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Guns and Aim-Down-Sight

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I am currently running around with an enfield, and i have been wondering if i can Aim down sight with it? Pressing the Right mouse button only zooms in, the same way i have seen the screen zoom in using the makarov.

I don't know if there is a hint or something im doing wrong, seeing as it only zooms but doesn't use the iron sight?

On a side note, what do people here find to be the best/most effective gun? :)

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Hmm, you should play the tutorials, it makes the game 100% easier. To use sights on any weapon click the right mouse to toggle view. Don't hold the mouse button, that is for zoom. My favorite and most used gun so far? Revolver, definitely. Every time I see another player I have to blow the dust off of my primary weapon, or it happens so fast that I end up shooting them with my revolver anyway. My favorite primary so far is the CZ550. Easy to use and find.

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I just found that even when tapping the right mouse button, or anything like that, i couldn't get it to aim down sight..

I see how the tutorial explains everything, and i even did it in the tutorial. Still i can't aim down sight, nor can i see a crosshair, even when servers state that it's on. At the same time i get an error with run/walk toggle not working correctly.

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Just reconfigure Ironsight to a different mouse button, having them both on right mouse button just sometimes can be confusing. Same with the use key on the left mouse button.

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Just reconfigure Ironsight to a different mouse button' date=' having them both on right mouse button just sometimes can be confusing. Same with the use key on the left mouse button.


Thanks, will try that when i get on a server again. It may be something with my bindings, seeing as my run/walk toggle also seems to disable randomly :/

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I have the same problem. I did it once and now i don't know how to do it again :I

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"Optics" in keybinds.

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Are you sure you haven't selected a flare or chemlight or something? Lol.

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I always felt that hold Rmouse is perfect for "holding" up the weapon to sights as it feels like your actually holding it up. :rolleyes: plus so many times in a fight I click too fast and can't get the dam iron sights up!!!

Plus another irk of A2 controls is how they have Z,X,C as the prone/crouch/stand keys when X for prone and C to toggle between crouch and stand would be worlds better.

Edited by wolfstriked

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I personally feel the default controls are terrible, and remapped almost every key.

Especially when they have keys that do actions you need on the fly, but they are on the right side of the keyboard? what the heck

Edited by MattGL

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I like the original controls, all I switched was to toggle run/walk to just tap LSHIFT.

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I've never had what you're experiencing OP but I have had some strange things with controls for instance I recently had a CZ 550 (a gun I normally don't touch) and I couldn't zoom in or out with the gun lowered, I also cannot toggle zoom in more then once with a weapon raised in order to return to normal zoom I have to toggle zoom out twice.

I changed a whole bunch of bindings - mouse wheel now toggles zoom, freelook and lights on are now bound to a mouse button, Q and E now toggle lean, shift toggles run, running macro added, etc, etc. It actully makes a huge difference.

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Just reconfigure Ironsight to a different mouse button, having them both on right mouse button just sometimes can be confusing. Same with the use key on the left mouse button.

Without sounding like a massive dick, isn't this a really simple concept? Click, or hold down. It's not really something you should be getting confused about.

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I don't have a numpad so I couldn't easily use default keys to access the sights on static weapons. I deleted the control for "lock or zoom" and put the right mouse button as the "optics" control, as well as right mouse button and "t" for "optics mode" and it worked OK for me. I also changed "hold breath" to the spacebar and changed the command menu to the tab key. I'm pretty sure I have some conflicting controls though.

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<---------- completely custom. It's the only way to be sure...

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As already mentioned, press F and look in the upper right corner to see, what weapon is equipped. If you have flairs or chemlights equipped for example, you can obviously not aim down sight. Make sure to equip the weapon before tapping the right mouse button.

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A little tweak I found that some of you may like.S is normally move backwards and you can put S(x2) as go prone.Works well and frees up key. :)

Edited by wolfstriked

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