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Kicking of Players for Clan members

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except that all clan(or at least most) servers are greedy and are trying to make their servers almost completely closed for others except their clan...

Giving em unfair advantages towards the rest of the people in the game.

Oh and something else you greedy little....ehm....stop trying to earn privileges that are not yours just to earn more money from your clan members it's ridiculous....

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I would hate someone for banning me for killing them... I also believe there should not be more then 1 reserved slot per server, i can't really think who would need it.

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EU7 had an admin kicking people for no reason, two of my buddies were playing and got kicked for no reason what so ever. Just thought i'd mention it here, it seemed logical.

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I agree kicking for clan members is not good, but when they are paying for the server and cant get on because others are taking up slots for free it doesn't seem fair either. Maybe when the servers stop being overloaded and slots are available more readily, the situation will change, but we have had some members wait for up to 20 mins trying to get onto the server, only to get on and then lose connection again, so there is a frustration level at the moment for everyone because the mod is so popular and there is no simple answer to keep everyone happy.

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I agree kicking for clan members is not good' date=' but when they are paying for the server and cant get on because others are taking up slots for free it doesn't seem fair either. Maybe when the servers stop being overloaded and slots are available more readily, the situation will change, but we have had some members wait for up to 20 mins trying to get onto the server, only to get on and then lose connection again, so there is a frustration level at the moment for everyone because the mod is so popular and there is no simple answer to keep everyone happy.


This is what you signed up for if your a server owner

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.

If you have any questions, then please post in this thread, or email me; dayzmatt@gmail.com

We're always on the look out for servers, so please feel free to contact us if you want to get involved!


Not hard if you dont like it dont have the mod on your server.


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Holdfast if you actually took time to READ MY POST you would have seen i said it takes some members nearly 20 minutes to connect....if i were kicking people to make room for members they wouldnt need to wait 20 mins to connect....before you start quoting people please read and understand what they have posted. I pay for a server for others who cant or wont and i freely signed up for the mod. There is no need to post everything in RED. I do feel however members who actually PAY, are getting the thin end of the wedge at the moment...thats just my opinion

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I agree kicking for clan members is not good' date=' but when they are paying for the server and cant get on because others are taking up slots for free it doesn't seem fair either. Maybe when the servers stop being overloaded and slots are available more readily, the situation will change, but we have had some members wait for up to 20 mins trying to get onto the server, only to get on and then lose connection again, so there is a frustration level at the moment for everyone because the mod is so popular and there is no simple answer to keep everyone happy.


This is what you signed up for if your a server owner

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!





- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.

If you have any questions, then please post in this thread, or email me; dayzmatt@gmail.com

We're always on the look out for servers, so please feel free to contact us if you want to get involved!


Not hard if you dont like it dont have the mod on your server.


Love red much? Lets keep it in a less threatening colour please!

Currently it is insane how long paying people have to wait to get it!

I split the costs for the server and as a result I can wait up to 30 minutes to enter my own freaking server!

Before I paid for a server I was on other servers that would just "Restart/maintenance" their servers if there were clanmates who could not get in! just leave it off for 5 minutes and then boom when I came back there were 8 more tagged clan-members in!

As far as I can read in your posted rules "restarting/maintenance" the server to let clan members on is NOT forbidden!

There are so many ways to circumvent the rules and it seems that the people who generally want to help the development and want to play by the rules get BURNED at every turn!

So I ask you: is THAT fair?

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You are paying for your server to assist in the development of the mod.

That's how I see it.

I host UK4 - If my server is full, i'll play elsewhere.

Those server hosts who rent a server so they can have a "Guaranteed" slot have the wrong mentality in my opinion, I'm hosting to help out. And because I want to.

As stated by rocket, having access to HIVE is a privilege, and it's not one im willing to squander.

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Yep. You aren't paying for you and your buddies to play, you're paying for EVERYONE to play. If you don't like that, get over it or just don't pay.

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You people are no strangers to hosting. You know the rules, and so do I. Total commitment was what rocket was thinking of.

You wouldn't get that from any other dev. We, as the community, just wanted to tell you admins how we're feeling. Just gotta make you understand.

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I have confidence in the DayZ team that in the end this mod will bump shoulders with mods like Day of Defeat and Counter Strike. So, it's nice to see that you guys really care for the community.

Big ups!

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What's unfair is paying for a server, and not being able to use it. I'm more than happy to give access to my server, but I'd like to know that I can play on it!

What I think is fair: Most of the servers are 40 or 50 players.

Why not host a server that has 45 public spots, and 5 reserved? I'm not paying a couple hundred a month for a high-end server, to not be able to use it... THAT is unfair.

Here in Australia you can wait hours to get onto a server, only to be kicked 30 mins later, then start waiting again!

