust each other for no reason; there are so many new people coming into this game that kill on sight that you CANNOT trust other people or you will die. In a game where dying can nullify dozens of hours of hard work, people are bound to be very cautious and shoot on sight.

Before with bandit skins both cooperation and conflict existed as playstyles; now KOS is the ONLY way to survive. Rocket has effectively removed half of the game, and is FORCING us to play one way, whether he wants to acknowledge it or not.

Sure, you can say it is up to us to be nice to each other and cooperate, but with no way of knowing who to trust no one is going to make the leap of faith and this KOS playstyle WILL go on forever.

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The point that Rocket was making, was that the bandit morphing was removed to be worked on and made better.

It was not a perfect system. Sure, it was liked... but I think we can all agree that it needed work.

It'll be back, and complaining about gameplay like it's set in stone in an alpha just seems silly to me.

If all you're concerned with, is making your -current- (Alpha) gameplay more tolerable, then you can take your selfish ass out of here. The feature was removed to be worked on, not to fuck with you.

It sounds repetitive, but people really are treating this like a finished product.

Say "Hey, this was a good feature for X, Y, Z. Here's ways it could be improved X, Y, Z". Not "Rocket! Why did you do this to me?! Dumb decision man! Bring it back!"

Edited by Katana67

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Stop fucking shooting everyone you see on sight, problem solved i've met plenty of actual survivors i didnt kill.

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maybe a system where you can choose your skin would work..the initial humanity and changing skin system was too arcade and this we have now it's the more realistic as possible, because in rl you can't be sure of someone watching his clothes..i think that the possibility to choose your clothes could bring to know that some skins are bandit and other aren't..

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Can we please forget about "how it is in real life"? In real life i can drink water from a lake, i can create a fireplace without a hatchet, i cannot make a fire in a field during rain, i cannot gut animal in 5 seconds with a knife and get only 5 pieces of meat.

Do you understand that this game is as close to reality as Call of Duty of Mass Effect?

As for the morphing - i played Day Z when morphing was there, i play it now. And i will play it for some time in the future, i hope. I know one guy who left the game because of this change, but he was never whining about it, and i respect his decision.

So, have some patience and wait while we have lots of open issues with the game. I'm sure rocket will find some way to do this better then it's now.

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Can we please forget about "how it is in real life"? In real life i can drink water from a lake, i can create a fireplace without a hatchet, i cannot make a fire in a field during rain, i cannot gut animal in 5 seconds with a knife and get only 5 pieces of meat.

Do you understand that this game is as close to reality as Call of Duty of Mass Effect?

As for the morphing - i played Day Z when morphing was there, i play it now. And i will play it for some time in the future, i hope. I know one guy who left the game because of this change, but he was never whining about it, and i respect his decision.

So, have some patience and wait while we have lots of open issues with the game. I'm sure rocket will find some way to do this better then it's now.

This is the type of attitude that ruins it for a decent portion of the player-base.

Realism is a valid desire, one unrealistic aspect of a game doesn't override realism. Making a game more realistic, especially when it's the objective of the mod, is a valid endeavor.

That's like saying, "There's no way I could start a fire during a downpour, therefore, it doesn't make sense to want a realistic bullet mechanic". Logical fallacy at its finest.

Here, I'll use your logic... If you're so concerned with un-realism... why are you advocating for un-realistic aspects in a game which has the need to eat and drink? See how dumb that sounds?

Obviously, it's a video game, and we'll never be able to make it 100% realistic. That doesn't mean we should discard all elements of realism...

Edited by Katana67

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Their humanity will be reset then... otherwise it wouldn't make sense: all the people now (except the new characters) have something like -99999999999999999999 humanity by now. lol

It's still funny to think about. ;)

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By removing bandit skins he is FORCING a single playstyle: kill on sight.

No, he didn't. KOS is entirely coming from the players, not the removal of bandit skins.

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In that you cannot receive the benefit from the other path.

wrong, someone shoots at you youdefend yourself 1 kill, several similar incidents later even though you havnt been aggressive you now look like the bad guy and everyone on the server wants to slow roast you over a camp fire ...

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I find it hilarious when people claim that everyone is shooting everyone because of the removal of the bandit skin.

Everyone is shooting everyone because surviving is piss easy, and there's nothing really to do in this mod at the moment except shooting people. Hell, there's no reason to work together, because it's actually safer going solo. A partner might just attract zeds and get you killed.

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I agree that this is to easy to survive or gear up alone.

It is piece of cake. With a cream. And a chocolate.

BTW You can choose fast but risky gain from killing and looting other survivors(or backstabbing some guy for his beans) and become a bandit or try to cooperate with others and keep being a survivor.

It was your choice.


Bandits form their groups and hunt survivors using traps on side chat or normal ambushes.

Survivors try to fend them and organize safe zones some trying to form militias.

It was a good thing.

The only bad thing was a lack of custom skins and selfdefence banditry.

What I propose that there should be more skins based on what you do in game and your humanity level.

Also more 'classes'

Something like that.

