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Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

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No new weapons :/

I'm guessing more weapons will be added in more stable builds, there aren't that many people too model them so rocket does most of it himself.

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Well, I second Reaps' comment. I think when a new patch is released a full wipe back to scratch for everyone should be the norm. Loads of tears, but loads more testing.

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Version = 1.7.2

Beta Patch = 94876

Just thought I would write some feedback from what I found after playing for a few hours last night. Only 4 servers had the above beta patch so could only try them, think it was just realised when I started the update to the new version of dayz.

I have played the game for a month or two on an off, here are my thoughts on latest patch :-

1. Noticeable smoother play then any other time I have played, especially when scoped or looking through binoculars.

2. Zombies seem to spawn on top of each other then spread out from there, seen this a few times dunno if this is by design, happened at big airport at the top and at stary sober.

3. Visual number in debug monitor seemed to work, to test out zombie agro went to a couple of barns with little problem. Also checked out a store, I shot a zombie from I would say 100 metres away is to test what would happen, a zombie turned around and started to walk to the place I killed the zombie. Waited for a bit (1 min ish) and that zombie turned around, crawled into store and checked it out.

4. Zombies defo see you when crouch running easier then previous versions, so have to be wary.

5. Damage from zombie not as bad as before, + that my bones did not break after a couple of seconds zombie hitting me.

6. Ammo clip filling up after logging and logging out (due to disconnection on high ping).

7. Made a bit of noise in a house and barn to see zombie aggroed outside they didn`t, so that 50% sound reduction seems to work.


Overall happy with the update, zombies are more of a challenge but are manageable with bit more care. Much smoother gameplay and connection was quick on the server I tried, a few other bugs but have previously been mentioned.

Edited by law1977

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I also want to express my gratitude and admiration for the maker/s of this.

You have my support all the way!

p.s: DO make a thread to discuss penalties to exploiters, coz I AM a bit concerned about unintentional disconnections and suffering the slap myself :(

I would be okay with a spawn timer and a disconnect timer, as well as a block when leaving to another server and trying to reconnect to the first server within a certain time period. That might take a bit too much work to implement, though, since you'd have to track all of the servers and times for each player.

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Well, I second Reaps' comment. I think when a new patch is released a full wipe back to scratch for everyone should be the norm. Loads of tears, but loads more testing.

nope, i disagree, a full wipe would be completely pointless, what would it be testing? If you want quick results, keep all the gear/Cars etc the way they are. That way, if there are problems say with a bus, we would know basically immediately, if there is a full wipe, players would need to reacquire vehicles before they could be tested, wasting time in the process. That and there is no need for a reset, how will a reset speed up the testing process?

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i'm not sure what you guys did with this update but in all honesty its absolutely terrible. i've been playing for just over a month and in the last two days i've spent hours gathering supplies then i'm either kicked off, or the sever crashes/restarts and when i come back in i'm on the shore with all my equipment gone. This has happened THREE TIMES in the last two days. i found an FN FAL today and was stacked with equipment and i went afk to get something to eat, when i come back the server had reset itself and of course everything is gone. restarting the client/changing servers does shit all, i just end up back on the shore like i had just spawned in. its also pointless sneaking past zombies now cause they aggro you even with their backs turned and 100+ meters out. this doesn't seem to happen all the time but its bloody annoying. Bags no longer show up after you've dropped them and i even had my alice full of med supplies completely disappear off my back earlier. BREAKING YOUR LEG CLIPPING FENCES AND DOORS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. I also have a rebound issue where i'll be running and all of a sudden i'll be teleported back to where i was 5-10 minutes prior. i know its alpha but 1.7.2 is way to unstable, i'm almost to the point of reinstalling and finding servers that support it...or just stop playing till these issues are resolved. sorry for the bitching but i love dayz and enjoy playing it, its just now wasting hours and hours of my time.

EDIT- the one positive thing i will say is i no longer get client lag, the game seems to run smoother despite all these problems.

Edited by MF Machiavelli

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i'm not sure what you guys did with this update but in all honesty its absolutely terrible. i've been playing for just over a month and in the last two days i've spent hours gathering supplies then i'm either kicked off, or the sever crashes/restarts and when i come back in i'm on the shore with all my equipment gone. This has happened THREE TIMES in the last two days. i found an FN FAL today and was stacked with equipment and i went afk to get something to eat, when i come back the server had reset itself and of course everything is gone. restarting the client/changing servers does shit all, i just end up back on the shore like i had just spawned in. its also pointless sneaking past zombies now cause they aggro you even with their backs turned and 100+ meters out. this doesn't seem to happen all the time but its bloody annoying. Bags no longer show up after you've dropped them and i even had my alice full of med supplies completely disappear off my back earlier. BREAKING YOUR LEG CLIPPING FENCES AND DOORS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. I also have a rebound issue where i'll be running and all of a sudden i'll be teleported back to where i was 5-10 minutes prior. i know its alpha but 1.7.2 is way to unstable, i'm almost to the point of reinstalling and finding servers that support it...or just stop playing till these issues are resolved. sorry for the bitching but i love dayz and enjoy playing it, its just now wasting hours and hours of my time.

