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Ingway here, always trying to be friendly and team up with people, but the ammount of bandits make it hard for me, so to whoever might find me in a server with the same NICK, don't doubt me, i may be scared of trusting strangers, but if you need help and prove to be social, i'll provide it.

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me name im forum well Dragula, In game death dealer,My life game player, mod builder, first mod Napoleon in Russia Project (NiRP) 1987 Art, great mod still peaple play it.

then total war The Indian Mutiny (BEIC) sub mod, Now arma mod beta bushwars member, tester hanger outer. P82 - Project 82 Falkland/Malvinas war mod, Now this mod is turn to monster, with a great team lead cimalex.

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Hello there. RTM here, from the Philippines. I just started playing the mod about 4 days ago. I'm still trying to learn more stuff along the way. I'm looking a group to start with too. GLHF everyone.

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Hey everyone, I'm Daniel AKA Flipside. I just bought the game today and I'm still learning the basics. I hope to see many of you in game and do a little surviving together. Happy zombie hunting!

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Hello Folks

Bluesydave on Steam

Roadkill in game

Love this game

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Hello. I'm Snatchcan, Snatchcan Pete in game. I'm fairly new, and I don't like being shot at!

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Sup , My Names Hiro , Hirox3 ingame

and i like finding friendlies and T-Bagging Beandits

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lilwillie, longtime BIS game player, from the beginning. I had a account here but it went to wherever...Love the game, don't get much playing time but want to do good, not going to run around killing for fun. Unless it is a Zed. Need something and I am close by, I'll help ya out.

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Ryker |Reven I.G.| and I'm new to Dayz. This is quiet an amazing game and I look forward to playing it with all of you!

Metaphorically speaking of course, lol! :D



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hello im brandon (bravo2 in arma 2 )

just joined. want to thank rocket for this awesome mod and for the DEV team time and commitment to bring us the best mod in my opinion hands down

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Greetings folks! I'm Hazzer, a teenager from Great Britain who's a massive fan of both zombie-related games and survival games. I recently decided to purchase Operation Arrowhead having already bought the original ARMA 2 many years ago, before it became mainstream (Played a lot of multiplayer back in the day) and I of course decided to install the wonderful DayZ mod about a week ago; which I absolutely adore. I commonly play on the UK6 server but can also occasionally be found on UK8.

I usually attempt to co-operate with other players should they prove trustworthy, but I'll be honest and say I'll probably pop a bullet in your head at some point if you've got decent gear or are an incompetent oaf.

My Steam username is "Hazzer", I'm the guy with a bald eagle as his profile picture. Feel free to add me and I'll certainly consider teaming up with you in-game.

I'll see you on the lovely, cannibal-ridden wasteland of Chernarus. Ciao! ;)

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My name is Robin (35), playing from Germany, current server of choice DE24 (UTC-6).

I´m trying to play Day Z with a bit of role-playing:

(x) My characters name is McClane.

(x) My character has a map and wants to travel north to the airfield (looking forward of being evacuated)

(x) My character won´t shoot unless being shot at.

(x) My character hopes to team up (but currently I can´t play at any fixed dates/times.)

I like the start-up experience of Day Z, reminds me a lot of the time when Counter-Strike Beta 1 got released.

Feel free contacting me.

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My name is Hunts168, in-game name Hunts.

On American servers every time I play, but some RU servers too.

Usually a loner but will make exceptions.


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My name is Helton, in game and Hayden in life! I love this mod and love killing bandits and Zombies!

BTW its easy to tell if they are a bandit if they hid in towers or stalk others to kill!

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Hello all, great mod and hope to see you soon. (some of you not so much perhaps.)

Will usually be on when my room mates asleep so i wont be on coms (hence the name) ;).

Peace. o7

ps. if you try to kill me rest assured, i will teabag your corpse...

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Hey :3 I'm from Ireland~ Love DayZ. English friends got me into it and Im going well :D Small camp, A few weapons alot of medical supplies and food.

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Ingame name: Tony Bibbles

Just looking for some ppl to survive with and trust I have a mic.:D

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My ingame Dayz name is either Neale/Chupacabra...been playing solo for a while now & want to find a group of decent survivors to hook up with. I'm UK based, have only ever killed one player ingame, & that was self defence with a grenade!

Been killed/sniped at least 6 times for no reason, once around green mountain when I accidentally ran into a group of 3/4...tried to duck out & got shot for my trouble!

I refuse to become a bandit! But enjoy the mod never the less!

Message me if I you want to trial me...cheers all!


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Hey Im chrissie from UK AKA starbuck-girl in steam and in game

I freaking love this game its awesome gonna be a bit lonesome playing on my own as my friend has now decided to bring in his clan so gotta be a brave sausage and get on with it :)

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Hello all, names Dave, ingame its Ezekiel 25:17 and on steam its =[Ezekiel2517]= again.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inadequicies of the selfish and the tyranies of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truely his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger on those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers and you will know my name as the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

-Ezekiel 25:17

If you come across me ingame, Ill be friendly and willing to help provided you keep your weapon lowered and away from me. Paranoia has served me well and kept my encounters with hostile players in my favor so far (In situations where I had a chance anyway, respawning in the dark only to be chased down by a bandit with nvgs within five minutes doesnt really count).

Im from Scotland, so voice comms tend to be a little problematic from time to time with the accent, but "AWW BAWS!!! LEGGIT!" seems to be universally understood.

I think I might have been addicted to DayZ before I even got my hands on a copy of ARMA. Id watched as many gameplay videos on youtube as I could find in preparation and it seems to have paid off. Only 6 or so deaths in and Ive got a 3 day old character with a V3S truck full of meat and ammo, just need some folks to share it with now.

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Hi names Nyarhra, Gideon Ravenor ingame

I'm generally friendly ingame but have had some bad experiences when meeting

other players so now i tend to keep my distance and am very cautious when meeting someone ingame.

Bottom line is i want to help others but now will usually turn and head the other way and avoid contact altogether.

BTW love this game i die and die again but just cant stop playing :P

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Hi everyone! Nice to ~meet you. I am thoroughly enjoying this mod so much I doubt I'll ever play Arma2. The learning curve on Day Z is so extreme and the play styles so limitless. Almost every player in game is out to kill you and fewer still want to team up with strangers. After having a broke leg for hours and posting on the forums and getting saved by Brian @ RMG, I've teamed up with him and also become a roving medic, dying frequently but saving others is so fun!



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