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Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

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No offense to you Rocket' date=' but I would start making it a focus. People get pretty pissed off when they looe items that took a lot of time and effort to get for no valid reason. It's one thing to get PKd, eaten by zombies, etc, but it's something else entirely for a bug to just take your stuff away. People aren't going to want to get in the game if they know that they will login to see their hard-earned items mysteriously disappearing.

Please work on making you code more reliable, it shouldn't be making items mysteriously disappear.

And if some of the item disappearances are resultant of a new anti-cheat system you've implemented, please disable that system. The game was fine before it was implemented, so we can wait a little longer for it to become more stable before re-enabling it. Putting in a shitty anti-cheat system is like implementing DRM that hurts paying customers.


Umm no...first you aren't a paying customer of DayZ as it's a free mod. Second this is an alpha which means item availability/balance has to come after stability, fps, overall performance, AI behavior, server and client issues, ect ect ect. Lastly, the biggest thing hurting DayZ currently are the cheaters. Right now is the best, and probably only viable, time to step back and strengthen against those issues.

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do you think one would be banned for playing the game while they previously had a gillie and are now invisible?

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* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)

Well, after playing for 3-4 hours I noticed that you still break your legs way too easily, I got 2 broken legs in ~3-5 hits from infected, don't really know if really bad luck or something...

And before that I got one broken leg from getting hits from multiple infected so can't really say anything about that, However I do think that you still break your legs way too easily based on those few broken bones.

* My friend also got broken leg after few hits from infected so, what can I say more?

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No offense to you Rocket' date=' but I would start making it a focus. People get pretty pissed off when they looe items that took a lot of time and effort to get for no valid reason. It's one thing to get PKd, eaten by zombies, etc, but it's something else entirely for a bug to just take your stuff away. People aren't going to want to get in the game if they know that they will login to see their hard-earned items mysteriously disappearing.

Please work on making you code more reliable, it shouldn't be making items mysteriously disappear.

And if some of the item disappearances are resultant of a new anti-cheat system you've implemented, please disable that system. The game was fine before it was implemented, so we can wait a little longer for it to become more stable before re-enabling it. Putting in a shitty anti-cheat system is like implementing DRM that hurts paying customers.


Umm no...first you aren't a paying customer of DayZ as it's a free mod. Second this is an alpha which means item availability/balance has to come after stability, fps, overall performance, AI behavior, server and client issues, ect ect ect. Lastly, the biggest thing hurting DayZ currently are the cheaters. Right now is the best, and probably only viable, time to step back and strengthen against those issues.


As much as I like my stuff, anti-hacker addons (even if they mean a full wipe) > l33t gear.

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P.S. Yes... I call them Zom's and not Zed's. Zed in not a letter in the English alphabet. I don't know who started that ridiculous trend but it needs to stop.

Zed is the pronunciation of the letter Z in most dialects of English' date=' and calling Zombies "Zeds" predates Day Z by a long shot..but hey call them whatever you want.

Thanks for the update Rocket, loving it!



Most dialects of English?

It's the French form of of the letter Z. Do you say "eegrecks" for Y?

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Actually, American english is the only on that pronounces it zee, the proper pronunciation is zed

[Edit] Dang it lord Hussy! Ninja'd!

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Imagine if they had released it 2 weeks ago? I haven't been able to log :( I've prepared myself to spawn in wilderness as I am wearing camo. Goodbye M4a1 CCO and 1911. Not a biggy. I'm hoping my buddies can pick me up in our ATV...

Before I give up all hope' date=' any chance someone could post a link on how to roll back to


I'm running and I just disconnected to make some food, logged back in and my ghillie suit was gone. My buddy had the same thing happen to him 5 minutes before me.

The missing camo/ghillie suits are not a bug with the 1.7.2 patch, but in the Hive itself.

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I'm having some connection issues, it's been rather difficult to get into a server that actually does connect me in a timely fashion, though this has surely been reported several times by now. The zombies appear to see me from WAY too far away at the moment also, which pretty much blows. Just wanted it noted about the connection problem. Hope you guys get these resolved soon, I'm going to have to stop playing for a bit I think until a few of these are corrected. Good luck fellas, I know you could use it right now!

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P.S. Yes... I call them Zom's and not Zed's. Zed in not a letter in the English alphabet. I don't know who started that ridiculous trend but it needs to stop.

Um' date=' the English?

Zed is the correct, [i']English phonetic for Z.

Possibly the most retarded thing I've read all month.

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It's how Z is pronounced. Only Americans pronounce it Zee.

Only person I've heard pronounce it as "zed" is Jeremy Clarkson.

I studied Organic Chemistry with a couple of students from different countries (India and South Korea) and when we covered "E" and "Z" stereoisomer nomenclature no one said "zed".

But then again, chemical engineers don't get their panties in a bind when it comes to linguistics, unlike the liberal arts hipster kids.

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P.S. Yes... I call them Zom's and not Zed's. Zed in not a letter in the English alphabet. I don't know who started that ridiculous trend but it needs to stop.

Yup that's about the stupidest thing I've heard today.

Edit: glad to see I'm not the only one. Zed or Zee, whichever. They're both correct.

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It's how Z is pronounced. Only Americans pronounce it Zee.

Only person I've heard pronounce it as "zed" is Jeremy Clarkson.

I studied Organic Chemistry with a couple of students from different countries (India and South Korea) and when we covered "E" and "Z" stereoisomer nomenclature no one said "zed".

But then again' date=' chemical engineers don't get their panties in a bind when it comes to linguistics, unlike the liberal arts hipster kids.



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Working features:

Higher frame rate. (tested on multiple machines)

Zombie audio aggro is more reliable and predictable.

Slightly quicker loading.

Not working features:

Skins are either gone or really screwy. My ghillie went bye bye.

Zombies "chance" of seeing you is almost 100%. Able to see you from much further than they even hear a gunshot. (tested multiple times and areas/ weather conditions)

Zombie respawn is instant. As soon as kill shot lands another spawns. Happens very often and in buildings as well. Killed 4 in a row like the little shack was a Pez dispenser (tested multiple times and areas)

The variable visual and sound doesn;t seem to be working in terms of the weather conditions. EX: Rain does not seem to lower the visual chance of aggro. The "visual" monitor in the debug monitor seems to back me up on this.

Also, are we supposed to have that visual indicator within our debug monitor? That tells us the possible distance of being spotted. Not sure if you left that there from your in house testing. It helps at the moment since the Zs have super sight now lol..

Loot seems very spotty. Could be luck of course. (We need to test more)

My list thus far. Hopefully you see this feedback in this flood of useless posts. MY group will keep testing, but these are the big issues we see right now. :)

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* [FIXED] Corrupted update data causes people to spawn in debug forest (now will not save corrupted position data)

doest work. still spawning in debug forest and it saved my position.

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Is someone able to confirm if you log out and log back in that you just lose the ghillie or is it a myriad of possibilities like water swimming in the ground, losing items, or invisibility?

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I took a quick video of what happened after I tried to put camo on.

same happend to me.. lost my m107 & coyote backpack... and a dew :(

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I took a quick video of what happened after I tried to put camo on.

same happend to me.. lost my m107 & coyote backpack... and a dew :(


you know ive been playing since late April and I have yet to find any

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Noticing some instances where Zombies seem to be stuck and just stay in one position not moving just making noises wont even aggro no matter how close you are.

Seen it at 2 helicopter crash sites and also just outside a town. In town the zombies where moving like normal.

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