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To everyone that is a camper on Stary Sobor 24/7 with CZ

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By the way, thank you guys.

If you can understand what I just did, then you have some brains left.

Otherwise, kill yourself.

People often confuse "trolling" with "acting like an asshole."

They look similar, I'll admit, but they're not the same thing. You didn't troll anyone, you just acted like an asshole and got called an asshole. Trolling requires a bit more subtlety and an actual attempt at humor.

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He wasn't at 1000m, or you wouldn't of hit him. And I say that with 100% certainty and I'll stand behind it 100%. To hit someone with a DMR at 1000m, you'd have to be aiming so high that the thick part of the crosshair would be obstructing your view of the target, and without zeroing, and or practicing that specific scenario, it's almost impossible to know at what point of the crosshair you need to place on the vital area you're trying to hit on the target. Try out a mission called the Shooting Range. It can be found on armaholic. You'll thank me later. The DMRs peak range is around 500m. That's aiming dead on(You'll hit low at 500 but not by a whole lot. 2 or 3 rounds will lights out your target). The zeroing is specifically 400m. No matter if you're zoomed in or not, contrary to popular belief. Some people have said the DMR is zeroed for 300m, some have said the first zoom is 300, and the second is 400. Both theories are wrong, and if you've practiced with the weapon ranges from 100 to 900m, you'd see that quickly. I set a target out at 400m with the DMR. The bullet splash was identical every time. 5 shots with the first zoom. 5 shots fully zoomed in. Punching holes that a penny would cover in real life. There is no variation. The max effective range of the DMR in my experience, where a one hit head-shot will kill instantly, is around 700m. At that range, even if you land a head-shot square, it won't always be a kill, and sometimes it gives people a chance to log out. They will go down every time, and you'll think they're dead because you see the blood splash up from their forehead, but they still have time to ALT-F4. If I have a DMR, I let them get within 400m. Just to be sure I put them out before they have a chance. Better to be patient than try to be a hero.

I find that when I'm sniping, the bullet drop depends on more than just the distance, at least in DayZ anyway. If I'm on higher ground, like the hills aiming down, I'd only have to compensate for the drop at half the normal rate (like 1 mildot instead of 2). Of course, since this is Stary we're talking about, it's probably not the case since it's fairly flat there. Even the northern part is not that high.

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Guy puts a picture of himself at a computer up, praises PC gaming and looks down on console gaming, and then derides someone on the internet for doing nothing more than being better than him at a video game.

Priceless, THE quintisential idiot-faced gamer. The amount of "mad" in this is just... just... awesome.

Feast upon tears forum, feast I say.

> Sits around doing nothing waiting for a free kill.

> Better


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Yeah? Look at these videos then.



By the way, thank you guys.

If you can understand what I just did, then you have some brains left.

Otherwise, kill yourself.

*edit: (L)

You are such a fucking moron it's starting to get less funny and more sad.

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Oh man I love this game. I am not a camper or bandit, but I promise you if I am in Stary will kill everything that moves.

Complaining about being shot at in Stary is like Pac Man screaming "WHY ARE THESE GHOSTS ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL ME!?

Suck it up Buttercup.

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Guy puts a picture of himself at a computer up, praises PC gaming and looks down on console gaming, and then derides someone on the internet for doing nothing more than being better than him at a video game.

Priceless, THE quintisential idiot-faced gamer. The amount of "mad" in this is just... just... awesome.

Feast upon tears forum, feast I say.

You realize you're a troll and he's a complainer right? What's worse? I'd say you. You spent WAY too much time trying to be a creative troll there. Quite sad indeed.

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Well let's all go to the trees and sit there all day! Wow, you must be some kind of world champion of sitting and pressing two buttons eh? So amazing.

I've never sniped anyone, having only provided over-watch once at Cherno. I use an FN FAL mostly, and my job is as I said to scout the tree lines surrounding the city (especially at Stary). Since it's almost guaranteed that if someone isn't already watching you, they're on their way there. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a player hunting sniper..

And to the guy that said it was boring to secure an area or scout tree lines, (I rarely say this) but it might actually be the wrong game for you.

Edited by Criminal

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You suck at DayZ, congratulations.

Use tactics next time? Or do you just want to return to MW3, might be easier on you.

Guy with a server with 3rd person enabled has the audacity to tell others to go back to CoD.

Hilarious, really.

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Wow, you must be some kind of world champion of sitting and pressing two buttons eh? So amazing.

I like this one. hehe

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Skill in this game is derived from who has the most patience. Let me break this down:

Do you see a corpse and immediately run to it? See Section 2

Do you see a firehouse and immediately run in it? See Section 2

Do you ignore the fact that there are zombies 250m away from your location? See Section 2

Do you see the barracks and run inside immediately? See Section 2

Do you see the military tents and run inside immediately? See Section 2

Do you run and/or crouch run from building to building in plain open view? See Section 2

Do you move slowly, crawl, scan the hillsides, investigate cautiously, ignore the straight path to an object, stay out of open fields, ignore 1 or multiple bodies laying on the ground next to each other? See Section 1

Section 1

You are an advanced player who knows how to skillfully play the game and not run and gun like every other FPS out there (Because that will get you killed in this game).

Section 2

You are dead.

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So you must be the camper.

Shall we play another game? Or you have better arguments to try and win this discussion rather than talking about my picture?

And by the way, better than me? Sorry man, but I can't see anyone being better than the other by hiding and shooting, that's not a sign of skill well at least not for me.

*Pulls the Ayn Rand card*

Whoever dies is the loser. Whoever still lives is the winner. Required skill is irrelevent.

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Deer stands or Berezino tents. A solo player stands a much better chance at obtaining military grade weapons at these places than at Stary or NWAF.

See how a little knowledge of the game makes you a better player?

Berezino tents is a bad idea. Most lone wolf players camp out there for their weapons and will instantly kill you the second they see you, and the tents are completely exposed on all sides unlike Stary where there are only a few good sniping spots.

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Berezino tents is a bad idea. Most lone wolf players camp out there for their weapons and will instantly kill you the second they see you, and the tents are completely exposed on all sides unlike Stary where there are only a few good sniping spots.

In my experiance Berezino tents are ALOT safer than the Stary tents purely because of population.

You're more likely to bump into someone at Stary than Berezino.

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In my experiance Berezino tents are ALOT safer than the Stary tents purely because of population.

You're more likely to bump into someone at Stary than Berezino.

Could always just play on servers without a lot of people to begin with. I'm personally not a fan of hearing gunfights in the night while I'm trying to camp... I mean sleep.

Edited by Recalibar

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I've actually never been sniped in Stary. You must really suck OP.

ive been shot at in Stary but no bullets have hit me :D i must be realy lucky

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I've actually never been sniped in Stary. You must really suck OP.

How is sucking even relevant to being sniped? It's not like snipers go "oh look, he sucks, I'm gonna snipe him. Oh look, he doesn't suck, I'm not gonna shoot him".

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How is sucking even relevant to being sniped? It's not like snipers go "oh look, he sucks, I'm gonna snipe him. Oh look, he doesn't suck, I'm not gonna shoot him".

It's all about looking at the hills. And picking your servers.

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It's all about looking at the hills. And picking your servers.

Fair enough. Makes more sense now.

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So you went to Story alone to get weapons, yeah.................

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