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Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

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So far, my only issues are a stupid amount of flies buzzing around.. even when there aren't any dead bodies. A lot of desync issues (could be me or build). And I went through about an hour of play. Logged off. Logged on an hour after that. And ended up back where I first started. Otherwise awesome stuff.

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Ok, since people are having a difficult time understanding the process of Game Development, I will somewhat make it simple ala Game Development Phases for Dummies.

Alpha consists of the following:

* A high consistency of bugs, errors, glitches, and failures.

* Innovative new features and systems

* Constant changes and unreliability

A beta consists of:

* A steady backbone of the project

* Bug squashing

* Minor feature additions

* No additional backbone/support implementation

A Gold Release consists of:

* A finished project/product.

* Majority of planned features

* Little to no bugs

* Regular hotfixes and small patches to keep up to date

This is how the process goes... if I could draw a line chart I would, so you can see the unreliability percentage of each phase individually. Alphas are MESSY code hells in which the development team is constantly trying to develop new systems and features to manage the games code and design. It is going to be a ROUGH and TERRIBLE experience for both the TESTERS******** and the DEVELOPERS. Note, there are no PLAYERS in an Alpha phase, which means that all the playtesting is done for FEEDBACK AND STATISTICS. Alphas are NOT MEANT TO BE FUN. Be glad that this one is and do your part to support the community itself and develop the game with your feedback.

Your welcome.

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^I wasn't able to play for weeks due to my Arma X retail version. still can't play 1.7.2 (yeay for

And you're so right, people need to get this in their head. It's a Alpha mod.

You didn't pay any money for it. and no buying Arma for it doesn't count. In that case play Arma and that works fine.

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yeah, all these ungrateful kids.

would you like it better if rocket removed all servers, made it a closed alpha for ppl he know only and have it polished and ready to go maybe a few years further down the road instead of having the fun you can with it now, accept that it's buggy and help develop one of the best games/mods ever created?

get over it and be a man, nobody will hear your tears in the middle of the wilderness with only one can of beans left.

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These scrappy broken updates don't bode well really, it's not a new mechanic that is or isn't working, it's entire fundermentals that are broken. Fair enough, except this one was held back for 'testing'

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  On 7/12/2012 at 11:37 PM, TheIllusiveMan said:

Ok, since people are having a difficult time understanding the process of Game Development, I will somewhat make it simple ala Game Development Phases for Dummies.

Alpha consists of the following:

* A high consistency of bugs, errors, glitches, and failures.

* Innovative new features and systems

* Constant changes and unreliability

A beta consists of:

* A steady backbone of the project

* Bug squashing

* Minor feature additions

* No additional backbone/support implementation

A Gold Release consists of:

* A finished project/product.

* Majority of planned features

* Little to no bugs

* Regular hotfixes and small patches to keep up to date

This is how the process goes... if I could draw a line chart I would, so you can see the unreliability percentage of each phase individually. Alphas are MESSY code hells in which the development team is constantly trying to develop new systems and features to manage the games code and design. It is going to be a ROUGH and TERRIBLE experience for both the TESTERS******** and the DEVELOPERS. Note, there are no PLAYERS in an Alpha phase, which means that all the playtesting is done for FEEDBACK AND STATISTICS. Alphas are NOT MEANT TO BE FUN. Be glad that this one is and do your part to support the community itself and develop the game with your feedback.

Your welcome.

I want to "like" this post, but I've reached my quota for the day.

Remind me tomorrow.. ;)

Also, to the people who are saying "the update was held back for 2 weeks and still sucks".. the majority of issues were caused by server overloads which wouldn't happen in closed testing. In case you haven't noticed, the issues are no longer issues, other than ghillie and various weapons disappearing.

Chances are, most of the closed testing was with newly spawned characters, so that explains why both of the biggest issues of this release were missed.

Finally, there's a "experimental" hotfix available. Stop lurking this thread and find the newer one. ;)

Edited by Cyanyde

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  On 7/13/2012 at 12:03 AM, Sminky said:

These scrappy broken updates don't bode well really, it's not a new mechanic that is or isn't working, it's entire fundermentals that are broken. Fair enough, except this one was held back for 'testing'

You don't really get it do you?

It might have worked flawless with internal testing with maybe 10-30 people.

But released to the masses and the hive it might struggle, i guess you have no clue how coding works.

All i can do is redirect you to TheIllusiveMan's post, that should sum it up real good.

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The entire point of an alpha is fucking break things.

Rocket and various members of the community have said this time and time again.

Alpha test = see how much stuff you can throw at the game before it breaks until you reach a point where you have all your features

Beta test = focus on stability and balance issues

notice these are both tests.

They are not final products, they do not promise stability

in fact

the whole point of an alpha is for it to be unstable

if you do not like it, wait til the beta is released, or a final product is released. Otherwise keep your moaning off of these forums and let us testers do our thing

Thank you


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It was progressing, now it's regressing.. 1.7.2, worst update yet, nuff said.

And all you keep saying, it's alpha it's alpha, why don't you contribute instead of just talking trash to other users that are making legitimate complaints with their usage of the game, they are, in a sense reporting issues..

