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Kicking of Players for Clan members

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Why not get a new ruleset and reserved slots in:

A server has to be at least open to 40 random players and if you want 1-6 reserved slots, that don't count against the random slots.

If you need more then 6-10 reserved slots then it should be 50 random slots.

Edited by max2k
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or just stop being ridiculous, yes the dayz team are allowing access to the hive but the server the players are playing on belong to the people who in most cases OWN them, so its the persons own hardware, thats like me buying a car and having rocket tell me where i am to drive it and that if i dont drive it where he says he is going to mark it in a derogatory way. The only valid reason to make demands seems to be a demand issue something that is very easily dealt with by having more cash. so hence my suggestion.

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There are plenty of server hosts waiting in line, willing to abide by the rules. If you can't accept the rules, get out of the way.

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There are plenty of server hosts waiting in line, willing to abide by the rules. If you can't accept the rules, get out of the way.

lol ok sheep. continue following the pack and using your money for someone elses benefit lol. my clan is 80+ people strong so why the hell would i want a server that cant accomodate them? why would i want a server that none of them can get on? if this game is ever going to have an end product whether it be standalone or with arma 3 they are going to HAVE to let people run their servers the way they want. simple as that.

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lol ok sheep. continue following the pack and using your money for someone elses benefit lol. my clan is 80+ people strong so why the hell would i want a server that cant accomodate them? why would i want a server that none of them can get on? if this game is ever going to have an end product whether it be standalone or with arma 3 they are going to HAVE to let people run their servers the way they want. simple as that.

Without connection to hive then ...

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lol ok sheep. continue following the pack and using your money for someone elses benefit lol. my clan is 80+ people strong so why the hell would i want a server that cant accomodate them? why would i want a server that none of them can get on? if this game is ever going to have an end product whether it be standalone or with arma 3 they are going to HAVE to let people run their servers the way they want. simple as that.

Haven't counted the number of time this answer has been given but I'd day a 100 times would be low-balling it. You clan is 80 peeps and you want to accommodate them, fine. Unfortunately the rules of using the hive don't allow this.

So here are your option:

- Be an asshat and setup a server and don't follow the rules, possibly resulting in a ban.

- Setup a server with the unofficial mod not connected to the hive, play to your hart's content and do what ever you want.

- Go play an other game

No one is saying that you need to play this game. However if you wish to play the official game you need to follow a set of rules (you know like in the real world). These rules are there for good reasons, doesn't mean it's not a pain sometimes but thank the idiots that abused the original system.

And no they don't have to allow people to run their servers the way they want since YOUR server is connecting to THEIR server. So while you might do what ever you want on YOUR server if you don't follow the rules on THEIR server well you will just be kicked from theirs, have fun on YOUR server while not connected to the hive.

Edited by Pulse007

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lol ok sheep. continue following the pack and using your money for someone elses benefit lol. my clan is 80+ people strong so why the hell would i want a server that cant accomodate them? why would i want a server that none of them can get on? if this game is ever going to have an end product whether it be standalone or with arma 3 they are going to HAVE to let people run their servers the way they want. simple as that.

As I understand there are several hundred servers waiting to be whitelisted, so in the grand sceme of things, I don't see why your 80 player private server should receive prioritized access to the hive.

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I run WolvesofWar.org, We play on "US 104." We have around 20-30 members that play DayZ. I don't kick for members to get in because they're adults and can understand they need to wait their turn. The server has around 60 slots, and can have more once they fix their hive code and dayz code. Not everyone has a million dollars to host, but most can afford 90-110/month to run a server box. Thats not that expensive. And you can more than likely run 2-3 50 man arma 2 servers off that box.


F donations. Get a job pay for it yourself. Be a real man!

F People defending the Dev team, they're not perfect they do make mistakes.

F people here that don't respect server admins that are REAL men and pay for servers you guys play on for free and help the dayz dev team push their game to retail.

F people that don't understand that this game/mod is going to make millions on release as long as another company doesn't come along sooner and do it bigger/better.

F Fanbois that defend this mod even though it has serious problems, its not the greatest mod ever, but it sure as hell is a good one.

F Rocket for reading the forums and listening to idiots, and giving them the time of day.

F Server admins that don't understand that running a server is a privilege, not a right.

F DayZ Dev Team for not fixing disconnecters!

I follow the rules, and I have no complaints. I knew what I was signing up for when I wanted to run a server.

