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About agibbo@hotmail.com

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  1. My reason was outlined in my response to the OP ("Was just annoyed by yet another generic thread"). The post basically stated that someone hasn't played the mod for 6 weeks and didn't feel like looking up information themselves. That looked like a waste of time hence my first response. They clarified their purpose and so I made a response that was based on the topic they originally intended but didn't express. I think I was very moderate given how the first post read so don't lump me in to some kind of "people like you" crap when nothing in any of my posts on this forum to date have been negative besides one sentence above.
  2. Yeah I try that but depending on the building its hit n miss if the zeds id the throw even right outside the door (especially when upstairs or in rear rooms of barracks) Will be even harder when they have reduced hearing through walls with Luckily I have sd mags for my m9 and l85. gun is still loud but an old arma glitch means that the zeds don't get agro
  3. Fair nuff. Was just annoyed by yet another generic thread. If getting a conversation going was your objective they why not phrase it along the lines of "What are the best/worst changes since 1.5.6" or "What ever happened about the radio that was found?" From my view: Best - improved connection speed (not for everyone but usually for me) - line of site logic improvements - melee weapons - tool belt for flashlights - no weapon on spawn Worst - High rate of interior zombie spawns - Couldn't think of any other bad changes that aren't unintentional bugs
  4. I'll be the one to point out the obvious. Read the change log douche http://stats.six-upd...aa-001517bd964c Oh and your 'amazing' progress of 4 1/2 hours with some food and water is not something i'd be all that proud of mentioning Edit: Wow lots of replies in 4 mins since I saw the post
  5. agibbo@hotmail.com

    GPS Tracking beacon

    +1 with a slight change. Weird we were talking about this on TS last week. Each GPS should come with one tracking beacon that is mated to only that GPS. The tracking beacon can be placed in any inventory (player/tent/vehicle) and will display that beacon on the players map and gps screen. If a player steals a persons gps they can then locate the beacon and raid whatever is there etc. Beacons can be picked back up and can be turned on and off by a right click style option on the gps
  6. agibbo@hotmail.com

    Strip car parts using toolbox

    You should have the ability to strip parts from repairable vehicles if you have the toolbox equipped. The parts should not respawn until the vehicle respawns to prevent easy part farming. Parts could either just drop next to the car or perhaps they can only be removed to a players inventory if they have sufficient space (but would be more complex to code for)
  7. Just a thought on a change to ammo mechanics that would make looting more complex. Treat ammo in a similar way to water bottles. Players can locate magazines in the usual locations but the majority of the time the mags are empty. The players then have to locate ammo boxes (either the crates or small boxes). The ammo is carried separately and the user needs to refil their mags out of equiped ammo boxes or ones they access on the ground). Once ammo counting is working correctly (i.e. no auto clip refils etc) then this will add an additional dynamic for players to only really need to find and carry 3-5 mags that are compatible with their favorite weapon. The focus then becomes hunting for the right caliber ammo boxes (standard ammo in supermarkets and other residential buildings while nato and other military ammo in deer stands, barracks etc) Once you fire all bullets in a mag instead of it disappearing from your inventory it is listed as an empty mag thoughts?
  8. agibbo@hotmail.com

    [] Ammo dropped when picking up tools

    I thought everyone knew these things about arma by now 1) If you pick up a primary weapon without putting the current one down it will not appear on the ground 2) Primary weapons take 10 slots in bags. If you don't have enough slots it will be erased
  9. agibbo@hotmail.com

    1.6.0. no Model Selection

    I have a bandit skin and was not given the option to choose a gender (assume its because the bandit skin is for male player models only?)
  10. agibbo@hotmail.com

    =STOMP= Australian Clan without a Plan

    Yeah we now average around 6-8 of us each night on the same TS channel to get on one server together
  11. agibbo@hotmail.com

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    With this change i wonder if rocket will make more of the player skins from the different game versions available. Might as well confuse everyone if there is no supposed black and white merc/bandit identification and open up the opportunity for clans etc to have somewhat unique looks
  12. agibbo@hotmail.com

    Optimization mods + DayZ?

    Also check this BI wiki which offers some performance tips by messing with your config file and start-up parameters. One thing of use to you might be the AToC setting in config if you like to use AA but want grass excluded http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2:_Operation_Arrowhead:_Troubleshooting
  13. agibbo@hotmail.com

    =STOMP= Australian Clan without a Plan

    Hey Mardios, I'm from a small social clan that has around 6 of our members that play arma and have gotten into DayZ in recent weeks. I'll tell the guys about your forum and TS3 server and hopefully we'll catch you guys on at some point (if we can ever get into one of the few aussie servers that is!) FYI our clan is at http://tier1.forumotion.com (strangely serious seeming clan name for non-serious gamers)