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Experimental Update 1.26 (Change Log)

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14 hours ago, Xeonmeister said:

Ah yes, 5 famas could never fit in a military backpack irl.

Edit: Does anybody know why the wolf headdress weighs 5 kg?

Because the player unit can't think and instead of removing the skull of animal - it's stay on the place, that's why it's weight about 5kg. 

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On 9/3/2024 at 9:47 PM, Xeonmeister said:

Ah yes, 5 famas could never fit in a military backpack irl.

It all depends on the dimensions of the targeted container and its contents. Given the visual dimensions of those in DayZ and 120 cm (48.5 in) for the content's length, I'd confirm with certainty that three Mosins 91/30 wouldn't fit. Not even one, and I'm not even talking about a Mosin with a bayonet attached. Unless (perhaps) you place it vertically with the backpack open and see if it holds with discomfort and without falling where there must be visual clues for other survivors to notice it, which is currently an absent possibility.

The issue is that the inventory system is based on inauthenticity. It is neither consistent nor logical with the nature of the content. This is a fundamental element that needs to be reprioritised, emphasised and given importance, as it blocks the way to authentic experience, as well as authentic provision and possibilities. It also blocks authenticity in terms of inconveniences in movement, motion, progress, authentic concealment, layering, fatigue, calorie expenditure and dehydration, shortness of breath, risk of injury due to weight as well as weight adding to terrain and surface allocation and many other elements of basic survival and common sense, as well as balanced and authentic compensations.
It will be accurate to have a split system for the pockets of the clothes. A compartmentalisation in the slot system for each pocket which will automatically prevent large objects to go in (like a car radiator or a shovel in a pocket) without underlying prejudice, and I think that it should be easy to implement. Its implementation is very important for the consistency and logic of the content.
It will also be accurate to have an oblique and compact system, not just vertical and horizontal (of course, if the systems allow it).

Even before, in earlier versions of SA, with an outdated system, the inventory system certainly wasn't perfect, but it was more authentic and wasn't a cynical clown's joke lacking integrity to the content and to the original idea of compressed realism (adapting the contextual content of time and space within the limits of the systems) because of this actual exaggerated permissiveness. It is therefore an inauthentic and very forgiving element that affects the real challenge represented by the harsh survival aspect.

Ideally, we wouldn't have these people unhappy with the reduction in inventory space and sorting to/favouring the “majority of mods and community servers are pushing for more space” arguments. Nor even to have their voices as dangerous; spoiled children and adults alike in this democracy to change the curve by going against the content and its original idea with the numbers game argument (whether long-time users or new users). It would be ideal to have people (in terms of givers and receivers) disappointed and not proud for the reason that they don't respect the honesty and integrity of the content while encouraging and thanking Bohemia Interactive when integration or reintegration and congruency with/to the content is considered and achieved. So, certainly don't play the numbers game on behalf of the user and financial profit to the detriment of the content's focus on self-effacement for some subjective fun and low-threshold cerebral effort. 

I am still writing about a content where it is possible to attach a weapon without a sling on a survivor, put an apple in a non-existent pocket of a T-shirt and running with 954 Kg without proper authentic inconveniences and where the source of this content is coming from a military simulation, whose identity sample is obtained/taken from and transmitted for a simulation of a post-apocalyptic hardened survival with passion about realism (at least compressed realism to fit the context of the content and the systems capabilities) and is also now still officially sold as authentic and unforgiving.

Congruency is what should make me come to the content not the other way around. That's what made me come to the content, have a presence with many moreover and we are/were enough! 

What a self-effacement thoroughgoing habitual deference and conformity!
Really unfortunate.

Edited by Presence-
Writing, correcting orthography and some informations
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15 minutes ago, Presence- said:

"Even before in the mod and distant previous SA versions, with an outdated system, the inventory system was certainly not perfect but was more authentic and not a cynical's clown joke [...]."

You made a great post, thanks 🙂

And you are right about the previous versions of SA, where the inventory was more believable.

But I wanted to mention that in the DayZ mod you could put a HELICOPTER MAIN ROTOR ASSEMBLY into your pocket xD!!!

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22 hours ago, Pyongo Bongo said:

You made a great post, thanks 🙂

And you are right about the previous versions of SA, where the inventory was more believable.

Thank you for your comment. Really appreciated.


But I wanted to mention that in the DayZ mod you could put a HELICOPTER MAIN ROTOR ASSEMBLY into your pocket xD!!!

That's not right either.
We both agree, at least on this specific issue, that what you mentioned is just one of many things that shouldn't be here or there in the first place.
Perhaps I should have stressed enough that I'm not insisting that everything be set as in the mod, but mentioning that even in the mod and in previous SAs, some things were more exact than today in terms of content, just as some things were less exact than today, and just as some things still aren't there, while others are there when it would be ideal for them not to be, and others aren't there when it would be ideal for them to be.

  • The question is: do these elements match the coherence and logic of the content, its roots and the original idea?

- If not, it would be ideal to remove or rework it. 
- If it is, it would be ideal to work on it.
Accuracy, honesty and integration of the content, its roots, its original sample, the original idea, the current official description, which is also authentic and unforgiving, are the right direction.
I think the devs will get the idea and the message behind this and like mentioned in the previous comment, again, the mod or previous SA are not perfect either.
When it's something that specifically justifies the content (even slightly), rather than the “user's engagement and user's numbers” argument, then I have nothing to say about it. I'll applaud, respect, thank, support, salute and encourage. Even if I don't like it (because I can be subjective) while a system is not. That's the way it is, whether the user accepts it or not, and here you'll see them come up with the “it's a game” escape argument to justify the lack of seriousness rather than the content's accuracy and integrity.
What is a game? What if my game is your anti-game? What is your game and what is my game? Fun? Ok, what is fun? Define fun. 

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@Presence- But this is a valid speech for everyone.

