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Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

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Being someone with a bandit skin, this change would make it a lot more likely that I don't shoot a survivor on sight. Right now, I have no other chance: I'll be fired upon by survivors if they see me, so I'll kill them before they can kill me.

If I won't have a "KoS sign" on me then I'm more likely to be lenient as well.

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Please do not remove the Bandit/Survivor Morphing, I don't want to shoot at all for survive.

Without Bandit/Survivor Morphing, Day Z can turn into a death match :(

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Love hearing the deathmatch excuses roll out. The bandit skin has been nothing more than a hand holding exercise for casuals and was flawed.

Rocket is actually insightful enough to recognise that and kudos to him.

+1 for realism Rocket!

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The game will become a deathmatch... atleast for me anyway.

If there is no clear way of telling good from bad then everyone is bad in my eyes and I will drop them at any given chance.

Poor move from Rocket and I hope the game falls into complete chaos and he realises the mistake he is making.

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With this change i wonder if rocket will make more of the player skins from the different game versions available. Might as well confuse everyone if there is no supposed black and white merc/bandit identification and open up the opportunity for clans etc to have somewhat unique looks

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The game will become a deathmatch... atleast for me anyway.

If there is no clear way of telling good from bad then everyone is bad in my eyes and I will drop them at any given chance.

Poor move from Rocket and I hope the game falls into complete chaos and he realises the mistake he is making.

Tell me then, how can you tell IRL good people from bad people?

On topic: I think this realistic change will filter those lil' pussies that simply wouldn't fit in post-apocalyptic world. It's the survival of the fittest, the strongest and the most cunning. If you want unrealuistic crappy cheating stuff that could help you to survive - this game is not for you. Go play "Barby and her Pony-Friends". Period.

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The game will become a deathmatch... atleast for me anyway.

If there is no clear way of telling good from bad then everyone is bad in my eyes and I will drop them at any given chance.

Poor move from Rocket and I hope the game falls into complete chaos and he realises the mistake he is making.

The game started out as a complete chaos and that's a good thing. What else can you expect from an apocalypse?

You can't trust anyone now and you can't trust anyone after the bandit patch. You need to have friends you can trust, just like in real life. If you don't have any in DayZ you're pretty much screwed, but hey, it's pretty hard to survive an apocalypse alone anyway.

You're expecting an approachable and balanced GAME, but that's now DayZ. DayZ is a cruel playground where everyone's a bully and your parents aren't there to protect you.

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Oh, the irony of people citing "real life" and "realism" as a good reason to remove the bandit system... while not batting an eyelid at coordinating respawns and tactics over .

The only way I'll accept a "real life" argument for this is if the person making it is hardcore enough to permanently stop playing if he or she dies in game.

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You will never have all the ways of interacting with the world in a game that you have IRL. So trying to create a 100% 'realistic' game is probably not going to be very playable. You have to cut realism in some ways, like the above mentioned.

But I do believe that the realism argument is quite overblown. I think the focus of this game should be to create a suspenseful environment and a world full of consequence. This needs quite alot of realism, but you have to take other aspects into account as well.

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  'JeSuisUneSurvivante said:

Oh' date=' the irony of people citing "real life" and "realism" as a good reason to remove the bandit system... while not batting an eyelid at coordinating respawns and tactics over .

The only way I'll accept a "real life" argument for this is if the person making it is hardcore enough to permanently stop playing if he or she dies in game.


Right now we're talking about bandit skins, not side channel chat (which I despise). So stuff these counter arguments somewhere deep. I fyou have nothing to say about the legibility of those silly skins - then piss off.

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  'Shimmler said:

Oh' date=' the irony of people citing "real life" and "realism" as a good reason to remove the bandit system... while not batting an eyelid at coordinating respawns and tactics over .

The only way I'll accept a "real life" argument for this is if the person making it is hardcore enough to permanently stop playing if he or she dies in game.


Right now we're talking about bandit skins, not side channel chat (which I despise). So stuff these counter arguments somewhere deep. I fyou have nothing to say about the legibility of those silly skins - then piss off.

He cant give any legitimate reasons. The only people who need the bandit skin are the ones who are scared of dying!

