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Experimental Update 1.26 (Change Log)

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@nemorus This is not project zomboid, it's not supposed to be a 100% realistic, and with the current game balance the simple truth is that you need inventory space to assemble cars, build bases, raid with friends and so on, we could probably "just survive" with smaller inventories, but DayZ is so much more then just a survival game

Edited by Paragraf
Firgot to add @
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Its just making game a bit more believable and a bit less laughable, that's all.

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  On 8/8/2024 at 9:17 AM, nemorus said:

Its just making game a bit more believable and a bit less laughable, that's all.

Either you make it REALLY realistic or you make it "video game"... you can't mix things up randomly as you wake up in the morning... otherwise it becomes CRAP!!!

😡  😠  🤬

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Maybe you should go on vacation? It seems you're fatigued and tension is eating you up. Its only a game and its fine if it changes from time to time. Its not a black and white scenario - there are also shades of gray in life.

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  On 8/8/2024 at 9:42 AM, nemorus said:

Maybe you should go on vacation? It seems you're fatigued and tension is eating you up. Its only a game and its fine if it changes from time to time. Its not a black and white scenario - there are also shades of gray in life.

Maybe you should take a little vacation, if this is the level of your arguments... 🙄

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So many good changes, this is probably the best patch in the last two years. Heating up canned food, finally! Big steps towards culinary development.

I have been waiting for a long time for the amount of space in clothing and equipment to be reduced, and I generally expected, for example, that there would be no room at all for storing items in a T-shirt. And really, where in a T-shirt can you hide an apple or binoculars? I would go further. The backpack looks smaller than the size of a Mosin rifle - a Mosin rifle will not fit in it. All these absurd "grenade launchers in underwear" should become history. Everything should look logical.

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  On 8/8/2024 at 11:38 AM, Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0 said:

So many good changes, this is probably the best patch in the last two years. Heating up canned food, finally! Big steps towards culinary development.

I have been waiting for a long time for the amount of space in clothing and equipment to be reduced, and I generally expected, for example, that there would be no room at all for storing items in a T-shirt. And really, where in a T-shirt can you hide an apple or binoculars? I would go further. The backpack looks smaller than the size of a Mosin rifle - a Mosin rifle will not fit in it. All these absurd "grenade launchers in underwear" should become history. Everything should look logical.

It's a game, it needs to be balanced, not made super realistic


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  On 8/8/2024 at 1:14 PM, Paragraf said:

It's a game, it needs to be balanced, not made super realistic


It's not a super realistic game at all, but it positions itself as a "hardcore game". So I think my ideas are valid.

Edited by Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0
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About t-shirts... There are certain types of it. For example so-called "tactical t-shirt" with pockets + velcro panels. These pockets are however designed for small items - such as glasses, lighters... These type of clothing is not present in the game. So no pockets available = no slots.

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>The Zenit radio station was outputting radio communication, while it is only intended for input

This is by far the worst bug fix in this patch.

One some community servers, especially Role Play Servers, this Radio Tower is used as it is - a map-wide radio station.

Why would anyone in Bohemia render this “feature” useless?

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There is a bug with the inventory system with mags in the hotbar trying to change outside a container in 1.26. 

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We tested the mods on the 1.26 experimental version, and all the mod cars do not have engine sound when driving. What should I do about it? Did you break something on purpose or not?

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  On 8/6/2024 at 2:33 PM, Riddick_2K said:

This IS 1.26, right ?!?

If you read the ticket carefully, this should have been resolved already on September 26, 2022... 


It's not a critical problem, it's normal that it's something that may not have been a priority for developers for a few years. I reported a server crash caused by a misconfiguration in an XML file, and this was quickly resolved by the developers in the next version. Why grumble about trivia and details that need fine-tuning? If you've done a bit of development on a slightly larger scale, you'll understand that there are bound to be non-priority things that are dealt with very late. Although we can always do better in terms of organisation, but it's not specially dramatic.

We really need to be more positive. Look how far we've come since the release in December 2013. It's imperfect, but the game today is perfectly playable and can be enjoyed. 😉

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I played on experimental.

I really like the advanced view distance, it really matters a lot. It looks many many times better now 🙂


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  On 8/11/2024 at 7:08 PM, Draowyr said:

It's not a critical problem, it's normal that it's something that may not have been a priority for developers for a few years. I reported a server crash caused by a misconfiguration in an XML file, and this was quickly resolved by the developers in the next version. Why grumble about trivia and details that need fine-tuning? If you've done a bit of development on a slightly larger scale, you'll understand that there are bound to be non-priority things that are dealt with very late. Although we can always do better in terms of organisation, but it's not specially dramatic.

We really need to be more positive. Look how far we've come since the release in December 2013. It's imperfect, but the game today is perfectly playable and can be enjoyed. 😉


I know it's not a critical issue, but it's a "simple issue": just widen the window a bit.
And the thing is, I was already told that it was fixed and that it would be released in an upcoming patch... it's been a lot of patches.
I've never done video game programming (I don't know C++, for my server's "init.c" file I make do by copying and adapting and trying), but I'm sure that to widen a dialog window outside the game (the exit one), just change 1 or 2 numbers in some PBO somewhere.
I don't think it's a tiring, complicated and long job... and when I was told that it was fixed it was September 2022. In a few days it will be September 2024.
Think about it a bit, and "widen your mind/thought a bit" 😉

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Will dynamic toxic gass events help new players? No, it support campers outside the gas zones. I think it should be changed in a future 1.26 patch the whole game mechanic. It support experience Dayz players who like to stay outside the gas zones who are fully gear who take no risks.

