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Kicking of Players for Clan members

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Id bet reserved slots show up in a future BI patch. Also, anyone who is hosting a DayZ server and crys about the rules needs to go back to hosting Dominaton/Evo servers. Lol. Ps. Moar tears

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That's not lack of respect' date=' that's me doing what I have always said we would do, and keeping true to the spirit of the project and not changing my mind because internet got all excited about it for a day.[/b']

P.S. send tears.


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I respect Rockets decision, although I never kicked for members/donators anyway.

When you guys donated your servers, you basically gave the Dev team free reign to do as they wish, which includes imposing their own rules. You don't donate to a charity and tell them where they can spend the money, do you.

I know myself and Scottd564 donated this server for the use of the whole DayZ community. The Dev's can do what they want with it. If the server is full, we wait for a slot. If a slot doesn't appear, we play elsewhere. The whole point of a donation is that it is not to be limited in use, no matter if it is for DayZ, or to charity. It just doesn't work like that.

If you guys that are complaining don't like it, then revoke your donation and move on. If you want to continue to host a DayZ server, then follow the few simple rules that are in place.

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I respect Rockets decision' date=' although I never kicked for members/donators anyway.

When you guys donated your servers, you basically gave the Dev team free reign to do as they wish, which includes imposing their own rules. You don't donate to a charity and tell them where they can spend the money, do you.

I know myself and Scottd564 donated this server for the use of the whole DayZ community. The Dev's can do what they want with it. If the server is full, we wait for a slot. If a slot doesn't appear, we play elsewhere. The whole point of a donation is that it is not to be limited in use, no matter if it is for DayZ, or to charity. It just doesn't work like that.

If you guys that are complaining don't like it, then revoke your donation and move on. If you want to continue to host a DayZ server, then follow the few simple rules that are in place.


100% agree. Thank you for donating your server so we could all have some fun with this modification. I would donate a server if I could afford one. As it stands, i am looking for someone/group to donate a few free bucks to here and there for a dayz server as I come across spare cash.

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I saw this happen myself. Then the administrator, when called out for his behavior, proceeded by insulting the people telling him that it's unfair.

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The way to explain this is...

"This isn't a co-op game", Hosters have no reason to kick or ban players because so-and-so killed your buddy. Players will lie in this game, players will definitely betray and kill one another. I can see how Hosters would go all out on kicking players, because it's the nature of the game.

I'm sure you have a method of taking down hackers, because they're the only ones who deserve the auto ban-hammer.

I have no comment about private servers though :)

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The Latin America server reloaded several times on me last night. The third time it was crawling with one clan............. awesome but whatever.

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My only real issue is paying out of pocket for a public server and then not being able to make room for myself when I want to play on it.

That's what I don't agree with.

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My only real issue is paying out of pocket for a public server and then not being able to make room for myself when I want to play on it.

That's what I don't agree with.

then dont pay.

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I can understand the alpha rules since you want more players playing, more tests etc etc, but as a dev yourself you know you can never sustain this decsion for the forseeable future.

You said your working on it, it's cool, people can wait... but in the end the mod will only be as good as the community that plays it, which ironically is people who donate servers/clans and groups... because the casual public flash-in-the-pan players don't care how this mod ends up, they'll find a new game...but these people will want to keep servers up and keep it alive for everyone, rules will have to be changed in the end..

Some servers lock servers for about 10mins, no big deal, passworded servers are different since only certain people can have that pass, alot of locked servers already have random players on anyway, people lock them after restarts mainly.

End of the day it's alpha, more people need to test it, an unlocked full 40man server gives more telemetry data than a half full 40 man server, so i see the point.. but still, it's just something you worry about when there is much better things to be fixing/updating/creating/enjoyin.

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I've seen a lot of devs/admins trying to manipulate the users in

hundreds of games while trying to give godlike powers to donators etc and allowing them to abuse powers freely....

For the first time a dev/admin is trying to protect all users by setting a FAIR rule that no one can trespass no matter what and all you can think of is yourself and freaking clan members.

To make things worse when you accepted to host a server you knew the rules and

now you're trying to DEMAND things that were not yours from the very beginning.STOP being such spoiled brats.Did anyone force you to host a server?Did anyone tell you that you can handle your server 100% as you wish?Did anyone tell you to not read the rules because they do not apply to you?

You should be ashamed.

I truly and from the bottom of my heart thank the admins

that support this project by actually helping.

P.S to those who first started whining about what rocket posted and tried to pull a fast one on him BUT then failed miserably to counter what he said.

~Suck it.

