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I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

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Is the owner of the wallet going to shoot you on sight when you're about to return the wallet to him? I guess not.

Maybe, if you find out his dark secret hidden away in that wallet and then try to blackmail him for more money B)

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DayZ is the kind of sandbox where other kids are encouraged to pull down their pants and take a shit on your sandcastle.

Edited by Dallas

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Maybe, if you find out his dark secret hidden away in that wallet and then try to blackmail him for more money B)


Seriously. The main reason people in real life don't permanently kill each other is the missing benefit of doing it. There is a high risk of being sentenced to jail or even to death. In other words: All your progress would be lost! We don't wanna screw up our entire life for one single mistake. Besides that, we would feel horrible. In an apocalypse, things are totally different. In every society there is 5% which have absolutely no conscience. The others (the good ones) will make excuses for being a cold blooded killer.

When people have nothing to lose they lose it. This is why DayZ is a deathmatch game, even if it's not labeled as such.

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If you find a wallet on the street, it's much easier to take the money out, drop the wallet and go about your business, right?

It takes a lot of effort and willpower to gather the wallet, determine the owner, get in contact with them and find a way to return their wallet.

Being the better person is always more difficult.

If the good and just way were always the easiest and most rewarding, we wouldn't have any bad guys in the world now would we?

I agree, being the better person should be more difficult.

But being the bad guy shouldn't be so easy and encouraged.

There's very little morally to think about when killing someone in Dayz. A little more than in other FPS's, but we all know the player can respawn after you pull the trigger.

Thus more artificial challenges occur when you become a bandit, and these challenges are hardly anything. Things like attracting zombies are a joke, since they're insanely easy to deal with, and are an annoyance at best until they break your legs. You might attract other players, but hey, it's another reason to get into another gunfight and more possible loot, and is no more of a threat to you than other bandit are to regular players. Maybe less of a threat since you're more inclined to shoot back.

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I get a kick outa the people that yell "FRIENDLY!" and expect it to spread like a rainbows and butterfly plague to nearby players. Lets get something straight - just because you're friendly, doesn't mean I am. You wouldn't walk through the ghetto with a stack of cash in your hands yelling "I'M FRIENDLY, DON'T MUG ME" and actually expect to be safe - why do you do it in a video game with far more rewards and less consequence?

I don't know if it's purely ignorance on the 'friendly' community or if they actually think their temperament affects other people's decision making so drastically, but here's a News Flash - it doesn't.

Edited by Cdrive

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I shoot people on sight so they get mad and create threads like this and ultimately become one of us.

In a bit even the very few people that are still friendly will turn, too, and this mod will be ruined forever.

I'm happy to say that you are wrong. There's actually plenty of us who refuse to shoot on sight. Several of us are 20+ days survivors. Some people say that shooting on sight is the best (even only) option and that you don't loose anything by doing it. That's true if you got your head stuck so far up the ass of the god of loot that you can't see the alternatives. For me that playstyle would mean missing out on all those great experiences that actually mean something to me in the game. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with your style of playing (to each his own) but if your main argument is to protect your precious loot, I think you should talk to your psychologist about your unhealthy obsession with material things.

Just my 2 cents...

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I get a kick outa the people that yell "FRIENDLY!" and expect it to spread like a rainbows and butterfly plague to nearby players. Lets get something straight - just because you're friendly, doesn't mean I am. You wouldn't walk through the ghetto with a stack of cash in your hands yelling "I'M FRIENDLY, DON'T MUG ME" and actually expect to be safe - why do you do it in a video game with far more rewards and less consequence?

I don't know if it's purely ignorance on the 'friendly' community or if they actually think their temperament affects other people's decision making so drastically. News Flash - it doesn't.

The comparisons made for this game being parallel to real life are hilarious. We have bandits in DayZ because death means the other character respawns, is momentarily frustrated and we all have a laugh about it (and get cool gear). When society breaks down IRL, sure you have the crazies who lose their minds and kill for fun or beans... but that's why they're labeled sociopaths and get singled out for removal or avoidance. I doubt anybody here would be able to stay sane for long if they killed somebody else for shits, giggles and beans; hell if anybody wants to prove themselves, they should just join the military. Vets from Iraq/Afghanistan get severe PTSD from shooting enemy combatants, let alone the ones that kill civilians or fellow soldiers through friendly fire.


People yelling "friendly" get shot because it's a game and because there are trolls far removed from any consequence whatsoever

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Ruining other's gaming experiences must be so much fun.

Did you realized that this is the same fun the cheaters are getting? (ie: killing anyone on the server with a nuke)

Do you believe this is good for a game? I tell you: it's not.

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Well here's a thought.

The more players you murder, the less loot spawns when you enter/approach buildings, to the point where nothing but tin cans spawn and you have to rely exclusively on player killing to obtain loot.

Only snag is differentiating the murders from self defence. Oh well.

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I'm happy to say that you are wrong. There's actually plenty of us who refuse to shoot on sight. Several of us are 20+ days survivors. Some people say that shooting on sight is the best (even only) option and that you don't loose anything by doing it. That's true if you got your head stuck so far up the ass of the god of loot that you can't see the alternatives. For me that playstyle would mean missing out on all those great experiences that actually mean something to me in the game. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with your style of playing (to each his own) but if your main argument is to protect your precious loot, I think you should talk to your psychologist about your unhealthy obsession with material things.

Just my 2 cents...

I agree with you. Shooting on sight is hardly the best option at all times. I have just a story for it. I was a group of 3 in NWA. We were getting ready to loot the barracks. I spotted an animal off in the fields and went to go for it. While 2 of my buddies waited, someone started shooting on them. One passed out, the other bled to death. Eventually, both died, but as we were on teamspeak, I knew exactly what was going on. Naturally, I sneaked up behind the guy and unloaded a full clip on him.

Moral of the story? He could've survived and kept all his gear had he just minded his own business and left us alone cause we didn't see him either. He made the mistake of being a dick and got what he deserved. As for our group? I simply drove to Elektro, picked them up, gave them back all their gear. We lost nothing and I was up one bandit kill while he lost everything and gave us some nice loot to boot. I can understand if shooting was his only option because we saw him too, but that wasn't the case. He was never in any danger and merely wanted to kill just for the fun of it. I hope he is having a lot of fun starting back on the coast.

Edited by Whattteva
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The game has gotten progressively worse, I can barely trust anyone. When I first began near at the start of June it felt like there were far more people working together, though side chat was a feature.

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The game has gotten progressively worse, I can barely trust anyone. When I first began near at the start of June it felt like there were far more people working together, though side chat was a feature.

No, but some people have broken from the pressure and tension of interpersonal communication and cooperative collaboration with people who can´t automatically be trusted. The game however is more or less the same.

Instead of racking up loot, days and kills, think of the game as a challenge of your integrity. How long can you keep your integrity in this harsh and unfriendly environment? The people posting on the forum that they somehow turned to shoot on sight players though they really didn't want to, those people lost the game.

In the end, when you log of for the night, it's not the loot that counts. It's the experiences.

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Oh look it's the same thread and replies I've seen since I joined.


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Oh look it's the same thread and replies I've seen since I joined.


No, it's not about becoming what I hate.

For example, there is no point in approaching a Terrorist as a Counterterrorist and shout "FRIENDLY!". You will die, and you probably don't want to make the same mistake over and over again. It's pointless.

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