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I'm f0twenty...the pothead blazing survivor. I've had farrrrr too many close encounters with banditos and the likes (people wanting my shit). I've been on the game for about a month now and have the entire coast line down to a T...from Berezino to Kamenka....when to hit what buildings and how to do proper recon of an area.

I am currently looking to join a squad of people looking to help others. I would rather protect someone so they can get some ammo and supplies than shoot them blindly. I know the ins and outs of all the major cities and when to hit the major points and extract quickly. Currently have plenty of firepower, meds, and supplies to help several other people out.

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Hi, I'm Cipher. I've been playing off and on for about a month, but I just recently got my friends playing as well, and we've gotten far working together. We've left the noobish ways of the coast and have started surviving up in the north. We're not bandits, but we've taken a very paranoid stance towards other players, generally having an attitude of avoid at all costs.

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My name's Mike, but I like to go by CreamCheeseAssassin. I honestly haven't played a long enough session to travel to far into the land, mainly sticking to the coast. Right now I'm trapped in a barn with an empty Lee Enfield and a concussion. Safe to say I'm pretty screwed. I don't shoot people I see, primarily because I've only seen one person since starting: my friend who was up in a building in cherno with a shotgun and 750 blood.

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Hi there. I am YourStepDad...heh, or Ivan, going by my ingame nickname.

I'm a solo player for the most part, unless I can find a group to tag along with. Since one of my earliest Day Z experiences, I have sworn a little oath(derp) never to attack an unarmed player, unless he gives me a reason to do so.

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Tropus, Friendly guy; so got shot a hundred times.

Kinda got sick of always getting killed, just as I got some nice loot;

So, I almost snapped and went bandit;

Chose not to, redoubled effort to being nice.

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My IGN is CoolCat and I have been pressured into killing only 2 times because they failed to comply with my demands(ppl said "friendly" in side chat and idk if it's the same ppl) I said, "SAY IT IN DIRECT CHAT BEFORE I BLOW YOUR BRAINS"

That's what happens when the Dayz paranoia sets in.

I'm pretty friendly when I'm with ppl that aren't going to shoot me in the back of the head.

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I'm Eric. You all can call me Vermilion. If we end up meeting each other in the field, you can call me Verm. If you want to push your luck, call me Vermin. No, I don't actually mind, really.

I play a lot of instruments, write a lot of music, compose a bit with a buddy, pay a lot of games, watch a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and VNs, and generally putz around while I wait for the soul-sucking achievement of graduation and entrance into the workforce. I'm 18 and... Well, I'm different. Doctor says so. I hope none of you buy into that "aspie" garbage on 4chan because that's not how I am in the slightest, and unfortunately I can't find the humour endearing as long as so many people interpret it as fact. I speak a little German and want to learn Japanese and Polish. I'd like to live somewhere else. Maybe Germany, maybe Japan (although they're generally rather Xenophobic, which is a turn off... but they're also really far from where I am, and I need to get away from small town USA).

I played a lot of Call of Duty 4 with my clan PlanB, but most of them moved on to Battlefield 3, which I don't particularly enjoy, so I'm kind of freelancing it under the tags for now... It's not like I can just leave the guys; we've spent a lot of time together. Hell, we swept house in our first season in TCC and forced all the other teams to reconsider their game-plans for the following seasons. We started getting really tactical in response but a lot of people didn't have the patience and interest in CoD4 was fading, anyway.

But that's all irrelevant, isn't it? Y'all want to know how I deal with zombies. I can be cautious, and I can be reckless. I communicate, plan (though not more than two or three minutes ahead of time... I don't like to plan very far ahead~), and split loot fairly. I prefer semi-automatic rifles. I'm not sure how voice-chat works in game, exactly, as I haven't really run into enough other people for it to matter and contact never lasts.

Edited by Vermilion

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Chuu here! As in short of Denichuu, my average Nick almost any game i can think off.

From Sweden and just managed to get the game and mod working!

Now trying to grasp the function and the basics of the game.

Mostly introducing myself in hope to find myself a partner, I'm hopeless alone.

Hope to see any of you!

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My name is Haufer. Started Dayz about 48 hours ago and have loved every second of the game. I am friendly and always looking to party up.

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Im TheLoneRanger, started playing about 48 hours ago as well. Have had some good and bad times, funny and sad times to boot. I play the west coast servers, mostly the LA or Seattle ones. Unforunately, I don't have a Mic yet (getting one in the next few days). If anyone wants to party up my steam ID is thelonerange12.

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Hiya everybody!

My name is Matt ingame:Matt Matt(2) Matt(3) or even Matt(4) if I'm lucky.