You arrogant idiots who complain about the stupidest crap. Its so hard to come to the forums in DayZ lately and give two shits because I feel like the level of stupid in here is one of the reason why I wish World of War III would happen sometime soon and just turn humanity into its natural state of hunter/gather. So they'd stop bickering about BS that doesn't even matter.

This is why I play DayZ


I enjoy the mod because it makes me laugh. It makes me cry. Its very fun, and its nice to have "hardcore PvP" again where people pay for being stupid. I LOVE IT.

Now continue with the stupid.

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If you do not trust your admins you can as well back up and play mine sweeper.

Forbidding kicking is like taking away a little nuisance and ask people to do giant evilness because no matter what you do, the admin always is the real guy in charge.

Instead of kicking people BOFH can simply restart the server. Voila, lots of empty slots. Ok, peeps just lost all their loot no in their inventory but who cares? Not the BOFH. You can not distinguish this from a "legit" restart/hickup.

Instead of restarting the server BOFH could also freeze the process until everyone times out... hey, its just a slow server, it had a temporarily memory problem, prove BOFH wrong.

Oh and how about kicking single people? Easy: block the ip address of said player and voila, random network hickup, player will be gone in 90 seconds... using two command line tools inside every operating system this is a 10 second job to do.

Want to stop new people to connect? Only allow --state=ESTABLISHED. No new connections. Exceptions possible on a "per IP" base.

Want to set a "password" without rocket approvement? Make port knocking mandatory. Everyone can do that but only the guys with the right port will succedd. All others will stuck while connecting.

You still want to enforce anything about connection control? Ok, then have fun delisting every server losing connection, dropping single players or having connection problems white "creating character", "loading" etcpp... because you can not distinguish legit from bad disconnects. These little hax are not even required to run on the same system as the server, any router on the way is fine too. Yes, I know what I am talking about, I am hosting game servers on my private little server for 18 years. No typo.

In short, any good intentions you are hoping to achieve are bound to fail horrible because every attempt at controlling "the internet" will only result in laughter (insert random troll face, Nelson Munch or anonymous picture here)

The smart way to do things (iow, the way your admins will not fight you back just for fun): give kicks a timeout so the player eg has 60-120 seconds to take cover. allow temporarily reserving slots eg 300 second.

Edited by Crass Spektakel

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lol ok sheep. continue following the pack and using your money for someone elses benefit lol. my clan is 80+ people strong so why the hell would i want a server that cant accomodate them? why would i want a server that none of them can get on? if this game is ever going to have an end product whether it be standalone or with arma 3 they are going to HAVE to let people run their servers the way they want. simple as that.

Well okey ram, continue being stubborn stupid ass and you'll gonna turn into few nice stakes ;)

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read the post!!!! fk me, damn skim readers, donation insinuates that they have no obligation in regards to progress and creativity, take ya reading glasses out MATE. fk sake. It makes little or no sense for them to claim to not have the resources but then to deny the very thing they need to continue the project. and they need much much more... read the forums once in a while its plagued with server issues and it all comes down to a lack of overall servers and bandwidth things that can easily be remedied by a few out of the half a million people playing handing over a few dollars for the sake of getting the material resources that they need no one is demanding that they make the game a certain way after they pay. no one is buying the company or making offers to buy the shares it would just be for the benefit of everyone, the only thing that needs to change is the attitude towards server owners and what they can/cannot do, it is ridiculous saying to the people who OWN the servers their game is hosted on that they cannot make room for them and theirs. thats literally all they want is that right....... nothing more..... so next time mate read the post.

someone's getting pissed off? =D

Just because you're unable to understand my post, doesn't mean that it is wrong. If someone will pay me money vouluntary for me doing what I'm doing I would still feel responsilbe for things I do. If you're not - oh well, then you just probably don't give a fuck about people who are in some way dependent on the stuff you do.

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wow its astounding how many people totally miss the point and how asshat ridden this forum is even though its in its infancy. i cannot be fucked dealing with the answers anymore, lol, you are all clearly addicted to a failing model, good luck.

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or just stop being ridiculous, yes the dayz team are allowing access to the hive but the server the players are playing on belong to the people who in most cases OWN them, so its the persons own hardware, thats like me buying a car and having rocket tell me where i am to drive it and that if i dont drive it where he says he is going to mark it in a derogatory way. The only valid reason to make demands seems to be a demand issue something that is very easily dealt with by having more cash. so hence my suggestion.

