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I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

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day z is a sandbox which allows you to make up any story you want; as long as that story involves you killing other players.

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lol....we should have a dayz meet irl. split all the survivors and the pkers into groups. Youll see the people that constantly pk and call you a noob for not pking on these forums are 12 yr old acne ridden virgins.

Last night a group of four of us were raiding Stary. Being ArmA2 vets we were playing super carefully, doing everything safe, except one guy who was new and stuck his head up into the light. He startled someone who just happened to be running past and got himself shot. That brought hordes to the guy, so I rolled out, popped him in the leg and he went down. Zeds ate him. While we were regrouping to make sure there wasn't a second, two guys came past, one with an axe, one with a pistol. If we let them get in, are they going to arm up and become a threat to us? Or will they go the other way? Their movements looked erratic and noobish & Overwatch is low on ammo, we decide to let them go. In the camp they ran into someone else looking for weapons and while there was no shots at first, they got into a fight over some heavy arms. One died, the other ran away, as did the aggressor. They cleared it of z's for us and we swept in and got our ammo fix.

The ability to decide to kill, or not kill other players is such a core part of the experience, it's almost mindblowing to me that people want it penalised. It's not 'PK'ing, it's survival. I've met up with plenty of strangers who've been struggling on their own and wanted to team up to survive. I've also had people shoot on sight. That's the beauty, you never know. For me it's around a 70/30 ratio but perhaps if everyone you meet hates you enough to try to kill you.. maybe you're the problem.

Edited by chhopsky

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Last night a group of four of us were raiding Stary. Being ArmA2 vets we were playing super carefully, doing everything safe, except one guy who was new and stuck his head up into the light. He startled someone who just happened to be running past and got himself shot. That brought hordes to the guy, so I rolled out, popped him in the leg and he went down. Zeds ate him. While we were regrouping to make sure there wasn't a second, two guys came past, one with an axe, one with a pistol. If we let them get in, are they going to arm up and become a threat to us? Or will they go the other way? Their movements looked erratic and noobish & Overwatch is low on ammo, we decide to let them go. In the camp they ran into someone else looking for weapons and got into a fight over some heavy arms. One died, the other ran away, as did the aggressor. They cleared it of z's for us and we swept in and got our ammo fix.

The ability to decide to kill, or not kill other players is such a core part of the experience, it's almost mindblowing to me that people want it penalised. It's not 'PK'ing, it's survival. I've met up with plenty of strangers who've been struggling on their own and wanted to team up to survive. I've also had people shoot on sight. That's the beauty, you never know. For me it's around a 70/30 ratio but perhaps if everyone you meet hates you enough to try to kill you.. maybe you're the problem.

maybe your comprehension is the problem. Youre arguing at your monitor now because that was not what I was getting at.

Edited by nightpaws
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I've been killed far too many times trying to be friendly. Countless times have I yelled "Friendly! Don't shoot!" only to be shot in the head. A guy being chased by a zombie literally stopped running to aim at my head and kill me. The only people that I've come across that won't kill you immediately are unarmed players. Even players with hatchets sneak up behind me to kill me, and not even loot my body.

I'm done yelling friendly. From now on, everyone I see is a +1 to my Murder count.

If I was a bandit, I'd say 'Friendly don't shoot!' only to then shoot you the moment you falter too.

I just don't actively hunt down others, but I /will/ shoot to kill if someone gets close enough.

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The problem is not about ppl shooting having a plan (and so.. a brain), but those ones completely brainless: the ones that shots any other players no matter what.. simply because they can respawn and do it again. This is what is ruining the game.

I do not care to die, first because it's part of the game (without dying there won't be any excitment), second because i play in a clan, so i can collect all my stuff almost immediately. What i do not like is ppl doing stupid things because it's a game: yesterday we meet a unarmed guy and dediced to take him aboard on our bus.. just to do something different, so we did.. we spent some time together, until we gave him an hatchet... and guess what? He immediately started to "shoot" at us.. then he died after 3 microseconds. Now.. you see nine armed people around you.. what the hell you want to do? kill us all with an hatchet? You know you going to die.. why the hell you're doing this? Don't get me wrong, I know the reply already: "because it is a game"; but i hoped that DayZ was something different than another shooter.. and i'm still hoping. Maybe when the curiosity of the masses will pass, we will have (eventually) a more "mature" gameplay.