I like the events to spot dangers like other players nearby, but do it really help new players in Dayz? I think most of the toxic gas events can feel really frustrated without proper medic to combat it. I talk about it like a discussion related to next patch update 1.26. Is it possible to change it somewhat without turning it off completely like so many other modded servers in Dayz Community?

I believe the toxic gas events is a nice addition, but it could be improved somewhat the whole mechanic, and maybe easier to cure or better medic options or change the events completely so maybe u need 3-4 players to trigger a gas event? 

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this update fucking sucks

cant carry anything, always sick, no water from cooked foods means going to a fountain like 20 times a day, bottles are not common enough for that problem

not finding any canned food anymore, medicals always looted cause players are constantly sick. 

me and my friends on experimental have had like 0 fun, we were all sick looted 3 northern citys and found nothing in the medical, our run ended in a bunch of "fuck dayz" and suicide.

really fucking ruining the game especially for groups, annoying as fuck survival mechanics way too brutal. Everybodys always sick and thirsty, i only ate and drank clean food and water and still wound up throwing up black and dying of thirst

they haven't made any changes to encourage players they've just made getting somehere as a group really tedious. i dont know what they want,  but theyre sure slowing down and making the game boring as fuck to anyone with a job

0 fun on update 1.26, i cant believe how fucking stupid the direction of this game is going in

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Ok, I tried the experimental 1.26 and I saw the window enlarged...

It took almost 2 years to enlarge a window, and I know it's not a "serious" problem... just a little annoying, for those who look for the "survival record" and see the number of days they remained alive "eaten" (and almost unreadable)... but for me, who plays DayZ for survival, it's the only important number.

Anyway Thanks. 🙂

Edited by Riddick_2K

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Look this whole, Infected meat gives you Kuru? Heavy metal poisoning from hot springs and snow? Bruh….u gon make it harder to survive. so  cool new map but no new features just more punishments? Like naaa man I didn’t get reset just to enjoy a less enjoyable version of dayZ cmon guys we need updates  the car is a problem u can’t shoot out the window what’s the deal with that?having invisible barriers load up and smash into them and not being able to shoot out the window of a car?? But heavy metal poisoning and infected meat is such a slap in the face of devote fans what we need is to be able to shoot out of a car window in 2024 dayz, not make it harder to survive it’s a learning curve to play day z if u keep making it like you don’t want anyone to play? Sheesh man

Love the game love the delay reset to cane enjoy day z before it becomes this1.26. Console player here 

would love a option to have old music back anyway 



bro I like games but I got a job.

Edited by ILikeDayZButiGotAJobhelp
Small spelling error
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@Riddick_2K You forgot the simplest and most obvious thing - binoculars. We have a middle mouse button that zooms in on the image. Why not turn it off and replace it with binoculars? If the character has binoculars in his inventory, then he uses them to zoom, and if not, then the middle mouse button does nothing. It is also necessary to make it possible to place binoculars on the character's neck.

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@merropa93 Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask: are there any plans to rework the mechanics of weapon wear? I want to point out that the current wear mechanics do not really correspond to reality. I suggest the following. A weapon must have 3 parameters: wear, contamination and temperature. When firing, the weapon heats up and when overheated, the chance of jamming and wear rate increases. Contamination affects the rate of wear and the chance of jamming. The weapon must accumulate dirt during shooting and when carried outside the equipment (for example, in the hands or on the shoulder). The wear parameter itself affects the chance of jamming. I would like to note that a clean weapon should wear out slowly, while a dirty weapon should wear out faster. Then gun cleaning kits will clean weapons, not repair them. Repairing weapons should be done by replacing worn parts or something like that.

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  On 8/19/2024 at 1:14 PM, 64coreCPU said:

@merropa93 Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask: are there any plans to rework the mechanics of weapon wear? I want to point out that the current wear mechanics do not really correspond to reality. I suggest the following. A weapon must have 3 parameters: wear, contamination and temperature. When firing, the weapon heats up and when overheated, the chance of jamming and wear rate increases. Contamination affects the rate of wear and the chance of jamming. The weapon must accumulate dirt during shooting and when carried outside the equipment (for example, in the hands or on the shoulder). The wear parameter itself affects the chance of jamming. I would like to note that a clean weapon should wear out slowly, while a dirty weapon should wear out faster. Then gun cleaning kits will clean weapons, not repair them. Repairing weapons should be done by replacing worn parts or something like that.

there are currently no plans for this. It's true that it does not correspond with reality, but DayZ is not a simulator, it's a game. This topic has been brought up many times and the answer won't please you much. "The difference between computer simulations and computer games is subtle but important. At the core, the distinction is that simulations are about things (or systems) and how they behave, and games are about a fun user experience." So mechanics, that are at some point simplified in comparison to reality might stay like this unless it's a part of a larger rework that would have any impact on the current mechanics, but it still doesn't mean that the rework would be matching the reality. Im sorry, it is what it is.😔

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