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Honestly tired of the bitching...

The reason the game is so successful is because it's not easy. It has a bareness to it that no other game has. You guys want the same old crap spewing out from every corner of the gaming world that caters to the masses. I hope Rocket can keep delivering the anti-game despite the countless people who want another mass produced package of s hi t.

Latest patch... lots of issues... I started playing the game two weeks ago... and realized very quickly the first rule of this place is don't get attached to your gear. Read it off someone's sig on the forums... in bright green... burned it into my head... so stop crying about rollbacks and reimbursements... eventually we're all going to lose everything we've stockpiled...

Zombies... no challenge before the patch... could stand up and as long as you were sneaking they wouldn't aggro even when you were fifteen feet away from them in broad daylight (boring zombies)... I think there being an actual zombie threat now is good... They will clean it up (x-ray vision, 500 yard aggro)... If anything there needs to be more zombies...

Bear traps: good... more challenge...

Dogs: good... more challenge...

Hackers: This is Alpha... we better just get used to the douchebags... been killed twice in the last week by them... I was regeared in a few hours... they're a nuisance... eventually their hacks will be fixed...

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  On 7/12/2012 at 11:05 PM, ED-E said:

Yeah but still, if you test the 1.7.2 build for 2 weeks before releasing it to the community, why the fuck is it broken as hell? Doesnt make sense.

a lot of the issues we're dealing with have to do with server load

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Possible too many Zombies?

InB4 a bitch fest.

2 specific occaisions.

1st. In a barn out side of a major town. So there should have been 10 maybe 15 max zombies (reality probably 5 humans living there) Yet between 40 & 50 ! continued to streaqm in until I was over run - I'd expect this in a town/city but not in the midle of nowhere.)

2nd Instance. (This actually was kind of cool but even so). Again middle of nowhere small settlement of about 5 house & 2 sheds.) as I enterr the area i'm forced to go prone and slowly move inward to find myself surrounded by 15 or more zeds, almost walking as a herd, there are 5 or more surrounding them, I manage to go through them, absoulutely awesome, but i reach the last 2 or 3 houses and I see none at all, i run around with out aggro.


Point 2 is how it should be, not like my 1st point. If this can be tweaked it would certainly change the game for the better. Swarms coming into a building (where they should not all of heard the initial shot i might add, (50% noise reduction ftw?)) in the middle of nowhere is simply a broke idea but having a group drifting through an area is exhillirating.

Zombie population should (as much as the engine allows in terms of city size) match the real world. 1 house in middle of nowhere should = 2 to 3 zombies max, 5 houses = 15 (not 50 as I have experienced.) and so on.

Cherno, elektro etc should have the lion share of the games zed though how many the game & our pc's can handle I have no idea.

Edited by Turk

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@Turk - Personally, I didn't mind the version zed amounts for most places, the inner parts of the cities needed a little more, but not much more than that. The current reason there are so many is because most don't despawn after people leave the area, so you end out with 2x the amount when a 2nd person goes to have a look.

Outside of the Zed count, I've given 1.7.2 a run, hit most of the same issues others had (apart from the logging in with no gear & gillie suit problems...since I dont have one). Gonna wait to see what full patch brings out, not really that playable at the moment. However, I am hoping people don't start spamming bear traps like they do with tank traps, sandbags and wire...that'd ruin the game a bit if every place was trapped.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 12:04 AM, Cyanyde said:

Also, to the people who are saying "the update was held back for 2 weeks and still sucks".. the majority of issues were caused by server overloads which wouldn't happen in closed testing. In case you haven't noticed, the issues are no longer issues, other than ghillie and various weapons disappearing.

Chances are, most of the closed testing was with newly spawned characters, so that explains why both of the biggest issues of this release were missed.

Finally, there's a "experimental" hotfix available. Stop lurking this thread and find the newer one. ;)

Uh what? The duping issues certainly are still there, as well as the constant desync... Pretty major ones.

Also, isn't there only a server or two running I read through that thread up until today and it seemed like a server load exercise, not a hotfix for anything.

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An honest communication from the devs as to when we're likely getting a patch, to 2.0 which is 'needing help' compared to the version it replaced, would just be super duper peachy, (and the proper PR 'we're the good guys' response that will pay off in the long run in sentiment.)

I know i know - its a test, blah blah, 2.0 has been up for several days, it wasnt that different, but it was buggy, and most of us have seen enough, seen what there is to be seen bugwise etc.

Any eta on that there patch? or even a confirmation that your acknowledging the communities feed back on the current state?

Would be what people expect of the white hat guy,

Throw us a bone? :)

Edited by Ving

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  On 7/12/2012 at 3:16 PM, ChapYurin said:

Another patch with useless *&%@!

Why not to fix the MAIN PROBLEMS? Like player disconnecting to avoid any battle with zombies or people >_<, this is corrupting whole game. Or the bug with switching servers, some idiots go 1 lootable area (like airfield), switching 20 servers, get all best guns + special items. Forget about other problems like stupid bear traps, do that later.

