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I disconnect to........

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take a break, take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!

now this witch hunt that's going on and it is a witch hunt! is going to end badly because people d/c for all manner of reasons not just to avoid death!

i don't see the problem, iv had people d/c on me during a fire fight!

the way i see it i won they lost! i know it and they know it!

its not the end of the world! its a fucking game! i reiterate "A FUCKING GAME" im more concerned with my job my friends my family! i couldn't give a shit about tossers who d/c to avoid death! it doesn't impact my life one bit!

what i am worried about is, what ever is implemented to combat this, is going to effect players who d/c for reasons i have stated!

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Would a 15-20 sec timer before disconnecting prevent you from disconnecting in order to "take a break, take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!" ?

I didn't think so.

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This man speaks the truth. It's not that big of deal. If you actually have a good shot lined up, you'll be able to kill them before they can D/C anyway. Learn to shoot and stop trying to punish those of us who just want to leave the game without worrying about what might happen to my character when I can't control him.

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So you care so little about disconnecting as a problem that you made a forum topic about it that brings attention to the problem of disconnectors?

Any implement to stop server hopping and disconnecting is obviously going to be tested enough to prevent it from affecting legitimate players. If it isn't, there will be general uproar, I assure you.

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Not sure where this fear that innocent players are going to be punished for legitimate logging of is coming from.

I have played plenty of games that have a loggof timer that starts once combat, or damage, or and offensive action like firing a shot has taken place.

Not one single time has it affected me leaving the game to take a break or finish my gaming for that session.

Worrying about things that won't affect you.

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Just saying, People stream this and other game's for a living so Gaming to them in term is a LIVING, a job etc, now if you had 1000 people pissed of that some faggot DC'd to avoid dying then yeh.

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take a break' date=' take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!


And a 20 second animation (akin to bandaging) will hamper your ability to do any of that?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

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as for a 15/20 sec cool down where you're still live after d/c

a lot can happen in 15/20 sec as im sure you all know!

if i have line of sight on you and you're stationary 2 sec later you are fucking toast my friend!

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Not after you d/c'd but before you can d/c, like in World of Warcraft for example. Your character would sit down and wait for 15 seconds until you can leave. It would only force you to find a safe place to disconnect, which makes sense.

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take a break' date=' take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!


And a 20 second animation (akin to bandaging) will hamper your ability to do any of that?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Lol nobody makes a living wage off of streaming/youtubing video games, regardless of what they told you on IRC.

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take a break' date=' take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!


And a 20 second animation (akin to bandaging) will hamper your ability to do any of that?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Lol nobody makes a living wage off of streaming/youtubing video games, regardless of what they told you on IRC.

Many people make a living off of YouTube, that is a fact.

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take a break' date=' take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!


And a 20 second animation (akin to bandaging) will hamper your ability to do any of that?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Lol nobody makes a living wage off of streaming/youtubing video games, regardless of what they told you on IRC.

Many people make a living off of YouTube, that is a fact.

By streaming video games? If anyone does they are few and far between and you can be pretty sure they aren't paying the rent and the car bill with internet money. Also it doesn't matter how much money they make, the makers of DayZ are not beholden to how your loser friend makes $5 a week because he can't hold down a real job.

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take a break' date=' take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!


And a 20 second animation (akin to bandaging) will hamper your ability to do any of that?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Lol nobody makes a living wage off of streaming/youtubing video games, regardless of what they told you on IRC.

Many people make a living off of YouTube, that is a fact.

By streaming video games? If anyone does they are few and far between and you can be pretty sure they aren't paying the rent and the car bill with internet money. Also it doesn't matter how much money they make, the makers of DayZ are not beholden to how your loser friend makes $5 a week because he can't hold down a real job.

Money from arma2 content has a clause attached :)

I bet the streamers didn't realise this :)


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I play with the kid, talk to the missus, cook, work, do the garden, make coffee, read... All that I do as well as you do.

In the evening, after the kid is a sleep, the dishes done, the missus happily knitting, I play DayZ. I immerse myself in it, live out the apocalypse fantasy.

Then, some bugger like you disappears from view only to turn up out of thin air a minute later. Now, this is no longer the apocalypse. It's just another stupid videogame.

Disbelief? No longer suspended.

DayZ is special, a new kind of game. It doesn't have to be a 15 minute fix like the rest.

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I disconnected cause I shit my pants...

Actually while disconnecting to avoid death is annoying what I find far worse is disconnecting then moving behind the player on another server to kill them. I think that one should be dealt with first.

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i just think it only bothers you because you let it bother you!

fuck em! who cares! all you have lost is that marker saying you got a murder/bandit kill

with all the sort comings of this game people d/c is the least of my problems!

id sooner the devs be working on other stuff!

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i just think it only bothers you because you let it bother you!

fuck em! who cares! all you have lost is that marker saying you got a murder/bandit kill

with all the sort comings of this game people d/c is the least of my problems!

id sooner the devs be working on other stuff!

What I lost was the feeling that I was on a zombie infested island with a bunch of other survivors. I liked that feeling, only DayZ had it. Also loot, let's not forget loot. But mainly, it's the broken immersion that bothers me.

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i just think it only bothers you because you let it bother you!

fuck em! who cares! all you have lost is that marker saying you got a murder/bandit kill

with all the sort comings of this game people d/c is the least of my problems!

id sooner the devs be working on other stuff!

The problem isn't just losing a kill count. The problem is when those people disconnect and re-position and kill you because you are now fighting masters of space and time.

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take a break' date=' take a shit, answer the phone/door, make a cup of tea/food, check the forums, check facebook, talk the mrs, talk to the kids, so on and so forth!


And a 20 second animation (akin to bandaging) will hamper your ability to do any of that?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Lol nobody makes a living wage off of streaming/youtubing video games, regardless of what they told you on IRC.

Did you misquote me?

as for a 15/20 sec cool down where you're still live after d/c

a lot can happen in 15/20 sec as im sure you all know!

if i have line of sight on you and you're stationary 2 sec later you are fucking toast my friend!

It wouldn't keep your character in-game after d/c' date=' it is an animation (like using bandages) that you would do before you log out. That way if you're legitimately logging out, you have no issues, but if your group is taking fire you don't all just insta-log, you have to sit there making your bed for 10+ seconds and you'll be killed.

i just think it only bothers you because you let it bother you!

fuck em! who cares! all you have lost is that marker saying you got a murder/bandit kill

with all the sort comings of this game people d/c is the least of my problems!

id sooner the devs be working on other stuff!

No you let people d/c and ghost behind you. You let people play wrecklessly because they can simply d/c if things go south. You lose loot that you should've gotten. You have entire groups just d/c'ing at the sound of gunfire.

And I presume you're one of these people d/c'ing to save your gear and then crying here that it shouldn't be taken out.

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