i dont think you understand what alpha means.

you download the mod, you find whats wrong, you report whats wrong. in no way is this supposta be a happy fun time of perfect gaming. youre here to find the glitches so other people wont have to deal with them when its final released

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[1.7.2] Main notes :-

1. loot not spawning is some buildings; supermarkets well stocked though!

2. infected behaviour is unpredictable (I guess that may be by design?)

3. performance is good

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[...]but how and when to issue punishment is proving very troublesome.

Rocket, I don't understand that. I would not mind to be forced to go somewhere safe (I do so anyways and my fellows as well -> go to forest, search safe place -> log out), wait for log-off lets say 2 or 3 Minutes without beeing allowed to move (otherwise logOff counter is disabled). This would fix most of the issues (Player dc while fighting and server hopping as well). If a player is killing the app (Alt-F4), the progress done the last 15-30 minutes is lost. By implementing that there should be 90% of current abuse made impossible or too inconvenient for cheaters.

Of course this is not perfect as well, but still better than letting some honks destroy PvP of Dayz by using every exploit possible.

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i dont think you understand what alpha means.

you download the mod, you find whats wrong, you report whats wrong. in no way is this supposta be a happy fun time of perfect gaming. youre here to find the glitches so other people wont have to deal with them when its final released

what are you stupid? can you not read?

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Rocket, I don't understand that. I would not mind to be forced to go somewhere safe (I do so anyways and my fellows as well -> go to forest, search safe place -> log out), wait for log-off lets say 2 or 3 Minutes without beeing allowed to move (otherwise logOff counter is disabled). This would fix most of the issues (Player dc while fighting and server hopping as well). If a player is killing the app (Alt-F4), the progress done the last 15-30 minutes is lost. By implementing that there should be 90% of current abuse made impossible or too inconvenient for cheaters.

Of course this is not perfect as well, but still better than letting some honks destroy PvP of Dayz by using every exploit possible.

Having to wait 2-3 minutes to log off?

I'm sorry, but that's retardedly inconvenient.

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what are you stupid? can you not read?

did you reread your post; the whole thing?

youre saying youre wasting time cause the game isn't stable. youre QQing about gear, youre QQing about server stability, youre QQing about balance issues. then say youre not going to bother playing because the game is a waste of his time.

i realize most of you inbred retards of the internet dont understand what were doing here, but at least don't make yourself look like an idiot when you call someone out.

edit: not to mention you say revert back to

youre here just to play dayz for amusement, not test the game. there is no going back in alpha, only straight forward through all the glitches/bug/issues.

Edited by Buffjesus
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did you reread your post; the whole thing?

youre saying youre wasting time cause the game isn't stable. youre QQing about gear, youre QQing about server stability, youre QQing about balance issues. then say youre not going to bother playing because the game is a waste of his time.

i realize most of you inbred retards of the internet dont understand what were doing here, but at least don't make yourself look like an idiot when you call someone out.

again, are you stupid? i'm listing issues i've had with 1.7.2, i've been playing since 1.6. what do you mean "we"? you have 6 fucking posts? what are you on the dayz team now?

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did you reread your post; the whole thing?

youre saying youre wasting time cause the game isn't stable. youre QQing about gear, youre QQing about server stability, youre QQing about balance issues. then say youre not going to bother playing because the game is a waste of his time.

i realize most of you inbred retards of the internet dont understand what were doing here, but at least don't make yourself look like an idiot when you call someone out.

edit: not to mention you say revert back to

youre here just to play dayz for amusement, not test the game. there is no going back in alpha, only straight forward through all the glitches/bug/issues.


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Good news, I hope such problems as with skins and spawning in the wilderness fixed.

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Always fanbois like you defend nomatter what lol.

We know its alpha but also remember people bought a 3 year old package of ARMA2 combine.

This patch is even worse then 2 months ago.

Keep sucking up some ones... well you know what i mean DON'T HELP IMPROVE NOTHING.

Critic the gamemod is what helps improve not what MOST of you guys do and say its best and rocket i want your babys thats stupid.

If you realy wanne help is say what's WORNG with the new patch thats whatS help MAKE MOD BETTER not what you guys are doing.

If devs actually play test on several servers themselfs they will see this patch sucks and actually improve it becouse game is getting worse instead of become better.

Idea mod is awesome thats why i play it but get some more GOOD programmers so you actually getting somewhere should be your main priority instead implement silly new things.

