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How did you discover Day Z?

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Paulsoarsjr on Youtube was playing it so i gave it a try and fell in love whit the game

Same here with Paul

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Via youtuber Hybridpanda :)

I've been subbed to him for ages and found his lets plays hilariously brilliant.

Edited by Miss_Nuts

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Went to a friends house for dinner, he showed me the site and told me about the aspects of the game and what not. But then ended up going to work for three weeks while he played. So read the forum and gathered info, and all the info i could take. Came home downloaded arma and then downloaded Dayz. With the wealth of info on this site i had a good idea how to get around from the start. I dont know how some people cant figure that out, but thats another story. Cant wait to get home and play now...been offshore for two weeks.

Edited by DareDiver

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Seen my favorite LPer on YouTube playing it. Watched all of his videos and had to play it.


That's the guy who got me into it. He is amazing, and I recommend checking out his channel.

P.S. He won King of the Web if that tells you anything about his awesomeness.

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Searching for Stalker Arma 2 info and stumbled upon this video.reinstalled A2 right after vido ended.

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Heard of it a couple places, so I decided to look it up on YouTube, then got hooked on those along with Twitch streams.

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The strangest thing is, I don't remember.

I dream about DayZ 2-3 times weekly.

I feel like I've been living in Chernarus recently.

But, I honestly don't remember how I got here.

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Woke up a cloudy Sunday morning, logged onto steam, opened arma. 5 seconds later had around 15 friends ask if I was playing Dayz. Opened Google chrome searched it and boom.

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My friend was bugging me about this weird sounding game a while back, Day Z. I finally gave up and bought Arma 2: CO and installed Day Z. Best choice ever.

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During the diablo 3 disappointment phase, two friends said they've been play dayz all day and I should get it. I wasn't too convinced after watching YouTube videos but I trust their judgement. After the first 10 min of playing I still wasn't convinced because of the clunky engine. I became hooked once I went into town and shit hit the fan. Oddly I don't notice the clunky engine anymore. Maybe it's the realism part and not a clunky engine, i can't tell.

Ive never been a realism fan but this game Hits home. This has brought me back to my gaming roots. Recently I've been stuck rushing to end game and not enjoying the journey that much. Maybe because the games have been lack luster. Either way, dayz really helped me enjoy my journey like the games of my past.

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I was sitting on the fence on whether or not to pick up arma 2 sisnce I missed the last sale. Then I heard about this day z mod for arma from pc gamer site. I checked out a couple vids and saw what players on this site where saying and BAM one more copy sold. Well actually 2 more I got my brother in law to get it as well. And damn happy I got it!

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During the diablo 3 disappointment phase, two friends said they've been play dayz all day and I should get it. I wasn't too convinced after watching YouTube videos but I trust their judgement. After the first 10 min of playing I still wasn't convinced because of the clunky engine. I became hooked once I went into town and shit hit the fan. Oddly I don't notice the clunky engine anymore. Maybe it's the realism part and not a clunky engine, i can't tell.

Ive never been a realism fan but this game Hits home. This has brought me back to my gaming roots. Recently I've been stuck rushing to end game and not enjoying the journey that much. Maybe because the games have been lack luster. Either way, dayz really helped me enjoy my journey like the games of my past.

I got arma 2 CO + all the DLC before DayZ and found out about the mod because of the new players in arma 2 that told me about it...

But yes you get used to how clunky Arma 2 and DayZ are,the UI for me now feels like the best UI i used in a game for some reason...(It just feels easier to me and its a better UI then what most RPG's have like the really bad skyrim UI)

I liked DayZ for how hardcore it is!

Edited by Alex__2

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One name:


Of course, now I prefer his ARMA 2 stuff, especially with ShackTac. Interesting stuff.

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I don't know who but at Equestria Daily steam chat room there usually hangs out one of the Day Z devs who is a brony, Brocharoo or something, about two months ago he was talking about scripting in zombie AI or something, I asked him what was he talking about and he told me bout Day Z, after a month I bought ARMA 2 CO and began playing.

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First time I saw DayZ was on youtube, watching Destiny play. After watching him hijack that UAZ I had to get it.

It's funny though, because I can't stand watching him stream. Too much alt+F4ing. Makes me sad.

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