Fresh Survivor[basic skin]

(neutral or positive humanity less than 2? hours survived in game)

Survivor[some other civilian paramilitary skin]

(positive humanity more than 2? hours survived)

Bandits[old bandit skin]

(negative humanity killed survivor)

Psychos[some cool in bad way military skin]

(negative humanity killing bandits and survivors alike at last 2? of each)

Survivor Militia[some cool military skin]

(positive humanity killed at last 3? bandits)

Hunters[some camo skin]

(positive humanity at last 20? animals skinned)

Zombie Hunter[some cool paramilitary skin]

(positive humanity killed at last 300? zombies)

ParaMedic[some skin with red cross]

(big positive humanity)

With persistent humanity it will allow to form some community in game. And add another level of gameplay.

Imagine bandits lure other survivor using another man with survivor skin.

Think about possibilities.

You can still kill anybody - you just will have to live with your doing.

Banditry become more risky but it have other rewards.

Bandits hunting survivors - survivors hunting bandits - psychos hunting everybody.

No like now when everybody shoots at everybody unless they know they in RL.

Seriously its boring.

Yeah morphing skins are gamey but hey its a game. You can fit AS50 into backpack. Items and infected appear from the air.

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I find it hilarious when people claim that everyone is shooting everyone because of the removal of the bandit skin.

Everyone is shooting everyone because surviving is piss easy, and there's nothing really to do in this mod at the moment except shooting people. Hell, there's no reason to work together, because it's actually safer going solo. A partner might just attract zeds and get you killed.

Are you honestly saying that it was just a coincidence that the very significant rise of kill on sight happened exactly after the bandit skins were removed? On the very first day bandit skins were removed I immediately noticed a boost on player aggressiveness. The fact that most players joined DayZ after the removal of bandit skins didn't help either.

Oh, and working together was the best reason to play DayZ, the reason of having one of the best gaming experiences ever made and no amount of uber gear/loot can surpass that.

Ah, I remember the times when big groups of random survivors wandered around helping each other and fought the "true" bandits...

Edited by Timberwolf

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Bullet Proof Vests

Ballistic Helmets

Changeable clothes / boots + pants + shirts + headgear / - FOUND IN WORLD - MUST BE KEPT INSIDE BACKPACKS/TENTS FOR STORAGE

Make the bells in towns usable by players, not just a static sound so people can use it to signal - maybe?

Fix the admin commands, cuz people are abusing the shit out of them porting people into 1 spot for a killing spree

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Are you honestly saying that it was just a coincidence that the very significant rise of kill on sight happened exactly after the bandit skins were removed? On the very first day bandit skins were removed I immediately noticed a boost on player aggressiveness. The fact that most players joined DayZ after the removal of bandit skins didn't help either.

Oh, and working together was the best reason to play DayZ, the reason of having one of the best gaming experiences ever made and no amount of uber gear/loot can surpass that.

Ah, I remember the times when big groups of random survivors wandered around helping each other and fought the "true" bandits...

The only thing that possibly lead to an increase in banditry is the increase in popularity. Bandit has little, if anything to do with it. Back when we had bandit skins, I got shot by more survivors than people that had bandit skins. If people got bandit skins, they'd just raid a hospital for some blood bags and continuously apply them to each other to get rid of the bandit skin, so the system didn't work anyway.

And no, working together pretty much sucked right off the bat. Everything you could do in a group, you could probably do better alone.

What people are continuously missing is that change is supposed to come from the players. Rocket isn't supposed to do something to make you survive longer and work with other people. That's your job. You claim everyone kills on sight? Well, maybe if everyone stopped being morons it wouldn't work that way. All these carebears going 'I shoot on sight because everyone else is likely doing the same, ' they're absolute idiots. They're likely the reason the game became KoS, because they lead to everyone starting to play that way. Stop killing on sight, and maybe things will go better for you.

Edited by Zoop

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Removing morphing is the worst idea ever...now you should just rename the game... "Bandits"...cause that's all everyone is going to be...with the morph at least those who try to not kill everything that moves has a chance to play the game without being an asshole. but now there is no way to tell...so whats the point?

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Fresh Survivor[basic skin]

(neutral or positive humanity less than 2? hours survived in game)

Survivor[some other civilian paramilitary skin]

(positive humanity more than 2? hours survived)

Bandits[old bandit skin]

(negative humanity killed survivor)

Psychos[some cool in bad way military skin]

(negative humanity killing bandits and survivors alike at last 2? of each)

Survivor Militia[some cool military skin]

(positive humanity killed at last 3? bandits)

Hunters[some camo skin]

(positive humanity at last 20? animals skinned)

Zombie Hunter[some cool paramilitary skin]

(positive humanity killed at last 300? zombies)

ParaMedic[some skin with red cross]

(big positive humanity)

With persistent humanity it will allow to form some community in game. And add another level of gameplay.

Imagine bandits lure other survivor using another man with survivor skin.

Think about possibilities.

You can still kill anybody - you just will have to live with your doing.

Banditry become more risky but it have other rewards.

Bandits hunting survivors - survivors hunting bandits - psychos hunting everybody.

No like now when everybody shoots at everybody unless they know they in RL.

Seriously its boring.

Yeah morphing skins are gamey but hey its a game. You can fit AS50 into backpack. Items and infected appear from the air.

Really nice post. I like the idea.

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Wow. This thread is still going? "Bandit skin TO BE removed..."

Wouldn't it be great if the old bandit skin was a lootable item...

...has that been said already? What are you even still talking about?!?!

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Saw one wore on one of my buddies last night. Damn he looks like Carl Weathers back in Predator. But bald and with short-sleeve.

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