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About chrismgtis

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    USPA-B Licensed Skydiver, Writer, Programmer, Network Admin, etc.
  1. chrismgtis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Seriously. Do yourself a favor and don't ever post again. Your ability of reading comprehension is astounding. And your posts have all but proven that you are under the age of 12. And anytime you want to battle "IQ" you're welcome to joust with me little bro. I have a 150 IQ. But I don't need to tell you. Your posts are proof of your lack of intelligence. I couldn't think as slow as you with a bullet lodged in my brain on a bad day.
  2. chrismgtis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    That's not what an alpha is. Look it up. If the current stage of development was bug testing then DayZ would be in beta. Features are still being implemented, removed, experimented with, etc. Bugs are a side effect but "testing" in this stage has very little to do with removing bugs. The games are extremely different? You just lost all credibility. Only ignorance I'm seeing is yours. It's amazing how often people make the mistake of thinking that the beta testing phase that they are a part of isn't an indication of what the finished product will be like: those people are quite well misinformed and ridiculous. Beta is a nearly finished product and a phase of polish. DayZ is in alpha. Completely different phase. An alpha compared to release can be an entirely different game.
  3. chrismgtis

    Banned for being in a thunderbolt jet.

    Pretty damn sure you can get global bans for using hacked items. If you're flying around in a fuckin' jet then you're likely going to get nailed regardless of whether you spawned it or not. Still your own fault.
  4. chrismgtis

    Trading FN FAL<>DMR

    No one puts value on anything. Rarity is the value. Not much different than supply and demand.
  5. chrismgtis

    Underestimation of Lee Enfield

    Enfield is a good gun, but it's also overestimated. It doesn't do the damage that people think (or claim) that it does, but it's more than enough. Also damn accurate. I've hit plenty of people with it and it's not a 1 shot kill (at least not always). Hell, I even got credit for a headshot with one (debug monitor) and didn't get the kill.
  6. chrismgtis

    banned from us 913

    Don't worry. The server will be blacklisted in due time and the admin will lose all of his toys. Even if someone did disconnect, that is not legitimate reason to kick or ban and is grounds for blacklisting. @ Admin: You pretty much just admitted that you broke the rules. Expect your server to be removed from the list.
  7. chrismgtis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Eh. While I understand your point, I don't think you can begin to grasp the fail that was DNF's development. From its announcement to release. What people knew about in the past few years isn't even half the story. I watched it go down. The original site. The 3D Realms site and announcement and all that early on. It's fail to such extent that it's difficult to imagine. And it wasn't their only failure. The original Prey was announced a LONG time ago. Then information vanished only to reappear something like 10 years later or more.
  8. chrismgtis

    Very low FPS

    BF3 gets 30 FPS on a lesser system than what Arma 2 requires to have all settings on the lowest possible. You wouldn't think that is the case, but it is.
  9. chrismgtis

    AU5: Banned for being in a chopper (unknown if admin or not)

    One of the admin's didn't like you taking his chopper. That seems pretty clear. This is against the rules. You should report the server.
  10. chrismgtis

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    Use a map and get to walking (or riding). I've typically started at Mogilevka, gone through Gorka, Devil's Castle (and north of) then west above NW airfield and then south all the way down through the spawns.
  11. chrismgtis

    looking for survivors near the nw airfield

    Survivors don't go to the NW airfield. That would be a contradiction.
  12. chrismgtis

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    Amazing you people think that WarZ will even release, much less be thought of anything more than a joke if it does.
  13. chrismgtis

    Trading FN FAL<>DMR

    That's not a fair trade either.
  14. If you're going to post shit like this then why post at all? Go troll the World of Warcraft forums or something.