I won't quote point by point otherwise it would turn out to be a novel and I have neither the time nor the desire.
Just a few brief points:
*) You talk (and write) a lot about realism but you haven't yet realized an important fact: DayZ is a gigantic and very complex ARCADE... It is NOT realistic (at least not, I won't make lists now) and it doesn't even want to become one (by open admission of the spokesperson of the programmers in this same forum).
*) Given that DayZ is ARCADE (I hope you won't argue about this too... you who "understood everything" [if you want I'll quote where you wrote it] ) you CANNOT make such a radical, absolute and impactful change to the game without "compensating" equally radically in other aspects of the game... reducing the size of certain objects (some are absurdly large), adding the ability (as in real life) to carry more backpacks or bags (in RL you can put them all over your shoulder), changing the stamina... (I don't know if you also do a bit of sports, but when you're trained, you can carry much more weight and still be very agile, in jumping and climbing obstacles)... carrying more weapons over your shoulder, or tied to the backpack on the outside, as well as many other objects.
*) You only make lists of what is "convenient for you" that you shouldn't be able to do... but you forget what a "realistic game" (as you would like) should NOT allow...
Excessive consumption of shoes
Excessive consumption of weapons
Excessive consumption of food
Excessive consumption of water
Excessive consumption of knives
Excessive consumption of pliers
Excessive consumption of shovels
Excessive consumption of pickaxes
Excessive consumption of axes
Excessive consumption of hammers
Excessive consumption of axes
Excessive consumption of hooks
Excessive consumption of fishing rods
Excessive consumption of pots
Excessive consumption of whetstones
Excessive consumption of clothing kits
Excessive consumption of leather kits
Excessive consumption of weapon kits
Excessive consumption of... etc, etc...
You don't care about this, do you, and you don't list it...
And this change will NOT make it "realistic", but only MORE CRAZY THAN BEFORE!
It's not hard to understand...

But you obviously don't care, you don't use these things enough to survive... you're probably one of those who just look for a few weapons and go looking for the unfortunate to kill... and you also look for him "defenseless"... who doesn't have obvious weapons... (great "hero" of DayZ)... and if the one you "thought defenseless"... and evidently consider that it is possible to "kill him easily"... as soon as you get close, convinced of your "easy kill", he pulls out an automatic weapon and kills you... you get angry and complain.

I was looking for an easy kill, you don't like dying like this, right?!?

This is, in essence, the complaint of those who want these changes... NOT the "realism" (which is NOT in DayZ and will NEVER be!), which is just an excuse... but the "easy kill"!!!

Well done!
Real DayZ heroes!

I would say "play ArmA", or CoD... But there are also community servers (modded) that are "optimized" for extreme PvP (some eliminate Z because "they disturb the fights")... well... why don't you try these servers instead?!?

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On 9/7/2024 at 3:46 AM, Riddick_2K said:

@Presence- But this is a valid speech for everyone.


No, sir!
You've got a lot of things wrong in your feedback by taking your blind and ignorant assumptions about other users as fact.
You don't know all the users who point the finger at the lenient and overly permissive inventory system, so why are you making these kinds of assumptions about them to defend your argument?
Everyone pays the consequences. It's how you deal with them that makes the difference.
I encourage DayZ to simulate more of the survival aspects. You can see me pushing for authentic and unforgiving elements on survival simulation like a weight system with its risk of injury, a fatigue system, more swaying due to weight, shortness of breath when jogging and moving with heavy weight, no instant running and stopping breathing, absolutely no instant running and stopping breathing with heavy weight, the influence of terrain and surface adding with weight, the affectation of weight on calorie expenditure and hydration, shortness of breath while jogging, increased temperature while jogging, the elimination or at least extreme reduction of the overpowered internal zoom flip camera and the use of binoculars instead, and much more. I even insist on the need for sleep. Yes, in a massive world multiplayer / survival content.
The exaggerated inventory system and overpowered capacity of carrying weight block all those aspects to be implemented with a genuine lens especially for the impact on weight in relation to motion/movement physics and much more than that.
You bully other users who ask and encourage BI to implement authentic, ruthless aspects that will be consistent and logical with the official content description while you choose to keep it looking aberrant and forgivingly fast-paced to be able to carry 1272 kg, jog with it and call yourself a survivor.
You are the arcade and casual player of COD more than the content itself, more than all those who point out the exaggerated permissiveness of the inventory system and more than any COD player!
I'm better than you and smarter than you!
I can survive on less than you.
You'd have to improve first to reach my level of true challenge, because my vision mercilessly exceeds your ability to comprehend.
The impact of the recent reduction was necessary for the survival aspect and is still so small and incomplete that I wouldn't dare ask for genuine compensation yet.
I'll start suggesting genuine compensation when you're no longer able to wear a frying pan or a baseball bat in your T-shirt.

I'd also suggest adding a modifier in the server settings to multiply or diminish the space of the different object and slots categories so that I can reduce further until the T-shirt has a load capacity of zero and let those assisted inferior users use hundred spaces in a T-shirt in their clown happy meal servers if that's what they want.
However, I'd also suggest to add a compartmentalisation system for each pocket of the garment and backpacks with separate compartments to automatically prevent large objects (for example, a jerrycan or a car radiator) in a pocket/compartment without any underlying detriment to the container's carrying capacity.

Edited by Presence-
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I don't bully anyone.
I answer based on what I read in the forum, I do NOT invent anything.

You are the "arrogant" one and you are blaming me for things you invent!

All, or the vast majority, of those who complain about the inventory being too big do so because the "enemy" can carry hidden weapons.

This is the main complaint.

Except for a few "smart guys" who go around it and who use the supposed "realism" of the game as a defense of their thesis... something denied by the facts (it is absolutely NOT realistic) and by the statements of the spokespersons of B.I. (everything written on this forum clearly states that DayZ is not a simulator nor does it want to become one)

It is useless that you to reel off lines and lines of descriptions of "lack of realism" of DayZ, when it is clear to everyone that DayZ is NOT realistic, but you won't make it so just by reducing the slots.
DayZ is, and will remain, a gigantic ARCADE very complex and with the reduction of slots you will only get additional problems, and nothing truly realistic.

I would even agree with some of the things you suggest, but you CANNOT add just one thing without considering ALL the implications that this change entails, otherwise you do not "fix the game", but cripple it.

