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evolution (DayZ)

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About evolution (DayZ)

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    Zombie Apocalypse, we've all thought about it.
  1. evolution (DayZ)


    Sup, I guess you could call me a bandit, I shoot on sight (mostly because I don't trust anyone) and have worked up quite the humanity. Im currently at -54k humanity, just wondering what are you guys at? PS: what is your favourite weapon layout? -Mine is MK 48 Mod 0 with AS50
  2. evolution (DayZ)

    Thank goodness hope is restored

    If i were in either situation I would have taken the shot.
  3. evolution (DayZ)

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    Uh? Uhm? Do you take 231hrs to kill 8 zombies? They respawn on a timer. This isn't sex you don't have to take long. Be quick about it.
  4. evolution (DayZ)

    Can I run it at an enjoyable level?

    Yeah its my graphics card man. Gotta upgrate the 550ti is $117 nothing flashy.
  5. evolution (DayZ)

    "No pvp" server

    THIS IS WHAT I THINK OF THOSE SERVERS http://i.imgur.com/ysErQ.png
  6. evolution (DayZ)

    Random broken bones?

    If you opened a door you could have broken your legs. OR the player could have shot at you. The game is in alpha stages, its buggy as hell.
  7. evolution (DayZ)

    Vehicles: How To Keep Them When Loggin Off

    - Scroll on bike and click 'Save Bike'. Youve saved it. If you didnt it will be at the place you found it or saved it last (on server restart).
  8. evolution (DayZ)


    Hahaha sick thread here's my opinion. Keep NVG's in the game but maybe when rocked it done he should re-set the hive so there are no duped items (because lets face it 90%+ of NVG's are duped or hacked in). This would drasticaly reduce the numbers of the NGV's thus making night more fun :) PS: I dont play at night much anyway so either way i don't mind.
  9. evolution (DayZ)

    Ear Necklace / Skull trophies

    Did you just watch TWD ep when Daryl does this exact same thing?
  10. The uncommon matches just ruins it for solo players. You suggestions dont really make zombies more of a threat but instead make you encounter them more frequently. A threat would be to make zombies die from only headshots, make them investigate areas once they lose you, double or tripple the zombie population, make them do more damage when they hit you. These make them more of a threat.
  11. evolution (DayZ)

    Does Rocket know?

    Really.. in 3 months youve only seen 2 vehicles.. really? YOU are either UNLUCKY or a LIER.
  12. evolution (DayZ)

    Just cleared Electro

    Love bandit stories. Ahhh sniping over elektro is so easy ahaha good job bro.
  13. evolution (DayZ)

    Information Lacking.

    Sir you should take up the bandit lifestyle. It has its perks :)
  14. evolution (DayZ)

    The Tent

    Wouldn't be complaining ;)
  15. evolution (DayZ)

    Only FN FAL's past 3 helicopter crashes?

    Here's my youtube video on 10 heli crash site loots. This is what i got in the past week, some of these were on private servers also