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About Turnipski

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Turnipski

    Forum: Do Not Suggest List

    No forum moderator has an opinion on this then? :(
  2. Turnipski

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I like the intent to add more building options, especially ones with such powerful effect. However, adding new functionality to prevent an exploit is just a terrible, terrible idea and frankly I'm disheartened to see one of the Day Z Staff suggesting this. It is neither simple or elegant if it requires multiple items and changes peoples spawn locations. It also has no 'authenticity' which is one of the pillars of this game - since when have radio waves had the ability to teleport people? Something simple and elegant is the idea that some others have suggested - make players logging in emit a beep to everyone within 100m and require 30s or so to become playable. This would discourage people from logging in to servers in dangerous locations i.e. places with nice loot. This would be SO easy to just implement. How about starting with simple solutions first, and if they fail then you can try more exotic strategies that risk opening up new exploits?
  3. Turnipski

    Dislike option for comments

    I like this idea purely for the fact that there is so much crap/duplicate ideas posted on this forum and it's impossible to make any sense of any of it. Posts/threads that have enough dislikes should be hidden. You can't really do this in reverse (highlighting posts with many likes) because you would still have all the junk in between making the threads so long. Also, you might not like a post because you disagree with it, but that doesn't make it a bad post. Posts that are trolling, whining, not being constructive, being aggressive etc. are bad posts irrespective of opinion and should be hidden. There is already a 'report' button but that requires you to type in a reason for why the post is bad, but it requires a mod to read your report and make a decision which takes time. It also feels like you're being a snitch which I don't feel that comfortable with.
  4. Turnipski

    Forum: Do Not Suggest List

    I think you need to go a step further and post links to threads that discuss these ideas. Some stuff can be tricky to know what to search for, and when you have all these duplicate threads it can be unclear which one to continue with.
  5. Seems like there are a lot of claims/assumptions being made about what effect various things will have. Are you guys actually keeping track of the stats on PKs and how theychange over time? I doubt it. So I'd be interested to see some graphs of the causes of players death and how that has changed between patches. Why not try changing the ammo spawn rates just to see what happens? If there is no change, then great we now know that prevalence of ammo has no effect on PK volume and it can always change back. This is meant to be an experiment after all. That said, my prediction like most others is that I'm not convinced reducing ammo would reduce PKs (although I would like less ammo just to make it harder anyway). My opinion is that the prevalence of PKing is a viscous cycle that can only be stopped by enabling players to create stronger communities within servers more easily via instruments other than guns! That doesn't mean changing guns is the answer, but it might be so I think it should be tried.
  6. Turnipski

    Forum: Do Not Suggest List

    Couldn't agree more. And perhaps not even letting people start new threads in 'suggestions' until they have replied at least 50 times. edit: I kind of wish there was a 'down-vote' to hide messages too ...
  7. Turnipski

    Brilliant Idea!

    NIce idea! But maybe edit the threads subject to be a bit more specific, so more people are interested. I think a non-lethal way to 'pacify' people would be a great addition for the people that want to protect themselves but only against bandits. What would make this even better is if you could study peoples bodies to try and figure out if they are friendly or not (not that current mechanics would let you do that), and then just kill them if they are a bandit.
  8. Turnipski

    Military base

    Part of me likes this idea because it would give players with full gear something to do other than banditry, and it does sound like fun. But overall I am against this idea because part of what makes DayZ great is how emergent and unpredictable it is. Also, if you want this experience just go and play some ArmA coop missions... A much cooler way to make this kind of thing happen is if you made more reason for players to do it e.g. make some item that takes way too much space in backpack to realistically carry around. Maybe it makes you walk really slowly when you carry it. This way you would have to get a vehicle (or two!) to use the item. Chopper rotor assemblies / vehicle parts would be a great candidate for this sort of thing imo. Would mean that you would need a land vehicle before you could fix up the chopper, making a higher barrier to entry and greater sense of accomplishment.
  9. Turnipski

    Role-Play Start

    This idea has been suggested so many times, I don't really see what this thread adds to the discussion.
  10. Turnipski

    Why not: Church bells could aggro Zeds?

    I like this idea! Especially if towns had much more zombies in then it would be cool to plan your raids in to town to coincide with the church bells. Would actually make the watch have more of a use
  11. Turnipski

    Underground Military Complex

    I had this idea too when saw the Arma3 would make underground buildings possible. Really can't wait for something like this in the game, especially because of the total lack of light. Should be the only possible place to find NVGs!! :D
  12. Turnipski


    Totally agree with all of that . Those first times where twigs snapped / fences banged really freaked me out cos I thought somebody was really there. Every time I hear it I still get a little paranoid just no where near as bad. Now imagine if players/zombies/animals/the wind had a random chance to make these sounds. I think this game might send me a little crazy in that situation (in a good way!)
  13. Turnipski

    House Fortification

    Wooden barricades would be so much fun! Would be cool if you could even stop zombies opening doors just by holding them closed but it would only last while you stood there, giving your friends a chance to search the building.
  14. Turnipski

    Multiple Characters

    Multiple characters would be awesome but not if they could influence each other in any way. I bet most people here saying 'who cares about the exploits I want this' will be the people complaining when they get killed by an alt logging in on your position after you've won a fight. Yes, there are exploits already but that doesn't make exploits ok because they normally result in a game which is not as fun as when everybody is sticking to the rules. The idea of each server having it's own database actually sounds really awesome. This would also solve server hopping for loot farming/ghosting so this is a solution that allows multiple characters AND solves some exploits! Sounds like a great compromise to me.
  15. Turnipski

    I love cigarettes

    I really like this idea for the risk/reward scenario it could create. Choosing if you are a smoker or not does not require a UI element at the start when you spawn! You either use the cigarettes or you don't! This is how I see cigarettes working: * Smoking cigarettes has some beneficial effect e.g. gives a couple degrees of temperature, temporarily stops you from screaming when zombies are nearby, makes your friends think you're cool etc. * After using cigarettes too often you become addicted. * If you are addicted and have not smoked for X minutes then you being to very lightly shake. That's it. Cigarettes shouldn't be a big thing. Of course you should be able to find 20 different brands of cigarettes/rolling tobacco/weed, rizla, lighter and maybe even a pipe/bong. There should also be snus for the Swedes among us ;)