As if you had a common car (arcade DayZ) and wanted to make it an off-road vehicle (realistic DayZ): you cannot change only 1 wheel, otherwise you unbalance the car and you will never be able to overcome obstacles. And even changing all 4 if you do not add traction to the front... will do little.
I hope the metaphor is clear: You cannot hope to "change a game" by changing only some aspect of this game... you are not "changing the game", you are "messing it up".

Why don't you also suggest increasing the space occupied by all objects... increasing their weight... reducing stamina... poisoning all meat... increasing the consumption rate of everything, shoes, weapons, tools... so the game will become even more difficult and... in your opinion... even more realistic, right?!?

I don't care if:

4 hours ago, Presence- said:

I'm better than you and smarter than you!
I can survive on less than you.
You'd have to improve first to reach my level of true challenge, because my vision mercilessly exceeds your ability to comprehend.

I'm not a child with "ego" problems.
I leave you the record of being the best, the smartest and "peeing the furthest".



Edited by Riddick_2K

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I just had so much fun on Experimental Livonia:



The new wolf headdress is awesome, me and my friends are all wearing it combined with different masks and we look like absolute freaks, its really funny.

II think a bear headdress would be cool too. Bears are really rare, hard to kill and stronger, it would be a great trophy.

The new summer temperatures on Livonia we have been wishing for for a long time, and it is very refreshing balancing your outfit around not overheating but still being warm at night / rain. And ontop of that we finally get to wear something which is not exclusively best insulation, now we have a lot of fun variety in outfits. We actually get to wear shorts and T-shirts for once.

The new smaller inventory is also very welcome and feels way better, yes we have to leave stuff behind but I appreciate the more realistic and tactical survival gameplay more.

We scavenged the northern towns for a sparkplug for a boat, finding piece by piece all kinds of loot and meeting people.

I really like how varied the loot is nowadays, I actually was using an MP5 and revolver for the longest time, aswell as wearing a smersh vest.

9/10 lives is me going to the next platecarrier spawning milbase and grabbing a rifle, which I then use for most of the game.

I found crusty a Snaiperskaya Vintowka Dragunova at a helicrash, that was really great. I love that gun and I love randomised, spontaneously being able to find great loot. I am really glad it is not gas zone restricted, because I am not a fan of gas zone restriced loot.

Doing the "main quests" on the maps (gas zone, bunker) because you NEED to, or because stuff that would reasonably be found in other places too organically only spawns there, I am not a fan of. Feels more like a repetitive chore than a fun, organic playthrough.

The SVD at the heli was an awesome surprise.

You thought I wouldn't notice but I did, there is now a "test blood" animation with sounds, always great to see DayZ become even more detailed with each patch.

Then we finally fixed the boat. Being able to do most things like inventory management, eating, crafting and SHOOTING! while driving is next level.

It's a bit janky though with how you slide out while going perfectly straight at high speeds.

Driving down the river at night with our crew, lit up with colourful lights, looking for people to donate bullets to from our cool new guns was awesome.

The animations are excellent! I love the way the survivors "chill" in the boat, sometimes fidgeting around with their fingers.

The disembarking animation looks high quality and straight out of an action movie!

We flipped the boat and our friend drowned.



Edited by Pyongo Bongo
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5 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

I don't bully anyone. I do NOT invent anything.
You are the "arrogant" one and you are blaming me for things you invent!
I'm not a child with "ego" problems.
I leave you the record of being the best, the smartest and "peeing the furthest".

Calling us "weirdos". "COD players". "Mimimimimi" "crying", we "angry and complain" (here and in the feedback tracking) is bullying and inventing. 
You'll find me arrogant when you behave as one and I'll be peeing further than you. You can quote that response and hang it on your wall.

5 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

All, or the vast majority, of those who complain about the inventory being too big do so because the "enemy" can carry hidden weapons.
This is the main complaint.

I don't care about the majority or the minority. You justify the user's engagement "majority" and I justify the content: authentic and unforgiving. 
The inventory system is inauthentic and forgiving. Get that in your head.
I support their complaint that you mentioned about hidden weapons. Their complaint is one hundred percent valid because it lacks consistency and logic to the nature of the content.

5 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

It is useless that you to reel off lines and lines of descriptions of "lack of realism" of DayZ, when it is clear to everyone that DayZ is NOT realistic, but you won't make it so just by reducing the slots.
DayZ is, and will remain, a gigantic ARCADE very complex and with the reduction of slots you will only get additional problems, and nothing truly realistic.

It's not useless. This is a recall of not being congruent with what we sell to people and encouraging when doing so. It's about honesty and integrity.
Reducing the slots will make the carrying capacity for now just a tiny little bit more authentic and unforgiving.
I have a rule: I justify the content rather than the user's engagement. 
Authentic and unforgiving
The inventory system is currently not only inauthentic but it is also very forgiving
My argument will always be valid about the inventory system because I'm justifying the content while you may not. You prioritise the user's engagement first (the majority).
The most important is not just reducing the slots but 
to add a compartmentalisation system for each pocket of the garment and backpacks with separate compartments to automatically prevent large objects (for example, a jerrycan or a car radiator) in a pocket/compartment without any underlying detriment to the container's carrying capacity.

6 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

I would even agree with some of the things you suggest, but you CANNOT add just one thing without considering ALL the implications that this change entails, otherwise you do not "fix the game", but cripple it.

I understand this, stop repeating it to me. That is something I'll suggest with you later if only you'd listen.
What you're talking about is what I mentioned in my posts many times as "authentic compensations" "genuine compensation" "authentic balance". 
However, I want you to understand that the inventory system is too big. TOO BIG and forgiving that I won't dare asking for any kind of compensation yet.
Because even in 1.26 you can still carry an apple in your T-shirt. That is an inauthentic and forgiving compensation that you still have.

7 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

You cannot change only 1 wheel, otherwise you unbalance the car and you will never be able to overcome obstacles. And even changing all 4 if you do not add traction to the front... will do little.
I hope the metaphor is clear: You cannot hope to "change a game" by changing only some aspect of this game... you are not "changing the game", you are "messing it up".

