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How did you discover Day Z?

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I discovered it while I was scrolling through servers and found a couple of these servers which were full, best thing ever! :)

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I was looking for a Military Sim.

Found ARMA II in steam,

Googled it and found a ton of DayZ content.


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Seen it on ABadFeeling Mumble and decided to check it out. And I never looked back.

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Youtube, especifically a game channel around here on Brazil

Edited by Ingway

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Criken's livestream in may.

*I say in may because I don't know if he has done another dayz stream since then*

Edited by Angryofficer

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I think I saw a user article on N4G about it a few months ago. I then hooked my PC up to my TV and started playing new games then I remembeed DayZ. So I started watching youtube vids then thought "screw it" and bought Arma II on Steam.

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I was looking for a Military Sim.

Found ARMA II in steam,

Googled it and found a ton of DayZ content.


Ditto that .

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Randomly found it on a video and was like hmm, kept looking at videos and stalking the forums for a week or so then decided to buy it, best idea i have ever had was to buy the game, i love it and im hooked

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watched systerspirit stream this, along with bteamgaming + crew.. used to do bf3 streaming with them so I watched their streams for a bit in the begining of may then decided to play/stream it in june.

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I read an article somewhere (I forget where but I know it was linked on Zergnet), about the two guys being scared by the guy saying 'nonono' into his mic. The article also said 'if you aren't playing DayZ then you should be', so I did what I was told. :)

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Youtube. Was looking for some Arma 2 gameplay and found some videos (I think it was Sidestrafe?).

Made me install the game that I had bought centuries ago, but never played.

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I watched 5hizzle on his twitch.tv stream. Seemed to be a lot of fun so I bought Arma 2: CO to play DayZ.

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I saw all the coverage from PC Gamer, and I figured a mod getting such exposure must be worth trying. I already owned ArmA 2 but not OA, so I bought Combined Operations to play the mod.

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kinda hard not to find out about it when its posted every freaking where now, acrossed all gaming sites, gaming review sites, youtube videos. i guess you could say project zomboid swayed me to buy it though cause they was posting about it there as well and linked to the youtube video i'm sure you all have seen the dayz ahead or something like that. was really cool.

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Saw CaptainSparklez and Seannaers play it but wasn't satisfied, looked for more videos and info and ended up subscribing to CHKilroy, Sidestrafe, and a few others to see the various angles of DayZ. I can't even play it right now due to a fail ISP but I surely do enjoy watching it. :D

EDIT: I find it sad that I never knew of ArmA 2 until DayZ. I've missed out, that's for sure.

Edited by Diggydug

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I think it was Totalbiscuit's "WTF Edition - DayZ" videos. HIS WTF? series basically has him playing a lot of different random, not well known games and commenting on whether or not they will go big or not. I think that was put out in may, and I saw it the day he released it since I'm subbed to his channel, and when I saw the game I immediately thought. "Holy shit, someone has finally had the balls to make this game. Time to download steam again," Been here since.

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