You completely don't get the point and make a wrong example..

You bought a car - fine, use it any way you want. But you decided to use it in a "DayZ public transport company (as a usual bus) and deliver people from one point to another. And Rocket only tells you not to throw people out of the car, because you want to pick up a hot chick on the road, else you will be banned from using your car as "DayZ" public transport service. And that's right, because you use the service he made, on your car, so please follow fucking simple rules, else make your own service and use it any way you want.

Edited by Delta-Dude
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ok heres another example, a governor decides that in his electorate or local area etc that he is going to deport everyone that lives there and take their land that they own and have been paying for, the people go "oh ok here ya go" that's what people on here are like. and the only excuse for it is that the hive cant handle servers logging into it...... that's the only reason that people cannot have a clan server with reserve slots, so ergo, its absolutely pathetic when people are already wearing the cost of making the game possible for the devs are not only doing that at their own cost but also willing and able to contribute to the cost of the HIVE itself ergo eliminating the need for such bullshit excuses or reasons for people to not be allowed to use their own server freely without having to spam enter like a retard. none the less after someone makes a simple suggestion they are barraged with countless amounts of pathetic spew and drivel from wannabe fanboys and suck holes who have nothing better to do that adhere to a rule made out of seeming ignorance. its apparent that allot of people on here are very narrow minded and used to being spoon fed instructions, that's well and good, but don't expect free thinking people to agree with you regardless of how much you crap on. i merely made the suggestion its not really up to you people to answer me it was more so team members would see it instead i get constant verbal diarrhea from plebs on the forum....

in the real world of gaming, server OWNERS are allowed to delegate on their own server no one is asking for the right to kick people unreasonably or as revenge measures or any other blind mullet reason you people continue to foul the conversation with. all they want is the ability to call a server home when playing and not have to spend 60% of their gaming time waiting for others to join the server..... it might be all well and good for most of you constant annoyances on here who cant and never will afford your own servers and or whom cant drum up the energy to masturbate let alone get a job and have all day to wait around in a server for people. but for the rest of us we have lives beyond a computer screen and well like it or not its US that are making this game a possibility for YOU. instead of being insolent and contemptuous with every post.

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Here's a simpler example.

If you want your DayZ server connected to the hive, you're not allowed to kick for clan members.

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Here's a simpler example.

If you want your DayZ server connected to the hive, you're not allowed to kick for clan members.

This makes complete sense and I agree with this opinion. Again we have the choice not to host and provide the services if we do not agree to the terms. If DayZ offered server owners the ability to host a server which is completely independent from a master HIVE then I would be of the opinion that they can run their servers how they like.

After much consideration I believe this is how it should be done, it should all be local per server and that would solve many of the complaints and issues. Servers and how they operate would be on more of a free-market concept like business which would have to compete for players. Players obviously have the choice and would avoid servers where admins are abusive or where they dont like how its running. I strongly believe this would solve more of the current admin abuse since the DayZ devs are not enforcing their own policy to the level I feel they should IMHO.

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Myself, I'm hoping will see official servers only for the standalone, like an mmo, but without the subscriptions.

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Here's a simpler example.

If you want your DayZ server connected to the hive, you're not allowed to kick for clan members.

wow you really are a simpleton arent you...... people like you would live with everything in tatters and broken just to spare you the expense and effort of fixing things..... a true slack ass...

Myself, I'm hoping will see official servers only for the standalone, like an mmo, but without the subscriptions.

and lol they cant even drum up the resources to make it work to EVERYONES satisfaction now, and the player base is smaller now than a stand alone would attract. they would never be able to host it without subscriptions unless they start adding in pathetic F2P buying systems like so many of those free fps games. you have a completely retarded view on how things can be accomplished, infact, the only way i see them being able to host "for free" is if the current model is continued..... IF they did go the same way as MMO's you would see alllllooooottttttt more problems than running in a private host configuration there is NO NEED AT FUCKING ALL to limit what admins can do (within reason) when it comes to reserve slots. other games tick along just fine with this setup and no one misses out, unless of course they are cheating or being a giant fucking douchebag or racist or something, and so far i am led to the conclusion that you must be one of those and ergo don't want clans to be able to kick/ban because your ass would be out on the street. all rocket has to do is sort out his hive issue and we can all have as many servers as we wish full OR empty, and i don't buy his shit about them always having to be full. look at your sever browser there are countless amounts of ones attached to the hive that aren't even updated to the latest patches that are so apparently "taking up his server space" so fuck up please with the fanboy attitude and take a real look at the situation and realize that you are just a fucking asinine moron and that maybe unless you have a reasonable end goal suggestion that running your mouth of the same old drivel doesnt help anyone its just makes you look like a fuckwit, and rightly so.