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I feel your pain JimmyTheImpaler :@. When everyone who doesn't or won't put their hand in their pocket and pay for a server just say that's tough luck and quote rules, we get to play on your server for free and you suckers get to pay for it but cant connect, it does get frustrating. What everyone needs to understand is there needs to be some common ground, without the support of guys who operate servers, thousands of the keyboard bashers continually hitting join to get onto the few available servers will lag the game out completely for everyone. Then the same people will be complaining there's not enough servers. At the moment DayZ is viral, so everyone is raving about it, but if server operators and people who are paying cant get onto their own servers, they will eventually quit DayZ at some point. Which will be a shame as this mod has probably the greatest potential of any online game ive seen. So by just quoting the rules and saying you signed up for it, if you don't like it just leave, they will do eventually...The mod is in Alpha and hopefully things will settle down, but there's not many people who will pay for a server and not be able to play on it.

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I would like to host a server(maybe even 2) for the community but damn never get responds on my mail:P

And people thats qqing about not getting spots on their server i will just say.. NO ONE asked you to host.

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I have questions regarding the temp locking of servers, its often required to prevent massive BW spiking when several people join at once, is it ok to do this ?

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I would like to host a server(maybe even 2) for the community but damn never get responds on my mail:P

And people thats qqing about not getting spots on their server i will just say.. NO ONE asked you to host.

When you've forked out a few hundred bucks every month and cant get onto your own server for a game, then someone says "NO ONE asked you to host" come back and see if you feel the same about hosting a couple of servers :P

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it's good rules like this are getting pushed into a game thats already a bitch to log into. Plus the fact that if i was kicked while just about getting some loot i found i wouldn't be happy with the admin and im sure the admin wouldn't be happy if that happened to them.

You don't host servers to be greedy you host so others can play thus is why you are a host.

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You don't host servers to be greedy you host so others can play thus is why you are a host.

I think you are a bit naive there mate. You probably dont host your own server...when you have paying members breathing down your neck about not being able to get onto something they are paying for, your outlook may change. Most admins ive come across are just happy if their server is stable at the moment and not kicking for any other reason than to keep the server lag free because of high pingers or mouthy idiots.

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I would like to host a server(maybe even 2) for the community but damn never get responds on my mail:P

And people thats qqing about not getting spots on their server i will just say.. NO ONE asked you to host.

When you've forked out a few hundred bucks every month and cant get onto your own server for a game' date=' then someone says "NO ONE asked you to host" come back and see if you feel the same about hosting a couple of servers :P


Deal, I have absolutely no problem paying for servers even if i never will be able to get on them after all I'm helping the community out and with more servers out there it will be easier for everyone to get into good servers and get a better experience with the mod. ;) (give me server id and i will!)

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@Decap, well could you buy us a car then so we all can use it! I mean that's basically the same thing!

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I don't think anyone should be kicked out, but as a host it would be nice if I could just reserve a handful of spots so I can get a game in. Creating room enough for 45 randoms and up to 5 people I know isn't really selfish. I think it's quite fair.

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I don't think anyone should be kicked out' date=' but as a host it would be nice if I could just reserve a handful of spots so I can get a game in. Creating room enough for 45 randoms and up to 5 people I know isn't really selfish. I think it's quite fair.


Yes I agree, although i do think any servers with reserved slots should be blocked or disabled from the Global Server in some way as soon as anyone locks it. That way stats, position etc wont be saved and any free looting for best weapons etc is useless on any other server....With the invasion into the ArmA Community of noobs, script kiddies and so called hackers who can only pay someone else for their hacks, I fully understand why the guys at DayZ want to keep a tight reign on things, but putting penalties on people who pay to keep the ArmA Community alive might not be the way to go. But who knows, when the noobs all go back to run n gun somewhere else there might not even be the need for this discussion.

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wait... you can donate now?? Great, that will make the game even more unrealistic. I hope it stays with that reserved slots and not with a bunch of extra weapons of some sort.

My opinion is just to have NO reserved slots at all or just a few for donators so the servers can be kept.

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I definitely agree that admins/server owners should get onto their own servers. How that's not common sense I've got no idea.

There are people shouting 'fair for everybody!!!'

'Okay then, pay towards my server with me. That's fair. Fair for everybody.'

'Oh no, no I don't mean like that. I just want to play on it. I want YOU to pay for the server, so that I can play on it instead of you, while you pay for me to do this.'

It can't be fair for everybody. You can't ask that it be fair for everybody yet 1 guy foot the bill for everybody. That isn't fair to that person. Fair is balance, balancing person a.) giving you the resources to allow 50 players to connect, and b.) the other 49 players who want to play a great mod for free without spending anything.

Reserved slots though for clans is a no no for me I think, look at the big clans, what's the point in joining a server where the clan makes up more than half the map.

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