If people cant handle dying in this game, they should quit now. My toon is 8 days since death now and I have some shit hot gear. However I was that bored last night I fulfilled a dare to sprint through Elektro with A flare attached to my arse.... and I won!

You need balls to play DayZ and unfortunately a lot of people coming on here lack those balls. They want their hands held and the game made easy, and they want survivability level to be a scalable option in the gameplay menu.

Bandit skin was always a big helping hand to people who needed to know 100% who the bad guys were. It was easy mode.

Sorry if youre one of the whiners, but its the truth.

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Bandit skin was always a big helping hand to people who needed to know 100% who the bad guys were. It was easy mode.

The funny thing is that it wasn't by far 100% fact. Example: a survivor attacks a survivor and dies. The remaining one becomes a bandit even though it was an act of self-defence! Voilia - now he is a target of all scared lil' hamsters who wanna know who's a bad guy.

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Bandit skin was always a big helping hand to people who needed to know 100% who the bad guys were. It was easy mode.

The funny thing is that it wasn't by far 100% fact. Example: a survivor attacks a survivor and dies. The remaining one becomes a bandit even though it was an act of self-defence! Voilia - now he is a target of all scared lil' hamsters who wanna know who's a bad guy.

Exactly, thats how a lot start off down the road of banditry tbh. First murder is in self defence and then near enough every murder after that is in self defence aswell.... all because nubs try to KOS you.

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You don't need balls, if you are the first who pulls the trigger, shooting everyone on sight!

To play as a bandit is the easy way.

If you believe you are the man, play hardcore, play survivor.

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  'JeSuisUneSurvivante said:

Oh' date=' the irony of people citing "real life" and "realism" as a good reason to remove the bandit system... while not batting an eyelid at coordinating respawns and tactics over .

The only way I'll accept a "real life" argument for this is if the person making it is hardcore enough to permanently stop playing if he or she dies in game.


^ This. If they actually wanted realism they would have asked for

1- A way to detect and automatically boot anyone who used Ventrilo, Teamspeak, or any other voice chat system.

2- A way to disable Alt-Tab so they couldn't look up their own Chenarus map while playing without having one in game.

3- Removing or changing of Morphine (Doesn't mend broken bones), Painkillers(would stop working after a few hours), Skinning Knives (Takes much more than a few seconds to gut and skin even small animals), Silenced Guns (They are actually about as loud as a makarov is in game) And the hundreds of other items that aren't working even close to real life specs.

4- Make repairing vehicles as loud, noisy, complicated, and time consuming as it is in real life.

When you peel away the transparent rhetoric and false bravado, all the "this is a harsh unforgiving wasteland" and "you wouldn't be able to trust anyone" hypocrisy can easily be translated into "I wanted a way to be an even bigger dick and now I have it." Pretty sad to see them use the same peer pressure BS they caved to in high school to try and make fun of survivors. Even sadder that the dev team actually caved to it and got rid of bandit skins for them. Bandit skins wasn't the communities idea, it was theirs and they removed something of their own from the game just to satisfy the most vocal portion of their audience. I just hope this is the last time, otherwise this dev team is going end up being complete pushovers like the EVE devs. Enough forum brats threatening to pull their accounts and they'll be issuing press statements and holding "summits" to appease them.

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  'Kolchak said:

Oh' date=' the irony of people citing "real life" and "realism" as a good reason to remove the bandit system... while not batting an eyelid at coordinating respawns and tactics over .

The only way I'll accept a "real life" argument for this is if the person making it is hardcore enough to permanently stop playing if he or she dies in game.


lot's of bullshit

I repeat again for slowpokes: in THIS thread we are discussing bandit skins.

and if u want my opinion on that stuff you mentioned - i support it, i want the game to be as hardcore as it is fucking possible

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  'silentstorm said:

You don't need balls' date=' if you are the first who pulls the trigger, shooting everyone on sight!

To play as a bandit is the easy way.

If you believe you are the man, play hardcore, play survivor.


Your logic is flawed. Carry on sprinkling your carebear dust on everyone!

