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Forum: Do Not Suggest List

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Alright, so anyone who spends 30 seconds in the suggestion forum probably understands the absolute barrage of stupid and repetitive ideas. On a daily basis, one can expect to see at least five "PvP solutions," three starting weapon ideas, and a few suggestions to change mechanics governed by the ArmA engine itself. The only thing to do about the spam is ignore it, which rarely works since the noobs who suggest bad ideas tend to support (and bump) other bad ideas.

In short, we need a DNSL: a sticky at the tip of the forum to define what suggestions are either already covered or unwanted.


Please click the link for a relevant post/thread!

Other useful topics:

"Make DayZ a Living Hell" (Tougher zombies, scarcer loot, cooperation-required mechanics, general difficulty+)

These topics have been covered extensively in many hundreds of threads. If you wish to submit your own input on any of the above ideas, use the search bar to find the most recent topic and post there. Do NOT create a new topic simply because the old topic on the idea is old or inactive, unless your suggestion is so radically innovative different that it qualifies as a topic to itself.

Yes, these are legitimate suggestions (mostly), and it's not poor taste to want to debate them. However, there are already topics going for these ideas and creating a new thread just to get attention for your own variation is noobish and borderline spam. In fact, most of the original threads for some of these ideas died because Rocket himself shot them down (for example, one of the earlier Death Squad suggestions, see the "Rocket said..." list in GD).

Don't post dupes, or I will glare angrily in your general direction until a mod arrives.

PROGRESS: Currently finding threads to link to.

... bored

Screw it. I'm gonna go raid NWA. Do it later.

Edited by thorgold
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Precisely. Search bar would kill most of the repeats, but there needs to be an overarching list that you can point to whenever someone doesn't follow the rules.

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did you mention the dc/altf4 thing? that's quite annoying and the only i care

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Couldn't agree more. And perhaps not even letting people start new threads in 'suggestions' until they have replied at least 50 times.

edit: I kind of wish there was a 'down-vote' to hide messages too ...

Edited by Turnipski

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Added Alt-F4, restructured the list.

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How about stuff dealing with sex? I've seen a few and I don't think people get the message that it's impossible and not needed at all. As well as more vehicle suggestion threads. I for one feel we have enough vehicles as it is and that they are perfect as it is now.

Otherwise +1 on this getting a sticky!

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I tried a thread like this myself once but it doesnt work. No one listens and we will continue to get the same old "Spawning with a weapon" or "Bandits should be punished" BS.

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Which is why we need a sticky.

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I agree that this needs to be stickied, for what it's worth. It would be nice to actually see NEW and INTERESTING suggestions in the forums, instead of fifty threads titled "OMG PvP iz da w0rst I lost all my uber-l33t l00t! plz fix it cuz it sux"

(Oh, and your signature is funny as hell)

Edited by Doctor_sloth

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I think you need to go a step further and post links to threads that discuss these ideas. Some stuff can be tricky to know what to search for, and when you have all these duplicate threads it can be unclear which one to continue with.

Edited by Turnipski

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Forum search is useless. If you don't have the same keyword it won't show up. Make this stick please.

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No matter how much you try to direct people to search for existing threads they will start new ones. Maybe its because their issue is slightly different to those they read in other threads. Who knows. People are told not to necro or bump posts too. What if a thread is old but deals directly with their problem. Should they bump it / necro it? That would be poor forum etiquette right? Start a new thread? Why not. Thats why you see so many posts with an opening paragraph with "I have searched but couldnt find..." or "please dont flame me if this has been discussed already"

Come on this is an internet forum. Expect the same posts over n over again. Get used to it.

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so I guess we shouldn't suggest anything worth talking about? this is dumb.

No, read the bottom paragraph. It's not that these topics don't warrant discussion - there is a lot to be said about restructuring the inventory, zombie AI, and PvP dynamics. However, there are already thousands of topics on this forum covering those ideas. This isn't a "Do No Suggest" list as much as a "Don't Make Another Topic About This" list.

No matter how much you try to direct people to search for existing threads they will start new ones. Maybe its because their issue is slightly different to those they read in other threads. Who knows. People are told not to necro or bump posts too. What if a thread is old but deals directly with their problem. Should they bump it / necro it? That would be poor forum etiquette right? Start a new thread? Why not. Thats why you see so many posts with an opening paragraph with "I have searched but couldnt find..." or "please dont flame me if this has been discussed already"

Come on this is an internet forum. Expect the same posts over n over again. Get used to it.

Just because it's a major problem on the internet doesn't mean we should sit back and do nothing. That's like looking at all the bugs and eternally saying "IT'S ALPHA GAWD" and never fixing anything. This list is supposed to (if stickied) have a rule set that can be pointed to and referenced in topics that break the rules - start handing out warnings for threads that break the DNSL. As I mentioned, it's too easy to say "Well I didn't know there was another topic" or "The old topic was buried" when challenged over a dupe thread.

(Oh, and your signature is funny as hell)

You can thank Rocket for that quote, I guess I messed up the BBC for quote references (fix'd).

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While I agree entirely with the OP, I have to ask, did you use the search before making this thread? You might've found this previous thread if you did.

The words 'hoisted' and 'petard' come to mind... :P

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Should be less repetition now that the search function has been improved.

i Hope :S

Edited by 3rdParty

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agreed, suggestion forum gets way too much spammed with stuff like "make zombie arms fall off and let them hit with their arm bones" or stupid repetitive stuff of fixing server hopping/disconnecting/pvp

rocket is aware of those things, and even though he has no solution to server hopping, he pointed out that MAYBE we soon will be able to have one character per server (dont quote me on this)

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While I agree entirely with the OP, I have to ask, did you use the search before making this thread? You might've found this previous thread if you did.

The words 'hoisted' and 'petard' come to mind... :P

While the sentiment is the same, this is a suggestion for a moderator-stickied DNSL, not just a list of stuff not to suggest. Nice try, though.

Oh, and @Zombo:

There is a solution for server-hopping which is being tested by the brave souls in the server. From reports, it's a delayed DC timer and zeds stick around longer after a DC :\

Edited by thorgold

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