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The problem is not about ppl shooting having a plan (and so.. a brain), but those ones completely brainless: the ones that shots any other players no matter what.. simply because they can respawn and do it again. This is what is ruining the game.

I do not care to die, first because it's part of the game (without dying there won't be any excitment), second because i play in a clan, so i can collect all my stuff almost immediately. What i do not like is ppl doing stupid things because it's a game: yesterday we meet a unarmed guy and dediced to take him aboard on our bus.. just to do something different, so we did.. we spent some time together, until we gave him an hatchet... and guess what? He immediately started to "shoot" at us.. then he died after 3 microseconds. Now.. you see nine armed people around you.. what the hell you want to do? kill us all with an hatchet? You know you going to die.. why the hell you're doing this? Don't get me wrong, I know the reply already: "because it is a game"; but i hoped that DayZ was something different than another shooter.. and i'm still hoping. Maybe when the curiosity of the masses will pass, we will have (eventually) a more "mature" gameplay.


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The problem is not about ppl shooting having a plan (and so.. a brain), but those ones completely brainless: the ones that shots any other players no matter what.. simply because they can respawn and do it again. This is what is ruining the game.

I do not care to die, first because it's part of the game (without dying there won't be any excitment), second because i play in a clan, so i can collect all my stuff almost immediately. What i do not like is ppl doing stupid things because it's a game: yesterday we meet a unarmed guy and dediced to take him aboard on our bus.. just to do something different, so we did.. we spent some time together, until we gave him an hatchet... and guess what? He immediately started to "shoot" at us.. then he died after 3 microseconds. Now.. you see nine armed people around you.. what the hell you want to do? kill us all with an hatchet? You know you going to die.. why the hell you're doing this? Don't get me wrong, I know the reply already: "because it is a game"; but i hoped that DayZ was something different than another shooter.. and i'm still hoping. Maybe when the curiosity of the masses will pass, we will have (eventually) a more "mature" gameplay.

inb4 no one replies to this because it defeats their arguement in every aspect.

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inb4 no one replies to this because it defeats their arguement in every aspect.

there is no mechanic you can put into the game to stop dicks being dicks. that is not the fault of the developers.

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there is no mechanic you can put into the game to stop dicks being dicks. that is not the fault of the developers.

I seem to remember the bandit skins working quite well.

also: my point still stands.

Edited by nightpaws

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What i do not like is ppl doing stupid things because it's a game: yesterday we meet a unarmed guy and dediced to take him aboard on our bus.. just to do something different, so we did.. we spent some time together, until we gave him an hatchet... and guess what? He immediately started to "shoot" at us.. then he died after 3 microseconds. Now.. you see nine armed people around you.. what the hell you want to do? kill us all with an hatchet? You know you going to die.. why the hell you're doing this? Don't get me wrong, I know the reply already: "because it is a game"; but i hoped that DayZ was something different than another shooter.. and i'm still hoping. Maybe when the curiosity of the masses will pass, we will have (eventually) a more "mature" gameplay.

Well said brother.. well said. :)

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i agree. skins had their issues but they worked.

i think a few people getting wrongly branded with bandit skins in awkward pvp situations (like a survivor defending himself and killing his attacker) was worth it when you consider the ultimate free for all deathmatch we currently have.

i dont like playing a giant counter strike map.

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I hope that those mindless PKers will be gone when the next COD came out.

Yea because everyone who shoots you in the game is just dying to play the newest COD. Here is a plan, be careful or quit whining about the occasional death. If you suck so much that you are unable to stay alive for prolonged periods that sounds like your fault.

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I've been sitting back for two weeks now waiting to see what happens with this game and so far it just seems to be getting glitchier and more broken. Instead of doing something to foster player cooperation and improve something people have been harping about for weeks/months now, we got bear traps....awesome?

You're clearly ignorant of the debugging process. We are testers right now testing a free product. Not a finished product. Not even a polished one. Rather it's in the beginning stages of an idea. Every single time theres a patch there will be more bugs. Thats the nature of an alpha and a beta, to a lesser degree. Do you honestly think Rocket isn't working on fixing the bugs? Do you think he isn't working on a better system for the humanity system? Because he's said, to both, that he is. It's not a magic button where he changes a 1 to a 0 and the game is bug free. Two weeks? Lulz... The fact that as much stuff was fixed in those two weeks as actually was should impress you.