  'Kolchak said:

Oh' date=' the irony of people citing "real life" and "realism" as a good reason to remove the bandit system... while not batting an eyelid at coordinating respawns and tactics over .

The only way I'll accept a "real life" argument for this is if the person making it is hardcore enough to permanently stop playing if he or she dies in game.


^ This. If they actually wanted realism they would have asked for

1- A way to detect and automatically boot anyone who used Ventrilo, Teamspeak, or any other voice chat system.

2- A way to disable Alt-Tab so they couldn't look up their own Chenarus map while playing without having one in game.

3- Removing or changing of Morphine (Doesn't mend broken bones), Painkillers(would stop working after a few hours), Skinning Knives (Takes much more than a few seconds to gut and skin even small animals), Silenced Guns (They are actually about as loud as a makarov is in game) And the hundreds of other items that aren't working even close to real life specs.

4- Make repairing vehicles as loud, noisy, complicated, and time consuming as it is in real life.

When you peel away the transparent rhetoric and false bravado, all the "this is a harsh unforgiving wasteland" and "you wouldn't be able to trust anyone" hypocrisy can easily be translated into "I wanted a way to be an even bigger dick and now I have it." Pretty sad to see them use the same peer pressure BS they caved to in high school to try and make fun of survivors. Even sadder that the dev team actually caved to it and got rid of bandit skins for them. Bandit skins wasn't the communities idea, it was theirs and they removed something of their own from the game just to satisfy the most vocal portion of their audience. I just hope this is the last time, otherwise this dev team is going end up being complete pushovers like the EVE devs. Enough forum brats threatening to pull their accounts and they'll be issuing press statements and holding "summits" to appease them.

High sec it up much? I'm guessing so.

You are the kind of forum brat the devs need to ignore my friend. The kind that seeks PvE gratification in a PvP environment. You dont like the PvP aspect, so expect the devs to cater to your every whim.

Youre the one who says things like: "I dont like PvP and I shouldnt be railroaded into it" and "Give us PvE only servers".

My best advice to you is:

Start menu > control panel > Programs & Features > ARMA2 > Uninstall.

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Too bad. Every time I see a survivor I hesitate and in two weeks I've commited just 3 murders (2 by accident, 1 to save myself). Teamed-up with strangers on numerous occasions, yesterday included, but the upcoming patch will change this, I'm affraid. Probably gonna shoot first, ask questions later.

Don't get me wrong, it's still gonna be great, but it will most definitely change the game dynamics.

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  'Nitrous said:

High sec it up much? I'm guessing so.

You are the kind of forum brat the devs need to ignore my friend. The kind that seeks PvE gratification in a PvP environment. You dont like the PvP aspect' date=' so expect the devs to cater to your every whim.

Youre the one who says things like: "I dont like PvP and I shouldnt be railroaded into it" and "Give us PvE only servers".

My best advice to you is:

Start menu > control panel > Programs & Features > ARMA2 > Uninstall.


Nope, nice try though. Haven't played EVE for almost 2 years now, spent time in all parts of space, got bored with it once I realized it wasn't actually fun, just became a second job. Friends still play it though, so I get to hear about all the ridiculous stories from that game, and man last year had some downright embarrassing ones. I could go on for hours about how the developers should really examine their chosen careers if they're just going to be walked all over by their customers, but that's a tangent.

And since you think this mod is only about PVP, I've got a few questions. Firstly, how exactly do you use a Book of Matches to kill someone on this game, or even better, the map, the compass, and the watch how do you do damage to another player with those. See I was under this impression that PVP was just a part of the mod, a very predictable and avoidable part, and that survival was the main goal. I might have been confused with the fact that on the main page instead of a leader board for kills, it has a counter for average lifespan. In my eyes that kind of said it all, made survival the one and only concrete goal, but I'm sure you'll enlighten me. I mean, I can point out how every single item in the game helps survival, so I'm sure just those few items up there won't be a problem for you.

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Please tell us we're gonna see some of these as options for the pickupable skins:


(Cowboy one is so cool nngh)

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  'Shimmler said:

The game will become a deathmatch... atleast for me anyway.

If there is no clear way of telling good from bad then everyone is bad in my eyes and I will drop them at any given chance.