I can. Because the analogy refers that the inventory system might currently be good/perfect and well balanced, which is not the case. The inventory system shouldn't be so broad and permissive in the first place. This is the result of a lack of consistency with the nature of the content: authentic and unforgiving. 
The 4 wheels of a car are well balanced. DayZ's inventory system is overpowered and overpowering.
Again, I'm familiar with this aspect and understand what you're writing. 

7 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

Why don't you also suggest increasing the space occupied by all objects... increasing their weight... reducing stamina... poisoning all meat... increasing the consumption rate of everything, shoes, weapons, tools... so the game will become even more difficult and... in your opinion... even more realistic, right?!?

My suggestions only justify the content being authentic and unforgiving.
Anything that is not on par with this will not be my suggestion. 

7 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

Why don't you also suggest increasing the space occupied by all objects... increasing their weight... reducing stamina... 

It depends of what object we are talking about.
Are we talking about pieces of ammunition in the inventory system? Yes, I already suggested this in the feedback tracker. 
Pieces of ammunition in the inventory system always stack in the same space and weight when combined, regardless of quantity and caliber. (IRL, for example, one 7.62x51 NATO cartridge weigh approximately 25.4 grams. 100 of them would weigh 2540 grams or 2.54 kg). (508 g converted to kg = 0,508 kg). In DayZ, 7.62x51 NATO can stack up to 20 in one single slot and keep the same weight. IRL, 1 x 7.62x51 NATO = approx 25.4 grams and 20 pieces x 25.4 grams = 508 grams or 0,508 Kg and would certainly not take the same space as 1 piece. Thus, it is an element in the inventory system that is overpowering the carrying capacity of ammunition.
Are we talking about the space that the leather kit takes in the inventory system? Maybe not but I wouldn't decrease it either. 
Because it's a "kit". (compressed visuals in DayZ).

7 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

 poisoning all meat...

It's a “gamified” balance. Wolves rarely attack humans. I'll keep them in the content, of course, but instead of poisoning the meat, I'll simply make their attacks extremely rare, and if they do attack, they'll attack in numbers. Wolves are opportunistic and cautious predators. I'll set up higher (but still very rare) chances of sneaking up on users and attacking them when they're injured, low on energy, in their protective territory at night, etc. The wolves are underpowered and our survivor is overpowered, so I'm going to work on the survivor's movement first. He's fast. He's just too fast.
Grizzlies are known to not be safe to eat IRL and you'll most likely be the meat. You won't find much ammo and guns to kill it, you'll save those few bullets for a deer and some protection. Nor will you be able to dodge a charging grizzly that has managed to get close, which is the cause of our survivor's over-power. He's as fast as a rabbit.

8 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

increasing the consumption rate of everything, shoes, weapons, tools... so the game will become even more difficult and... in your opinion... even more realistic, right?!?

No (however, “everything” may not be accurate. It depends on what you're talking about and what it's exposed to).
The rate of consumption of shoes, weapons and tools is inauthentic in DayZ because it's a “gamified balance”, a design choice to involve the user. 
I'd to reduce it. Difficulty is not synonymous with authenticity, but keep in mind that other means must be in place for survival to be engaged in the authentic and unforgiving aspect.

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The problem is that both people saying the game should be harder and people saying the game should be more casual are right.

I just can't for the love of god understand why the DayZ devs don't split game mechanics like this into a hardcore and casual mode. There are already hardcore server which are hardcore because... first person view only and a little less loot. Wow.

If they only changed the clothing and backpack inventory on the hardcore 'branch' then I wouldn't mind it. The thing is that a lot of people like to play dayz bc it's a slower looter-shooter for them. Look at all the modded servers which have the highest player counts. So many of them have either more inventory slots, or modded clothing with more inventory slots, or stuff like nbc cases which can hold an entire nbc set using up only 9-16 slots. It's really counterproductive to treat the playerbase as a whole as hardcore, challenge thirsty simulator lovers. Just split the game into 2 modes already.

If anyone here plays Rust then comments saying how the game should be harder and more unforgiving may sound familiar. Seemingly a LOT of people were complaining about the availability of stuff like the map or safe zones and, again, seemingly a lot of people wanted a more hardcore experience. The Rust devs actually created a hardcore mode for the game though, only to find out that only a very small percentage of players actually wanted to play it.

So moral of the story: instead of randomly adding more hardcore features or more quality of life changes, simply add the hardcore changes to hardcore servers and the QoL changes to the 'casual' mode.

I personally play DayZ for the more casual looter-PvPer experience but if there was an actualy hardcore mode I'd play it from time to time.

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20 minutes ago, Xeonmeister said:

There are already hardcore server which are hardcore because... first person view only and a little less loot.

I don't think there is any difference in loot. So it's literally only FPP and TPP...

You are right though. Make HC servers HC and make SC servers more user friendly.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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On 9/6/2024 at 9:46 PM, Riddick_2K said:

@Presence- But this is a valid speech for everyone.

I won't quote point by point otherwise it would turn out to be a novel and I have neither the time nor the desire.
Just a few brief points:
*) You talk (and write) a lot about realism but you haven't yet realized an important fact: DayZ is a gigantic and very complex ARCADE... It is NOT realistic (at least not, I won't make lists now) and it doesn't even want to become one (by open admission of the spokesperson of the programmers in this same forum).
*) Given that DayZ is ARCADE (I hope you won't argue about this too... you who "understood everything" [if you want I'll quote where you wrote it] ) you CANNOT make such a radical, absolute and impactful change to the game without "compensating" equally radically in other aspects of the game... reducing the size of certain objects (some are absurdly large), adding the ability (as in real life) to carry more backpacks or bags (in RL you can put them all over your shoulder), changing the stamina... (I don't know if you also do a bit of sports, but when you're trained, you can carry much more weight and still be very agile, in jumping and climbing obstacles)... carrying more weapons over your shoulder, or tied to the backpack on the outside, as well as many other objects.
*) You only make lists of what is "convenient for you" that you shouldn't be able to do... but you forget what a "realistic game" (as you would like) should NOT allow...
Excessive consumption of shoes
Excessive consumption of weapons
Excessive consumption of food
Excessive consumption of water
Excessive consumption of knives
Excessive consumption of pliers
Excessive consumption of shovels
Excessive consumption of pickaxes
Excessive consumption of axes
Excessive consumption of hammers
Excessive consumption of axes
Excessive consumption of hooks
Excessive consumption of fishing rods
Excessive consumption of pots
Excessive consumption of whetstones
Excessive consumption of clothing kits
Excessive consumption of leather kits
Excessive consumption of weapon kits
Excessive consumption of... etc, etc...
You don't care about this, do you, and you don't list it...
And this change will NOT make it "realistic", but only MORE CRAZY THAN BEFORE!
It's not hard to understand...

