Mattolio (DayZ) 6 Posted July 8, 2012 It seems that regardless of the server you play on, the admins restart without any prior warning to the players with the results being obvious.To all you admins out there, at least give us a heads up before you decide to restart the god damn server :@ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted July 8, 2012 Server crashes randomly some times, nothing we can do about it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
howichrgelazer 69 Posted July 8, 2012 baijiaqing, If the server is crashing there's something else going on. I know a bunch of admins who's servers are running just fine without crashes (ours included). Mattolio I also know a fair amount who notify when restarting (also ours included as well).So before you start accusing sever admins as a whole Mattolio, I suggest you get the facts. Perhaps your post would be more constructive if you provided the server you were on so the admin could fix it. Or the community can get in touch with the right person for you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dooks 1 Posted July 8, 2012 Some of the server hosts run auto restart scripts that do not give warning and the admin has no control over. That being said good admins give warning if a restart is needed and the really good ones try to restart before the script kicks in when they are playing. Find those servers, they are out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkEnergy 4 Posted July 8, 2012 My admin team always warns on the 5 minute mark and 1.We actually do manual restarts instead of scripted ones because we cant warn people that way.Atlanta 69 your free to join if this really bothers you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caeden 1 Posted July 8, 2012 I make sure I give a 10 minute, 5 minute, 1 minute and 10 second warning when I restart my server.I know how annoying it can be to get a "No response" message in the middle of a town. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebianbluefox 29 Posted July 8, 2012 I have mine set up for scripted auto restarts every 8 hours and it does warnings at 15,10,5,1 prior to the restart. Pretty simple to do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted July 8, 2012 Nah, I do not run into those problems with my server personally. Im just assuming as I have been reading the forums about various hoster's servers crashing often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
urbanfox 116 Posted July 8, 2012 I do restarts every 12 hours and give the PST times in the welcome message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattolio (DayZ) 6 Posted July 9, 2012 Atlanta 124 has restarted multiple times today without any warning at all and I joined that one because other servers were doing the same. Pretty sure the server isn't crashing 6 to 7 times per day.Yes it is annoying when this happens and as im just getting to grips with the game its even more frustrating - but this seems to be some sort of auto restart thing its happening at the same sort of interval each time.I've played on servers which do give warnings sure and kudos to those admins - I'm not accusing all admins of this, just some, so cool your beans...jesus people are so quick to rage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ihax 16 Posted July 9, 2012 I usually give about 20 or 10 minute warnings to the server depending on how badly the server needs a restart. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
divineholiness 0 Posted July 11, 2012 (edited) I'm the server admin for Atlanta 124, and if I restart the server other than a scheduled restart which is posted in the MOTD, I give fair warning of normally 5 mins. But I have had problems as of late of when doing a restart the server will crash 10 or so mins afterwards. I'm sorry about this, believe me it screws me just as much as you, being dropped in the water 500m from shore sucks when you have a M104 and 3 clips of ammo. But this mod is alpha, I will attempt to make script that alerts before the schedule reboots but I don't have remote desktop access to the server so I have limited options. I enjoy most of the people whom play on the server and I'm sorry if the flakiness has shafted you.Oh people who ignore the #1 rule of Atlanta 124 "Not to Kill Bill" are every evil. That sniper round in the back of my head at the north airfield was just mean LOL. Give me feed back if you want something changed, and I will see what I can do. Edited July 11, 2012 by DivineHoliness Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mahatmajonny 6 Posted July 11, 2012 baijiaqing, If the server is crashing there's something else going on. I know a bunch of admins who's servers are running just fine without crashes (ours included). Mattolio I also know a fair amount who notify when restarting (also ours included as well).Before you go around accusing other admins of something else going on, keep in mind this is an alpha. It does crash. Its happend to our server twice. Also keep in mind that there's been a lot of problems with the hive latley. Our server was emptied because we lost connection to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted July 11, 2012 I get a message that the server is running bad, de-syncing, etc... I could either1) restart it from my phone or work PCor2) I get home at 6pm and then hop on the server warn everone that the server is restarting, hop off and do the restart. This could be hours after the reported problem.So I announce all restarts on IRC, make sure you join the channel #pcf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnonDayZ (DayZ) 26 Posted July 11, 2012 On SK 1 we have a message that pops up warning the server hard restarts four times a day and what times these are planned for. If an admin restarts the server they always give a warning beforehand - and only restart if the server is out of sync with the hive or there is an issue that needs to be fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted July 11, 2012 the massive memory leak doesn't help.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
delloc 2 Posted July 11, 2012 Mattolio,Well most of us Admins try to meet these basic requests. But there is some stuff you need to understand about the gaming environment before getting all hot and bothered:1. Dayz is in Alpha, so the code is fairly unstable2. Arma 2:OA as a standalone server app is quite finicky and can be downright a pain at times3. Tools for automation need a good bit of tweaking for everyone to use, so it can breakServer Admins are in the middle between the Game and Players, and to be quite frank the players are like piranha. When they see a new server come online it’s like blood in the water, they swarm. Now the funny thing is that this rush can actually crash the server or at best bring the backend process to communicate to the central Dayz stuff to its knees.So comments like this don’t change my perception that players are piranhas. :blush: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrithu 59 Posted July 13, 2012 I have mine set up for scripted auto restarts every 8 hours and it does warnings at 15,10,5,1 prior to the restart. Pretty simple to do.How to? Because our admin has been looking for info about it but was unable to find it. Would be cool if you could post it here or send it to me via PM so I could relay the info to him. Thx in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayzdeadmeat 44 Posted July 13, 2012 It seems that regardless of the server you play on, the admins restart without any prior warning to the players with the results being obvious.To all you admins out there, at least give us a heads up before you decide to restart the god damn server :@Our server gives a 5 min countdown before each reboot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoop 343 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) I don't always have the time to log into my server to give a warning for a restart, and my Rcon tools won't work on my server, for some reason. If you want to get angry because my server restarts when I am not there to give prior warning, fair enough. Just don't be entitled enough to think to make any demands of me. Edited July 13, 2012 by Zoop Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dannyboy92 (DayZ) 36 Posted July 21, 2012 How do you make your server do a countdown before the restart? And how do you do it manually? My first day as a server hoster and my server did just restart without warning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Camper-joe 17 Posted July 21, 2012 I usually warn in game, by using the global channel, i warn for 5 mins, 1 min and 10 seconds the rest of the time it's the server crashing due to using too much memory. thing is, i warn everyone. but i dont recieve responses. i just hope they are reading it =P and not getting upset because they didnt read it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sanadorn 6 Posted July 21, 2012 FWIW I post the restart times in the MOTD and the tools available to me via HFB allow no warning... just the automated restarts.I've had a few of my regular players forget but most remember. Again it's plain as day in the MOTD. If I'm on near restart time I always toss out a global say warning about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 43 Posted July 21, 2012 I use BattleEye Extended Controls (BEC). We do a couple scheduled restarts per day and always notify 15,10,5,1 minute before restart.If I have to restart manually, I always give a 5 minute warning, and a 1 minute warning.It's funny to see the large number of people that won't disconnect though. On a server with maybe 65 people on it, the population will have dropped to maybe 50 by the time the restart gets initiated.I think most administrators try to send a message before hitting the shutdown (you can do this through BattleEye RCON as well). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P5ykoOHD 63 Posted July 21, 2012 Manual restarter over here ... And this is what I get most of the time when I warn people: feel like not giving a F and just restarting.But the scum is still a minority, so yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites