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Seattle 35 Removed

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but many of you "server admins" who are up in arms about this knew what you were getting into when you signed up. They are selective on who can host and who cannot. Not any old joe can start a server up, and because of the unique interaction with the hive this game requires a strict set of rules for hosting.

If you are angry about this, maybe you shouldn't of started up a server in the first place.


Actually they aren't selective, any idiot can host now-a-days.

Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

Listen dude. I think you're confused.

I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes.

I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me.

That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team.

If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for.

Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF.

Does that clarify it for you?

Christ Almighty.

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You keep saying day z demanded they terminate the server, day z gave them a option to remove the server, else they'd have just blacklisted the whole ip like they would normaly do.

Think of it like this: Day Z Guy "Hey HFB, Seattle 35 has battleye turned off, so we're gona blacklist it's IP" HFB Guy "Oh wait, we have a half dozen servers on that ip, what if we just shut it down instead?" Day Z Guy "Ok, as long as the server is offline thats fine".

Now you keep saying your Service provider wouldn't shut your server down, but what if someone turned battleye off on yours and you shared the same IP with a dozen or so other servers and instead of shutting down just your server, day z instead blacklisted every server on the ip, including the ones who didn't have battleye off? Don't you think that instead of putting up with a bunch of justifiably pissed off clients they'd rather deal with just the one wanker?

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Disgraced took the words right out of my mouth. In keeping with the analogy lets say You are the renter' date=' HFB is the Landlord and Day Z is the City/Homeowners assosiation and you decided to turn off your sprinklers or let your lawn get overgrown. The city/HA gets word about it and tells the landlord ether get it fixed or we'll fine you, the landlord decides that you've violated your agreement and terminates it (Yes a bit extreme for the whole lawn analogy, could just picture it as you selling drugs or something).


Again, it's not a question. HFB is affiliated with DayZ in an unusual way.

If I turned off BE on my servers, and DayZ went to my server provider and said "They broke rules on our MOD...terminate their hosting agreement" they would get laughed at.

Obviously HFB works with the DEV team, and that's why they pay attention to specific DayZ rules.

That's fine. But I do like how they just added the BE line this morning when they got called out on it.

No skin off my ass in the long run....but I think you're fools for hosting with HFB.

No, but they can go with the - block their access to our IPs, you know, they violated, they have data... so just, you know - here is what and when, we just want their access to us suspended....

Wait.. I do not know they can, but possibly... well that is interesting.

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but many of you "server admins" who are up in arms about this knew what you were getting into when you signed up. They are selective on who can host and who cannot. Not any old joe can start a server up, and because of the unique interaction with the hive this game requires a strict set of rules for hosting.

If you are angry about this, maybe you shouldn't of started up a server in the first place.


Actually they aren't selective, any idiot can host now-a-days.

Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

I have no issue with Seattle 35 being removed. DayZ has been dropping in population anyways, and most of the servers haven't been at 50 people all the time during the day. I'd like for my server to be full 24/7, so that I have more to do. I've been being forced to go to other servers to hunt people. Which is bad news for them :D

I think however if you pay for a months service and they terminate it mid-way, they should give you a refund. If not. Thats a pretty shitty service and I agree with wildguns there. I wouldn't take them to court because the money isn't important to me. But I would indeed blast them. Word of mouth will eventually do damage. Specially if you make it public they don't refund when they only give you partial service, no matter what the reason is. Thats bullshit, and poor business ethics. At least give them a partial refund. Its a business and businesses need to show they care about their customers.

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Here is a novel idea:

Ask the Admin to turn BE on, face removal of the server....

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Umm' date=' he posted it. Above. I'll quote it.

Before purchasing a server with us, please be sure that you have read and agree to the following conditions, they are rules set by the DayZ development team, not by ourselves:

Battleye is a requirement.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in your account being cancelled without a refund.

Now, legally, this is whats known as a rider to a contract. So, you agreed to it when you took the service. Pretty much, run battleye, or lose your server. Which is what happened.



Yes. According to ToS conditions first posted in this thread (By Bandit, post 11) the part "Battleye is a requirement." were not included and seams to be added afterwards.

If that wasn´t included in the ToS then I can´t really see any legit reason for HFB to close down the server.

The DayZ team blacklisting it, hell yes. The server owner can sit there with his useless server until the contract expire.

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but many of you "server admins" who are up in arms about this knew what you were getting into when you signed up. They are selective on who can host and who cannot. Not any old joe can start a server up, and because of the unique interaction with the hive this game requires a strict set of rules for hosting.

If you are angry about this, maybe you shouldn't of started up a server in the first place.


Actually they aren't selective, any idiot can host now-a-days.

Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

Listen dude. I think you're confused.

I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes.

I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me.

That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team.

If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for.

Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF.

Does that clarify it for you?

Christ Almighty.

Maybe the server was hosted with other servers on the same IP? So they didn't want to blacklist the IP, so instead the server hosting company took it down and sent them an email that they violated blah blah blah, heres your patrial or full refund.

Thats my guess. and I'm done with thread ;D

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but many of you "server admins" who are up in arms about this knew what you were getting into when you signed up. They are selective on who can host and who cannot. Not any old joe can start a server up, and because of the unique interaction with the hive this game requires a strict set of rules for hosting.

If you are angry about this, maybe you shouldn't of started up a server in the first place.


Actually they aren't selective, any idiot can host now-a-days.

Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

I have no issue with Seattle 35 being removed. DayZ has been dropping in population anyways, and most of the servers haven't been at 50 people all the time during the day. I'd like for my server to be full 24/7, so that I have more to do. I've been being forced to go to other servers to hunt people. Which is bad news for them :D

I think however if you pay for a months service and they terminate it mid-way, they should give you a refund. If not. Thats a pretty shitty service and I agree with wildguns there. I wouldn't take them to court because the money isn't important to me. But I would indeed blast them. Word of mouth will eventually do damage. Specially if you make it public they don't refund when they only give you partial service, no matter what the reason is. Thats bullshit, and poor business ethics. At least give them a partial refund. Its a business and businesses need to show they care about their customers.


Thank you.

It is a shitty business practice to fold to the whim of a dev team when the contract isn't between you and the dev team...it's between you and your client.

You should at least give refunds.

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but many of you "server admins" who are up in arms about this knew what you were getting into when you signed up. They are selective on who can host and who cannot. Not any old joe can start a server up, and because of the unique interaction with the hive this game requires a strict set of rules for hosting.

If you are angry about this, maybe you shouldn't of started up a server in the first place.


Actually they aren't selective, any idiot can host now-a-days.

Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

Listen dude. I think you're confused.

I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes.

I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me.

That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team.

If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for.

Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF.

Does that clarify it for you?

Christ Almighty.

Apparently you don't understand the term "suspended"

You're being over dramatic about exactly what happened here, and making yourself look like you're wearing your ass for a hat.

The server is still there. It hasn't been brought out back and lit on fire. They didn't wipe it and give it to a different customer(which is in their right).

If you lack the maturity and personal fortitude to deal with server hosting, then don't do it.

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Wait does anyone know for certain they /didnt/ get a partial or full refund? I know the HFB tos NOW says no refunds but do we know that they didn't give at least a partial?

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but many of you "server admins" who are up in arms about this knew what you were getting into when you signed up. They are selective on who can host and who cannot. Not any old joe can start a server up, and because of the unique interaction with the hive this game requires a strict set of rules for hosting.

If you are angry about this, maybe you shouldn't of started up a server in the first place.


Actually they aren't selective, any idiot can host now-a-days.

Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

Listen dude. I think you're confused.

I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes.

I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me.

That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team.

If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for.

Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF.

Does that clarify it for you?

Christ Almighty.

Apparently you don't understand the term "suspended"

You're being over dramatic about exactly what happened here, and making yourself look like you're wearing your ass for a hat.

The server is still there. It hasn't been brought out back and lit on fire. They didn't wipe it and give it to a different customer(which is in their right).

If you lack the maturity and personal fortitude to deal with server hosting, then don't do it.


Go read the original post dude. Suspended means that your server is taken away from you.

I think it's mostly Europeans that don't quite understand what is happening here.

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Well' date=' if that is true that the battleye requeriment was added after the contract was made, so I take back again what I said and I agree with KnightCat: the company has no right to terminate it because of it. So the only option now is trying to find a way to blacklist only this server from the hive.


Which shouldn´t be hard since I seriously doubt the DayZ team are identifying the servers by IP and not some ID.

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Actually they aren't selective' date=' any idiot can host now-a-days.


Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up.

Listen dude. I think you're confused.

I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes.

I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me.

That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team.

If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for.

Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF.

Does that clarify it for you?

Christ Almighty.

Apparently you don't understand the term "suspended"

You're being over dramatic about exactly what happened here, and making yourself look like you're wearing your ass for a hat.

The server is still there. It hasn't been brought out back and lit on fire. They didn't wipe it and give it to a different customer(which is in their right).

If you lack the maturity and personal fortitude to deal with server hosting, then don't do it.


Go read the original post dude. Suspended means that your server is taken away from you.

I think it's mostly Europeans that don't quite understand what is happening here.

Even if suspended in this case is on a permanent basis, it's not something outside of their rights.

People who wish to protect their IP, such as in this situation where what they were doing endangered the stability of the rest of the game, have the right to petition a server host to remove said offending content. MOST server hosts comply.

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too much drama....

tomcat deal with it and stop raging in this thread...

there are 12 pages of your freaking posts.

they are kind enough to let you see such announcements...don't spam the whole thread repeating the same thing again and again.

We saw and understood what you wanted to say...that's enough I believe.

Continuing you raging in here just makes us see your servers at your signature space and never set foot in there.

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Did he lose money on this?

Was the agreement for hosting with Dayz or a hosting company with no affiliation with Dayz?

Just curious...

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too much drama....

tomcat deal with it and stop raging in this thread...

there are 12 pages of your freaking posts.

they are kind enough to let you see such announcements...don't spam the whole thread repeating the same thing again and again.

We saw and understood what you wanted to say...that's enough I believe.

Continuing you raging in here just makes us see your servers at your signature space and never set foot in there.

I really don't care if you come into my servers or not lol

And who is raging? Some of you are very thickheaded and don't understand basic ideas.

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I doubt we'll ever know, as its a private issue between the host and the server admin. Unless he wants to make a statement himself, we're just taking shots in the dark.

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DayZ has been dropping in population anyways

care to share your sources ? cuz everyday we got a new player record...

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ts ts ts @tomcat

we are potential supporters of each and every server out there...

so don't play high almighty cause one day that will return right at ya and 10fold.

and yes I'm saying this cause I have already supported numerous servers out there....

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DayZ has been dropping in population anyways

care to share your sources ? cuz everyday we got a new player record...

Well, Steam reported a peak of 4,147 players today but, it's still early. I also feel that basing anything on the statistics of this week (being a holiday in the US) would be a poor idea.

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Actually, we've had DayZ drive a lot of people to buy ARMA II: OA and are now trying the other game modes as well. Does Six Updater have graphs specific to what mod they are playing on? I apologize if I missed that on the link....

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ts ts ts @tomcat

we are potential supporters of each and every server out there...

so don't play high almighty cause one day that will return right at ya and 10fold.

and yes I'm saying this cause I have already supported numerous servers out there....

See but that's the thing...what makes you think we need your support?

A little arrogant no?

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