But you obviously don't care, you don't use these things enough to survive... you're probably one of those who just look for a few weapons and go looking for the unfortunate to kill... and you also look for him "defenseless"... who doesn't have obvious weapons... (great "hero" of DayZ)... and if the one you "thought defenseless"... and evidently consider that it is possible to "kill him easily"... as soon as you get close, convinced of your "easy kill", he pulls out an automatic weapon and kills you... you get angry and complain.

I was looking for an easy kill, you don't like dying like this, right?!?

This is, in essence, the complaint of those who want these changes... NOT the "realism" (which is NOT in DayZ and will NEVER be!), which is just an excuse... but the "easy kill"!!!

Well done!
Real DayZ heroes!

I would say "play ArmA", or CoD... But there are also community servers (modded) that are "optimized" for extreme PvP (some eliminate Z because "they disturb the fights")... well... why don't you try these servers instead?!?

categorizing everyone in favor of the storage capacity alteration as freshy-killing CoD wannabes is neither logical nor constructive and has tainted your response with blatant bias, as well as earned you the title of "bully." I believe you wielded similar rhetoric against me in a discussion on a post around a year ago and I felt it better to not waste my time with a reply. You should leave the character judgements aside if you want to engage in good faith discussion. 

I'd like you to expand on what you mean when talking about how changing one thing isn't sufficient for a change; I feel that we see incremental change with every update, the storage capacity being one aspect for this one (maybe they'll expand on it). Are you saying you'd prefer a complete overhaul in one large update, or that this change will have cascading consequences on gameplay? Personally, I think there are many realistic adjustments and additions that could be made to the game (I'll spare you an exhaustive list), but there's obviously a balance between fun and realism that needs to be maintained in order to be enjoyable. If the game is too much of a suck-fest, it won't retain any newcomers, but if it's too easy to survive and there's not enough to do, you get drones that just search for kills due to boredom (which youre obviously against). I wouldn't say this update crosses the line in that regard. They may be testing the waters, or even inoculating the player base to more realistic player constraints in future updates instead of making us adjust to a whole bunch of new things at once. 

I sincerely feel I've done about all vanilla DayZ has to offer, and the idea of learning the game with a new and significant constraint (player storage capacity) is refreshing as it will be a new challenge that leads to different thought processes. Additionally, I think reducing the player's storage indirectly encourages teaming up with others so the group can carry a wider array of useful items, rather than having every little item in the game on one person.

Edited by Misnomera

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19 hours ago, Presence- said:

He's fast. He's just too fast.

I've had this complaint since my first few months on the game. Sprint speed is way too fast, especially with the bag, weapons, and a 12kg plate-carrier. 

IMO, base jog speed is perfect (even with the weight), ads movement forward and backward is just a bit too slow, and sprint is just insanely fast. 

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PC Experimental 1.26 Update 3 - Version 1.26.158752 (Release on 10.09.2024)



  • Linux servers failed to restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183938)
  • Fixed multiple server crashes
  • Incorrect "Stop engine" behavior on boats
  • It was not possible to repair boats
  • It was possible to drive ruined boats
  • Boats could not be damaged via melee combat
  • Fixed issues with the damaged material of the boats
  • Boats could randomly jump
  • Camera behavior was wrong when switching from 1pp to 3pp in CivilianSedan and exiting boats
  • Character was thrown off the boat when fishing from it
  • It was possible to push boats while on top of them
  • Sound ranges and frequency of some animals was too high (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183444, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183742)
  • Heat comfort of the player was rising when eating food with neutral temperature
  • Heat buffer UI transitions were not gradual enough
  • It was possible to achieve heat buffer with a gas stove
  • Smoke particles were appearing from the incorrect part of ovens
  • Smoke particle stayed on ovens even after the smoking item was removed
  • It was not possible to collect snow
  • The sound of washing hands would continue playing after the action was interrupted
  • When attempting to cook a badly damaged Zucchini, it would become burned instantly
  • It was possible to see under water if the character did not move
  • Potatoes were not correctly reflecting their temperature
  • Food poisoning was triggering unintentional effects at higher levels
  • Influenza would stop to grow at a lower level than intended
  • It took too long for influeza to fully develop
  • Bone and wooden hooks were not visible when placed on roads
  • The hitbox of the tactical backpack was too big
  • The temperature of a steak attached to a wodden stick in the shoulder slot did not decrease naturally (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183627)
  • Rabbits and Foxes had a tendency to get stuck in the environment
  • Radios remained active after respawning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T181730)
  • Animals caught via traps were not properly spawned at the trap
  • Unsuccesful trap triggers would have the attachment slot disappear and reduce bait volume by 99%
  • Large stones were not properly described as materials for constructions
  • Doors of Sarka wrecks were not completely registered by bullets
  • Patrol jackets on the ground weren't fully registered by bullets
  • The wolf headdress could slightly clip with hands
  • The server browser would only display server names once all servers were loaded


  • Tweaked boat configuration
  • Boat engine turns off autiomatically now when beaching the boat
  • Reduced damage to containers when filled with scorching hot liquids
  • Heat buffer now depletes faster when the player is in water


  • Environmental fog could change drastically shortly after login on Chernarus


  • Fixed: Grass ground was too shiny (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183537)


  • Tweaked: World temperatures on cfggameplay.json, old values can be found in the according world data scripts


  • Added: Map makers can now add a map filter for their custom map to the server browser map filters by adding the map mission and display name to the filters with a static function call in the 3_Game script module within there custom map mod scripts: ServerBrowserHelperFunctions.AddMapInfo("MapMissionName", "FancyMapName");
  • The mission name is case sensitive and needs to match with the actual world class name from the cfgWorlds class
  • Fixed: 'HumanCommandScript.AddHeadingRelativeTo' and 'HumanCommandScript.SetHeading' was not using the values passed
  • Fixed: Game crash when spawning a vehicle that isn't a car or boat


  • The character can glitch under water after exiting boat at high speed
  • Sea wave movement sometimes jumps
  • Push boat is present from inside the boat
  • Surrender gesture is not working consistently when standing inside boat and on vehicles
  • Climbing on a boat can cause wrong animations
  • Climbing on boat, especially with no or low stamina causes animation issues
  • Pull out body in boat animation can glitch
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15 hours ago, Xeonmeister said:

The problem is that both people saying the game should be harder and people saying the game should be more casual are right.