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As long as we eventually get reserve slots I honestly am not worried about it. Even though I can't kick to let members in, I still enoy the flexibility of setting up rules that allow me to govern the kind of enviorment I want. Such as we have rules for no verbal harassment, no usage of derogatory words, (N word and the such). Some servers dont have these rules and I do not play on them. So its nice to still be able to govern the server the way I want even if I cant kick people to make a slot for myself.

Plus its also a tool to help the Ducksoup Gaming community grow, so its still beneficial in many other ways.

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My fear is getting blamed for kicking/banning players for legit reasons, but those players make complaints against the server, claiming it was for "kicking for clan members" or something similar.

I don't doubt the mod devs would give us the fair shake and let us defend ourselves for our action. However I dont feel i need to run fraps 24/7 in order to protect myself from shithead trolls.

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Franklin, while I do agree that we as hosts should be able to kick/ban people, I dont think we should have the final say. As I said in my previous reply, we donated these servers to the DayZ devs and the community. The Devs should have the final say. If someone is causing issues on the server you are hosting, then I agree, Kick them. It'll be a while before they can rejoin anyway. Bans should be passed through the Dev's first.

You will always get someone that cries wolf about a server. It happens, but if you feel the need to ban someone, before you do so, take details of their GUID, and evidence to substantiate the ban, and I'm sure they will do all they can to help.

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The only reserve slots i can accept is for Developers, Admins, Donators (This includes clan members who acutally pay money to their clan for DayZ server directly) Its only fair imo.

The admins can kick or ban GUID's outside the game as the RCON tool allows this. However the admin is sometimes needed in game to monitor the chat + players suspected of hacking.

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I for one don't have a problem with clan servers, make a box with a password, then there will be no issues of needing slots. And if you can get $5 a month from your clan member(lulz), then that will pay for its provider!

Though, if you make your own locked server, you might get listed by other servers to not be allowed in because of how the clan/group attained resource without problem.

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My fear is getting blamed for kicking/banning players for legit reasons' date=' but those players make complaints against the server, claiming it was for "kicking for clan members" or something similar.

I don't doubt the mod devs would give us the fair shake and let us defend ourselves for our action. However I dont feel i need to run fraps 24/7 in order to protect myself from shithead trolls.


That's the problem.

People will soon think they've all rights on a server.

lol becuz rocket said soooo

And they will make countless dramas because they've been kicked / banned, or simply because the admin decided to do a server restart.

i losttt my tentz becuz of your restartt shit admin mofok give me my tentz back brb thread forum

Talking about bans, the only bans i've done so far was a clan of russian ( how unusual... ) caught cheating and spawning weapons ( MK16, M107 TWS and such ).

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I for one don't have a problem with clan servers, make a box with a password, then there will be no issues of needing slots. And if you can get $5 a month from your clan member(lulz), then that will pay for its provider!

Though, if you make your own locked server, you might get listed by other servers to not be allowed in because of how the clan/group attained resource without problem.

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I for one don't have a problem with clan servers' date=' make a box with a password, then there will be no issues of needing slots. And if you can get $5 a month from your clan member(lulz), then that will pay for its provider!

Though, if you make your own locked server, you might get listed by other servers to not be allowed in because of how the clan/group attained resource without problem.


Except then that requires the other server admins to know everyone who plays on every locked server, just in case they come on their server with all their boosted gear. It takes way too much work to police that, so in order for everyone to have the same chances, locked servers can't be allowed.

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All servers are added to a database to be allowed to communicate and send players-stats and it is part of the server query protocoll to check if the server has a password or not. Simply check every server every 60 to 120 seconds if there is a password and if the server has a password, all following player-status-updates from this are ignored until the server has been restarted (not until the server-check reveals that there is no more password, as players that are still on the server, will benifit from the "locked"-time then).

Result: players can play on passworded servers if they want to, but playing there will not effect the open global gameplay/balance. Only players that have a setback are the once that "farm" high end equipment without threat on closed servers to than use it on open servers (what is nothing else than cheating).

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Hail Rocket :) Just wanted to say I support you, even if you close down the project for a few weeks ^^

Just a thought, maybe you should get someone from the community to help with some of the workload (read incoming mails ;) and other menial tasks), sounds as if you guys could need a hand or two :)

- Whitey

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Touchy subject..

They pay real money, they don't get priority - That's not fair

They kick users at will in a discriminatory fashion - That's not fair

They willingly disobey a direct order from Captain Rocket himself - That's not fair


- Require all servers to host 50 players

- Allow 2 reserved Admin positions + 3 "Friend" positions

- Disallow kicking of players to make space (enforceable by screen-shots)


- Players stfu and appreciate it's a free, 45 player server

- Server Admins get their benefits

- Rule breakers get dropped [Privilege: a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most] It is a privilege to host an unreleased not-for-profit game...

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What's fair is that the rules are pretty clear.

You pay for the server, not for bypassing the rules.

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