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heya im fackstah i ran private servers for 28 thousand people at one point in time for fussion-networks also worked for acclaim on dekaron before they got bought out and closed and i also do 3d modeling and some c# scripting

played alot of NAW mod for BF2 back in its hay day and did 8 hour battles a day for 6 months straight so i got tactics , i was voted to general of the PLA as well the last year NAW ran theyre battle tourneys

anyways im here now and bought arma specificly for this mod however i plan on playing arma also when the dayz servers are down add me on steam fackster i am in EST time zone and looking for some people to buddy up with in game


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Hi from Italy, 23 years old. I played Arma 2 for sometime and now i redownloaded it only for this awesome mod.

I'm a friendly survivor playing in EU servers (and the italian one)

See you in game!

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Hi survivors! I'm new to DayZ, never even played Arma II, so it's going to be a steep leaning curve I guess.

Any groups/clans/gangs from the UK/Europe want to join forces?

My nick in game should be the same as this forum, so watch out for me in game, I'll be playing friendly to start with so feel free to join forces!!

Excited! Renegade0260...

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Hi survivors! I'm new to DayZ' date=' never even played Arma II, so it's going to be a steep leaning curve I guess.


welcome to the ArmAverse, you either will learn to love or to hate it..I most often do both. It is a complete different game, but offers way more possibilities than other games do.

If you dont already know that, so I recommend you to take a look into the BIS Forums, to learn the ArmA Community...have fun with the Game, not only alone with DayZ ;)

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Hi there guys,

My name is James and I am from the UK. My ingame name is not set as I am still downloading Arma to play this mod specifically but when it is updated I will see you guys and girls in game!

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I'm Bandit Hunter, in game and here.

I like killing Bandits. If I had 25 bullets, was being chased by 24 zombies, and came upon 1 unarmed bandit with a broken leg, I would put 25 bullets in the Bandit's head.

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I'm friendly and looking for a small group based on gmt+1

I play on UK, FR and EU servers.

I don't have any tent yet, that's why I can easily jump from one to another server.

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New to this, hope to hook up with some of you soon, so if you see 'rats' don't shoot he's one of the good guys.

A little edit here.

Great community, a lot of helpful people..........that's a good sign. Keep it up.

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Hi All, I've only been playing for a day, but this game is incredible, and I can't wait to play it when it goes gold. Great job developers and thanks for your effort to keep it going.

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I'm RP - danish defence vent but a mil sim guy way before that. Worked with IT and games all my life and got an engineering degree in it now. Hoping to help people here and if feasible the dev team with debugging and dev.

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New player, and enjoying the game. Hoping to meet other mature players to team up with.

Friendly unless fired upon.

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Hello! I'm Mzltv. Currently a bandit in-game, but trying to get those humanity points back up!

Usually play on the UK or EU servers (if there's any room) and hate playing at night because I can't admit I'm a 21 year old who is terrified of simulated zombies.

Anyone who fancies a game, gimme a shout!

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Hey, folks. Bowser Koopa here. Lookin' to team up with other survivors and mop the floor with bandits. They get my blood-a boilin'... See you on the field.

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Hey' date=' folks. Bowser Koopa here. Lookin' to team up with other survivors and mop the floor with bandits. They get my blood-a boilin'... See you on the field.


You going to build your seven koopa hotels?

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You going to build your seven koopa hotels?

Oh, absolutely. Under my rule, I guarantee one princess per player who allies themselves with me. Fringe benefits of putting your trust in me.

Just FYI, I know what you're thinking...Bowser Koopa, protector of the people? Well, I've hung up my evil spikey arm bracelets and turned soft (but not my spikey necklace. That was never evil). What can I say? Everyone deserves a second chance. I'm here to wipe my hands of so much spilled mushroom kingdom blood. Hopefully I can make up for all the horrible sins I've committed in the past.

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Hi I'm kds_119, new to day z, not arma. looking for a group to help make game more fun!

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My Name is Daniel(In game name Whiteley) and im usaully on any US servers, Virginia Servers, NY servers, and other US servers.

I Also love Slayin' them Z's

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BvP-DeadEnd here, or just DeadEnd. I've been playing DayZ for about a week now, and ArmA for even longer. I tend to play on EU, FR, and UK servers, but I can't be too picky as I have a poor internet connection.

I've been having a lot of fun in the mod so far, I cant wait to see how this mod develops!

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Well hello there! You can call me Slapshot. I'm new to both ArmA II and DayZ, but I think I've caught on quickly.

So far this mod is awesome! Can't wait to see how far it can go.

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Dylan here!!! Super Survivor Elite.. Rocking my 6217 Humanity!!! Will do Trades and Blood Transfusions!!! I play on Seattle/NY7/Chicago 2/4.. I am usually hanging around the NE part of the Zone.. Most of my characters last around 10ish or more hours.. Played 72 in game hours and I STILL haven't found a tent or NVG haha. If you see me on your server just ask if I am the Pezix Dylan!

I just traded with a few peeps last night so KUDOS TO!





(+1 rep for being NICE players)

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Hello Im Paecmaker (the names Eddie ingame) I play mostly on EU servers(but you can find me in other european servers too)

Normally I am kind and if I can I might help other survivors in need.

If you are a fellow player just trying to survive dont be afraid, maybe we can team up and see if we can get better gear together, I will never betray other players no matter what type of loot they got.



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Hallo! I go by Vaxis on both the forums and in game, but I unfortunately hop from server to server. I usually end up on the European servers, but I'm local to the US and enjoy the Dallas servers if I can get my character loaded.

I'm friendly, so if you see me around I'll offer advice and supplies. I'm cautious around players who sudden jump out at me or come into view, but I'm unlikely to shoot unless you fire first!

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Call me Sheldomaus. I am friendly and tend to survive pretty damn long. If you guys need a spare person hit me up sometime.

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Hello all you. started playing just a few days ago and so far love it.

Do want to find someone group/clan of survivors to team up with.

Prefer Eu or east coast Us servers for play.

Not really into the bandit hunting as of yet. scavange and basic learning still (only found 2 bandits so far one shoot me in the head the other one e ran by with a train of zombies..)

Times played is US eastcoast primetimes. Do however live in EU so

Playing as Grey Thorn. pm me here for now. Off to look at all the recruitment pages. to see if anyone fits.

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