I just can't for the love of god understand why the DayZ devs don't split game mechanics like this into a hardcore and casual mode. There are already hardcore server which are hardcore because... first person view only and a little less loot. Wow.

If they only changed the clothing and backpack inventory on the hardcore 'branch' then I wouldn't mind it. The thing is that a lot of people like to play dayz bc it's a slower looter-shooter for them. Look at all the modded servers which have the highest player counts. So many of them have either more inventory slots, or modded clothing with more inventory slots, or stuff like nbc cases which can hold an entire nbc set using up only 9-16 slots. It's really counterproductive to treat the playerbase as a whole as hardcore, challenge thirsty simulator lovers. Just split the game into 2 modes already.

If anyone here plays Rust then comments saying how the game should be harder and more unforgiving may sound familiar. Seemingly a LOT of people were complaining about the availability of stuff like the map or safe zones and, again, seemingly a lot of people wanted a more hardcore experience. The Rust devs actually created a hardcore mode for the game though, only to find out that only a very small percentage of players actually wanted to play it.

So moral of the story: instead of randomly adding more hardcore features or more quality of life changes, simply add the hardcore changes to hardcore servers and the QoL changes to the 'casual' mode.

I personally play DayZ for the more casual looter-PvPer experience but if there was an actualy hardcore mode I'd play it from time to time.


In HC servers you have the same loot as in "normal" servers, the "types.xml" file (and the others) are always the same, the difference, from what I know, is only in the settings: first-person view only and completely black nights.
And you're right, it's something I've often wondered... why only these slight differences?
Personally, at least in HC servers (I would like it in all servers, but never mind), I would like the infected that kill and more widespread diseases with more serious effects to return.
And, if anyone remembers, there were also servers without persistence once upon a time. I never understood what they were really for, but in my opinion the mistake was putting the "hive" in common, allowing jumps between different servers.
There are many "simple modifications", ready to be implemented, that could have a huge impact on the "playability" of DayZ by making many more people happy than trying to make a "global DayZ for everyone" ... which in reality, like other video games, does not make everyone happy but makes them unhappy.

You are wrong about one thing:
Mods with increased slots are used in many servers, even in PvE ones.
I don't know how it works in PvP ones (which I personally don't care about), but in PvE ones it is very useful for survival (to carry everything you need) and to loot around and bring it to the base ... that in PvE servers you can build in peace and enjoy it in peace.
Another way of seeing DayZ and "enjoying" the game.
Often, unfortunately, "modded" servers are completely exaggerated in everything ... PvP and PvE ... but that's another story ... always a question of "personal taste".

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18 hours ago, Xeonmeister said:

The problem is that both people saying the game should be harder and people saying the game should be more casual are right.

I just can't for the love of god understand why the DayZ devs don't split game mechanics like this into a hardcore and casual mode. There are already hardcore server which are hardcore because... first person view only and a little less loot. Wow.

If they only changed the clothing and backpack inventory on the hardcore 'branch' then I wouldn't mind it. The thing is that a lot of people like to play dayz bc it's a slower looter-shooter for them. Look at all the modded servers which have the highest player counts. So many of them have either more inventory slots, or modded clothing with more inventory slots, or stuff like nbc cases which can hold an entire nbc set using up only 9-16 slots. It's really counterproductive to treat the playerbase as a whole as hardcore, challenge thirsty simulator lovers. Just split the game into 2 modes already.

If anyone here plays Rust then comments saying how the game should be harder and more unforgiving may sound familiar. Seemingly a LOT of people were complaining about the availability of stuff like the map or safe zones and, again, seemingly a lot of people wanted a more hardcore experience. The Rust devs actually created a hardcore mode for the game though, only to find out that only a very small percentage of players actually wanted to play it.

So moral of the story: instead of randomly adding more hardcore features or more quality of life changes, simply add the hardcore changes to hardcore servers and the QoL changes to the 'casual' mode.

I personally play DayZ for the more casual looter-PvPer experience but if there was an actualy hardcore mode I'd play it from time to time.

Its not hard to figure out. All youd be doing there is muddying the games core identity, creating more work for the devs and dividing the playerbase further. Its bad enough we have to deal with 3rd person servers taking players away from first person option which is the objectively true and canon dayz experience. 

I still dont get why people are moaning. Even with inventory nerfs you can still hold more than enough guns and ammo.

Im glad the devs arent letting whining 'casual' players hold back the games true survival experience, because they want to run around with 5 guns and unlimited stamina.

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17 minutes ago, Judley said:

Its not hard to figure out. All youd be doing there is muddying the games core identity, creating more work for the devs and dividing the playerbase further. Its bad enough we have to deal with 3rd person servers taking players away from first person option which is the objectively true and canon dayz experience. 

I still dont get why people are moaning. Even with inventory nerfs you can still hold more than enough guns and ammo.

Im glad the devs arent letting whining 'casual' players hold back the games true survival experience, because they want to run around with 5 guns and unlimited stamina.

You are confusing the public Vanilla game with the modded community versions.
Public Vanilla DayZ does not have unlimited stamina, and here we talk about a modification of the public game, not the community servers where they can use all the mods and modifications they want.
From what information did you decide that the "true and canonical" DayZ experience is the first-person only one?
Those who complain about the weapons... maybe... are confusing DayZ (a survival game from an infected pandemic) with other war FPS (choose your list).
With the inventory nerf you can still carry lethal weapons with you... you just have a little more difficulty "hiding" them (that's what really bothers), on the other hand, those who try to survive as a loner will have more problems carrying around all those objects that will allow them to survive... all very large and in continuous use. Only the improvised fishing rod, which you cannot dismantle and keep only the rope, now no longer fits in a backpack and takes up an external weapon slot... just to give an example.

