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AnonDayZ (DayZ)

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About AnonDayZ (DayZ)

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    SK 1 Bratislava [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by ComCraft s.r.o.
  1. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Opinions on Zombie Hearing and Aggro in

    Think the argument of them being dead is wrong as Rocket has said they are Infected. Like in 28 days later.
  2. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Server SK 1 for sale!

    Awesome hoster.
  3. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I too would like my money back. I was led to believe there were unicorns in this game from a video I watched. I can truthfully say I was misled in this aspect and want a refund. God damn lying online advertisers. And don't you Alpha apologists try and tell me BI and Rocket didn't have anything to do with such videos. I demand unicorns!
  4. OMG I CAN'T BE RAMBO ANYMORE IN A SURVIVAL GAME. Shame the other weapons haven't been nerfed yet. Also, please stop whining on Rocket when it's a BI patch.
  5. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Diary of a serial killer

    To kill or not be killed? Three instances that changed my DayZ life… 1) The first time I found an AK74 I was in the apartments near the supermarket in Electro. At the time I didn’t know it was Electro, I didn’t know much of anything. I knew zombies ate people. I knew people killed people. The most I’d ever had in ten hours of playing was a Makarov. This was before the time of hatchets, before even the time Six Launcher was “there”. I didn’t know the game had vehicles, well, not until I got run over by a Skoda. I met two other survivors in that apartment building in the dead of night. They too were new to the game and marvelled at my assault rifle. We decided to go to the supermarket for supplies before heading out to the wilderness. We thought we were invincible, with my leading the trio with the “big” gun, the other two providing light with chemlights. We never even made it to the supermarket. Three sniper shots later and the night seemed so much darker… 2) The first time I killed someone was in a cattle pen. I think it was one of the satellite villages around Stary Sobor. I didn’t know it was PVP land there at the time. All I knew was I’d progressed after a few dozen deaths. I knew what buildings I could enter, how to avoid Zs and most importantly, to avoid Cherno and Electro, those hulking deadwoods on the coast. I crept into the cattle pen slowly, avoiding the masses of zombies outside. Now I know those zombies signified player activity before I arrived. Back then – I didn’t know about spawn rates, loot drops, all I knew was buildings you could enter meant better gear. I picked through the meagre supplies slowly, deliberately. Anything is good when your back is empty. I moved through a doorway into a small side room and there he was. Full camo with a silenced M4 pointed in my face. I still don’t know why I fired my Winchester point blank into his face. Maybe I wanted his gun. Maybe I was scared. Maybe, I just wanted to kill him. The sound of flies filled the room as he died in front of me. Suddenly the direct communications went crazy. “BANDIT!” someone screamed. “FRIENDLY?” a second shouted down his mic. “BANDIT! HE FUCKING KILLED xxxx!” the first said. “FUCK WHERE IS HE?” the second asked. “I see him!” said the last and third voice said as I turned around to see a woman dressed in civilian clothing enter the room. I don’t know if they knew I could hear them – perhaps they were newbies too. Whatever the reason, their chatter saved me. The third speaker fell on the floor dead, a Winchester bullet in her head. Then the zombies began to flood the cow pens. Without thinking I decided to run, sprinting through the throng, blindly firing at any who got too close to me. I figured if I could hit the woods I’d be out and away. Two figures appeared in front of me bearing assault weapons. I fired, they fired, we all went down. They had sprayed. I shot twice. The zombies began to eat them. For some reason, they ignored me. My character unsteadily rose to his feet with just 1000 blood. By the time I bandaged, I had barely 200. I watched the zombies lumber away after eating my two assailants. I felt no guilt. I felt nothing but victory. After looting the four heavily armed bodies of gear I had never seen before I made my way out of the barn to the woods. Their fifth killed me ten seconds later. A sniper shot from purgatory I never saw. 3) I am not a bandit. Bandits rob people. They steal from people. I am more than that. I am less. I am a murderer. I am a hunter. The thrill of the hunt is what spurs me. I stalk people through the city with NVG and silenced weaponry. I camp atop hills and factories with guns made to shoot through tank armour. I shoot people in the leg to watch them eaten by zombies. I am a monster and I enjoy it. Balota Airfield… I’m perusing the gear in the comms tower. A server hopper lies dead by my feet and I rifle through his belongings. He has a DMR, a gun I’ve never had. I think about dropping my trusty M24 for it. Beside me is a freshly spawned AKM. I hear movement coming up the stairs. I switch my sniper to my PDW and aim it full auto at the top of the stairs. 30 bullets of murderous intent await the poor man or woman approaching me. A head pokes up and I fire. As I do I hear a voice. It’s a child. “Please mister don’t kill me! Please!” I swing my gun to the side spraying a good ten bullets into the wall. I’m not good at guessing ages but I think he’s probably not even a teenager. “There’s an AKM on the floor,” I type to him in direct. “You’re gonna kill me?” “Take it and go.” He looks at me and then looks at the gun. “Please don’t kill me.” “Take it and go.” He slowly moves to the gun past me. He picks it up and slowly backs away from me. He notes the dead body by us. “Did you kill him?” he asks. For a moment I feel shameful. The first time in the game. I lie to him. “Be careful kid, there’s bandits out here.” I watch him leave and run into the woods north of the airfield. I toy with shooting him but decide not to. A server hopper spawns somewhere below me as I hear them go prone. Always more to hunt.
  6. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Tents, tents everywhere as far as the eye can see...