From day one first week in may the zombies hitting you through walls or walk through doors when will you improve on that spent time on lag or errors and wait with implementations of new things better have a smooth game then new item.

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Any future plans to lower the damage on the Enfield and AKM?

It takes the AKM 1 shot to the body of zombies, for them to die - and it takes the M4 3 shots. The Enfield can kill all zombies, and all players with 1 shot. At 400m range, you may need one final shot to finish the deal on players with the enfield - but they will just lay there and bleed out anyways. It just seams too overpowered for a "starting" weapon.

The 1.7.2 patch is great. Felt the FPS heighten etc, so with a desync patch, and some tidying up - it will be great fun playing this weekend!

Also wanted to give a shoutout to the team - with the tremendous amount of good work they put into this. Even in Alpha version, this game has givem me more fun, paranoia, depressions than any game I have ever played.

ähh lol

There is no starter weapons in DayZ!

Every weapon has is disadvantages ofc. Lee Enfield has long reload time after ervy shot and just 10 bullets in a magazin and no scope. Just cause you can find it everywhere even 30 secs after respawn doesnt mean it has to be weak.

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^I wasn't able to play for weeks due to my Arma X retail version. still can't play 1.7.2 (yeay for

And you're so right, people need to get this in their head. It's a Alpha mod.

You didn't pay any money for it. and no buying Arma for it doesn't count. In that case play Arma and that works fine.

You see,i agree with the whole "Alpha" point. Ofcourse Alpha stage means a lot of bugs and messy things, but you GOT TO ADMIT that this Alpha Mod got Arma 2 to the top of Steams Most Selled. By saying this, the developers are forced into a corner, should they continue publishing Alpha to the public OR make it closed. As you would think logically, Bohemia would never close the Alpha release, due to the consistant rise in Arma 2 sales and income from it. They are going to definately release DayZ to Arma 3 in the future (forcing us to buy Arma 3, you all know it :P). But as this kind of act requires more complex measures. Developers should release at least somewhat tested patches, not fresh patches for us to test. Ofcourse we are meant mainly to test them. What my point is that saying "If you bought this game for this mod, then you are fail" is wrong. Look up on Steam and you can see that DayZ is all ready put in the Arma 2 description which makes DayZ the OFFICIAL MOD of Arma 2, thus making it the part of the game, so OBVIOUSLY people are going to buy the game for this mod. I understand your point with the Alpha, but come on man, we are all here because of the mod.

PS! Good luck Rocket and your team. Try to fix the Major bugs as fast as you can. This game fcking rocks :P. Mod Of The Year!

Edited by MrM

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If you realy wanne help is say what's WRONG with the new patch thats whatS help MAKE MOD BETTER not what you guys are doing.

If devs actually play test on several servers themselfs they will see this patch sucks and actually improve it becouse game is getting worse instead of become better.

Idea mod is awesome thats why i play it but get some more GOOD programmers so you actually getting somewhere should be your main priority instead implement silly new things.

Agreed there is too much whinging and not enough reporting back of actual problems.

You want to help then go here https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz and report the problem in a proper concise manner so that other people can add to it and it will maybe find its way into the game.

Whining about ive lost my gun just makes you an idiot imho

You have an awesome chance to make this game really special by contributing to the extras that get added on the path rocket chooses.

This stuff doesn't happen that often.

Dont waste that chance by whinging plz

And bear in mind the Devs have to get the base code right now so the servers work properly and the world items and mechanics are correct before they build on top of it the extra stuff that is superficial but needed for the immersion.

Can i preorder a little bow for the end of my gun :P

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ähh lol

There is no starter weapons in DayZ!

Every weapon has is disadvantages ofc. Lee Enfield has long reload time after ervy shot and just 10 bullets in a magazin and no scope. Just cause you can find it everywhere even 30 secs after respawn doesnt mean it has to be weak.

It doesnt have to be weak - I just feel its overpowered that you can instakill another person with it. 10k dmg would be fine by me.

And was just asking the devs if that is something that they were thinking of, or not. Dont want to start a flamewar over it :) Im quite fond of it myself - The time it takes the enemy to pull off enough M4 shots to kill me, they are dead :)

Edited by deetee

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Any future plans to lower the damage on the Enfield and AKM?

It takes the AKM 1 shot to the body of zombies, for them to die - and it takes the M4 3 shots. The Enfield can kill all zombies, and all players with 1 shot. At 400m range, you may need one final shot to finish the deal on players with the enfield - but they will just lay there and bleed out anyways. It just seams too overpowered for a "starting" weapon.

You're not taking into account factors like audible range, recoil, magazine size, or rate of fire.

There's a reason they call the Enfield "The Dinner Bell."

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