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Yea because everyone who shoots you in the game is just dying to play the newest COD. Here is a plan, be careful or quit whining about the occasional death. If you suck so much that you are unable to stay alive for prolonged periods that sounds like your fault.

You need to calm down sir, just because you are an anonymous on the Internet doesn't give you the rights to be rude to other people.

And FYI I'm not whining, I'm just saying that people with too aggressive playstyle should be playing other genres of games instead.

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You need to calm down sir, just because you are an anonymous on the Internet doesn't give you the rights to be rude to other people.

And FYI I'm not whining, I'm just saying that people with too aggressive playstyle should be playing other genres of games instead.

So people shouldn't play DayZ the way they wish to play it even though that's the intent of the game? Huh... I never thought about it like that.

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So people shouldn't play DayZ the way they wish to play it even though that's the intent of the game? Huh... I never thought about it like that.

IMO Killing others for what you need is survival, but I think that mindlessly shooting everyone on sight just because you don't trust them is spreading more of the fear. Soon there will be no more teamwork between strangers in the game.

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You need to calm down sir, just because you are an anonymous on the Internet doesn't give you the rights to be rude to other people.

And FYI I'm not whining, I'm just saying that people with too aggressive playstyle should be playing other genres of games instead.

One, welcome to the interweb buddy and if you thought that response was rude then you are being a sissy. Two, you are definitely whining about peoples playing styles and for you to take offense after trying to insult half the player base with some stupid COD comparison (the equivalent of calling someone a NAZI on gamer forums apparently) is absurd. It is still in Alpha and they will most likely continue to encourage cooperation. Quick question, why do you think they allow players to kill other players? Was it a mistake, or was it so this game was not just another left for dead or black ops zombies. I am not even an aggressive player but I will murder people once in awhile if the situation dictates that action. But who are you to question how others enjoy the game? Find depopulated servers if you are afraid to lose your gear, otherwise I think it is you who might be playing the wrong game.

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IMO Killing others for what you need is survival, but I think that mindlessly shooting everyone on sight just because you don't trust them is spreading more of the fear. Soon there will be no more teamwork between strangers in the game.

But that's just it isn't it? Everyone plays differently and even though Rocket has stated that only a small percentage of deaths are incurred by Bandits people seem to think it's some sort of huge problem. If anything there will only be more cooperation between strangers as the updates continue. Rocket wants to encourage more cooperative play, but punishing player killing or altering PvP in any way will ruin the tension created by player interaction. If you were reasonably sure that most players you came by would rather group up with you are leave you alone rather than kill you would that be any fun? If you could be nearly certain that other players wouldn't kill you would your heart race with every stranger you came across? I know mine wouldn't and this game would quickly lose the thrill it has given me. Only in the most special of circumstances in typical shooters does my heart rate spike to such a maddening pace when I see another player. If we swung the gameplay from where it is now in the completely opposite direction I know I'd be done playing and that's why I'm glad Rocket has an amazing concept and appears to have the will to stay the course.

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I hope that those mindless PKers will be gone when the next COD came out.

They wont. Say there are 10% people who SOS (shoot on sight) What happened in DayZ is that everyone now SOS. Why? Because you never know if the guy you see will be those 10%. Makes sense ?

Edited by Roboserg

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Countless times have I yelled "Friendly! Don't shoot!" only to be shot in the head. A guy being chased by a zombie literally stopped running to aim at my head and kill me.

How about you say "friendly" BEFORE you stick your head in front of his gun? It amazes me how stupid survivors are in this game.

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They wont. Say there are 10% people who SOS (shoot on sight) What happened in DayZ is that everyone now SOS. Why? Because you never know if the guy you see will be those 10%. Makes sense ?

I think most people are just stupid. Why would you make contact within a persons vision? Doesn't it make a lot more sense to be careful when approaching a stranger you think you might want to team-up with? Stay out of their sight, use direct chat to see if they say they're friendly. Sure people will lie, but that's part of the game!

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Not everyone is tough enough to play as a survivor.

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