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Riddick_2K are you seriously still at it? I first saw you complaining about the changes weeks ago, and you've filled the entire thread with your complaints, acting like a five-year-old trying anything to get their way. People can't even post positive feedback without you arguing that their opinion is wrong. I've seen you respond with complaints to people who haven't even addressed you.

If you're so desperate to vent, just do it already, or accept the changes and perhaps play something else. And by the way, this thread isn't the only place where people are showing appreciation for the update—I've seen several appreciation posts and comments on Reddit, YouTube, etc. Even TheRunningManz has shown appreciation for the reduced inventory, and if anyone loves hoarding big guns, it's him.

Just deal with it and move on with your life. Let people have their opinions without arguing with them about it. You're acting like a kindergarten kid trying to get attention from the President of the United States.

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1 hour ago, GaZ Bovem said:

Riddick_2K are you seriously still at it? I first saw you complaining about the changes weeks ago, and you've filled the entire thread with your complaints, acting like a five-year-old trying anything to get their way. People can't even post positive feedback without you arguing that their opinion is wrong. I've seen you respond with complaints to people who haven't even addressed you.

If you're so desperate to vent, just do it already, or accept the changes and perhaps play something else. And by the way, this thread isn't the only place where people are showing appreciation for the update—I've seen several appreciation posts and comments on Reddit, YouTube, etc. Even TheRunningManz has shown appreciation for the reduced inventory, and if anyone loves hoarding big guns, it's him.

Just deal with it and move on with your life. Let people have their opinions without arguing with them about it. You're acting like a kindergarten kid trying to get attention from the President of the United States.

Mate, i don't know but dialog same as forum - considering at least 2 points of views in other case it's only the monologs with blah-blah-blah.

Any dialog is considering opposite states/positions if you not reached it or not loving that apporach you better find those places where no one can comment and do what ever else aka read only "blogs".

Also if you don't like what/how he writing - block him, the forum system will hide from your eyes his posts and questions.

I don't know if you think that's every people on the planet is the same human entities or carbon-units - I've got  some good news for you, sunshine - everyone has own right to react, to think, to understand and to responding on everything that happens everywhere and in every millisecond around that world. I think it's not wise to shut someone because of his reaction...

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7 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

I don't know how it works in PvP ones (which I personally don't care about)

From what I know PVP servers increase slots too. I played a few PVP only servers with traders and all of them had huge inventory sizes.

4 hours ago, Riddick_2K said:

on the other hand, those who try to survive as a loner will have more problems carrying around all those objects that will allow them to survive... all very large and in continuous use. Only the improvised fishing rod, which you cannot dismantle and keep only the rope, now no longer fits in a backpack and takes up an external weapon slot... just to give an example.

I'm not sure if there is some translation issue but you can dismantle improvised fishing rod and get back the long stick and the rope.
Carry the rope with you, ditch the long stick. Finding another long stick on Chernarus and Livonia is not an issue.

It's not that the inventory is too small, but instead it's too limiting.
Realistically, backpacks should have external pouches and attachment slots for items such as: bottles, fishing rods, various tools, tents...


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12 hours ago, merropa93 said:

PC Experimental 1.26 Update 3 - Version 1.26.158752 (Release on 10.09.2024)

I think we're going to need an ability to turn boats over back to normal position - I keep finding boats floating in the water upside down (and nobody cares to despawn them).

Another problem is that the boats can lose their interaction hit boxes when in the bushes/reeds. People would push them there to hide and then effectively just leave them be upon realizing there's no way to push them back to the water (and nobody cares to despawn them again).

As for the inventory sizes, while I personally like challenging conditions (sometimes extremely challenging), I'd offer a compromise: still big inventories, but divided in groups to avoid having big continuous spaces. Like, for example, the hunter backpack could have one larger space, but still not big enough for rifles/ARs, and then (just like it has it shown on the models) 3 separate pockets, one slightly larger, like 3x2, and then 2 smaller ones, like 2x2.

Edited by CallMeRive
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5 hours ago, GaZ Bovem said:

Riddick_2K are you seriously still at it? I first saw you complaining about the changes weeks ago, and you've filled the entire thread with your complaints, acting like a five-year-old trying anything to get their way. People can't even post positive feedback without you arguing that their opinion is wrong. I've seen you respond with complaints to people who haven't even addressed you.

If you're so desperate to vent, just do it already, or accept the changes and perhaps play something else. And by the way, this thread isn't the only place where people are showing appreciation for the update—I've seen several appreciation posts and comments on Reddit, YouTube, etc. Even TheRunningManz has shown appreciation for the reduced inventory, and if anyone loves hoarding big guns, it's him.

Just deal with it and move on with your life. Let people have their opinions without arguing with them about it. You're acting like a kindergarten kid trying to get attention from the President of the United States.