Poor move from Rocket and I hope the game falls into complete chaos and he realises the mistake he is making.

Tell me then' date=' how can you tell IRL good people from bad people?

On topic: I think this realistic change will filter those lil' pussies that simply wouldn't fit in post-apocalyptic world. It's the survival of the fittest, the strongest and the most cunning. If you want unrealuistic crappy cheating stuff that could help you to survive - this game is not for you. Go play "Barby and her Pony-Friends". Period.


What you basically just said was, whoever has the best gun reigns supreme and surely that isn't what this game is about...

In regards to your comment about my post, first impressions mean alot and I think you can tell alot just by looking at someone, sure you can't always tell if someone is a bad person by looking at them but there are always hints.

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  'Kolchak said:

Nope' date=' nice try though. Haven't played EVE for almost 2 years now, spent time in all parts of space, got bored with it once I realized it wasn't actually fun, just became a second job. Friends still play it though, so I get to hear about all the ridiculous stories from that game, and man last year had some downright embarrassing ones. I could go on for hours about how the developers should really examine their chosen careers if they're just going to be walked all over by their customers, but that's a tangent.

And since you think this mod is only about PVP, I've got a few questions. Firstly, how exactly do you use a Book of Matches to kill someone on this game, or even better, the map, the compass, and the watch how do you do damage to another player with those. See I was under this impression that PVP was just a part of the mod, a very predictable and avoidable part, and that survival was the main goal. I might have been confused with the fact that on the main page instead of a leader board for kills, it has a counter for average lifespan. In my eyes that kind of said it all, made survival the one and only concrete goal, but I'm sure you'll enlighten me. I mean, I can point out how every single item in the game helps survival, so I'm sure just those few items up there won't be a problem for you.


So killing another player isnt an option for survival? I'ts just as viable as co-operation in certain situations. The point is that, killing players should not result in a skin change. Just like helping others should not result in a skin change.

If you have skin changes for player killers, in order to help people identify whos bad, then you should have skin changes to help identify whos good eh!?! Maybe a bright white suit and a halo?

No. Because then it just becomes far too easy to see whos good/bad. The element of paranoia and uncertainty that taking away these skin changes brings, is a good thing. Thats a very cool feature and it increases that feeling of "I need to survive" even more. I'm not some -50000 bandit serial killer, in fact I think my humanity is sat at -500 atm after one murder (Killed a guy who killed one of my m8s) and the lowest Ive been was about -4000 (I have 5 murders total). So I have actually spent a good portion of my time as a survivor.

Getting rid of the skins will bring more emotion and immersion to the game, or at the very least amplify it. The introduction of lootable skins is the best step forward, because it introduces individuality to the game, rather than just herding people into one of two categories, which is a very over simplified view.

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I fully agree.

Rocket is doing great work, and if he believes the actual bandit system isn't the right thing, it is surely a good try to remove it, and to look where it takes the game.

I do like PvP much.

I like Arma 2, i like project reality mod ...

BUT, killing your "teammates" is NOT PvP, and has nothing to do with skill.

There should be some way dividing the cheap murderer from the skilled player, maybe some way of statistic, so the worst fags can be identified.

It's not about disliking PvP or prefering PvE!

Is it the right balance, when in worst zombie apocalypse far more ppl are getting killed from shooting each other instead of beeing teared apart by zombies?

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  'Shimmler said:

Tell me then' date=' how can you tell IRL good people from bad people?

On topic: I think this realistic change will filter those lil' pussies that simply wouldn't fit in post-apocalyptic world. It's the survival of the fittest, the strongest and the most cunning. If you want unrealuistic crappy cheating stuff that could help you to survive - this game is not for you. Go play "Barby and her Pony-Friends". Period.


Get lost with your stupid "But in real life!!111" argument. Likely no one in this forum would have the balls to murder a person IRL. Yet they are bragging about their negative humanity score like silly childs.

And since most of you banditards act like those silly childs there needs to be a kind of punishment for pointless murders. Period. Otherwise we'll have a nice FFA DM... with zombies. I guess this is not the intention of DayZ.

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