    They eat them. They create them. I for one hail our new overlords :)
  7. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Tents, tents everywhere as far as the eye can see...

    We've already begun doing it :) However don't think many others will - the temptation let's face it is just too much for the vast majority of players ;)
  8. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Tents, tents everywhere as far as the eye can see...

    Adding stuff is fine. Rocket has said it's all an experiment. Add stuff and see what happens. But currently the tent issue is becoming a huge hindrance as more and more people play, you get more people hitting end game as such - thus destroying all gameplay.
  9. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Tents, tents everywhere as far as the eye can see...

    Hope you're being sarcastic. It is Alpha and totally understand it's about testing and hitting limits of the mod. But if you can't understand how limitless equipment is game breaking then... Infinite gear givers people the chance to continuously gear up without playing the game as intended. These people then go and kill other people - newbies, survivors, bandits and so forth. With no chance to actually play the mod as intended hoe can others fully test the game? For high end players we are no longer experimenting and testing DayZ, we are simply giving false information to Rocket and other devs.
  10. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Tents, tents everywhere as far as the eye can see...

    The server you were playing on was most likely out of sync with the hive when you put them up :(
  11. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    Tents, tents everywhere as far as the eye can see...

    I'm not asking for the tents to be destroyed all the time. I'd like the tents to work as intended. If you put something in the tents, the tent should not create more - it should not breed more tents, nor should it be indestructible. Rewarding hard work and hoarding - A OK. That's what we like. Clans who go out, create a secret base and then stock it themselves, keep it stocked and defend it. Having a feature that breaks the game due to bugs - not so OK :) A middle ground is called for... you know - where tents work as intended...
  12. So, you've learned the game. You've memorised and have the map. You know zombies agro and how to deal with it. You've learnt nobody can be trusted except for clan mates. Then, out of the forest, the ultimate enemy appears... TENTS. TENTS EVERYWHERE! And not just tents that are empty. These tents are full of gear. These tents are indestructible and they breed. They breed and they create more items. NOBODY CAN DEFEAT THE TENTS. ***** Okay but seriously... when can we expect to see the bugged tents fixed or the tent cities wiped? The duping bug with tents whether intentional or unintentionally is creating a huge gap between experienced players and newbies or casuals. It is also creating a false environment for the game - taking away all survivor experience completely. Oh, I died and lost my AS50, Ghillie, thermal scope gun, NV blah blah blah. It's okay. My clan has a tent city somewhere that always spawns with duped gear. Why scavenge? The tents are the new replicators - they are the machines from Star Trek that create anything you want. Just get the item from somewhere and bang - you can have that item forever. You don't even have to try and exploit. You just use the tent as intended and next server restart - woopee, more items. We actually tried to kill our tents last night. We drove a tractor over our tent city and then for good measure fired several rounds of grenades into it. But guess what, after restart - it was all back, gear and all. Sigh. And yes - we've stopped even using the tents - but unfortunately it still provides an infinite spawn for anyone lucky enough to stumble on it. We've probably accidentally equipped several lucky passing strangers with top end military gear already. Please for the love of God, someone stop this tent MENACE!!!
  13. Please ignore the people who say you'll die instantly. Yes the place is a sniper haven like Sobor but it simply means the odds of pvp is higher. Sometimes it's empty, sometimes it's not. Just the chances of it beingopulated are higher :)
  14. AnonDayZ (DayZ)

    This game won't be popular at release

    Regardless of all previous opinions here. It's an Alpha. The released version might look like My Little Pony :D