WOW... an account created just now just to argue with me... and provoke me, too...
I'm flattered... 🙂
But I'll answer you anyway... in a friendly and kind way.
*) I really don't think that complaining in this forum can get you what you want... I've never seen it. It's a discussion to exchange opinions, suggestions and help between DayZ players.
Maybe... maybe... something good written in here could reach the top... but I think it happens very rarely and certainly not "heated discussions" on well-deliberate choices.
Then, maybe, I'm wrong... if someone can prove me wrong and I'll be happy to admit that they're right.
*) People have every right to post their opinions, but I also have the right to argue with them. It's a forum.
What I admit I overdid is in the "emphasis" of my opinions... and also against the forum rules... I'm sorry if anyone was offended, it wasn't my intention anyway... I'll try to "moderate the terms" and express my opinions in a "kind" way 🙂
*) It's a forum, not "personal messaging"... you don't necessarily have to address someone. You can take someone's statements and take inspiration for a general discussion valid for everyone.
*) I don't "need to vent"... they're about to make a change that I consider absurd and negative for the game and... like many others... I'm discussing it in the forum. I think I also have the right to have my opinion, to discuss it and contest the opinions that I consider wrong and to explain why. I may have been wrong in the ways, and I've already said that I'm sorry, but in essence I confirm my opinion that it's a wrong change.
*) Obviously if I want to continue playing on the public vanilla servers I will have to "obtorto collo" accept the change, as I have done up to now for many other changes that I have not appreciated... but why should I change game? There are private servers, both Vanilla (and "almost Vanilla") and modded. I have my Vanilla server, which at the beginning I had deeply modified, then I brought it back to the "standard" settings when I started my modded. At the moment I have stopped both. If I will have time again (at the moment I can't even play in the WE, often), I would already have another type of project in mind for them. The possibilities are endless... I'm just sorry to see that the "standard" servers (the public vanilla ones are the first approach for almost everyone) are managed in this way that I absolutely do not agree with. And it would take very little (as already suggested by "Xeonmeister") to improve the game with its own settings and with the already existing servers ("normal" and "HC"), and really please a large number of people, who already play DayZ... who are already divided between "normal" servers and "HC" servers... but there is "almost no" difference between the two types of servers... making everyone unhappy (and creating these heated arguments).
*) I don't follow TheRunningManz, if I'm not mistaken he's just a streamer... for me they should be banned or otherwise regulated, but that's "another problem".
The one who makes really good and instructive videos is "Wobo" (and he does them on his server without unknowingly using anyone), and on his channel (and in some others that YT suggested on the side), on this update... if you go and read the comments of the players (vox populi, vox Dei... don't just follow the creator's comment)... all the way to the end... you will also find people who agree, but many who disagree... I would say roughly, without having counted them... 70/80 against & 20/30 in agreement.
I only go to Reddit if I need something and Google sends me there... a forum like many others, and also very uncomfortable as a structure... it is definitely not "the verb".
And what do "heavy weapons" have to do with it? Are you also a fanatic of war FPS? This is DayZ, it shouldn't be the same thing.
*) Everyone is free to have their own idea, but in a forum I am equally free to challenge it as "wrong"... if you think I am wrong, challenge in turn, but do not "forbid me to discuss"... maybe I am not the "child".
I repeat... I may have been wrong in my too heated tones... and I apologize again for this... but I will never apologize for having challenged an idea/opinion that I believe to be wrong... and whoever is an honest and correct person, can challenge me in turn by arguing his opinions. This is one of the fundamental purposes of all forums.

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3 hours ago, DefectiveWater said:

From what I know PVP servers increase slots too. I played a few PVP only servers with traders and all of them had huge inventory sizes.

I'm not sure if there is some translation issue but you can dismantle improvised fishing rod and get back the long stick and the rope.
Carry the rope with you, ditch the long stick. Finding another long stick on Chernarus and Livonia is not an issue.

It's not that the inventory is too small, but instead it's too limiting.
Realistically, backpacks should have external pouches and attachment slots for items such as: bottles, fishing rods, various tools, tents...


I don't know what Google translated, but I wrote that you CANNOT dismantle a makeshift fishing rod.
I tried again, just to be sure, just now... both on a Vanilla 1.25 server and on an experimental 1.26, and in neither server did I find any option to dismantle the fishing rod (both with and without a hook), nor did I see the rope that could be taken as for the fence, turret and flag kits.
If you know the system for recovering the rope from a makeshift fishing rod, and would be kind enough to share it, you would be doing me a huge favor.

That backpack you posted is small.
I had a real Alice (I collected militaria, WW2, Vietnam and some WW1 items), I also have its manual ("FM 21-15" - Alice is a whole modular equipment system, not just the backpack) and the game version is not the real one, but a hybrid between the "medium" and the "large" (size of the large but without the small pockets under the closing flap). A bit like the Ada4x4 (a Lada Niva, with the body of the old 1600 carburetor version with the dashboard of the new 1700 injection version).
I had the medium, but I assure you that my father's "globe trotter" backpack, with the same system (separable aluminum frame and rayon container) contained much more stuff.
One of the advantages of the "Alice system" is that it is modular and you can attach various accessories to the outside, like many other modern backpacks.
But this is a "pure academic" discussion, I remind you that DayZ is not realistic and they have no intention of making it become... therefore, on this topic... I fear... we will all have to resign ourselves.
I continue to believe that "luckily mods exist".
¯\_(^~^)_/ ¯

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Riddick, i think the best thing for you to do is to give 1.26 a chance when it hits stable, (i dont know if youve tried experimental) and see how you get on with the inventory changes. You might come to like the update, and within a couple weeks, youd probably have forgotten what you've lost anyway.

I too don't know if anything here reaches the top, but I'm pretty certain everyone in the DayZ offices know Riddick_2K is strongly opposed to the changes, and id say everyone on these forums know of it as well. So I'd say you've sufficiently made your point. 

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47 minutes ago, Judley said:

Riddick, i think the best thing for you to do is to give 1.26 a chance when it hits stable, (i dont know if youve tried experimental) and see how you get on with the inventory changes. You might come to like the update, and within a couple weeks, youd probably have forgotten what you've lost anyway.

I too don't know if anything here reaches the top, but I'm pretty certain everyone in the DayZ offices know Riddick_2K is strongly opposed to the changes, and id say everyone on these forums know of it as well. So I'd say you've sufficiently made your point. 

Precisely for this new change I tried the experimental version again, I have a doll in "3635 - Asia Pacific - SG", I will survive anyway, I will adapt to the change, but I still consider it a wrong change.
You cannot forget certain changes that you consider wrong, because you will find them every time you play.
And I am not writing in this forum so that the "DayZ offices" will hear it but to express, like everyone else, my opinion on the matter.
I repeat again that if my tone was too emphatic I am sorry, I did not intend to offend anyone, but I hope that it is still possible to express, in cordial and polite tones, one's opinion and contest that of others considered wrong. This is called "dialogue/discussion" and should be the purpose of a forum, right?
If I had wanted to make my opinion known to the "DayZ offices", I would have opened a ticket on their feedback site, as others have done.


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