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Hi, the name is John and I play online as JohnnyT

This is my first week on day z and honestly it's the first PC game I own, I've come all the way from consoles just for this game and it's been worth it. I'm new to playing on PC but I'm picking up on things fast and getting better each day. It's fun surviving but I'm trying to find some people to play with. It gets boring playing by yourself and two is always better then one is one thing I've picked up on. My steam account is JTroeller if anybody wants to add me

Same as myself.

Read about DayZ a few weeks ago and actually saved up, researched gpus, cpus etc.. and built my own gaming pc to play it. Been playing it the last two days, well practicing since im new to mouse and keyboard as well but getting the hang of it and really really liking it. As a console gamer, PS3, im finding the change to pc gaming very nice, especially the graphics and mods. Steam is a great service too and ive got some great bargains during the recent sale i.e Combined Operations for €7.49.

I had a great but harsh experience today, was doing my best, about an hour in, server was seemingly full of friendly guys flying a chopper, getting better at sneaking by zombies, got to a barn, got myself a Enfield, heard some shooting outside, guy runs in followed by loads of zombies, i decide to help him out. After all the shooting, i look over to see him and bam he shoots me. Turns out he thought i was going to shoot him. Either way, the harsh brutality of this game kicked in and, as frustrating as it was to die after doing so well (relatively), i loved it.

Long story short, im OcelotRigz on Steam. Feel free to add me on there.

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Hello, peeps! My name is Ghost Complex on here and in-game.

I am a friendly player. You can usually find me surviving solo but I am always on the lookout for a friendly cooperative group. :)

Hey i been looking for someone to hang with in game im a new player and cant seem to survive long enought to enjoy this game if your ever on hmu would like to co op.

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Name is MacUseless

playing under the same name.

Can be found on most NL servers and im friendly :)

unless you fire upon me first >:(

I run a teamspeak now and then for fellow dutch players.

Always looking to team up with others saftey in numbers :beans:



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Hi I'am madnotdead here and mad in game.

I am friendly, but mostly of the time I dont know where i am so its difficult to team up with me.

See you around!

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Hello my name is Jimmy and i am an alcoholic... oh im in the wrong room.

anyway hello my name is Jimmy and i am a survivior, not a murderer.

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Hi my names Joe. I just bought arma 2 co today and im jus waiting for the download to finish. N im lookin for someone to play with to help me out with the game since im new. Add my steam - jgtv

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Howdy All

I'm CroixAura and my ingame name is also CroixAura. I am a friendly as well as a new player. I'm hanging out on US Servers since that just happens to be where I'm at. On a side note I am looking for a group or partners :D

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Hey guys! I'm T1Warfighter (In game I play as "Cascada"). I'm generally a neutral survivor, not helping others or murdering others unless they take the first action. I usually play on the map Celle, as I enjoy the German theme. My biggest pet peeve in this game is when people just start shooting at you as soon as they spot you without even trying to deal with you. (Seems to be most of the player base in this game anyway.)

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Hi, my ingame Name is Axon0p62, if you i see you without a Weapon i will give you support. If you got a weapon i will maby try to contact you, depends on your behavior. Had once a heroskin, but lost it cause of killing bandit like behaving survivors. My nativ langue is german, so i dont try to longtime teamup with english speeking, leads most of the time to confusion on both sides, what isnt really heathy.

cu ig, gl&hf meanwhile :)

EDIT: Changed my IG name to Jack Walters now :D

Edited by Axon0p62

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Hi, I'm UGotRedOnU and am relatively new but I'm not as clueless as some of the people you see in youtube videos, well, not quite. I'm looking for people to team up with and am available to play Thursday nights, Fridays or Saturdays, (CST.) Look forward to meeting you in-game.

Skype username: red.onyou

Edited by UGotRedOnU

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Hello, I'm Eric or Shooter McGavin if you see me in-game. I'm pretty friendly if you're unarmed and i'll probably just avoid you if you're armed... well, unless you have a rag on your head.

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Hi,my name is Anthony. I've just started playing DayZ and I'm very interested in it and looking forward to the standalone :D

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Hi my name is Xaluca, and this is jackass ! lol no seriously add me on steam if u wanna team up.

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Hey there! Yes you! I'm hymie8, and I'm probably not known to you!

I've just started this game, and I love it! Even though I die mostly because I can't find any food or water...

Anyways, I play on all kinds of servers now, because I'm still a noob. I hope that I can get the hang of this game soon!

If anyone is so kind to help me, like say where I can get good loot or something, I really appreciate that!

Over and out!


PS: I'm friendly, so if you might encounter me, please don't blow my head off! Also, if you do want to get my stuff, could I atleast have some left? Thanks!

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Hey Guys

Im Axeboy, been playing since near the start and lurking here for a good while.

I play with a few mates, did play with n00bgroup server till it went down too. Im friendly in play, but have ended up being a bandit a few times due to being attacked. Went away from Military weapons and now concentrating on using lee enfield and my new fav weapon, the Winchester.

Looking forward to the SA version, superb game this... no games gives me the adrenaline rush and shakes like this does :)

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Hello, my name is UKCFS. I love DayZ and many outdoor activities. I am from the UK, nice to meet you all.

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Hi I'm Fraggle, loved and hated in equal measure. Ok, mainly just hated.

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tolerated fraggle, tolerated...

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47th page post ftw..

My name is Marko(Marco)

I just joined after 10 hours of watching all videos about DayZ(Not even kiddin') :D

Hello everybody! =)

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My name is Chris, or Mr. Decoy in game. I found Dayz because it kept showing up in the Recommended vids on YT :)

Being a complete noob at Arma and Dayz I tend to stay away from other players which so far is working out nicely. I mainly lurk in trees, hunt, get water and run back to the tree again, firing off a shot with my Enfield every now and then to scare away other players :P

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Hello, I'm one of the forums biggest carebears. The name is zach, in game I usually go by [ss] zac, or [ss] zach (depending if the server allows custom faces). I play on a private hive now, since chernarus has gotten boring. Anyhow I'm from michigan and generally haven't played since september.

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Hello my name is marshmellow hippie. I havn't even played the game yet. But it looks pretty cool! By the way are there any servers in Arkansas?

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