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I'm Ed 15 and i live in the UK. I am not a squeaker but my voice jumps to many peoples amusement.

Holding off DayZ till Standalone

Steam: jetcat19

Skype: ed-holmes98

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Gh0st233 here, ingame name simply Ghost. Bought the Combined Ops on the Steam Summer sale 2012, and have been playing it a lot for a month after I got it, then paused, then started again recently. So far, enjoy it a lot, again. I usually trust people in the game too much, even bandits, which is something I should change.

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Hello Everyone,

SIERA_FOUR here AKA Will in-game.

39yrs old.

Team Player

Australian Time-Zone UTC+10

Play on the NZ22, NZ25, NZ21 servers.

Looking for a Team-Focused group to play on AUST/NZ servers when I'm off shift ( Coal Miner near Mackay Queensland ).

Due to a Hacker doing a mass teleport and some DayZ Panic on my part , I am stuck with a Bandit skin at the moment. See my post "How do you Un-Bandit".

So cant wait to get my humanity back, but everyone just shoots you on sight even if you ask if they want help....Oh well, thats DayZ for you.

Anyone interested in teaming up. Daytime till we are NVG Capable, then 24hr Ops after that. Let me know via MSG or via Skype

Skype name: aussieguy1973

Hope to play in a team environment with some mature players soon.

Not bad with a map and a compass. I can never seem to find a GPS...LOL

Cheers and Peace, Out.


Edited by SIERA_FOUR

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My name is Guillermo (William), I'm from argentina and I have 22 years old. I played DayZ for like 5 months until I sold my Steam account in order to buy DayZ Standalone... bad move because it was delayed and now I'm dying to play some ArmA II again. Waiting <im>paciently in order to get my hands into the SA.

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Hey everyone. Been playing for @a month. Looking forward to teaming up. It's a cold lonely world out there.

Mature player

Central time zone

Edited by JudgeLuco

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hey all. had to sign up to seek medic so i figured id introduce myself. play late nights CST. older guy. never pk unless bothered.

in game name Hateful.is

steam id gary_malibou

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Hello people, my name is Lido, and I am dayz's new epitome of beauty.

I am quite possibly the sexiest most beautiful hero you will ever see. I have also acquired a tractor.


Be on the lookout, for I with my wonderful utility-belt of blood bags and my Tractor, whom has been appropriately named "Tinkerton", will be saving you from your Shemagh-clad enemies.

Yep. :T

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Griff from NZ.

Try to play on Oz servers, but always fill, so I go to US 1.

Been playing Arma for a loooooooooong time, and this mod is the best thing since ACE/ACRE.

Woop NZ

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Hi, I am Skadefroen, 40-something and Scandinavian. I am doing great in navigating on most maps and avoiding zombies, but you will most likely find me running in blindness on a German public server bleeding from a teenage KoS-bambi who tried to take me out before he got a hs from my axe and we both died. In case you meet me, I'll probably ask you for help or if you need help...Or to team up, because my friends are offline. Due to my nature, my average life-span is 45 mins - max!

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Hey everyone my name is PHam. I stumbled upon this game and it looks and sounds amazing you guys seem really cool. I'm still not completely grasping what this game is because i think its so much more. I'm a big fan of zombie movies and an even bigger fan of zombie games and if this game is the type of game i think it is then I'm completely on board!

Only thing i ask for is a kind soul to fill me in on what this game is about and maybe not mind answering a few noobish questions. I'm a realistic gamer who appreciates a good game.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me out its greatly appreciate

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IGN: James

Real Life Occupation: USMC Reserves, Medical Transcription, and author (with a published work).

Playstyle: Hero/Survivor. I prefer to stalk people if they get too close just to make sure they stay away from my area. I only fire once a confirmed threat has been posed (or if I am far off and they are in my camp).

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Hi I'm Holden in dayz I am part of the gaming clan ReSurfalution Gaming |RSG|, I love killing zombies and driving the big URAL truck haha!

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Hey everyone. Been a fan of arma for a while but I never played the DayZ mod until recent as I had never heard of it and I am really enjoying it so far. Been having trouble with some bandits but that's expected ofcourse. Based in the UK, speak English and Turkish 24 years of age.

Great site by the way, some very helpful information. I'm pretty familiar with the game already except for when I don't have a map as I haven't learned the locations yet.

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Random100 here from Australia looking for others players in similar timezones.

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What's up guys, BdogZ here, just another gamer girl who absolutely loves post-apocalyptic games, DayZ being the best out there, in my opinion. I'm from Portugal btw, and I have skype if you want to contact me. Now where's my standalone! :P

Edited by BdogZ
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Hi im BoomXombies, BoomXombies in game. Jason on ts. Ask me if you would like to join my group! Thanks

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Hi im Legendros, Legendros in-game, im a 23 year old canadian gamer, typically in DayZ i spend most of my time in either elktro or cherno's supermarkets, or the nw airfeild, or hiding out in the woods avoiding both zombies and bandits, im a very freindly player, and love teaming up with people and helping them find gear and surviving, if anyone wans to team up with me, hit me up with a pm :D

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HI! I'm ProShooterBF.

Despite what others might think, BF doesn't stand for boyfriend. I am, however, a huge Battlefield fan.

Battlefield to the side, I try my best to be a heroic figure in DayZ. I've had the game, or mod, for a little over a month now, and one thing i've learned is that there are waay too many bandits in this fine game, especially in my home server. Sure, bandits make the game fun, but sometimes I go out of my way to hunt elite scout snipers shooting freshies in Elektro.

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I'm Lex in game and I'm really sorry if it was you I killed the other night. I'm new and was panicing. Sorry.

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Hi all, i go by my handle MakZ which is a mix of my sons name and my own. Can be found in Cherno most days and am willing to help people in any way i can however i do have trust issues in DayZ at the moment haha.

Hope to meet some of u in game!

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Hi my name is camy1234 in game name Cameron I'm new and one of those will help out because I am a nice guy

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Hello, I'm CS14 (in-game as well) and I just started playing DayZ this past Monday (02/04/13) and have been loving it more and more since then. I consider myself a 'neutral' player meaning I'll play friendly but my character's safety comes first and won't hesitate to shoot if provoked. I plan on sticking with DayZ for a while and looking forward to meeting new people and having fun while playing.

Edited by CS14

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