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About skyreth

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  1. Hmm, weird. I've been waiting since last Thursday (I think) my time (AEST, GMT +10). Last I was told is that it'd be 24-36hrs, but its been about double that now...so yeah... Anyways, sent a ticket. Thanks for the info man. Much appreciated. On a different note, is there a problem with Lingor Island? Or the hive its on? The ViLayer Lingor servers seem to not be saving character information. We were going to set up a "Survivor - DayZ Edition", have multiple groups compete against each other...buuut Lingor seems a tad buggy. Just curious. We figured we'd start with Cherno for the moment, though might give Taki a try at some stage.
  2. I know they are man, just being my usual impatient self. Tell em I said thanks, and also...Lee is a modding God. Had to be said. Edit- We have TS. Currently renting a TS server from GameArena in Australia. Been considering rolling over to you guys as well, but we'll see.
  3. Just curious, hows the server additions in Seattle going? Hopefully up soon. My crew and I organised a DayZ weekend for this weekend (since we'd have our own server), but no server...So we're hoping its up soon so we can play during the week. Weekends already ended for us xD haha
  4. They no longer do Aussie servers, which is a shame. But we're going to test out a Seattle private server. Must say, the CS team I've been chatting to has been pretty cool. So its a good start. If you're in the US or EU, give em a go. I'll reserve saying anything about how good it is for Aussie till after we test and kill our server...what?...Oh, come on, we all know its going to happen... :lol:
  5. If/When I see Aussie server hosting available, I might give private Hives a shot. Its either Vilayer or HFB, but I'd prefer Vil tbh...lol Anyways, hope everythings working out well for everyone. And also, as someone who has run websites in the past, things can easily go wrong due to simple little things. If you're experiencing problems with anything on the internet, be it websites or (in this case) game servers, have patience. It will get fixed, it just takes time. Better to do it right the first time, then have to keep going back to fix it every day. John, Lee, keep up the good work guys.
  6. skyreth

    Looking for AUSTRALIANS to team up with.

    Aussie here, I run a small gaming community with its on TS server. If you're looking to join up with players, let me know. You and anyone you find are welcome to use the TS server as comms, and I'll join in too. Just PM me for the details for the TS server if you'd like to use it.
  7. skyreth

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    *keeps throwing money at the screen* Take my money already! I mean, I'll play "The WarZ" HC mode for a while...but thats got nothing on DayZ. Rocket, you've created the God of Zombie survival games. As have the rest of the team. Grats, and looking forward to purchasing it as soon as the pre-orders/beta purchases are up.
  8. Downgrade manually from the front page of this thread and use the Beta update to start up ArmA. From there, use the in-game server browser to find a server.
  9. For those complaining about Zeds chasing you from a large distance, just make them lose sight of you. Its a LOT easier to lose them now than it used to be. I do it all the time, now my trips into more populated areas are a lot faster for it too. That being said, I've run into the following issues repeatedly: - Massive desync and sometimes lag (generally on a per-server basis). - Getting stuck on the "Waiting for host" screen. - "Wrong version" errors for servers that are listed as being the correct version. - Zombies spawning and vanishing right in front of me. - Connecting to the game as a "fresh spawn", even though when I last logged out I was somewhere else with gear and alive (fix for this is to "respawn", you'll come back as your original character). Have not run in to any other real issues outside of those. I do like the new Zombie behavior.
  10. I like how people leaving seem to assume that their going is important. The DayZ community keeps growing by leaps and bounds, so meh. At any rate, most of the bigger bugs have gone. I still get a fair bit of desync on some servers (had some last night whilst trying to line a shot up on another player 10m away...had to leave the area due to it). Outside of that, I do get a few odd zombie spawns (spawning and then vanishing) and zombies coming through walls more than usual. Outside of those issues, nothing new or game-breaking. That being said, I love the new ways zombies act. I can now lose a zombie horde via running through the city OR I can just sneak about behind them and they never notice.
  11. skyreth

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    @Turk - Personally, I didn't mind the version zed amounts for most places, the inner parts of the cities needed a little more, but not much more than that. The current reason there are so many is because most don't despawn after people leave the area, so you end out with 2x the amount when a 2nd person goes to have a look. Outside of the Zed count, I've given 1.7.2 a run, hit most of the same issues others had (apart from the logging in with no gear & gillie suit problems...since I dont have one). Gonna wait to see what full patch brings out, not really that playable at the moment. However, I am hoping people don't start spamming bear traps like they do with tank traps, sandbags and wire...that'd ruin the game a bit if every place was trapped.
  12. skyreth

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I think an important thing to take from all the crying is that people love DayZ. I know I'm suffering without my daily DayZ fix. I've run into the usual issues as everyone else. Desyncs and the such, luckily, I don't have a Gillie suit though...so I'm safe there...for now. Anyways, cheers for the great work team. Loving the mod and looking forward to more of the same. Keep it up.