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About YourStepDad

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. YourStepDad

    So I've been just blown to pieces...

    Today I've also saw a barn blow to pieces...and 3 buildings next to it. It was on a Russian server and there were constant explosions, the smoke would not go away. I closed in but logged out afterwards, so I couldn't see was there someone nearby actually doing that stuff. didn't want to take any chances.
  2. YourStepDad

    Bring back bandit skins/indentifiers

    You have not said anything useful with this post, and I don't think you're going to if you post again, so please, stay away from this thread. As much as the bandit skins are not the solutions, they have obviously made the game work better in many ways. As annoying as the "bring back bandit skins" threads may be, they are legit complaints. I agree with the second post though. :D
  3. I have the same issue. Thanks for the workaround, but I can wait for the patch.
  4. YourStepDad

    Recruit/Regular/Veteran/Expert difficulties

    Loot people. It's the loot. Recruit is abundant with loot, whilst on regular there is three times as less loot. Even less on veteran, never tried expert though. You also get hungry and thirsty faster depending on the difficulty.
  5. YourStepDad

    How to fix D/Cers. For real.

    make their character stay on the server, for 30 seconds AT LEAST.
  6. YourStepDad

    20sec till disconnection

    Oh my god. That is one of the best suggestions I have ever seen for Day Z. It would stop you from logging off to loose a horde of zombies, not to mention players logging out during a firefight. It could be abused with alt +f4, but it would be solved this way - even if you disconnect, your character continues to log out for the said amount of seconds. I really want everybody to see this. You have my beans!
  7. YourStepDad

    Loot washing up along the shore line

    I do not like the idea. Seeing as how the coast is the starting zone, it would only mean more threat for the newbies. Loot is painfully easy to obtain as it is, food meters are unrealistic and food is bloody everywhere, among countless other things. In other words - ABSOLUTELY NOT. It gives you a stupid reason to stick to the shore, and players should be encouraged to leave it, and take some risks if they want a reward. Besides, people that despawn near the coast look like stranded corpses, which is a nice touch :P
  8. YourStepDad

    New Zombie Textures

    Very, very nice. change the tread name to " New Zombie Textures [FINISHED] " or something, otherwise devs or others may overlook the thread thinking it is just an idea.
  9. YourStepDad

    The best suggestion ever

    How about that's how it works you little shit? A road to perfection has it's ups and downs, things are bound to break and problems are bound to arise. If you avoid adding new stuff for a while, most of the community will get upset. I wish some people would use reason to understand this is how every, and I mean EVERY alpha works. One build will be stable, another one will cause problems, and the problems will be gone after a few builds. It is just the way of things, nothing wrong with it. Oh, and the zombies spotting you from far away was absolutely fixed in the last patch. Get your facts right.
  10. YourStepDad

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    That very same bandit will probably want to loot whoever he just killed. That bandit also has to have ways of obtaining food. There is ALWAYS some amount of risk.
  11. YourStepDad

    Knock out players and tie them up

    A lot of people want to see it. Except it shouldn't be done with barbed wire. :D Isn't this what the players who are not in binds can do? :D
  12. YourStepDad

    Medium Value Barns Animal Spawn Chance

    Me likey. +1
  13. Go away, chill, then come back.
  14. YourStepDad

    Suggestion: Dead Survivors

    I agree, thought if nothing, I'd like to see hanged/dead people, tents and camps in forests as immersive props and points of interests, making forest trips scarier and more interesting. I'd like to see stashes of goods hidden away at specific locations, and perhaps civilians too, if they don't make them too frequent.