I enjoy frank and beans and long...painful...broken leg crawls to get to a damn hospital for some morphine because when ever I alert a zombie my legs are sure to break. Otherwise I'm a lone-wolf trying to avoid any and all contact with any breathing being.

So yea every time I play I usually get a mini heart attack.

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Hi, i'm Skunky. Im quite a friendly, chilled out, coop loving gamer. I've only just started playing DayZ and have no good stuff, but am trustworthy and wont stab you in the back. :)

Add me on steam: skunky1340, ingame name is Skunky.

Edited by skunky1340

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Helloo Ella is the name ingame and in real life. On forums DopeGirl tho'

If your friendly with me, i'm friendly with you. Mostly hang around in cherno finding stuff and above that in the wilderness with a small group of friends! Loving the mod, i'm addicted.

Oh right! And. I mostly play on UK and US servers. that's bout it.

Edited by DopeGirl

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My name is Daniel, i,m a 19 year old boy.

i am from denmark ( a small country in northwest europe )

I am an extreme noob at dayZ, even though i,ve played it for a couple weeks now. i keep dying all the time, and i,m the only one of my friends who like " zombie survival " games, so i,m all alone.

which is partly why i came here, anyone willing to do a group?

best if you are from denmark aswell, as my english is not too good, but we can speak english if only english people want to :)

I usually play on gmt+1 or UTC servers, as that is my own timezone, but any other european timezone will work too :)

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I'm Hungrypiemonger (everyone just calls me Hungry), just don't call me late for Frank and Beans. nyuk nyuk.

usually on the US servers although occasionally on french when its late at night. NVG sure is tough to find.

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I'm bmc341999(My ingame name is Brandon). And I am looking for some people to team up with to murder some ZOMBIES!!!

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Hello my name is MegaFilth90 on here and in game. I like long walks along the beach, going to the supermarket for guns and food/pepsi, and murdering zombies wiff mah hatchet :)

I have played for a little over a week now so I have gotten pretty good at maneuvering around zombies (players, not so much). I'm not too great with guns yet so let's go find some! Add me on steam and/or on here so can play :D

I play mostly on servers around UTC-5 if that helps with location.

EDIT: for timezone

Edited by MegaFilth90

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hi there

shortname ingame is KSMods and im very new to DayZ.

Honestly ... i have to say that sometimes dayz becomes a bitch. U got the loot of your life, 2 weapons, a map, clock and a tent, 12 Minutes later you're rest in a restaurant and bandage your wounds ... BANG ... just sniped and start from scratch

Sometimes the servers doesnt save your loots. Im in france and the internet connection is really slow from time to time, so i need to respawn, and if i'm in luck my loot is gone .. great, too

But, for me, a german with 26yrs of age, dayz is one of the best games of the last years, and if it hits beta stat's im pretty sure it will become one of the best games ever.

I need to got more experiences in looting and shooting, and of course i need to get a headset, but afterwards it will be more fun than ever before, even if i can find some friends to play with at official servers.

Thanks Modmakers for developing this. Never was happier before to spend money for a game :)

Edited by kettenschutz

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Hi i'm Sapatha, leader of the clan [boss Nigger].

Currently based on LOTC. :)

Recruiting skilled players !

// Sapatha

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Hi everyone!

In game: Kisa

Steam: [ò_ò] Kisa ♥

This is my first week in and, wow, what an experience. I can't wait to see how this mod develops. I game casually and my timezone is GMT -6.

To one of the posters above, I also get mini heart attacks when playing. My brother dies laughing whenever he witnesses one, but I LOVE it. Such a rush.


Edited by Kisalyn

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Well after readin this thread, I'm happy to see that there are so many dope people here.

I've been playin DayZ for a day so far, and figured I may as well introduce myself to yall.

Ingame name is Frankie. I've been kinda roamin through servers trying to find the right fit for me, so I don't expect anyone to be like "Oh I know you."

I'm pretty down for groupage and all that, or if anyone needs a vent to use for groups, hit me up. Got me a 25slot that I use for my guild in Tera.

Anyways, time to get back to Hiking Simulator with Zombies 2012.

Nice to meet you guys, kinda<3

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Hi my name in game is Pearce been playing for a couple of weeks but as with all things life gets in the way so it has only really been 4-5 days worth of gaming.

I am based in Australia and I have posted a grudge against a Matt(2) but it is on one of the Aus or NZ servers.

I am loving this mod in spite of the bugs and glitches and bandits.

I was eased into the game by a friend and we tend to party up but when solo I am always looking for help.

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