Some people get it. Holy crap.

Im not going to sit here and tell you I am not playing this game till the real issues get fixed because I think you care, or rocket is gonna change shit cuz 1 guy, me, dosent want to play anymore. I'm just stating my opinion that this game has officially grown old and everytime I log in I cant play for more than 30 minutes tops. Its a look here than look there while you don't get killed game. I hate to say it because I loved it at one time when it was fresh and i hadent played long enough to care that exploits where there. Its simply not challenging anymore and with the exploits, something you would ABSOLUTELY EXPECT to be fixed FIRST, misguided.

These are not exploits in the way that they somehow help people get to the top of the leaderboards as if I care avout that, its exploits that ruin the enviroment rocket said he wanted. A realistic one. PVP is realistic. PVP with no consequences is NOT realistic. Someone takes a shot at me and kills me than DC because now he has pissed off zombies coming at him. Comes back in, all clear, proceed to loot my rotting corpse. That is the fundamental cause of KoS, excessive PVP, limited teamwork the list goes on. Fix it. The good suggestions are out there from a lot of people rocket. Fix your game, get back on track, the track YOU wanted to go.

Edited to add really quickly that I understand, "alpha blah blah" but guess what? DC? EASY fix. Server Hopping? EVEN EASIER fix. Rocket said it himself. And its not that he cant do it, its that he isnt focusing on it. So alpha or no alpha, fundamental game breaking issues like this are more inportant than balancing zombies. Especially when they shouldent be balanced they should just be realistic (within his story of the zombies (Infected) that is)

Edited by VictorM

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Rolled back to just found a ghillies suit..was good for 2 servers...cam back later on when i got off work...now its gone...was this a problem in aswell???????

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  On 7/13/2012 at 4:31 AM, Thall said:

Rolled back to just found a ghillies suit..was good for 2 servers...cam back later on when i got off work...now its gone...was this a problem in aswell???????

Did you miss the part where the patch thread was closed? Stop THREAD HIJACKING!

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  On 7/10/2012 at 12:55 AM, rocket said:

ALL the weapons out of the game are glitches because I cut too deep with the classname removals.

This will be fixed for future hotfix in the week.

Stop Q.Q bout l85

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  On 7/13/2012 at 3:07 AM, VictorM said:

Some people get it. Holy crap.

Im not going to sit here and tell you I am not playing this game till the real issues get fixed because I think you care, or rocket is gonna change shit cuz 1 guy, me, dosent want to play anymore. I'm just stating my opinion that this game has officially grown old and everytime I log in I cant play for more than 30 minutes tops. Its a look here than look there while you don't get killed game. I hate to say it because I loved it at one time when it was fresh and i hadent played long enough to care that exploits where there. Its simply not challenging anymore and with the exploits, something you would ABSOLUTELY EXPECT to be fixed FIRST, misguided.

These are not exploits in the way that they somehow help people get to the top of the leaderboards as if I care avout that, its exploits that ruin the enviroment rocket said he wanted. A realistic one. PVP is realistic. PVP with no consequences is NOT realistic. Someone takes a shot at me and kills me than DC because now he has pissed off zombies coming at him. Comes back in, all clear, proceed to loot my rotting corpse. That is the fundamental cause of KoS, excessive PVP, limited teamwork the list goes on. Fix it. The good suggestions are out there from a lot of people rocket. Fix your game, get back on track, the track YOU wanted to go.

Edited to add really quickly that I understand, "alpha blah blah" but guess what? DC? EASY fix. Server Hopping? EVEN EASIER fix. Rocket said it himself. And its not that he cant do it, its that he isnt focusing on it. So alpha or no alpha, fundamental game breaking issues like this are more inportant than balancing zombies. Especially when they shouldent be balanced they should just be realistic (within his story of the zombies (Infected) that is)

No doubt the devs are well aware of the problems, but to "FIX" stuff you can't just press a button to make it magically be awesome and well balanced.

You have to focus on one thing at a time.. you say you know it's aplha "blablabla" then fucking act like you know. Everything you say basically contradics in to a major clusterfuck that actually means that you want the game to be as you please.

So let me tell you Sir, before you reply with something even more illogical - Welcome to The Apocalypse!

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I think rocket should remove almost all rare weapons from the game like: sniper rifles (SVD, M-107, etc...), rifles with grenade launchers, rifles with ACOG, rifles with nigth vision scopes, NVGoggles, because all these items are subjects of cheating.

It will be more interesting to play, when AK or M16 is very rare and you know that player with wincheaster won't kill you instead of he had a sniper rifle like M24.

Please, don't think that I didn't have some of this items during my previous games or in my today game, but it is really my thoughts how to make this game more interesting (maybe more friendly, but I don't care about friendly game at all).

Edited by Freeman

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Just go play it ffs. Its still hell fun.

I would be if my net wasn't dun broked by the worlds worst ISP


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To the small minority that complain about loosing their stuff.

Please remember we play this mod to test, not for fun. If you loose your stuff then get out of your safe camps and go and find more items/BUGS.

I Wish i had time to test this patch but my work has me so busy :(

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