Edited by rikta

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Why do those who cannot carry out a mutual discussion or debate always resort to name calling and offensive language? So many people on this site are just plain bigots. Now I know that is a big word and some might not actually understand its meaning, so let me articulate it.

Bigot - "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion."

Edited by Alderman

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Saying an admin shouldn't be able to kick someone to play on his own server, which he/she pays for is one hell of an arrogant and idiotic statement. I don't care who is making it. Rocket or users.

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I hope when the mod is all done and some point after release it does have additional features and ways to play the mod. There is no fee for the mod other than paying for arma and operation arrowhead. Its a mod in testing, and the developers have set these rules to maximize the data they get out of testing. Many companies developing games keep their testing behind closed doors and have closed betas for a reason. The creators of this mod weren't working for anyone and didn't have the resources needed to test it, so they opened it to the public. I do agree with this: "If you don't like the rules, don't play the mod." You didn't pay for the mod, so what are you complaining for? I'm not defending anyone here, I'm simply trying to "keep it real" as it were. The devs could have just as easily selected a handful of people and made them their testers, and none of us would have had the opportunity to play this game for quite some time. Just be grateful we've been permitted to do so.

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how is treating servers unlike how they will be on a final release getting data? seriously rocket and the team should be happy so many are hosting it.... on top of that, utterly grateful at the moment the hackers and cheaters are getting the benefits of the current ruleset with admins so scared to ban in fear of a backlash on here.... if anything its just harming the game... server admins only want the ability to allow the people they receive donations from the ability to get into the server THEY PAY FOR, its not that big of an ask.... seriously it really isnt. and the only valid excuse that i have found on here is one that is easy dealt with and can be dealt with quickly if the pride or whatever it is barrier is removed by certain people. also, can for the love of all things holy, we have no more people responding with the old tripe as above, "i agree with the rule and want to express myself because i wasn't breast fed" New ideas please no more of the same old shit....

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how is treating servers unlike how they will be on a final release getting data? seriously rocket and the team should be happy so many are hosting it.... on top of that, utterly grateful at the moment the hackers and cheaters are getting the benefits of the current ruleset with admins so scared to ban in fear of a backlash on here.... if anything its just harming the game... server admins only want the ability to allow the people they receive donations from the ability to get into the server THEY PAY FOR, its not that big of an ask.... seriously it really isnt. and the only valid excuse that i have found on here is one that is easy dealt with and can be dealt with quickly if the pride or whatever it is barrier is removed by certain people. also, can for the love of all things holy, we have no more people responding with the old tripe as above, "i agree with the rule and want to express myself because i wasn't breast fed" New ideas please no more of the same old shit....

Hackers usually get banned pretty fast by BattlEye, so that really isnt a huge problem here.

Also, admins shouldnt be scared of banning people they suspect for cheating if they have proof, just check the logs and ban. Easy pie.

Edited by Safrion

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bla bla bla

Sorry, you're completely stupid or refuse to understand such simple things. Either way continuing discussion with you is equal to hoping that Vladimir Putin won't become the president on next elections in Russia = senseless.

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Saying an admin shouldn't be able to kick someone to play on his own server, which he/she pays for is one hell of an arrogant and idiotic statement. I don't care who is making it. Rocket or users.

Except that's not what anyone's saying. Admins are allowed to kick whoever they want whenever they want.

They just can't do that and also run a hive-connected DayZ server.

Renting or owning a server gives you rights to that server. It doesn't give you rights to do whatever the fuck you want with a hive-connected version of DayZ.

How is this not obvious? It's really not rocket science (yuck yuck).

I haven't seen a decent analogy in 5 pages so here's one:

You rent an apartment. The apartment is yours to do with as you wish. But, you don't have any furniture so you ask to borrow rocket's couch. He says "Okay, but only for sitting and sleeping." You agree and take the couch.

The next day rocket stops by and finds you filming an all-out, balls-loose, sweat-soaked hardcore anal sex scene on his couch. He says "Hey, this is not what we agreed! I want my couch back."




Your apartment.

Not your fucking couch.

Get it fucking straight.

This whole thread is fucking ridiculous.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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